, circuits and embedded systems. He specializes in the deisgn of multi-physics cyber-physical systems. Dr. Dickerson has also made sev- eral contributions to engineering education research. He currently investigates the use of reflection in engineering classrooms. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Paper ID #36781Accessible Cybersecurity Education for Engineering StudentsDr. Mai Abdelhakim, University of Pittsburgh Mai Abdelhakim is an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt). She received her
are working to find viable solutions.As they do, it is imperative that the results be translated into learning opportunities for the futuregenerations of environmental leaders: K-12 students [1], [2]. Partnerships between researchersand K-12 teachers have proven highly beneficial in increasing student learning [1], [2].The Framework for K-12 Science Education [3] and the Next Generation Science Standards(NGSS) [4] place emphasis on the integration of engineering principles and practices into K-12science education. Unlike previous science education standards, engineering was included in theNGSS for two reasons: to reflect the importance of understanding the human-built world and torecognize the value of better integrating the teaching and
the various focus areacourses are not degree requirements, the program development team has decided to restrict allABET accreditation program assessment to the design spine courses: The campus-wideCornerstone Design course, the IDS 5-course sequence, and the 2-course Capstone Designsequence. Because EDS offers the bookend design experiences to the campus community, we donot have full independent control over those courses within the design spine, but we havesufficient control to specify ABET assessments and associated student learning outcomes.Innovating with ABETEngineering program builders typically have much to say about ABET program accreditation,and wide-ranging scholarship provides guidance, critique, and reflections in response to
better outcomes as this format would require studying in preparation due torestricted resources when completing the learning module as well as prevent outsidecollaboration, ensuring that the students’ work represented their individual efforts. Similar topicshave been examined in prior research. According to Lee and Pruitt, with only a little extra effortby teachers, classroom assignments often produce a higher gain in student achievement [2]. This“extra effort” from being inside the classroom was reflected in this investigation throughguidance from the professor and teaching assistants. Additionally, in an article referencingstudents’ thinking during class instruction, Doyle stated that “the study of tasks in actualclassroom settings can enrich
]. Engineering education has to be able to reflect thedemands of the workforce to prepare entry-level engineers to succeed in a rapidly-changingglobal economy. Understanding the value professionals place on communication and otherprofessional skills is necessary when developing the next generation of microelectronicsengineers.3 Theoretical FrameworkThe theoretical framework used for the larger microelectronics workforce needs assessmentstudy included two models that illustrate a variety of competencies that are necessary fordeveloping students with professional skills that make them a career-ready engineer: ABETProcess and Awareness Skills and Engineering Habits of Mind (EHoM) [8]. The followingpreviews the theoretical framework used for this Work in
found similarities in howstudents approached the module. A few students described how their threading model involvedsetting a threshold equal to a certain number, denoting that after that number of active threadswere launched, the program would have to switch to a sequential approach. Another group ofstudents took a different approach along the lines of checking the topmost portion of the treesequentially then assigning a set number of parallel threads after the correct depth was reached.While the answers to these questions were helpful data points of students’ conceptualunderstandings to the course instructors, more importantly, it also reinforced understanding tothe students. Not only did they have to reflect on what parallelized concepts
: 10.21153/jtlge2019vol10no1art792.[5] E. M. Aucejo, J. French, M. P. Ugalde Araya, and B. Zafar, "The impact of COVID- 19 on student experiences and expectations: Evidence from a survey," Journal of Public Economics, vol. 191, p. 104271, 2020/11/01/ 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2020.104271.[6] F. Wu and T. S. Teets, "Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Student Engagement in a General Chemistry Course," Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 98, no. 12, pp. 3633-3642, 2021/12/14 2021, doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00665.[7] S. M. King, "Approaches to Promoting Student Engagement in Organic Chemistry Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights and Reflections," Journal of Chemical Education
; Clarke, S. (2009). Doing interdisciplinarity: motivation and collaboration in research for sustainable agriculture in the UK. Area, 41(4), 374–384. https://doi.org/10.1111/J.1475-4762.2008.00859.XHorn, A., van der Meij, M. G., Willems, W. L., Kupper, F., & Zweekhorst, M. B. M. (2022). Developing interdisciplinary consciousness for sustainability: using playful frame reflection to challenge disciplinary bias. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 18(1), 515–530. https://doi.org/10.1080/15487733.2022.2095780Jepsen, A. L., & Eskerod, P. (2009). Stakeholder analysis in projects: Challenges in using current guidelines in the real world. International Journal of Project Management, 27(4), 335–343. https
://longevity.stanford.edu/self-efficacy- toward-a-unifying-theory-of-behavior-change/ (accessed Feb. 28, 2023).[14] A. Bandura, “Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change,” Psychological Review, vol. 84, pp. 191–215, 1977, doi: 10.1037/0033- 295X.84.2.191.[15] H. Fencl and K. Scheel, “Research and Teaching: Engaging Students -- An Examination of the Effects of Teaching Strategies on Self-Efficacy and Course in a Nonmajors Physics Course,” Journal of College Science Teaching, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 20–24, Sep. 2005.[16] F. Yu, J. O. Milord, L. Y. Flores, and R. M. & Marra, “Work in Progress: Faculty choice and reflection on teaching strategies to improve engineering self-efficacy,” 2022 ASEE Annual Conference, Jun
viewed the value of industry partnerships. Alimitation of this study is that the community partners were not surveyed, as the relationshipbetween industry and the community organizations is mostly indirect.The student survey contained both Likert-style and free response sections. The Likert-stylesection asked the students to rate seven questions on the value of industry engagement for theirpersonal development and team success. Five of these questions map directly to the assessedcourse outcomes: accomplishing project goals, utilizing the design process, teamwork/leadership,reflection and critical thinking, and communication, and the other two addressed one issueimportant to the community organizations, the quality of the deliverable, and the
. Then, theyimplement these strategies. Finally, the problem solver reflects on their performance [1] [2]. Forill-structured problems where the solution path is not immediately obvious, the systematicapproach of self-regulated learning can help students navigate the possible difficulties and deadends. If a solution method does not work out, the problem solver can reflect on this and try adifferent approach.The Model of Domain Learning is another conceptual framework that can be applied to problemsolving. The goal is to understand how novices build expertise and become experts [3] [4]. Inthis framework, the learner progress through three stages. In the first stage, Acclimation, thelearner has little knowledge of a field, and the knowledge is
of the profession - throughmultimedia simulation, role-playing games, case-based learning, and review of other, fictionalizedcases - can give them opportunities to reflect on the need to identify complex situations in futuresettings, as well as a safe environment in which to explore, make mistakes, and discuss theramifications of various decisions in authentic contexts. Ultimately the goal is to better prepareyoung engineers to tackle current and future challenges that have tended to be underemphasizedin traditional engineering curricula.The overall research question for this project is “In what ways can experiential, game-basedapproaches to engineering ethics improve students' ethical reasoning skills?” The authors havedeveloped a suite of
reflective of all STEM institutions, according to the study.The survey responses may also be biased and subject to self-evaluation. Therefore, futureresearch may focus on integrating training across a variety of institutions with different socio-demographic backgrounds to evaluate the efficiency of the intervention. Additionally, suchtraining must be included in every semester along with rigorous evaluation, participation, andmonitoring to achieve long-lasting change.ConclusionInfrastructure projects face unique difficulties when it comes to funding, competing stakeholderinterests, and a variety of social, economic, and environmental consequences. Addressing thesedifficulties while enhancing sustainability performance may be achieved by embracing
F. Instructor Resources The blueprint provides reflective checkpoint questions for These outcomes have associated questions/problems that instructors to facilitate communication with students. Instruc-students must be given and assessed on throughout the tors get a list of questions to interact with students such assemester. “What is working well or not working to help you learn?”and “Is the pace of this course too slow, just right, or too C. Faculty Satisfaction With Blueprintfast?” We will also survey the first
oxides (NOx)cycle in the atmosphere. It is expected that students will see a large discrepancy between theconcentrations of ozone calculated via this method and the ambient values noted through themonitoring stations. This discrepancy encourages students to think reflectively upon the otheratmospheric phenomenon taking place in the troposphere; for instance, volatile organiccompounds, which are not taken into account in the NOx cycle, contribute heavily to the overalltropospheric ozone balance, necessarily resulting in a difference between what was observed andwhat was estimated. The discussion taking place here is meant to prime students for thesubsequent component of the project, in which it is likely that unexpected dependences mayfactor into
-graduation for their career placements and job selection.Data collected will include the following. 1. Scholar demographic data 2. GPA, and PBL course grades. 3. Data on retention within the School, the FLiTE program, and degree attainment. 4. Written scholar reflections, and cohort/small group interaction summaries. 5. Interview notes or transcripts with scholars at key points in their degree progression. 6. Surveys to assess dimensions of entrepreneurism.SustainabilitySustained practices and benefits of the program may be viewed in the three categories. First, theprogram may lead to the establishment of entrepreneurial pedagogy applied to program curriculawithin the host department and at large. Past experience in the areas
Figure 3, some of the surveyed ACCESS studentsfound the Award Ceremonies and Get Together meetings “Very Valuable” or “SomewhatValuable” while others provided “Neutral” responses, which may reflect, at least in some cases,that these students did not participate in these activities, as well as the fact that due to theCOVID-19 restrictions these events were held online. Figure 3. Students’ evaluation of the co-curricular activities and support servicesMentors were assigned to ACCESS scholarship recipients based on student and facultypreferences and interests. Seven faculty who teach cybersecurity classes at LCSEE serve asmentors of ACCESS scholars. Each faculty mentors 3 to 4 ACCESS scholars and meets withstudents at least once each
engineering departments and creating a graduate program. Her research focuses on the development, implementation, and assessment of modeling and design activities with authentic engineering contexts; the design and implementation of learning objective-based grading for transparent and fair assessment; and the integration of reflection to develop self-directed learners. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Detecting Dimensions of Significant Learning in Syllabi using a Course Change TypologyAbstractThis research paper addresses the need for an instrument to detect the changes in the use ofresearch-based approaches over time. Change occurs within three
items on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (never true of myself) to 5 (always true ofmyself). Instruments will be tailored by restating discipline specific terms (i.e., “Physics” wasrestated as “Engineering Statics or “Ordinary Differential Equations”) to reflect the appropriateEM courses context. Table 1. Revised Physics Metacognition Inventory (PMI) SRC Features Number of Items Interpreting Task 2 Planning 3 Evaluating 5 Monitoring 3 Adjusting
an Introductory Computing Course Stephanos Matsumoto smatsumoto@olin.edu Olin College of EngineeringAbstractIn this paper, we conduct a qualitative study to describe how focusing more on softwareengineering skills, code quality, and reflection on programming practices in an introductorycomputing course has led to improvements in students’ experience and learning outcomes. Ourwork took place during the summer and fall of 2020 at Olin College of Engineering, a small,undergraduate-only engineering college in Massachusetts. We describe how, motivated bydifficulties in developing and assessing code quality in students work, we
robotics competition. To execute, thementors engaged in alternating weekly activities throughout the semesters, comprising (1)internal development meetings where they gathered to brainstorm on subjects that include basictechnical skills (CAD, 3D-printing, microcontroller, coding), additional topics relevant to thecompetition (engineering notebook, fundraising, outreach), as well as to reflect on the lessonslearned from the previous workshop at the high school, and (2) workshop series where theyvisited the high school robotics club to deliver the workshops. At the end of the firstimplementation, the outcome of soft skill development for the mentors was evaluated throughsurveys and interviews. Among the ten soft skills assessed, four were identified
, makingthem to see themselves as entrepreneurially minded individuals [7, 8]. Storytelling, throughwhich students share specific work or school situations that might represent a wide variety ofethical concerns [9] also constitutes ways to enhance and to extend the ethics learning outside atypical classroom setting.The integration of informal peer assessments provides additional opportunities for students toengage with academic content vicariously and to learn from their peers’ stories. The informalassessment process lowers the stakes, focuses on students’ learning as reflected in each story’snarrative, and encourages participation and creativity. Moreover, the processes of generating andsharing stories and the peer assessment process connect to
conditional statementsusing IF. . . THEN structures.” This is perhaps not surprising given that these skills live outside ofthe particulars of Python, which was a new programming language for the majority of students.Skills that were more specific to the precise syntax and language of Python were ranked lower.For example, students expressed the least confidence in the statement “I can manipulatedictionaries to add/remove items, retrieve values,” with only 6 (of 19) students saying theystrongly agree, 11 somewhat agree, and 2 somewhat disagree. The statement “I can manipulatestrings using library methods” received almost identical ratings with 7, 11, 1 student in therespective categories.The survey also provided an opportunity for students to reflect
of the profession - throughmultimedia simulation, role-playing games, case-based learning, and review of other, fictionalizedcases - can give them opportunities to reflect on the need to identify complex situations in futuresettings, as well as a safe environment in which to explore, make mistakes, and discuss theramifications of various decisions in authentic contexts. Ultimately the goal is to better prepareyoung engineers to tackle current and future challenges that have tended to be underemphasizedin traditional engineering curricula.The overall research question for this project is “In what ways can experiential, game-basedapproaches to engineering ethics improve students' ethical reasoning skills?” The authors havedeveloped a suite of
three courses. Approximately 91% (75out of 83) of the invited students in CE 3110, 33% (21 out of 64) in CE 3220, and 37% (29 out of80) in CE 3510 responded to the surveys.Students responded to a series of questions to reflect on their learning experience such as if theprojects enabled them to use their strengths/talents, enhanced the skill of applying theirknowledge to real life examples, and if they used their creativity. It was investigated if thetimeline, the instructions, and the feedback system were appropriate for the projects. Finally, aquestion on the accessibility and approachability of the instructors and teaching assistants wasasked. The results of the surveys are described below.Figure 1 shows that a majority of the respondents (69
engineering. 5.1 Increased my awareness of job opportunities in engineering. 5.1 Equipped me with knowledge and skills to advance towards my career… 4.9 Exposed me to engineers who reflect my identity (e.g. gender,… 4.8 Expanded my industry network 4.8 Assissted me in acquiring a position 4.6 Figure 6. Info SessionMentorship Assessment Assessment (Arranged by Mean) Arranged by Mean
reflected on the limitations of neural networks, and realized that many generalissues apply here.For example, a known difficulty in machine learning is predicting the minority class. Due to theintrinsic ratio nature of probability, it is naturally easier to predict the majority class with higheraccuracy than the minority class. Predicting the minority class is therefore a known difficulty inmachine learning. As we are attempting to predict attrition, and attrition is the minority class, theneural network was having difficulty. In addition, there is no strong signal in the available data.As shown in Figure 2, all groups for most independent variables are retained. A neural networkrequired to make a binary prediction based on any individual variable
successful in the interaction with the diverse workplace. TheNational Center for Science and Engineering Statistics 2021 report highlighted that recentundergraduate and graduate enrollment trends reflect the increasing diversity of the U.S. collegeand graduate-school populations. For example, the study highlighted that Hispanic or Latinoundergraduate students increased from 18.9 percent in 2016 to 20.2 percent in 2018. In 2018,underrepresented minority students received 24.0 percent of all Science and Engineering (S&E)bachelor's degrees awarded to U.S. citizens and permanent residents, 22.1 percent of S&Emaster's degrees, and 13.6 percent of all S&E doctoral degrees. Underrepresented minoritieshave earned an increasing share of degrees
, communication, collaboration, andparticipation, issue negotiation and resolution, and reflection and self-assessment) werediscussed as major factors impacting the productivity of a team. While a team possesses uniqueaspects, and each aspect imposes a different effect on the structure, processes, feedback loop, andoutputs of the team, it is vital to consider major common characteristics when developing a teamto perform tasks or, on a larger scale, a project. Koolwijk et al. [2] explored the effects of a no-blame culture on the effectiveness of project-based design teams across different project deliverymethods in the construction industry. They concluded that project managers should determinethe level of teamwork and encourage collaboration within a
communications.Learners can access sims (i)-(iii) from anywhere with an internet connection and a standardcomputer to practice the process steps in a safe, repeatable, and effective manner.K7-8 Acculturation: Augmented Reality GamesOur most recent exploration of non-conventional learning tools includes the creation of an ARGgame [23] designed to introduce young-learners (8th grade focus) to the ray optics phenomena ofrefraction, total internal reflection, and light-guiding via straight and curved waveguidecomponents (see Fig. 8). The ARG has been designed as a miniature narrative, which a middle-school educator can independently deploy, instead of requiring specialized game designer staff tooversee. This purposeful ARG-in-a-box methodology is intended to enhance