Paper ID #36530A Pandemic Pivot PodcastDr. Leigh S McCue, George Mason University Leigh McCue is an Associate Professor and Chair of George Mason University’s Department of Mechan- ical Engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2023 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference A Pandemic Pivot Podcast Leigh McCue George Mason UniversityAbstractIn mid-2021, with COVID-19 restrictions persisting in preventing face-to-face outreach activities,Mason’s Department of
Paper ID #36526Applying Agile Business Solutions as a Graduate Capstone ProjectDr. David S Greenburg, The Citadel David Greenburg is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Engineering Leadership and Program Management (ELPM) in the School of Engineering (SOE) at The Citadel. He served over 20 years of active military service in the United States Marine Corps in a variety of command and staff and leadership positions. Upon completion of active military service, he was a program manager in industry for seventeen years until he joined the faculty at The Citadel. His research interests include modeling project
Science (M.S) in 2009 and with a Ph.D. in 2012. Her research is primarily focused on traffic operations, congestion pricing, traffic simulation, and engineering education. Dr. Michalaka is a registered Professional Engineering in the state of South Carolina. Also, in December 2020, she graduated with a M.S. in Project Management from The Citadel.Dr. David S Greenburg, The Citadel David Greenburg is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Engineering Leadership and Program Management (ELPM) in the School of Engineering (SOE) at The Citadel. He served over 20 years of active military service in the United States Marine Corps in a variety of command and staff and leadership positions. Upon completion of
Paper ID #36531SeaPerch and SeaGlide Camp ImplementationDr. Leigh S McCue, George Mason University Leigh McCue is an Associate Professor and Chair of George Mason University’s Department of Mechan- ical Engineering.Vanessa M Barth, George Mason University Vanessa Barth is a PhD Student in the Mechanical Engineering department at George Mason University.Mr. Johnnie William Hall IV, Laboratory and Machine Shop Manager My work with the Mechanical Engineering Department at George Mason University started August of 2018. One of my major rolls has been assisting senior ME students with the fabrication process of their
Paper ID #36529On the Use of Video in Support of a Maritime Robotics STEM OutreachProgramDr. Leigh S McCue, George Mason University Leigh McCue is an Associate Professor and Chair of George Mason University’s Department of Mechan- ical Engineering.Stacey Rathbun, George Mason University Television Stacey is a Senior Producer/Director at George Mason University Television.Dr. Ali Khalid Raz, George Mason University Dr. Ali Raz is an Assistant Professor at George Mason University Systems Engineering and Operations Research department and an Assistant Director of Intelligent Systems and Integration at the C4I and Cyber
theme, e.g. autonomous robotics [20]. Projects may be structured such that smallmodules combine across the semester to form a larger design, e.g. assembling a portableelectronic device for measuring the height of an object [12]. Such projects can combine multiplelearning objectives and even multiple disciplines, e.g. using an electronic strain gauge to measurebeam deformation [6]. Assignments can mix historical engineering, forensics, andcurrent/emerging problems; each activity can be structured such that the students need to identifythe tool(s) that an engineer (who is not necessarily specialized) would need to solve the problem-at-hand [22]. Certain case studies can illustrate the full design process, e.g. the Wright brothersairplane [21
):A number of users described their strategies for overcoming the common challenges at work. Anexample of a helpful approach was to use noise-canceling headphones at work and listen tobackground music. In response to P4's story about leaving their headphones and how they becameoverwhelmed by forgetting their Airpods, users shared their suggestions and stories about similarexperiences. Most of them mentioned that it had happened to them before in the past and that theyhad backups for their AirPods. In several comments, users expressed the difficulty of workingwithout their Air pods. For instance, P24 said, "I completely agree with you. If I forget my earbuds,I cannot work. I cannot pay attention to anything without something playing in my ear
Paper ID #36644Which is more Equitable: Hands-on Labs, Virtual Labs, or No Lab at All?Dr. Charles D Newhouse P.E., Virginia Military Institute Charles D. ”Chuck” Newhouse received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech after working nine years as a consulting structural engineer for MMM Design Group in Norfolk, Virginia. He spent three years teaching at Texas Tech University before joining the faculty at the Virginia Military Institute in 2008 where he is now the Charles S. Luck, Jr. ’20 Institute Professor in Engineering. He is also currently serving as the department head of the Civil and Environmental
encouragement from the Program Director, Dr. Henceand university colleagues.References1. Blackboard: Canvas: Moodle: LMS365:https://lms365.com5. De, S., & Arguello, G. (2021). Teaching and Assessing College STEM Courses Online During COVID-19: Evidence-based Strategies and Recommendations. FDLA Journal, 6(1), 7.6. S. Habib and T. Parthornratt, "Anticipated and Actual Challenges Pertaining to Online Delivery of University Courses During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Engineering Faculty’s Experience at Assumption University," 2020 5th International STEM Education Conference (iSTEM-Ed), 2020, pp. 5-8, doi: 10.1109/iSTEM
solvers. Table 1 shows mean annualwages for typical decision makers versus their problem-solving counterparts. These data derivefrom the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (May 2021), and and areapproximate. Fair comparisons are difficult to obtain as education levels vary between decisionmakers and problem solvers, and other factors corrupt precise comparisons. Nonetheless, the datashow a distinct trend toward significantly higher salaries for decision makers. Table 1. Mean Annual Wage for Decision Makers vs. Problem Solvers Mean Mean Decision Maker Wage, $ Problem Solver Wage, $ Family
delivered over 100 talks inthese areas. He has successfully raised several externally funded grants of over $1.5 Million fromorganizations such as NSF, NASA, and the industry. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2023 ASEE Southeastern Section ConferenceReferences[1] W. Tyson, R. Lee, K. M. Borman, M. A. & Hanson, “Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) pathways: High school science and math coursework and postsecondary degree attainment,” Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 243-270, 2007.[2] E. Bowen, J. Prior, S. Lloyd, S. Thomas, & L. Newman-Ford, “Engineering more engineers—bridging the
Conversations inHigher Education, 1(2), 176- 202.2. Jorgensen, S., Andrea Arce-Trigatti, J. Robby Sanders, & Pedro E. Arce. 2019.“Promoting innovative learning strategies: A collaborative curricular re-design at theundergraduate level,” Proceedings from the American Society for Engineering EducationSoutheastern Conference. March 10-12,2019. Raleigh, North Carolina.3. Oyanader, S., Luis Hevia, Andrea Arce-Trigatti, Stephanie Jorgensen, J. Robby Sanders,& Pedro E. Arce. 2021. “Role of the Graduate Student Mentors in the Successful Recruitmentand Mentoring of Underrepresented Minorities in STEM Research Initiatives.” Paper presentedat the 14th Annual Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference. January 16-17, 2021.[Virtual Conference due to
, customervalue, economic viability, etc.3. Performance of Entrepreneurial Mindset ProjectsConsider a class r of Nr students. Let gr, s be the project grade for student s in class r. Theproject grade average for class r is Nr 1 gr Nr g s 1 r, s (1)In class r, NA, r, NB, r, NC, r, ND, r
; Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 16-19, 2002.2. Martino, N., & Ghanem, A., “Innovative Approach to Teaching Applied Structures Courses,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016.3. Sitaram, P., & Manyama, A. M, “Computer Analysis of Structures for Architectural Technology Students,” Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE North Central Section Conference, Morgantown, WV, March 27, 2020.4. Rojiani, K.B., & Schottler, R., “Java Applets for Structural Analysis,” Proceedings of the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, June 18-21, 2000.5. Navaee, S., & Das, N., “Utilization of MATLAB in Structural Analysis
held high agreement andfollowed the increasing velocity trend as set by the analytical solution. Radius Solution (m/s) Experiment (m/s) Percent Error 0.024 0.002 0.003 74% 0.033 0.009 0.003 63% 0.042 0.016 0.013 22% 0.051 0.023 0.022 5% 0.059 0.029
Education, 2023will survey engineers in industry in the southeastern region of the U. S. to determine the directand indirect benefits of training in engineering science and analysis.MethodA survey has been developed which includes questions related to the value of training inengineering science and analysis for engineering jobs. Engineers from a variety of industries inthe southeastern U.S. will be approached for completing this survey. The survey is focused onthree major areas: 1. Direct use of advanced engineering science and analysis techniques 2. Communicating with engineering analysts, specialists, and/or contractors about ad- vanced engineering science and analysis techniques 3. Making engineering decisions
Grayson, L. P. (1993). The Making of an Engineer: An Illustrated History of Engineering Education in the United States and Canada, New York: John Willy and Sons10 Hart, R., Polk, T. (2017). An Examination of the Factors that Influence Students’ Capstone Project Choices. International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 1422– 143111 Howe, S., Rosenbauer, L., & Poulos S. (2017). The 2015 Capstone Design Survey Results: Current Practices and Changes over Time. International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 1393–142112 Ihde, D., Selinger, E. (2003). Chasing technoscience: Matrix for materiality. Bloomington: Indiana University Press13 Issapour, M., Shepard, K. (2015). Evolution
–277, (2016).[2] Mills, J. E., Treagust, D. F., ‘Engineering Education – Is Problem-Based or Project-BasedLearning the Answer?,’ Australasian Journal of Engineering education (AAEE), ISSN 1324-5821, (2003)[3] Shekar, A., ‘Project-based Learning in Engineering Design Education: Sharing BestPractices,’ Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis,Indiana. 10.18260/1-2—22949[4] Hadim, H.A., Esche, S. K., ‘Enhancing the Engineering Curriculum through Project-Based Learning,’ 32nd Annual Frontiers in Education, pp. F3F-F3F, (2002), doi:10.1109/FIE.2002.1158200.[5] Cassie Wallwey, Meris M. Longmeier, Donnelley Hayde, Julia Armstrong, RachelKajfez, Renee Pelan
from researchers and communities. Theorganization of this second event and the results will be subject of a follow-up paper. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023References[1] "East Carolina Univeristy," Retrieved from:[2] "East Carolina University, Graduate School Research Creative Achievement Week," Retrieved from:[3] "East Carolina University, I-Corps," Retrieved from:[4] "East Carolina University, College of Buisness Pirate Entrepreneurship Challenge," Retrieved from:[5] I. I. Berchin, A. R. d. A. Dutra and J. B. S. d. A. Guerra. (2021). "How do higher
, including introductory-level STEMclasses, to increase student engagement and material comprehension.References1. Barnard D. History of VR - Timeline of Events and Tech Development. Virtual Speech. Published October 6, 2022. Accessed November 13, 2022.2. Spayde D, Green M, Kinard K. Student response to the introduction of programmable logic controllers through the use of a virtual engineering laboratory environment. In: ASEE Southeastern Section. ; 2019. Accessed November 10, 2022. YILDIRIM B, TOPALCENGİZ ES, ARIKAN G, TİMUR S. Using Virtual Reality in the Classroom: Reflections of STEM
Perceptions Rahul S. Renu, Michael V. Potter, and Mark A. Kanaparthi Francis Marion University, Florence, South Carolina, USAAbstractThis research explores first-year engineering students' perceptions and motivations about theengineering curriculum and profession. Approximately 60 students enrolled in Francis MarionUniversity's (FMU) engineering programs take a University Life 100 (UL100) course each Fallsemester. This one-credit hour course serves to help students transition from high school to collegeand orients them to the FMU Physics and Engineering department programs.Engineering faculty teaching this course in Fall 2022 conducted a survey to understand 1) studentmotivations to pursue engineering, 2
ConferenceReferences1 Batouli, M., Shamsi, N., Vesali, N., & Burke, R. (2022, August). A Data-Driven Comparison of ABET Accredited Construction Engineering and Construction Management Programs. In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.2 Maduenyi, S., Oke, A. O., Fadeyi, O., & Ajagbe, A. M. (2015). Impact of organisational structure on organisational performance. International Conference on African Development Issues: Social and Economic Models for Development Track, 354-356.3 Ouchi, W. G., & Dowling, J. B. (1974). Defining the span of control. Administrative Science Quarterly, 357-365.4 Gould, F. E., and Joyce, N. E.. Construction project management. Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 20095 Devi, T. R
C™s degree from the University of Connecticut and his Doctoral degree at Clemson University. He is active in the tranDr. William J. Davis P.E., The Citadel William J. Davis is Dept. Head & D. Graham Copeland Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of Construction Engineering at The Citadel in Charleston, SC. His academic experience includes: transporta- tion infrastructure planning and design, infrastructure resilience, traffic operations, highway safety, and geographic information systems. His research interests include: constructing spatial databases for bet- ter management of transportation infrastructure, improving transportation design, operation, safety and construction, understanding long-term
sketching techniques, 2D drafting software and 3D modeling software (Solidworks)6. Devise self-study plan(s), with goals, objectives, activities, and timeline. a. Implement self-study plan(s) and present outcomesME Fundamentals 2 (pilot delivery in ENGR1120 Programming, Spring 2023)1. Apply design thinking a. Contribute to the design process b. Design high quality technical solutions that meet client and user needs2. Apply analysis thinking a. Predict results through analysis thinking b. Use evidence to make appropriate predictions using a mathematical model c. Analyze and model data using regression methods3. Explain experimental methods a. Outline
, 2019 Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Center for Project-Based Learning, as of 11/9/2022.5 A. Bauchau and J. I. Craig, Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2009, pg. 173– 221.6 J. Guo, X. Liu, S. Li and Z. Wang, “Bearing intelligent fault diagnosis based on wavelet transform and convolutional neural network,” Shock Vib., 2020, pg. 1-14.7 J.-D. Wu and J.-C. Chen, “Continuous wavelet transform technique for fault signal diagnosis of internal combustion engines,” NDT & E International, Volume 39, Issue 4, 2006, pg. 304-311.8 Wankhade, Suraj Sudamji and S. S. Jarikote. “Vibration analysis and experimentation of centrifugal pump impeller
Charles D. ”Chuck” Newhouse received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech after working nine years as a consulting structural engineer for MMM Design Group in Norfolk, Virginia. He spent three years teaching at Texas Tech University before joining the faculty at the Virginia Military Institute in 2008 where he is now the Charles S. Luck, Jr. ’20 Institute Professor in Engineering. He is also currently serving as the department head of the Civil and Environmental Engineering department.Dr. Matthew K Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of
were presented to the participants in the post-test to assess theirperceptions of EDC 2022’s effectiveness. A Chi square analysis was conducted on the number ofparticipants that either “Strongly Agreed” or “Agreed” compared to “Neutral”, “Disagree” or“Strongly Disagree”. The statistical significance was set at α=.05. The results of these questionsand the P-values are shown in Table 4. The majority of participants felt EDC increased theirdesire to pursue a STEM career and their knowledge of 3D printing at a statistically significantlevel. This result, in addition to the pre-post test results support the project’s goal of increasingthe technical knowledge of the students. The results were mixed regarding the number ofparticipants that would
, I., (1966), “On the ductile behaviour of nominally brittlematerials during erosive cutting,” J. Eng. Ind. 88 (1966) 387–392[5] Arjula, S. and Harsha, A.P., (2005), “Study of erosion efficiency of polymers and polymercomposites,” Polymer Testing, 25(2006), 188-196[6] Arabnejad, H., Mansouri, A., Shirazi, S.A., and McLaury, B.S., (2014), “Development ofmechanistic erosion equation for solid particles,” Wear, 332-333(2015), 1044-1050[7] G. Sundararajan, M. Roy, B. Venkataraman, Erosion efficiency—a new parameter tocharacterize the dominant erosion micromechanism, Wear, 140 (1990) 369[8] Harsha, A.P. and Bhaskarm D.K., (2008), “Solid particle erosion behaviour of ferrous andnon-ferrous materials and correlation of erosion data
delivered to individuals in a monitored environment during a class session and are thereby limited intime, perhaps 50 – 75 minutes depending on a MWF or TR course schedule. Subsequent assessment ofstudent work product requires a significant amount of time and even more time for large enrollmentsections. The course staffing team of instructor(s) and teaching assistant(s) are time loaded to handleweekly or bi-monthly HW and/or Q as well as the less frequent but often higher stakes E assessments. Inthe authors’ experience, feedback from classical such evaluations often lag by one to two weeks after theHW/Q/E occurs in returning to students’ submitted work, depending on the complexity of the problems.In an ideal setting, students would be working on
definition in Equation1), with C, I, S, and D respectively, referring to the number of correct detections, insertions,substitutions, and deletions13. !#$#% PER = $#% (1),Figure 5 shows the PER, with more than 4700 child speech samples in the dataset, the PER isabout 26.1%. An earlier study13 investigated phone recognition with acoustic models of differentarchitectures, achieving the best PER of 28.1%. Compared with this baseline, our proposed methodon SEED brings an improvement of 2%. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2023 ASEE Southeastern Section