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Displaying results 181 - 210 of 1292 in total
Conference Session
Recruitment & Retention of Women II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna Milgram, National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Sciences (IWITTS)
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
rates for both female and male students. TheCalWomenTech Project‟s numbers on the recruitment and retention of technology students—both female and male—have been compiled by an external evaluator.The Project has worked with the CalWomenTech colleges to distribute two surveys to thetargeted female technology students that ask them what recruitment and retention strategies theyhave experienced, which ones they find helpful, and which strategies they would like toexperience more (2009 survey n=60, 2010 repeat survey n=43). The results from these surveyshave allowed the colleges to see what strategies take the fewest resources and yield the highestreturn for their students. Most of the strategies female students indicate have been most helpfulto
Conference Session
Student Entrepreneurial Skills and Mindset I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Reid, Ohio Northern University; Daniel Michael Ferguson, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
students, which are included among necessary entrepreneurial skill sets, andunderstand how and why these skill sets change over their undergraduate matriculation.Our research will report on an initial study of the impact of first-year engineering courses on thechanges in entrepreneurial mindsets of first year engineering students. Entrepreneurial mindset inour study is operationally defined as a more growth orientated mindset versus a fixed orientatedmindset. This operational definition and the accompanying mindset measurement instrument wasdeveloped and validated by Carol Dweck of Stanford University. Based on Dweck‟s researchresults we assume a growth mindset is a reasonable surrogate for a student engineer‟s creativeand innovative or
Conference Session
Research and Assessment
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia C. Fry, Baylor University; David Pistrui, Acumen Dynamics, LLC
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
our thinking. Instead of permitting engineering educationto lag technology and society, “Should the engineering profession anticipate needed advancesand prepare for a future where it will provide more benefit to humankind?”[3]So the question becomes, how do we train engineers to be more entrepreneurially minded?What is an Entrepreneurially Minded Engineer? Page 22.244.2According to Dawn Tabat, Chief Operating Officer of Generac Power Systems (and a group ofthe company‟s engineering executives), Entrepreneurially Minded Engineers (EMEs) “act like aproduct manager within their engineering discipline”. In other words, “EMEs are not justworking on
Conference Session
Computers in Education General Technical Session II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Walter, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
on the inter-relationship between theory andpractical experimentation.It‟s commonly accepted that laboratory exercises are a critical component to developingengineering skills. Lab classes represent a significant portion of curricula of all engineeringdisciplines. Lab exercises in introductory courses are commonly designed to illustrate anddemonstrate known concepts or scientific laws. Students also learn practical skills associatedwith the measurements techniques and experience in the use of modern instrumentation. Othergoals of the lab experience are to sharpen observational skills, work in teams, and develop acapacity for independent learning by encouraging students to make self-directed inquires andexplorations. Research in how students
Conference Session
Professional Graduate Education and Industry
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald J. Bennett, Univeristy of Saint Thomas; Elaine R. Millam, University of Saint Thomas
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships, Graduate Studies
paper focuses on results achieved in developing leaders as evaluated through interviews with alumni. While the paper does discuss the classes created and implemented to build leadership abilities and attitudes in students, it does not emphasize the details of the courses, which can be found in the syllabi7.Description of Graduate Student PopulationGraduates from the master‟s degree programs in the School of Engineering at the University ofSt. Thomas are primarily working adults in the 30 to 50 year age group. Historically they havehad 10 years or more of industry experience before entering the program. However, this isdecreasing as more graduates of the bachelor engineering programs enter the graduate programs.Typically it takes students
Conference Session
SE Tools and Techniques
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeff Ringenberg, University of Michigan; Marcial Lapp, University of Michigan; Apoorva Bansal, University of Michigan; Parth Shah, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
FormatTo facilitate the easy distribution and collection of the exam results, students took the examusing an online testing tool hosted inside a standard web browser. Only those students enrolledin the course were given access to the exam. Individual exam results were automaticallytabulated and sent to the course staff once each exam was completed. In addition, if a studentencountered a technical difficulty with the exam that prevented him/her from completing it, s/hewas given an opportunity to take it again and each attempt was logged separately. Fortunately,this only happened to a small number of students and there was no effect on the overall examresults.3.2 Testing SampleThe exam was initially given to a group of approximately 350 students in
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Santosh Devasia, University of Washington; Jim L. Borgford-Parnell, University of Washington; Jae-Hyun Chung, University of Washington; Jiangyu Li, University of Washington; Amy Shen, University of Washington; Nathan Sniadecki, University of Washington; Junlan Wang, University of Washington
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
these courses are core required ME courses (at the UW) that are Page 22.1112.3offered in typical ME curriculum at other universities. This integration into existing core MEcurriculum will facilitate the potential adoption of the proposed nanodevice modules at otheruniversities, and thereby, benefit the ongoing efforts to develop nanotechnology curriculum forundergraduate education. Course and Specific Nanodevice(s) Outcomes (Analysis/Fabrication/Design) Lead Faculty in Proposed Modules and Novel Concepts Course: ME 333
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Education and Workforce Development Challenges
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brock E. Barry, U.S. Military Academy; Kathryn Purchase, U.S. Military Academy; Marc J. Sanborn, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
their collective ability tomeet established research standards. Such assessment is commonly performed through a reviewof the publication(s) associated with that field of practice. By evaluating multiple years ofpublication, the caliber of research can also be evaluated for trends. Several examples of suchself-assessment studies have been performed in the field of engineering education. Thisliterature review is subdivided into three sections: example studies of scholarship, suggestedscholarship standards, and description of scholarship standards.Example Studies of ScholarshipWankat (1999) published the results from a critical review of 20 issues of the Journal ofEngineering Education (JEE). His review included 231 articles published in JEE
Conference Session
Advanced Aerospace Student Projects
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Changho Nam, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Scott Danielson, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Tagged Divisions
range of 35 ft/s ~ 40 ft/s, slow enough to allow the wireless video system to stream video. The aircraft should have good dynamic stability in all axes, and the neutral point should be far enough aft of the CG to facilitate a large static margin for good longitudinal static stability.The students decided that a flying wing configuration would satisfy these basic design criteria.The flying wing configuration allowed simplified analysis, design and fabrication as well asproviding a lightweight and aerodynamically efficient platform. A flying wing produces liftmore efficiently than a conventional aircraft configuration of wings, fuselage, and tail. Sinceweight is one of the primary concerns in the aircraft design, the flying
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University; Stewart Slater, Rowan University; Mariano Javier Savelski, Rowan University; William J Calvo, Chemical and Molecular Engineering Program, Stony Brook University (Stony Brook, NY)
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
developedlast year by chemical engineering students, refined through peer feedback and are currentlyundergoing pilot testing in our courses. The problem sets described in this paper were developedfor introductory chemical engineering course(s).The formatting, layout, style and focus of the problems are based on those of the widely usedtext, Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, 3rd, by R. Felder and R. Rousseau 6.Courses taught with a different textbook may still use the problems since they cover topics suchas units and conversions, material balances with and without reaction, single and multiphasesystems, and energy balances. To allow professors to integrate easily these problems into theirclasses, we have “mapped” them to specific chapters
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanna Long, Ph.D., Missouri University of Science & Technology; Hector J. Carlo, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Scott E. Grasman, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Abhijit Gosavi, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Leonardo Bedoya-Valencia, Colorado State University - Pueblo; Laura J Collins, Center for Research and Learning
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
- MayaguezDr. Scott E. Grasman, Missouri University of Science & TechnologyAbhijit Gosavi, Missouri University of Science & Technology Abhijit Gosavi obtained a Ph.D. in industrial engineering from the University of South Florida in 1999. He has an MTech and BE, both in Mechanical Engineering, from IIT Chennai and Jadavpur University, respectively. He is an assistant professor of engineering management and systems engineering in Missouri S & T. His research interests are in simulation-based optimization, production management, and industrial engineering education.Leonardo Bedoya-Valencia, Colorado State University - Pueblo Dr. Leonardo Bedoya-Valencia is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering at
Conference Session
Hardware Applications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher R. Carroll, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Digital Electronics course.The secret to presenting digital circuits successfully to students who have no technicalbackground is to avoid references to electricity or computers and stick purely with the 1’s and0’s. In such a setting, digital circuits are just implementations of mathematical expressions.There are no “volts” or “bytes” or anything that might confuse the simplicity of 1’s and 0’s. Bytreating digital circuits simply as implementations of mathematical expressions, and treatingwires as just pencil lines that connect logical elements in drawings, students can learn to designand build digital circuits comfortably.This paper provides applications of a lab station design that has been disclosed in an earlierASEE paper1, and discusses
Conference Session
Computational Tools
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Murat Tanyel, Geneva College
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
engineering curriculum. Dr. Tanyel received his B. S. degree in electrical engineering from Boazii Uni- versity, Istanbul, Turkey, his M. S. degree in electrical engineering from Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA and his Ph. D. in biomedical engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Page 22.1204.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Putting Bells & Whistles on DSP Toolkit of LabVIEWAbstractMost Digital Signal Processing (DSP) courses rely heavily on MATLAB and/or C, representingthe state of the art in textual programming, for their standard computer tools
Conference Session
Tablet PC use in Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shreya Kothaneth, Virginia Tech; Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech; Glenda R. Scales, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
introductory courses offered by the department. A qualitativeinvestigation revealed that ENGE‟s faculty members not only readily adopted the tablet PC buthave also helped faculty members outside of their department learn how to effectively use theTablet. Some of the faculty members within this department are also considered to be championsof other forms of instructional technologies. The COE has been finding it challenging to getother departments to wholeheartedly accept the tablet PC like ENGE did and are using the resultsof this study to assist in identifying strategies that can assist with greater diffusion ofinstructional technology across departments.IntroductionThe College of Engineering (COE) at Virginia Tech is considered to be a forerunner
Conference Session
Manufacturing Capstone and Design Projects
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel P. Johnson, Rochester Institute of Technology; Rebecca Dobbs, Rochester Institute of Technology; Changfeng Ge, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
items, one might thinkonly about pirated music CD‟s and „fake‟ Rolex watches. However, a significant part of thecounterfeit industry is producing items that consumers may find indistinguishable from „the realthing‟. A serious concern is items in the industrial supply chain that are not what they arepromised to be. A common example being counterfeit cell phone batteries that may pose aperformance and safety concern. Fraud in the area of counterfeit goods ranges from simplemislabeling of product, to enterprises completely dedicated to producing exact copies of namebrand consumer products. Items counterfeited range from sneakers with an illegal designer logo,to counterfeit prescription medications and medical devices.Counterfeiting has been
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara E. Brazon, Penn State University; Mary Lynn Brannon, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
abilities.”6 These objectives were achieved utilizing a variety of Page 22.1605.3active learning methods, including lecture, demonstration, problem solving, collaborative work,formal team work, and peer learning. The assessment was done as formative assessment via oraland written reports and tests; and summative assessment with the completion of theimplementation of the website for the final grade. Interviews were conducted to acquire feedbackfrom the students on their perception of the learning experience using the Lesson‟s Learnedapproach.Course DescriptionIT Project Management was designed with two pedagogical approaches to learning
Conference Session
Liberal Education Revisited: Five Historical Perspectives
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Heywood, Trinity College, Dublin
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
equivalent education. In this paper it includes qualifications that correspond to atechnology degree in the United States (Higher National Certificates and Diplomas). All othercourses are defined as third level. The higher education level embraced a university sector(private) and a public sector funded primarily by Local Education Authorities (LEA‟s). It is withdevelopments in higher education in the public sector that this paper is concerned.At that time the education system in England and Wales was highly selective. A simplifiedmodel of the system is shown in exhibit 1. After primary school the student was directed to oneof three types of school. The majority of children went to secondary modern schools as therewere only a relatively small number
Conference Session
State of Manufacturing Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Wendel, Sinclair Community College
Tagged Divisions
: A Dynamic Framework for DevelopmentAbstract Following up on its 2009 research, the National Center for Manufacturing Education(NCME) continues to explore trends in manufacturing education programs. This paper presents acompilation of results from the “Question(s) of the Week” framework designed to preface the2011 study and move the trends report towards an ongoing, dynamic source of relevantinformation for engineering technology educators engaged in the design and delivery ofmanufacturing education.Introduction The National Center for Manufacturing Education (NCME) housed at SinclairCommunity College, Dayton, Ohio published Trends in Manufacturing Programs1 in 2009. TheNCME acknowledges support from the National Science
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Norman Moses Joseph, Purdue University; David M. Whittinghill, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kathleen C. Howell, Purdue University, West Lafayette; David William Braun, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
. In addition, the study canact as an excellent test bed for revealing any limitations or bugs that may exist in the software.That we will be checking for statistically significant differences in the change in pretest andposttest scores between the three groups for this particular educational intervention differentiatesthis study from those currently seen in the existing body of literature. We are attempting todifferentiate between traditional lecture material, the use of visualization software alone, and theuse of the visualization software with stereoscopic effect. We expect to publish the results of thisstudy as soon as they become available.References1. Kim, J., Park, S., Lee, H., Yuk, K., & Lee, H. (2001). Virtual Reality
Conference Session
Mentoring Graduate Students, Diversity, and Assessment
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert M. Brooks, Temple University; Amithraj Amavasai; Jyothsna Kavuturu
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies, Minorities in Engineering
, C.S., and Prevedouros, P.D. 2001. Transportation Engineering and Planning, Printice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.3. Haldar, A. and Mahadevan, S. 2000. “Probability, Reliability and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design”, John Wiley and Sons, New York.4. Kuebler R. and Smith, 1976. “Statistics”, John Wiley and Sons, New York.5. Lipsey, M.W. 1990. “Design Sensitivity: Statistical Power for Experimental Research”. Newbury park, CA, Sage. Page 22.1258.6 Fig. 1 No. of hints vs. Cost of the grade for Problem 1 120Cost of
Conference Session
Int. Engineering Education: Developments, Innovations, and Implementations
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sebastian M. Pfotenhauer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Joshua Jacobs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Julio A. Pertuze, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Daniel T. Roos P.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dava J. Newman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
. Pertuze is a PhD student at MIT’s Engineering Systems Division (ESD). Page 22.1129.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Orienting engineering education towards innovation, entrepreneurism, and industry partnerships The case of the MIT-Portugal ProgramAbstractEngineering education has always served as a close nexus between academia and industry, andas a strong determinant of a country‟s innovative and economic performance. As manydeveloped countries are struggling with the loss of low-cost manufacturing to global competitors
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mo Ahmadian, Eastern New Mexico University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
about the future job market and some business skills. Thecourse was delivered to students receiving the National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarship inScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) that focused on teamwork.Students were grouped in teams of 5 students from sciences, mathematics, engineeringtechnology and computer information systems disciplines. This article presents the students’perceptions of the course which exposed students to job search skills, and helped them developteamwork skills by researching a company and presenting the results to the class. In addition toclass meetings, students regularly met in groups outside of class to discuss their findings and tocreate their PowerPoint presentations. Student’s
Conference Session
Learning Outside the Classroom
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Massi, University of Central Florida; Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida; Cynthia Y. Young, University of Central Florida; Cherie Geiger, University of Central Florida; Patrice Lancey, University of Central Florida; Divya Bhati, University of Central Florida
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
AC 2011-1377: DEFINING AN EVALUATION FRAMEWORK FOR UN-DERGRADUATE RESEARCH EXPERIENCESLisa Massi, University of Central Florida Dr. Lisa Massi is the Director of Operations Analysis in the UCF College of Engineering & Computer Science. Her primary responsibilities include accreditation, assessment, and data administration. She is a Co-PI of the NSF-funded S-STEM program at UCF entitled the ”Young Entrepreneur & Scholar (YES) Scholarship Program.” Her research interests include program evaluation and predictors of career intentions.Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida Michael Georgiopoulos is a Professor in the UCF Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the PI of the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claudio Olmi, University of Houston; Bo Cao, Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory; Han Wang, University of Houston; Xuemin Chen, Texas Southern University; Gangbing Song, University of Houston
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
computer and with no specific requirements. Anyone with anInternet connection and access to a web browser can interact with and control a remoteexperiment from anywhere. Users and experiment developers no longer have to worry aboutversion problems or updates, since all the interfaces do not use proprietary technologies.Acknowledgement and DisclaimerThis work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers EEC-0935208, EEC-0935008.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Ambrose, S. A., & Amon , C. H. (1997). Systematic design of a first-year mechanical
Conference Session
Design Communications & Cognition I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sean P. Brophy, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sensen Li, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
analysis was to observe a similar level of analysis bystudents individually when asked to answer the questions “What was the problem(s) youwere trying to solve as part of Project 1”?”Research questions: 1. How do FYE students comprehend and state their initial understanding of a given engineering problem? 2. How do FYE initially indentify the primary function of an engineering system (device or process) they are designing?MethodsParticipantsThe participants in this study included sixty-four students enrolled in an honors versionof the first year engineering (FYE) course at a large midwest university during the Fall2010 semester. These students self-select into the course and were accepted on a firstcome bases. These students have a
Conference Session
Middle School Engineering Programs, Curriculum, and Evaluation
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob D. Joseph, The College of William and Mary; Jessica Taylor, College of William and Mary, STEM Education Alliance; Gail B. Hardinge, College of William and Mary, STEM Education Alliance; Eugene F. Brown, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 The Virginia Demonstration Project— A Summative AssessmentIntroductionThe Virginia Demonstration Project (VDP) is a middle-school-focused, educational outreachprogram that is designed to increase the interest of middle-school students in STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering and Math) careers. This is accomplished by exposing the students toreal-life, problem-based challenges, solved in a cooperative learning environment and stimulatedby lesson plans collaboratively implemented by their classroom teacher and visiting Navyscientists and engineers (S&Es). It makes science and math connections between the classroomand real life, supplies
Conference Session
Using Web-Resources and Literature to Teach Engineering in P-8
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brianna L. Dorie, Purdue University; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. Contemporary books with engineering as a focus, with total number of available copiesin library circulation (# of books available) in the U.S.Title Author(s) Year Type CirculationEngineering Elephants#,15 Emily Hunt & Michelle 2010 Storybook 1 PantoyaCaleb: The Mouse Engineer#,16 Clifford D. Cope 2009 Storybook 0Rocks, Jeans and Busy Alane & Raymundo 2009 Storybook 10Machines#,17 RiveraMy Dad’s an Engineer18
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Physics or Engineering Physics II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yumin Zhang, Southeast Missouri State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
transition between compressed liquid and superheated vapor. Any point on thisdiagram corresponds to a state, which can be determined by the two properties T and v. However,this state is also related to a group of other properties, such as pressure (P), internal energy,enthalpy and entropy (s). As there are six properties commonly associated with a state, one canconstruct up to C62 different diagrams. However, as P and T are two properties that can bemeasured easily, they are often considered as the primary properties. Just as in quantummechanics, P and T are associated with two complementary properties v and s, and the product ofeach pair has the dimension of specific energy.Thermodynamics problems often involve some processes, i.e., transitions of
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Education in Engineering Technology
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph F. Kmec, Purdue University; Bryan J. Hubbard, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Martin A Lopez De Bertodano, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Benjamin Revis, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
domestic nuclear power industry, someof its challenges and accomplishments, and developments forming new and expanding directionsfor the future of this truly remarkable industry. The second part of the paper deals exclusivelywith nuclear engineering technology, a part of the academic enterprise that nurtures and sustainsgrowth of the nuclear industry by providing it graduates with specialized work skills and a solidunderstanding of nuclear science basics. The paper examines course offerings of establishednuclear educational programs including that at the U. S. Navy’s Nuclear Power School. Thisinformation is used to develop the curriculum for a four-year Bachelor of Science degreeprogram in Nuclear Engineering Technology. The template for the
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maurice F. Aburdene, Bucknell University; Kundan Nepal, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
: Data Rate = Bandwidth*log2(1+ S/N) where S/N is the ratio of the signal power to the noise power in decibels(dB).Now, students were asked to find the ASCII code for the initials of their names and showtheir understanding of the bit rate and bandwidth of the communication channel by repeatingthe Fourier analysis on those letters. To generate the ASCII waveform, students programmedthe Agilent 33120A Function Generator. Next, they designed a first-order RC low-pass filterwith a 3 kHz bandwidth and observed and captured the output response of the filter to theASCII waveform. 1. Obtain the binary 7-bit ASCII code for the first letter of your first name and last name. a. What is the 8-bit code using odd parity? Where did you put