higher education for ways to use data for improving teaching andlearning, new fields such as educational data mining and learning analytics have emerged. Thesefields can support the development of engineering-specific theories of learning and thecharacterization of different aspects of learning processes at the level of individuals, groups, andinstitutions.References:1. Madhavan, K. and Lindsay, E.D. (2014). Use of information technology in engineering education. In Johri, Aditya, and Barbara M. Olds, eds. Cambridge handbook of engineering education research. Cambridge University Press.2. Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., Freeman, A. (2014). NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media
of the sensor moddule, which includes com mmonly useddsensors such s as RTDDs, thermistorrs, thermoco ouples, opticcal sensors (ooptical interrrupter andreflector)), and proxim mity sensors. Figures 1 and a 2 show tthe Portable PLC Kit witth the basic andsensor modules. m nd Photo of Portable Figure 1. Diagram an P PL LC Kit Layouut (Basic Moodule). Figure F 2. Dia agram and Photo P of Porrtable PLC K Kit Layout (w
, exam content, and alsothe results of the formative assessment. If an educator perceives a course to be very difficult, s/hemay allow students to use cheat-sheet. However, these factors are all subjective, and depend onthe educator. It is therefore, not surprising that no consensus exists among educators on the mosteffective type of exams1.From students’ perspective, open-book-open-notes exam is preferred to closed book exams2 dueto decreased test anxiety1 that comes with the former. Most students believe that take-homeexam, cheat-sheets, and open-book-open-notes exams help to increase exam scores and decreasetest anxiety1. Some students also complain that take home exams are time consuming, due to thenature of exam questions. Take home exams
Psychology, 101(4), 817-835.2 Kell, H. J., & Lubinski, D. (2013). Spatial ability: A neglected talent in educational and occupational settings. Roeper Review, 35(4), 219-230.3 Newcombe, N. S., Uttal, D. H., & Sauter, M. (2013). Spatial development. Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology, 1, 564-590.4 National Research Council (NRC). (2006). Learning to think spatially: GIS as a support system in the K-12 curriculum. Committee on the Support for the Thinking Spatially, National Research Council, Publisher: The National Academies Press, URL: http://books. nap. edu/catalog. php.5 Sorby, S. A. (2009). Educational research in developing 3‐D spatial skills for engineering students. International Journal
and beliefs over the course of the semester. The instructors alsocompleted the scale at the beginning of the semester.ParticipantsThirty-eight participants completed both the pre-course and post-course surveys. Ten participantswere enrolled in Instructor A’s section; 28 were enrolled in Instructor B’s section. All werejuniors or seniors majoring in engineering or related disciplines. Nine identified as women and29 as men. Four participants were from non-U. S. countries and had spent most or all of theirpre-collegiate years outside the U. S. Twenty-nine students were members of a registered studentorganization and/or a social fraternity or sorority; 10 of those students had been officers in one ormore organizations. Four participants had
that may improve the students’ performanceand help them graduate on time. One possible future work is to identify the bottleneck coursesand investigate the paths that lead to failing or passing them.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported in part by NSF Grant# 1447489. We would like to thank ourinformants for participating in the field studies reported here. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] Pandey, U. K. and Pal, S. (2011), “A Data Mining View on Class Room Teaching Language”, (IJCSI)International Journal of Computer Science Issue, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 277-282, ISSN:1694-0814[2
“yes” responsesorH0: p = 0.5 vs. Ha: p < 0.5 when the claim was that there was a majority of “no” responsesIn this case, p represents the overall proportion of “yes” responses when the results for all threesections were combined.In other cases where the response was a 1-5 Likert scale rating, the proportion of selected ratings(often 4’s and 5’s or 1’s) were compared for the three sections. In many instances, thedistribution of ratings for two sections were very similar (typically for the traditional lecture andhybrid sections) so the proportions were pooled and compared to the other section. For this test,the hypotheses were:H0: p1 – p2 = 0 (i.e., p1 = p2) vs. Ha: p1 – p2 > 0 (i.e., p1 > p2) when the claim is that theproportion for
science knowledge using real data. This fell to just 7.7% post-institute – with furtheropportunities to engage in hands-on research using emerging technology throughout the schoolyear.VIII. AcknowledgmentThis work has been made possible by the NSF EPSCoR Track III Award #1348266.IX. References1 National Center for Education Statistics. 1990–2009. Digest of Education Statistics. US Department of Education. nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/2 Wang, M.T., Eccles, J.S., &, S. (2013). Not Lack of Ability but More Choice: Individual and Gender Differences in Choice of Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Psychological Science May 2013 24: 770-775, first published on March 18, 20133
Paper ID #16560ASCENT - A Program Designed to Support STEM Students through Under-graduate Research and MentoringDr. Kumer Pial Das, Lamar University Dr. Kumer Pial Das is an Associate Professor of Statistics and the Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. He is the PI of a S-STEM program funded by NSF.B. D. Daniel, Lamar UniversityDr. Stefan Andrei, Lamar University Stefan Andrei received his B.S. in Computer Science (1994) and M.S. in Computer Science (1995) from Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science (2000) from Hamburg University, Germany. He was
overlaps were not expected to cause any biasin the results. Categories 3 and 4 were formed to understand how the information learned in anentry-level gatekeeper course such as mathematics was carried forward to an advanced levelcourse. Table 1. Grading scale used for questions in the categories 1-4 Grade Explanation 5 Displays excellent understanding of the new concept and the pre- requisite(s) 4 Knowledge of the pre-requisite concept(s) is satisfactory and correctly applies it to the current concept, but the solution is incomplete 3 Knowledge of the pre-requisite concept(s) is satisfactory, but its
Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). Students scale scores on the iSTEMinstrument were produced by taking the mean response across items. Therefore, individual scorescould range from 1 to 5, with higher scores indicating higher iSTEM perceptions, the descriptivestatistics for this study is shown in table 1 in the results section.STEM clubs. Participants responded “Yes” (1) or “No” (0) to the question regarding theirinvolvement in extracurricular STEM clubs: “Do you participate in any Math, Science,Engineering, or Technology clubs inside or outside of school?” If the student indicated “Yes,”s/he was asked to specify the name of the STEM club, see descriptive statistics in table 1 inresults section
, open source, and reimbursement policies provideboth opportunities and challenges to the entrepreneur or innovator and a non-market strategy isneeded to address them.Throughout this process, innovators may need to interface with policymakers to obtain theoptimal benefit. In sum, moving a new technology from invention from discovery to launchrequires an innovation public policy strategy.What are the Key Elements of a Non-Market Strategy Development?As with all analysis methods, there are different ways to approach developing a non-marketstrategy development. The most-well known scholar in this field is David Baron, David S. andAnn M. Barlow Professor of Political Economy and Strategy, Emeritus at Stanford University.In his text, Business and the
jobs become computer based, workers willspend greater amounts of time on a computer. It is important that the Industrial Engineeringcurriculum stays current on such demographic changes and update individual coursesaccordingly. This paper demonstrates how relatively simple and low cost studies can beintroduced into a traditional ergonomics class and benefit the students.References1. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2005). Computer and Internet use at work in 2003. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.2. Reuters 2008 http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/06/23/us-computers-statistics-idUSL23245254200806233. Epstein, R., Colford, S., Epstein, E., Loye, B. Walsh, M. (2012). The effects of feedback on computer
multiple times to investigatewhether any themes were present across numerous students in the study. This transcript reviewfocused on specific questions asked during the interview, primarily students’ personal interest(s), 2career aspiration(s), experience with engineering, and understanding of engineering. Analysiswas performed by capturing consistencies in the data relevant to the framework of this paper, andthen student characteristics were considered for any plausible explanations.Findings/Discussion The first theme that became apparent following the analysis of the data is the narrowcomprehension of engineers and engineering conveyed by
values. In addition, discrete compounding or continuous compounding can be used. Finally, the BSM equations or the BS option table can be used. Shown below are solutions for all combinations of the alternatives, except using the BS option table. a) T = 24, discrete compounding, with rf = (1.04)1/12 -1 = 0.003274 and F = sqrt[(0.30)2/12)] = 8.6603%. S = $55.00, X = $58.50, d1 = {ln(55/58.50) + [ln(1.003274) + (0.086603)2/2](24)}/ [0.086603sqrt(24)] = 0.25161, d2 = 0.25161 - 0.086603sqrt(24) = -0.17266, N(d1) = 0.59933, N(d2) = 0.43146, and C = 55(0.59933) - 58.50(0.43146)/(1.04)2 = $9.63 b) T = 24, continuous compounding, with rf = ln(1.04)/12 = 0.0032684 and F = sqrt[(0.30)2/12) = 8.6603%. S = $55.00, X = $58.50, d1 = {ln(55
students’ creativity ingenerating ideas within the context of design problems, an assessment more directlyfocused on the idea generation phase of the design process would be more suitable forour research. We plan to use a set of idea generation problems which have been usedsuccessfully in the past to measure outcomes related to creativity in idea generation.In future work, student ideation artifacts and projects will also be examined through thelens of the MPCA(18). Even though the metric requires raters and does not exhibit highreliability, the fact that the metric is broken down by function may allow us to better tracethe source(s) of a high or low creativity score than could be determined from a single,simple rating.A variety of research tools
University, San Luis Obispo. He spent the last two years working for an AmeriCorps national service program, CSU STEM VISTA. Here, he implemented programming for an NSF S-STEM grant for an academic learning community of underrep- resented students in mechanical engineering and conducted outreach to K-5 students. Currently, he is one of two CSU STEM VISTA Leaders implementing hands-on learning experiences in STEM throughout the CSU system and supporting a cohort of 15 VISTAs across 11 CSU campuses. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 PEEPS: Cultivating a cohort of supportive engineering students and building a support team for institutional changeAbstractA National
-depletion is far more than privileges need to be defined over time and space, not traditional systems. just by the user.Figure 3. Traditional vs. IWMDs security (comparison for teaching and research integration).Identifying the modularity of different cryptographic algorithms: These include algorithmssuch as SHA3 and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The sub-step includes applyingfault diagnosis and tolerance techniques specified for IWMDs.Fig. 4 shows the first part of an S-box structure for the Pomaranch cipher. The structure ofPomaranch is based on linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) which allow fast implementationand produce sequences with large period if the feedback polynomial is chosen
their thinking. As students review each other‟s screencasts, their own thinking and metacognition will be re-evaluated from another learner‟s perspective who is not necessarily a teacher or a textbookauthor. Learning from peers is more authentic and more sustainable than learning from atextbook or from a teacher17. In addition, receiving peers‟ comments on their own screencastadds to these metacognitive items that will eventually help improve their CAD knowledge andskills. In this National Science Foundation (NSF) project, two mechanical engineering faculty andtwo learning scientists have collaborated to implement a student-centered instructional strategy,namely peer-generated screencast strategy in teaching CAD in the undergraduate
academic setbacks.AcknowledgementThis research was supported by the Campus Research Board at the University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign. I would also like to thank Namah Vyakarnam and Julianna Ge for their helpin transcribing and coding the interview data.References[1] Ohland, M. W., Sheppard, S. D., Lichtenstein, G., Eris, O., Chachra, D., & Layton, R. A. (2008). Persistence, engagement, and migration in engineering programs. Journal of Engineering Education, 97(3), 259–278.[2] Seymour, E., & Hewitt, N. M. (1997). Talking about leaving: Why undergraduates leave the sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.[3] Haag, S., Hubele, N., Garcia, A., & McBeath, K. (2007). Engineering undergraduate
and use these videos as areference when preparing for their quizzes and exams. As a result, these videos were repeatedlyused every semester and students gave positive reviews as well.Table 1: Transition of the course from regular to online structure Spring 13 Fall 13 Spring 14 Fall 14 Spring 15 Summer 15 Fall 15Lecture in class in class in class in class in class online online/in classLab s ession in class in class in class in class in class online in classHelp s ession in person in person in person in person in person online in personSLAs no yes yes yes
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engineering education where significant opportunities existfor improving the preparedness of our students for capstone and ultimately for professionalpractice.Keywords: engineering education, capstone, culminating experience, ABET, continuousimprovement1. BackgroundIn the late 1980’s and early 1990’s industry leaders started to recognize that with globalizationand advances in computer technology, the world was getting more interconnected, complex andquicker. To compete in a rapidly changing world they needed a new breed of engineeringstudents, who could literally hit the ground running upon graduation. In addition to excellenttechnical knowledge and skills they also needed graduating engineering students with abilities toproductively work on
abroad experience. Given the 24 required credit hours,if a student comes in as a freshman, s/he can finish 3 Honors credit hours per semester (requiredto maintain Honors College good standing) and graduate in 4 years (or 8 semesters) with anHonors diploma. However, if a student transfers in at practically the sophomore level, s/he has todouble up on his/her Honors course or Honors contract in two semesters, which can bechallenging and time-consuming. Practically, it is not recommended for juniors or seniors toconsider Honors College, if they are not already in the Honors College.Although the 24 Honors credit hours can be earned through either Honors courses or Honorscontracts, the engineering and technology students have little to no capacity
project. Finally, MEP mentors participatedin several planned social events with MSEN participants in order to help build relationships amongmentors and MSEN students. The project culminated in a poster session where participantsshowcased their design projects to an audience of K-12 administrators, corporate partners, facultyand parents.Preliminary ResultsThe Student Attitudes toward STEM (S-STEM) for Middle and High School (6-12)20 uses a 5-pointLikert scale (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree and5=strongly agree) to evaluate students’ confidence and attitudes toward math, science, engineeringand technology and 21st century learning. It was administered in a pre/post format. To get a betterunderstanding of
. The minimumparking space length can be obtained from the solution of θ, which is Lmin = 104 cm. Lpmin thenhas to be 94cm. From the result that S+ Lp = 138 cm, and choosing Lp =100 cm > 94 cm, one canobtain S = 38 cm. The rear sensor should read a distance around dr = 30 cm at the turning point P.To avoid accident, the parking space length is set as L = 110 cm > 104 cm and is then used in thecriteria for parking space finding in Eq. (1). 9 Figure 7. The picture of the modified RC toy car.The toy car does stops after finding a proper parking space and start backing up to park.However the parked positions are not at the theoretical location and are also not identical
). at 4. Morozov, E. Making it. The New Yorker (2014). at 5. Foster, T. Welcome to the maker-industrial revolution. Popular Science (2015). at 6. Chachra, D. Why I am not a maker. The Atlantic (2015). at 7. Moldofsky, K. The maker mom. (2015). at 8. Hatch, M. The maker manifesto. McGraw Hill Education (2014). at 9. Martinez, S. & Stager, G. Invent to learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom. (Constructing modern knowledge press, 2013).10. Make. Maker Pro. (2014).11. Makerspace North. Makerspace north. (2014). at 12. The British Council. Maker library network. at 13. Chaihuo Maker Space. Shenzhen Maker Faire. (2015). at 14. Seeed. First open hardware gathering in
ontological framework. Lastly, upon examination of the cognitive processes K-12 students’ employ duringdesigning, few coding schemes actually are informed by educational philosophies, learningtheory, and STEM educational reform. Nor, do they indicate how students can be better equippedto learn and develop their cognition while designing. As researchers and educators moveforward, examining decision making strategies as well as normative models may provideadditional relevance to Design Cognition in terms of how students are performing in relation toeducational philosophies, learning theory, and STEM Educational reform. ReferencesAdams, R. S., Turn, J., & Atman, C. Y. (2003). Educating effective
rubrics and exemplars, and an assessment tool is being developed to provide tuningfeedback in order to refine the laboratories in future years.References:1. Bartolo, L. et.al (2008), The Future of Materials Science and Materials EngineeringEducation, Workshop on Materials Science and Materials Engineering Education, NSF,September 2008.2. Olson, G. B. (2000). Designing a new material world. Science, 288(5468), 993-998.3. Feisel, L. D., & Rosa, A. J. (2005). The role of the laboratory in undergraduate engineeringeducation. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 121-130.4. Feisel, L.D., and Peterson, G.D.,(2002). The Challenge of the Laboratory in EngineeringEducation,” Journal of Engineering Education, 91(4), 2002, pp. 367–3685. Edward, N. S