Diversity Council to implement programs and initiatives that reflect the College’s commitment to diver- sity. She is the advisor for the NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) student chapter and SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) student chapter. Ms. English serves as the primary point of contact and liaison with internal and external constituencies. Hannah Rosen, M.Ed., is the Coordinator of Engineering Student Programs and Recruitment for the Washkewicz College of Engineering at Cleveland State University. Originally, from Phoenix, AZ, Hannah earned her undergraduate degree in English and Creative Writing from the University of Arizona and her Masters of Education in Higher Education from Arizona
. Participants in four robotics sections (N=95,28% girls) were surveyed using a validated reflective assessment at the end of the program.Three sections were mixed-gender and one section was single-gender. Two different femaleSTEM educators taught four sections. The assessment measured science interest, science identityand the four 21st Century Learning Skills; critical thinking, perseverance, relationships withpeers and relationships with adults. Participants in the robotics programs experiencedstatistically significantly gains in science interest and identity. There were no statisticallysignificant differences between the genders or in the single gender section. For the 21st CenturySkills, participants had gains across all skills. Females reported a
andincrease networking opportunities, institutions might also consider improving communicationsand points of contact between future, current, and former members of women in engineeringorganizations. These opportunities might be facilitated by an enhanced social media presence(e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and through face-to-face events such as alumni gatheringsfor organizations’ members. Next, programs might encourage their staff to reflect on theirexperiences with various women of color in engineering throughout their academic careers.Program coordinators in particular may consider better understanding the needs and expectationsof women who come into these organizations and the ways that the organizations do or do notmeet their students’ needs
identity. The research team would like to acknowledge that theresults of this study do not reflect those that identify outside the gender binary. The survey, at thetime of this study, did not consider non-binary gender populations and have since rectified thisegregious oversight in subsequent iterations. Given the status of the survey, there was a cleardifference between genders when it came to computing identity, specifically in recognition(males scored 3.4 overall while women scored 3.0). This showed that women who were highachieving in computing still showed signs of feeling less acknowledged as computing peoplethan male students. This means that, at home, at school, and in social circles, women do not feelas if they are being recognized as
(2017) 16.0% 7.5% Table 2: Six-year graduation rate for students declaring engineering as a major by their second year (Persistence data for shaded rows reflect 5-year or 4-year graduation rate.) Percent graduating with degree in Percentage graduating with degree engineering from the University Entrance Year Total Women URM Total Women URM Fall 2006 53.10% 62.07% 28.57% 75.26% 75.86% 42.86% (Grad in 6 yrs) Fall 2007
gender. For example, one whitewoman (undergraduate student) reflected: “…I see a lot of women in engineering... In the class, Ithink there's 4 people who are not a white male.” In the statement above, the student stated thatthey see a lot of women and there are people who are not a white male. Given theoverrepresentation of white men in engineering, the perceived lack of white men in this student’sexperience serves as an indicator of the presence of diversity. These phrases align with the themeof visual markers because the student describes what they see in engineering using race and gender.Diversity of Thought: Beyond what was directly observable, participants also noted differences inthe way people think about and solve problems as
suggestion of bias againstunderrepresented groups in STEM fields (for which there is ample evidence in the literature) isdismissed, mocked, or met with shock and outrage. STEM diversity researchers, often insiders toSTEM themselves, are misrepresented as outsiders launching attacks on STEM itself.Rochelle Gutiérrez, 19 in a commentary on her own experience of alt-right harassment, reflects onthe positionality of the math education community in relation to rightwing attacks on diversityscholarship in the academy. She notes that she herself had been publishing without backlash fornearly two decades, specifically calling out White supremacist capitalist patriarchy, building onfive decades of math equity scholarship in her discipline. She asks, why now
goals [11], struggles in the transitions from secondary to postsecondary education[2], or lack of social and cultural integration [12]. We move away from this approach and insteadseek to highlight assets first-generation college students bring with them into an engineeringprogram. Our prior work has shown that first-generation college students demonstrate greaterfuture career satisfaction for inventing/designing things, developing new knowledge and skills,applying math and science, and supervising others when compared to continuing-generationcollege students [13]. The future career satisfaction measures in our prior study reflect the futureoutcomes students desire in their careers [14], which can be a source of motivation for learning[15], [16
, personal experience of prejudice and discrimination,sense of belonging to the institution, sense of professional belonging) and their correspondingproperties. The coders compared and discussed the coding categories to reach a consensus. Wehave yet to establish the intercoder reliability.Results and DiscussionResults reported here are preliminary as we are still in the data collection phase of the study.Student voices, and hence the lived experiences of students from both institutions are included asmuch as possible to ensure accuracy in reporting.Results from the data show that while students from both institutions have positive racialidentity, that identity is reflected in different ways. Students from the HBCU expressed theirracial identity in
a countermeasure, affords greater reflection, intentionality, and voice toconsiderations of inclusion within the design process. While Afrofuturism, in particular, aids thedesigner in identifying those salient “cultural retentions that blacks/African-Americans bring tothe technologies that they use” [20], its use supports decision making that affords a morecomplete and inclusive picture of ALL people within the technology design engagement.Afrofuturism, as such, is a design lens through which the needed motivation and actions be bothcatalyzed and operationalized in increasing inclusivity and thus equity within the culture andprocesses of engineering design.Moreover, the value of Afrofuturism extends beyond the considerations of the black
% 8.6% 100.0% 84.6% 15.4% F/W 0 27 0.0% 15.4% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% Total 49 175 Table 5. Fall 2017 results for Physics I show that 89.8% of students received a grade of “C” or better as compared to 71.4% in the traditional sections. The increase of 18.4% is a larger improvement than the 9.1% improvement in the first year of implementation.Year 2 Course ResultsInitial results for Year 2 courses are presented in the following section. These results are reflective of thefirst semester of instruction using the flipped classroom approach and newly developed course materials.In addition, CSULA transitioned from a quarter system
AsianAmericans), as well as persons with disabilities [1, 2]. We submit that it is time to reflect on thelanguage we use to discuss inequity in engineering education. Based on our research, that ofothers, and numerous conversations of the years, we propose a perspective and language shift forconsideration and discussion.Critiquing the status quo "Words are but pictures of our thoughts" - John Dryden [3]Consideration begins by examining the use of the label "underrepresented minority" as a tool ofoppression. For the past 100 years, engineering has been a domain of white, upper-class, able-bodied men [1, 4]. Students who do not identify within those historic norms of engineering areoften referred to collectively in educational policy and
community.” In his post, he acknowledged the role of his privilege stating,“my response reflected my unconscious biases; and the negative impact of my tweets wasamplified by the fact that I, a white, Western, male CEO of a key company in the Makercommunity, publicly questioned a young, female, self-employed Chinese maker.” Remarkably,Dougherty committed to work closely with Wu to 1) feature her work in Make: publications, 2)feature Wu at World Maker Faire 2018, 3) publish a diversity audit of the Make: company andset goals for advancing diversity and inclusion, and 4) develop a Maker Faire advisory board tooversee the events and ensure representation of full maker community [17].Closing – A Need for Mid-Course CorrectionDougherty’s most recent
earlier versions. Furthermore, we look at ways it canbe used to broaden the participation of people with disabilities in engineering organizations toimprove upon this overlooked dimension of diversity.IntroductionWulf (1998) wrote that the engineering “profession is diminished and impoverished by a lack ofdiversity. It doesn’t take a genius to see that in a world whose commerce is globalized,engineering designs must reflect the culture and taboos of a diverse customer base.” Thebusiness case for diversity is clear in Wulf’s statement; including people from all walks of life inthe engineering of products means better designs that address all the needs and constraints thatcome from differences in social identity.While Wulf’s statement has been
been a subject of several studies though the majority has been in thearea of diversifying the student body. But a diverse student body needs a faculty body that reflects theracial and ethnic characteristics of the student body. Much has been done in the area of K-12 to attractstudents to choose STEM disciplines. One example is the Million Women Mentor, an organization ofwomen in key positions in academia, corporations or government who mentor potential female K-12protégés interested in pursuing a scientific or technical career. Efforts have also been directed atattracting women into faculty ranks. In this paper, faculty refers to Teaching and Research Faculty andTerm Faculty.What is diversity?Diversity is more than race or ethnicity. It
of a non-URM group. It would seem then that there are three possiblerecommendations from the literature regarding supportive faculty and staff: 1) Anyadministrator, regardless of race or ethnicity, can provide support to URM STEM students; 2)The involvement of URM faculty and staff leads to higher success rates for students in thesefields; and 3) Campus administrators should not only be URMs, but actually of the same race orethnicity as the students of color with whom they interact in order to make the most significantimpact (i.e., Black faculty and staff are best suited to support Black students; Hispanic facultyand staff are best suited to support Hispanic students, etc.). This poses a quandary in thescholarship that reflects similar
. It may be that the students who responded to thesurvey only reflected a limited view of the perceptions in the graduate student climate. TheCLIMATE AND ENGINEERING GRADUATE STUDENTS 13questions that were included on the survey were limited to looking at peer and faculty advisorinteractions. Additional research could identify additional factors that comprise campus climateto better discern what elements of the graduate experience influence perceptions of campusclimate. Despite these limitations, the findings from our study did provide unique and newinsights to perceptions of climate among three different groups. Findings show that minoritystudents are more likely to indicate
process is not the first aspect of the program promoted to students, it isexplained on the webpage. It is also reflected in the online application, which only requestsstudent identity, major, year in school, requested team, number of credit hours (1 forsophomores, 1 or 2 for juniors and seniors, and 3 for Senior Design), and comments. Thecomment box is unassuming, and usually elicits a few sentences from students explaining whythey’re interested. Unlike most research experiences, students do not have to write essays, fillout lengthy forms, or polish their resumes. Interested students apply and are accepted on a spaceavailable basis. Returning students are automatically accepted back onto their teams, and teamsare marked “full” when no more space
shown in Fig. 3. knowledgeDuring the first meeting, the instructors and students took turnsintroducing themselves, including indicating their gender pronouns. Students were also asked what theywanted to discuss in the course and they indicated a number of topics related to identity, technology, and art.Among the identities mentioned by students were asexual people, queer people of color, and trans people,which often reflected their own identities. Students were introduced to the Arduino microcontroller, which isdescribed in product literature as “an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible easy-to-use hardware and software…intended for artists, designers, and inventors…”[7]. Students were asked toindicate, via survey
well below the current estimates of Nationalrepresentation of women in undergraduate engineering programs of 22% [6]. Student distributionsby gender, department, and student level (i.e. freshman through senior) are shown in Figure1. Fresno State classifies student level based on the number of units a student has completed andmay not necessarily reflect their progress in their degree program. Because many students takemore units than that are required for a degree program, ‘seniors’ are disproportionately representedusing this classification system. Because of the ethnic diversity surrounding Fresno State, theuniversity serves multiple underrepresented minority populations and is officially designated as aHispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) and
the data collected by U.S. Center for Disease Control andPrevention, and shows that Twitter data can improve the model prediction accuracy [12]. Theseefforts suggest that social media is an appropriate channel for better understanding STEMeducation issues.STEM education has a key implication for the workforce development and thus, the distributionof STEM workforce can be a reflection of the state of STEM education in the society.Unfortunately, the recent events and campaigns for stereotyping in the workforce indicate the poordiversity of STEM workers and how the minorities are stereotyped – particularly women. Thisbehavior further undermines the efforts to raise awareness for STEM education. On the other hand,there are several initiatives by
onrequiring matching funds from the local campuses and providing data to administratorsat the end of the project and was too limited. When the Toys’n MORE funding ended,one of the three campuses was able to support their STEM summer bridge program foronly one more summer. Reflecting on the Toys’n MORE project, a sustainability planneeds to start at the beginning of any time-limited funding. For the Engineering Aheadproject , we are pursuing three strategies for the long-term sustainability of summerbridge programs at Penn State Abington, Altoona, and Berks: Engage the campus administration early on o Share the positive results of previous bridge projects o Request a financial contribution for the summer bridge programs for each
. These programs appear to be effective atincreasing the retention and graduation of under-prepared but otherwise motivated andacademically talented students, but it could be that these struggles are reflective of broaderchallenges in attracting women to engineering. Redshirt programs can only help students whoapply - there is clearly more work to be done to encourage women to pursue engineering.While the Redshirt in Engineering model is designed with students from low-incomebackgrounds in mind, it provides a framework for supporting the success of students from othergroups historically excluded from engineering. The redshirt model targets both personal andstructural obstacles to retention - in addition to providing financial and academic support
theprogram for at least a year) and to reflect back to rate themselves in these same areas before theygot involved with the program. Retrospective post-then-pre designs are useful to reduceproblems that arise when program participants under or over-report their knowledge or abilitieson pre-tests due to a lack of understanding. Retrospective post-then-pre tests are designed toreduce this “response shift bias” (University of Wisconsin-Extension, 2005).A total of 51 retrospective surveys were collected from youth who consented to participate in theevaluation study. These included 17 TechHive participants and 34 participants from acomparison group of other interns.YouthInterviewsTechHive youth were asked to participate in an interview at the end of the
, the ADVANCE Institute conducts a faculty climatesurvey every two years. The survey was piloted in 2014, before the grant was awarded, in orderto collect baseline data. The original survey was modeled off of faculty climate surveys fromother ADVANCE grantees including the University of Wisconsin and the University ofMichigan. The last version of the survey, set to be fielded in February 2018, was revisedsubstantially to better reflect current climate concerns and areas of programmatic interest forADVANCE. That being said, we have chosen to leave core questions unchanged in order toanalyze longitudinal data over the life of the grant.The faculty climate survey is a primary source of data to understand the experiences of faculty ofcolor on
change their institution’s policies and practices, they are also seeking out mentors [10],[12], and [23]-[27], and networks of mentors [11], [12], [19] to provide strategies and support asthey move through their academic lives. This paper provides four examples of conferencesdeveloped by universities as an avenue to build communities for women of color who are currentor prospective faculty members. Goals, strategies, outcomes, and lessons learned from each ofthe conferences are described. The strategies reflect the varying cultures of the institutions andindividuals involved in developing them. The paper concludes with a summary of actions theseuniversities are taking forward to continue to build communities and networks for current