composition. The comprehensive revieweffort has gained traction and the first author has been asked to lead a university taskforce, onwhich the co-author has agreed to participate, to create a written comprehensive review ingraduate admissions plan for the university. Our goal is to create a plan that is adjustable basedon the needs and desired outcomes of each program.References[1] D. J. Ernst, E. Collins, A. Burger, and K. Stassun. (1/29/2018). Fisk-Vanderbilt Master's-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program. Available:[2] C. Miller and K. Stassun, "A test that fails," Nature, vol. 510, pp. 303-304, 6/12/2014 2014.[3] K. G. Stassun, S. Sturm, K. Holley-Bockelmann, A. Burger, D. J. Ernst, and D. Webb
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in a STEM outreach program, it stands to reason that STEM outreach programs canbe helpful in strengthening grit in younger female students as grit is best when developed at ayounger age [18].AcknowledgmentsOpinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Thismaterial is based upon work that was partly funded by the National Science Foundation undergrant number IIA1301726.References[1] Kuenzi, J. J. (2008). Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education: Background, federal policy, and legislative action. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.[2] National Academy of
inception to completion. .The studentsdemonstrated an enhanced understanding of the alternative route for green energy with reneweddesign emphasis on Digital Parasitic applications that employs Thermoelectric GeneratorPeltier instead of traditional analog mechanization. We have collected no data to quantify if thisapproach will be satisfactory with all our capstone senior project students, since the newbatch of students have just started taking their senior project capstone course sequence.References[1] Callan, S. J., & Thomas, J. M., Environmental Economics and Management, Cengage Learning, 2012.[2] Mazidi, M. A., Causey, D., Mazidi, J. G., HCS12 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems, using assembly and C with code warrior, Pearson
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a female because she talks andinteracts and spends time with a male.” Therefore, when the female reputation gets affected bythe workplace, this also affect her chances of getting married in the future as Mohammed said“when it comes to marriage, when we ask about the girl, we don’t prefer to marry a girl that hasbeen studying or working in a mixed gender environment.” His response implies a fear of havinghis daughters or wife being judged in a bad way because of their learning or workingenvironment.A similar belief was observed by my interviewee Sara when applying for employment at a localcompany. As she stated, I applied to [a local company]’s scholarship program and was called for an interview. For my interview, I made
how their students learn in order to modify some of their delivery methods.” The studies briefly reported in a paper entitled “Teaching thinking–A focus for scienceteaching?” the authors reveal the enormous potential hidden in the 21st century student body.It is possible to improve the thinking skills of students utilizing PBL techniques and facilitatingFour Features of Learning promoted by various scholars (Nickerson, Perkins & Smith. 1985).Four Features of Learning Psychologists Raymond S. Nickerson, David N. Perkins and Edward E. Smith discusswhat is popularly known as Four Features of Learning in their famous book entitled TheTeaching of Thinking. The author has successfully utilized several ideas of these authors
merits of the Doctor of Engineering in Engineering degree,and its purpose in training engineers to become professional managers in a technical field.Program HistoryThe Doctor of Engineering degree program was created in the mid-1980’s as the college’s firstprofessional doctoral degree. It went through administrative revisions in the late 1980’s to becomethe program it is today. There were very few professional doctoral programs in the country at thattime. Most of the interest in professional degrees was at the master’s level. It is important to note,as well, that the title of the degree does not have the same meaning at all institutions and in allcountries. Some use the Doctor of Engineering title for a research-based engineering
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will usegrounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1999) to create a theoretical model that will nurture ourquantitative findings. On the other hand, we will like to repeat this research on August 2019 withanother cohort of students. We are also evaluating to do a follow up study with this samestudents in the course to come.ReferencesAdams, R., Aldridge, D., Atman, C., Barker, L., Besterfield-Sacre, M., Bjorklund, S., & Young, M. (2006). The research agenda for the new discipline of engineering education. Journal of Engineering Education, 95(4), 259-261.Adams, R., Evangelou, D., English, L., De Figueiredo, A. D., Mousoulides, N., Pawley, A. L., ... & Wilson, D. M. (2011). Multiple perspectives on
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provides some information to explain thesituation, generalization of the data needs more study and over a longer period of time. In addition,some confounding factors such as evaluation methods and the skills of the teaching professors shouldbe carefully investigated. The next stages of this study will include the comparison of grades in othercourses taken in the department and outside for both groups. In addition, categorizing the transferringof students based on their previous major may reveal more correlations.ReferencesAustin, A. M., & Gustafson, L. (2006). Impact of Course Length on Student Learning. Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 5(1), 26-37.Bell, S. R., & Carrillo, N. (2007). Characteristics of effective summer
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- Making Connections Table 3 Pre and Post Student Performance Comparison DOE-F17 DOE-S17 QA-F17 QA-F16 QA-F15 Item (S) (NS) (S) (S) (NS) Course Grade – Average (max. 100) 71.00 66.21 88.39 76.90 71.03 pts.) Grade – Median Course 69.94 62.79 88.92 79.39 71.10 Course Grade - Standard Deviation 9.37 19.00 8.59 12.86 22.03 Course Grade - Minimum 53.75 33.31 74.00 49.49 20.62 Sample Size (N) 28 30
characteristics of diodes, Zenerdiodes, MOSFETs, and BJT using no ancillary equipment apart from the myDAQ (and hostcomputer) and the device(s) under test. It is constructed with an inexpensive single-sidedprinted-circuit board and uses readily-available components. LabVIEW programs that automatethe display of families of IV curves for MOSFETs and BJTs are under development. Completeschematic diagrams and PCB artwork are available for easy replication. This paper will describethe curve tracer, supporting programs, and examples of its application in the laboratoryenvironment.IntroductionThe study of electronics is a core component of the electrical engineering curriculum. To thefoundation of circuit analysis, the study of electronics introduces students
project they proposed) if and only if a team is selected for that project. However, if their project isn’t selected, that student will then be assigned to another project using their list of choices. This is necessary since it’s not uncommon for the most popular project to have more than twice as many 1st choices as the maximum team size and thus there is an increased chance that the student(s) who proposed the project will not be assigned to that team.Data is gathered with a student interest survey given using Canvas, a learning managementsystem. A minimum of five questions are asked requesting the student to choose their first,second, third, etc. choice. Additional questions can be asked if certain projects require
course I feel confident in my ability to write a lab/design report I pulled my fair share of work Comradery: *My groupmate(s) were a distraction or to completing the assignments I got to know other people in my class *I felt ostracized by my lab group I felt a kinship toward other students in my class I felt heard and respected by my peers *I would have preferred to work by myself If I did not understand why a solution worked, I asked my group member to explain it to me *Questions where a disagreeing response is considered positive Figure 1. Survey Questions for Group Assignment StudyThe survey also asked students whether they would have preferred a different
an engineering degree.Future work will continue to follow these students as they navigate their college degreeprograms, monitoring how these factors and others may predict major retention further into thecurriculum.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) underGrant No. 1734347. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] K. M. Ehlert, M. K. Orr, and Grigg, “WIP : What’s your major? First-year engineering students’ conifidence in their major choice,” in Proceedings from FYEE 2018, Glassborrow NJ, 2018.[2] V. Germeijs and K. Verschueren, “High
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. As an alternative and/or supplement, asynchronous labs have been developed [4] toallow for the hands-on experience while maintaining the flexibility and low-cost of doing soexternal to a traditional lab.However, instruction through longer-term projects, which span multiple lab sessions versusindividual labs, is quite advantageous because it is similar to how the engineering professionfunctions in industry [5]. Not only does it involve hands-on learning, it utilizes the advantage ofan instructor being present to assist the student(s) [6, 7].Course StructureThe course discussed in this paper is Engineering Methods, Tools, & Practice II (ENGR 111),the second component of a required first-year introductory sequence that typically enrolls
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. Rivera keeps collaborating with IPPD as a faculty coach and instructional designer. She is a former professor of Food Science teaching courses such as Food Processing and Food Engineering. After moving to Gainesville in 2012, she became an assistant professor in Natural Science at Santa Fe College teaching general chemistry courses for young adults. She has traveled to teach classes at universities in Puno, Per´u, and S˜ao Paulo, Brasil. She loves running and is an amateur orchid collector.Ms. Deanna Alford, University of FloridaDr. Lilianny Virguez, University of Florida Lilianny Virguez is a Lecturer at the Institute for Excellence in Engineering Education at University of Florida. She holds a Masters’ degree in
and her Ph.D. from Brown University.Dr. Steven Nozaki, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Ph.D. Engineering Education - The Ohio State UniversityMr. Fredrick A. Nitterright, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Mr. Fred Nitterright is a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Technology at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. He received the A. A. S. in Mechanical Drafting and Design in 1989 from Westmoreland County Community College, the B. S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology in 1991 from Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, and the M. S. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 1998. Mr. Nitterright is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education ASEE . Fred
balls.Engineering design in scientific inquiryThe class was oriented towards developing a scientific model; our task was to explain, or model,the energy in the Gaussian Gun system. As instructor, there was no explicit requirement thatstudents produce any artifact or engage in design as part of the work. That is, our focus as a classwas in developing a scientific explanation. The design was emergent from this, rather than arequirement in itself for the course.Based on the above work that the students did, we pose the following questions regarding designin scientific inquiry: 1. For each group, how did their particular design challenges emerge? 2. What role did their designed artifact(s) play in their inquiry? 3. In what ways did their design mirror
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