Karl Haefner, PEEC Collaborative Team Member. University of Phoenix, M.A.e.d., Secondary Education, 2008 Grand Valley State University, B.S. Geology, 2004 Sagi- naw Valley State University, B.S. Mechanical Engineering, 1988 Mr. Haefner is an engineering instructor at Cankdeska Cikana Community College, where he is actively working to build the Pre-Engineering Department. He assisted with writing the AMI accreditation report to the HLC, wrote several success- ful grants, and managed CCCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Curriculum and Pre-Engineering Educational Consortium. In addition the Advanced Manufacturing initiative at CCCC has hired two undergraduates to run the 3-D/Scanner Laboratory. The aforementioned gives the
Paper ID #26448Examining How Skill-building Workshops Affect Women’s Confidence overTimeMs. Megan Keogh, University of Colorado, Boulder Megan Keogh is an undergraduate student studying environmental engineering and environmental policy at the University of Colorado Boulder. Megan has been involved in education outreach and mentorship for much of her college career. She completed a STEM education class in which she shadowed a local 5th grade teacher and taught three of her own STEM lessons. Megan has also been a new-student mentor through her department’s peer mentoring program. Now, Megan is interested in researching
and resources that enable them to succeed. Thisincludes time and task management, assistance with planning an academic roadmap as well asinformation on co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that could develop one’s portfolio as achemical engineer, such as research, internships, co-ops, study abroad and (chemical)engineering clubs. Finally, the curriculum does not typically provide early information on thesteps necessary to prepare for one’s career. Failure to understand the answers to such questionscan result in students dropping the major, struggling academically, failing to make a connectionwith peers and resources, and facing challenges when applying for jobs due to inadequate careerpreparation.To address this gap in the curriculum
respectively. Her teaching interests are in the area of circuits and devices, computing, and logic design. Dr. Telang works closely with success programs for freshman engineering students. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Effectiveness of the Supplemental Instruction Program in First Year Engineering Courses - A Longitudinal Report (2015-2018)AbstractThis Complete Research Paper examines the effectiveness of the Supplemental Instruction (SI)program implemented at our university in first year engineering courses from its inception in thefall semester of 2015 through the fall semester of 2018. The program offers two sessions perweek outside of the course that incorporates peer and
Computer Lab Activity Education Learning Assessment to Learning Assessment -- Close the Loop Case Studies and Mentoring and Individual reflection and Solutions Counselling sharing followed by peer review Faculty Presentations -- Educational Research Educational Paper Reviews and Paper Reviews Research Presentation in Small Groups Educational Research Educational Individual reflection and Paper – Abstract Research sharing followed by peer Writing reviewTable 3. Topics Covered in the Level 2 WorkshopIn this
working towards incorporating writing assignments that enhance students’ critical thinking capabilities. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019Abstract In this paper, the author stresses the importance of certain sophisticated mathematicaltechniques that undergraduate students utilize to analyze and solve a certain specific engineeringproblem such as the design of a Suspension Bridge or the construction of a High VoltageTransmission Tower. The importance of a fourth order Runge Kutta Algorithm technique, theneed for Newton Raphson Method and the properties of a Catenary Curve are stressed in thissenior level engineering technology course. The Runge Kutta technique is utilized to solve adesign
design courses and are evaluated as graduate attributeoutcomes integral to the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) evaluationprocesses. Continual course improvement processes require reflection on the success oflearning activities, the tools used for teaching, and alignment of learning outcomes,activities, and assessment. Peer evaluation and feedback tools can encourage studentlearning and leadership development. The method of data collection, the type of feedbackand the contextual validity of the feedback may impact students’ development of useful teambehaviours and personal strategies for working in team environments. Mixed methodsuccessive case study analysis provides insights enabling targeted improvements to learningactivities
Paper ID #26197The Impact of Socio-cultural Factors in Qatar on Females in EngineeringMiss Maha Sultan Alsheeb, Texas A&M University at Qatar My name Maha Al-Sheeb. I am a joiner chemical engineer student Class of 2020. I have one brother and one sister. I joined the Academic bridge program in 2014. I believes in ”Difficult roads often leads to beautiful destination” Grand.Aspiration.Dr. Amy Hodges, Texas A&M University at Qatar Dr. Amy Hodges is an instructional assistant professor at Texas A&M University at Qatar, where she teaches first-year writing and technical and business writing courses. She also leads
)approach dominates research but they argue (echoing Newman [1]) that the “theinterconnection among the forces influencing student change highlight the need to considertheoretical conceptions from multiple disciplines in designing studies of college impact” (p.630).Reporting their findings (which applied to the US) they write, One of the most striking features of the full corpus of the post-1990 research we reviewed is the broad scope of the dimensions of student lives that change with exposure to college. Even after adjusting for other forces, and even if the exposure lasts for only a year or two, college changes students to a degree unattributable to normal maturation or other influences outside the academy
for Engineering Education, 2019 Development and Assessment of an Undergraduate Research CommunityAbstractLiterature suggests the benefits to undergraduate research include improving students’understanding of the research process, their resilience, and their ability to persist through failure.However, at primarily undergraduate institutions, there are a number of challenges in making theundergraduate research experience successful for both students and faculty mentors. First, there isa significant burden on faculty mentors who, along with designing a research project, are typicallyindividually advising students, training them in reading and writing about research, and critiquingposters and presentations. These are skills which could be
learning occurs, such as peer to peer discussions, students are still sitting.Learning science has shown that the brain and physical activity are connected. An active body canlead to an active mind. Significant work has been done on how to create intentional movement inelementary and middle school classrooms, but it is limited in higher education settings.This paper discusses how an “escape room” learning activity has been implemented and assessedin two small-sized engineering programs, York College of Pennsylvania and Iron RangeEngineering. Escape rooms are a physical adventure game to challenge players, where they mustsolve a series of puzzles to escape the room in a given time limit. In this activity, using movementto review content in
Paper ID #26150How to Approach Learning: Engineering Students’ Perceptions of Project-based and Problem-based Learning at an International Branch Campus inthe Middle EastMiss Alaa Abdalla, Texas A&M University at Qatar Alaa Abdalla is a mechanical engineering student, class of 2019, at Texas A&M University at Qatar. Besides engineering she enjoys learning theoretical Math and Physics concepts. She pursued a minor in mathematics alongside her bachelor’s degree. She is also actively involved in writing and reading initiatives on campus. Currently, she is working on her undergraduate research thesis that looks at the
learning. 5 4.75 I can apply what I learned in this course beyond the classroom. 4.25 4.25 I can apply what I learned in this course to my job or career goals. 5 4.5 Student Perception of Learning Mean 4.79 4.47 Figure 4: Student Assessment on LearningThe end-of-course survey reveals the Trifecta of Engagement framework greatly facilitatedstudents' engagement with course contents, peers and instructor. Students took a more active partin their learning process. They gained significant knowledge about the subject and their ability tothink critically, to do research, to write and speak has
successfully used in many disciplines, including CS. Peer instructionincludes both pre-work and a sequence of activities conducted during class. The in-classactivities are a mini-lecture by the instructor, solo voting on a multiple choice question, groupdiscussion, group voting, and then an instructor-led class discussion. Zingaro et al. (2013)investigate the role of pre-class preparatory work, specifically the reading quiz assigned tostudents to complete prior to class. The reading quiz has 2-3 questions based on content andone open-response question asking about areas of confusion, difficulty, or interest. The contentquestions are graded in 4 categories: blank, incomplete, complete but incorrect, and correct.The authors noted a submission rate of
increase the inclusiveness of our department, hypothesizing thatmarginalized students feel too much uniqueness and too little similarity with peers. ODT positsthat people prefer groups that provide sufficient inclusiveness within the group and sufficientdifferentiation between the in-group and the out-group. We wondered if ODT could also beapplied to individual identity, such that individuals seek out an identity that is neither too similarto nor too distinct from their peers. We conducted two studies in our R1 university department totest if high and low levels of uniqueness and similarity were indeed associated with negativefeelings. We found that the average student was not necessarily averse to high or low levels ofthese two factors. In Study
College Writing Program which provides a student Writing Associate toprovide additional guidance to students, and by the College Library which assigns a researchlibrarian to work with each section to develop research skills.The FYS was a promising context for our foundational interdisciplinary project-basedlearning experience for the same reasons such seminars are effective pedagogically and“high-impact” [14]. They engage students with faculty and with their peers in formal andinformal conversations “about substantive matters, typically over an extended period of time”[15].To our College’s standard FYS learning outcomes related to writing and information literacy,we added three additional learning outcomes: that after completing this class
traditionalhomework in engineering education occurred [1-4], but the overwhelming majority ofengineering faculty members believe that homework is an indispensable component in thecourses they teach. As an analogy, students majoring in English need to write many essays forpractice, and they cannot master the skill of writing just by learning various writing skills andreading novels. In the same way, engineering students cannot grasp the necessary knowledge andskills without the struggling process in solving homework problems [5].Almost all the publishers of the textbooks provide the solution manuals to the instructors, andunfortunately, these materials are leaked to students through the internet. Some websites eveninvite students to provide quiz and exam
Community,thinking not only about your own contribution but also how you would like to interact withothers within this Community, including your peers and your instructors.”At the end of that first seminar students were asked to write reflections responding to that initialletter, “Go back and read that letter to yourself and then write a reflection about your experiencethrough the lens of your expectations.[…] Share how this experience has affected the way youlook at yourself, others, your education, your goals, and your success. Is there anything that younow look at or approach differently due to your experience in this course?” In addition, studentswere asked to write a letter to an incoming student about the first seminar experience.At the end
“fresh start” when they begin theircapstone project.At the end of the AGV project we ask the students to reflect on their experience both on thetechnical and interpersonal dimensions. On the technical dimension, the project report requiresthe students to explain how they tested the subsystems, how they performed integration testing,and to evaluate how their prototype met (or failed to meet) specifications. The AGV reportevaluation rubric is shown in Appendix A. Regarding the human dimension, each student isrequired to submit a peer-assessment and self-evaluation in which they write at least one bulletedstatement on each team member’s strengths and areas needing improvement, as shown inAppendix B. All aspects of the project should be considered
dialogues. However, instructor facilitation may result in an instructor-centered discussion whichlimit students’ participation and voice [18], and student-facilitated discussions provide analternative approach. Peer facilitation can foster a sense of student ownership and help studentsfeel more at ease in expressing their opinions [19], and allow practical hands-on experience ofbeing a discussion facilitator [18]. Compared to instructor-facilitated discussions, research onstudent-facilitated discussions is still limited focusing more on the student facilitation techniques[11], [20]. This study aims to explore how overall design and management of student-facilitateddiscussions influence peer interaction and critical thinking in engineering
quantitativedata.The two areas that fewer students reported having skills were in project management andcommunication, particularly communicating outside of engineering. Overall, the sophomorestended to report similar numbers of team members with each professional skill as the seniors.Whereas the seniors could clearly distinguish between the professional skill areas, thesophomores were not adept at this.To understand the impact of the team asset-mapping activity, we compared the sophomores’scores on items from a peer evaluation conducted twice during the semester. Early in thesemester, students tended to report some difficulty managing conflicts related to team tasks, butby the end of the semester, significantly fewer teams did so.We also describe an asset
opportunities for a STEM education arenot. Two cohorts of up to 18 STEM students per year will receive annually renewable scholarshipsof up to $4,500, or up to $5,500 if they join the Honors College. These students will participate inPTG’s evidence-based retention and graduation initiatives, including: an in-residence summerbridge program; a Living-Learning Community (shared housing); Academic Success Advising;faculty and peer mentoring; and on-campus or industry-based research opportunities. PTG willhelp identify and describe the barriers deterring low-income students, especially low-incomestudents from rural backgrounds, from achieving a STEM degree. PTG will develop andimplement retention programs for low-income, rural STEM students and will
-represented minority (URM) status; 50% were females. Students were asked to write aresponse to a case statement before the REU program began and at the program’s conclusion.The case statement asked students to imagine they were graduate students planning a researchproject and to create a rough plan to execute this research project with the goal of submitting aconference paper (see Appendix). The post-REU case statement was identical to the taskprovided for the pre-REU data collection. However, students were also asked in the post-REUtask to compare their post-REU plan with their pre-REU plan, revise their pre-REU plan, andnote any sources of inspiration for their plans (e.g., research partners, courses or labs). Studentsfirst wrote their plans on
: Class Time Activity Needed Description Take a short break and invite students compare their notes with a Comparing neighbor, filling in any gaps. Afterward, optionally follow up this Notes 1-2 min activity with a short Q&A session based on any confusing points. End class 2 minutes early and ask students to write down Minute Paper (anonymously or not) the main point of today's class, and/or the / Muddiest most pressing question or confusing point from today's class. Begin Point 1-2 min the next class by addressing any common questions
design a curriculum and guides them through the process of developing a course in their field. • ENE 685 Engineering Education Methods (3 credit hours), provides students with a variety of techniques for teaching courses that are both engaging and effective. • ENE 687 Mentored Teaching in Engineering (1 credit hour), enables students to deepen their understanding of teaching and learning through feedback and reflection as they perform their regularly assigned teaching duties. • ENE 695 Succeeding as an Engineering Professor (3 credit hours), covers other skills valuable to faculty members such as writing proposals, selecting and mentoring graduate students, and managing projects.All four courses
around education issues in general, and in particular on increasing access and success of those traditionally under-represented and/or under-served in STEM higher education.Prof. William L. Hughes, Boise State University Professor William L. Hughes is the Director of the Micron School of Materials Science & Engineering at Boise State University. He also serves as the Director of the Nucleic Acid Memory Institute, where his research team reads and writes information into DNA for archival storage applications. Finally he is a faculty fellow of the College of Innovation + Design, which he cofounded at Boise State. Professor Hughes received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering from Virginia Tech and
Student Outcomes Innovative solutions to problems in the real world 1, 2, 7 Graphical presentation, technical writing, oral 3 presentation Engineering interdisciplinary teams 5 Application of computer software to solving 1, 7 engineering problems Engineering design process 1, 2, 7 Cost estimation 2 Hands-on learning and experiments 6 Professional organizations
various pedagogical techniques that a facultymember employs to connect and teach students. The traditional teacher-centered pedagogy isassociated with top down, hierarchal pedagogy that reinforces passive learning, rolememorization, and hinders the development of higher level cognitive skills ( (Duckworth, 2009;Cristillo, 2010). On the other hand, student-centered pedagogical strategies which promotekeeping students actively thinking, writing, comparing, and applying new knowledge result indeep learning and better student performance (Weimer, 2002; Wohlfarth, et al., 2008). In ameta-analysis of 119 studies, across grades K-20, Cornelius-White, found that learner-centeredvariables such as non-directive verbal interactions, incorporation of higher
askedto reflect about what they know. Then, the students are asked to explain how they could use theidea to explain something of their interest or apply the knowledge to a specific task. When thestudents write and attempt to connect their knowledge/learning to their own interests, their storiesand experiences had far greater value than the instructor’s initial intent. Finally, with the studentsat the center and possessing an awareness of the differences in an instructor’s instruction andstudent’s retention, classes can be designed to make learning an enjoyable experience for bothstudents and instructors.IntroductionIn the present-day classrooms, students have access to multiple sources of information such as webcontent, videos, instructional
proposal, while working in a research group with a faculty, and oftengraduate student, mentor; 2) Mentoring, which consists of a multi-tiered approach designed tosupport the students with trained peer mentors often former LEARN® participants assigned toeach student in the program, paired laboratory/faculty mentors, and a LEARN® programcoordinator; and 3) Community Building, which consists of living/learning opportunities, socialprogramming, and other non-research related extracurricular activities. It is hypothesized that theLEARN® program participants will:1. Demonstrate higher fall-to-fall retention, credits earned, GPA, and graduation rates compared to matched intra-institutional comparison groups;2. Demonstrate developmental gains in