OF STUDENTS = 32 1 2 3 . . . . . . CRITICAL THINKING RUBRIC RUBRIC COURTESY OF W. S. U. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PULLMAN, WA. 99164. LIKERT SCALE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION : 1 : Strongly Disagree; 5 : Strongly Agree1 Concept Mapping 3 4 3 . . . . . . 32 Structured Content 3 4 4 . . . . . . 4 Data Collected by Mysore Narayanan.APPENDIX E : Bar chart generated based on EXCEL Spreadsheet data
hasbecome the basis for a series of lab activities in Photovolatics II, our new battery-based solar course.System Design Loads: A 1-Watt LED light (Holly Solar) was chosen to run from dusk to dawn automatically (per charge controller setting which is up to 12 hours on June 21 in Peru) [6]. A 12 VDC powered USB port provides constant power for phone charging (2 amps x 5 V). These loads add up to 43.5 Watt-hours per day, or 3.6 Amp-hours/day for a 12 VDC system.Load assessmentDesign name: Peru systemInput the watts and quantity of the load (s)How many hours will you run the light during the shortest day of the year? Hours/ Average Load Watts Quantity Total Watts
organization and is a member of the American Educational Research Association and American Evaluation Association, in addition to ASEE. Dr. Brawner is also an Exten- sion Services Consultant for the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) and, in that role, advises computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engi- neering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Mr. Behzad Beigpourian
thematic ‘semi-structured’ interviews (Flick, 2009). Resultswill be coded using open coding technique (Glaser & Strauss, 1999). Data collection should starton the second semester 2019. We expect to collect around 600 participants in the quantitativephase and around 30 in the qualitative phase.ReferencesAuthor (2019). Antro-Diseño. Santiago: Ediciones UC (in press)Burke, R.J., (2007). Women and minorities in STEM: a primer. In R.J. Burke and M.C. Maitis (Eds.), Women and Minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics: Upping the numbers (pp. 3-7). Bodmin, Cornwall: MPG Books Ltd.Cabrera, A. F. & La Nasa, S. (2000). On the path to college: Three critical tasks facing America's disadvantaged. Center for the
closest match available in the market; anexplanation is provided about why the proposed design is cost-effective. Results from selectedapplications using the dynamometer have been presented. Potential other applications for thedynamometer have been proposed. It is hoped that this paper will help other engineering educatorsbuild their own dynamometer using the designs described in this paper.Acknowledgements:The authors would like to thank Denso Foundation for their support for senior design projects at Trineduring 2015-2017. The dynamometer discussed here was built using funding from Denso Foundation.References:[1]. Harding, G. L., & Prygoski, M., & Burns, J., & Carmichael, B. J., & Engstrom, M. S. (2018, June), APortable Engine
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involved with developing and teaching laboratory content, leading the maintenance of the in-house robotics controller, and managing the development of the robotics project.Dr. Kathleen A. Harper, Ohio State University Kathleen A. Harper is a senior lecturer in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University. She received her M. S. in physics and B. S. in electrical engineering and applied physics from Case Western Reserve University, and her Ph. D. in physics from The Ohio State University. She has been on the staff of Ohio State’s University Center for the Advancement of Teaching, in addition to teaching in both the physics and engineering education departments. She is currently a member of the ASEE
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related to developing the necessary talent pipeline that will be required for U.S. industry to maintain a global leadership position. 4. An informed recommendation of what industry, education and government can do to collectively develop, grow and maintain appropriate talent pools to leverage Industry 4.0 and the eight technology sectors associated with it.Dramatic Cultural and Technical TransformationThe cultural and technical forces associated with Industry 4.0, are unprecedented. This profoundand dramatic transformation of industry is rooted in a unique combination of forces, includingthe velocity, breadth and depth of change [4], and is shaping our talent pipeline.What is Industry 4.0’s implications for industry and
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choice questions, wereavoided. The main intention was to entice engineering students to analytically solve engineeringproblems from scratch in a regular, classic way, i.e. by typically partitioning the problem intophases or threads and solving each phase sequentially until reaching the final answer(s). Anadditional motivation for this objective was the desire to offer engineering students the chance togain partial credits if they manage to solve parts of the problem. In Blackboard, one questiontype that appears to suit this multi-thread partitioning is called “Fill in Multiple Blanks” questiontype. However, unlike the “Calculated Numeric” type of questions (also available onBlackboard), the Fill in Multiple Blanks type of questions does not
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Online Onsite Questions (Mean) (Mean) My ability to write about this subject has improved. 4.8 4.25 The required speaking assignment(s) improved my oral 4.8 4.25 communication skills. I gained significant knowledge about this subject. 4.6 4.5 My ability to think critically about topics in this class has improved. 4.8 4.5 My ability to do research has improved. 5 4.75 Discussions contributed to my
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institutionincreased the depth of CH102’s inquiry-based learning approach with the introduction of a waterquality laboratory sequence. We used five key elements to develop the laboratory curriculum.First, we determined that the laboratory curriculum must satisfy the course goals, which broadlyincluded learning safe laboratory practices, developing data analysis skills, and developinglaboratory techniques required for more advanced STEM courses (American Chemical SocietyCommittee on Professional Training, 2015). Second, we determined that laboratory work shouldprimarily be a hands-on experience in which students are provided the opportunity to carry outexperiments themselves (Larsen, et al. 2013; Obenland, et al., 2014). Third, we determined theintroductory
review of samples ofstudent work from previous classes.References[1] J. Mayer, “Visual Literacy across the Disciplines,” in Research within the Disciplines, 2nd ed., Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014, pp. 277–299.[2] C. Walck, J. E. Huntoon, J. R. Baker, J. S. DeClerck, and N. Allred, “Web 2.0 Ethics Education: Patents and Copyright for STEM Students,” in 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2012, pp. 25.1468.1-25.1468.13.[3] J. Y. Weinraub, “Harder to Find Than Nemo: The Elusive Image Citation Standard,” Coll. Res. Libr., vol. 79, no. 4, pp. 480–498, May 2018.[4] M. J. Schoen, “Teaching Visual Literacy Skills in a One-Shot Session,” Vis. Resour. Assoc. Bull., vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1–12, Jan. 2015.[5] T
software algorithms. However, eLearningenvironments can be created that include some of the capabilities of expert teachers and allowstudents to work independently with a virtual teacher looking over their shoulder. Feedback to astudent in an educational software program can have significant and sometimes unintendedconsequences that impact learning effectiveness and persistence. The proposed mini-hintspresented here are an attempt to improve the learning environment in the Spatial Vis trainingapp, and have been developed using guidance from pedagogical theory. This is a Work inProgress, and the actual effectiveness of the mini-hints will have to be assessed througheducational trials.References[1] S. Sorby, “Educational research in developing 3-D
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of discussions with the relevantdepartment chairs. Ultimately, the course creation proposal was signed by the chair of eachdepartment before moving forward through normal undergraduate curriculum approval channels.Course creation took approximately 1.5 years to marshal through university processes and takeeffect. During the life of the S-STEM project, three cohorts of undergraduates engaged inmultidisciplinary senior design projects: 2015-2016; 2016-2017; 2017-2018. Only the finalcohort (2017-2018) was able to enroll in GEEN 4301/4302. In 2016-2017, students enrolled inselected topics courses as a stop-gap while the course creation process was underway, and theselected topics courses were substituted for the relevant senior design courses
valence or affect [8]. The commonality ofaffective assessments underscores the importance of emotion in the learning process, especiallyin the context of game-based learning where play is an element of motivation. They write thatthe body of research on game-based learning in engineering, “nearly unanimously agree[s] thatstudents enjoy game-based learning” but there is a significant lack of studies demonstrating theimpact on learning outcomes. This is either due to a lack of validated measures (e.g. student self-assessment on individually developed surveys or questionnaires) or small sample sizes and/ormissing statistical analysis [8].While games may inspire thoughts of play, the two are overlapping but distinct topics in thecontext of education