open-sourcecomputational. Then we have implemented over thirty open source, 3D browserreadable, interactive multimedia, web-enabled library cases, covering a wide range ofengineering technology, design, manufacturing, IT, management, and biomedicalengineering topics.Each case in this library first looks at the real-world customer requirement, then expertsoffer one or more solution(s) by explaining real-world solutions, working with realmachines, or processes, or systems, and / or engineering management tasks, and thendiscuss further development, service, maintenance, integration, connectivity and manyother issues with several feedback loops, sound methods, and practical examples. Duringthe discussion, as well as at the end each 3D multimedia
weekly two hour meetings throughout the semester, the course's dual purpose was toprovide group processing time where TFs could discuss course issues and problems and well asaddressing issues related to the successful teaching of college freshmen. For example, topicssuch as learning styles, classroom climate issues (gender and race/ethnicity), and studentdevelopmental theories are among the original topics still included in the current seminar.With the advent of ABET's new EC 2000 directives for the satisfactory education ofundergraduate engineers, greater emphasis has been placed on the role of teamwork in theengineering classroom.14 In the early 1990's, ENES 100 was likely to be the only team basedcourse that many engineering students could
their attitudes and opinions regarding theirfirst semester experience in engineering. This survey was first piloted and addresses factors ofmotivation, time conflicts, family support, academic preparedness, and academic progress. Thedatabase contains responses from 1060 students’ responses from 2 colleges of engineering.Introduction Less than 50% of students beginning in engineering continue in engineering and half ofthose leave during the freshmen year (Besterfield-Sacre, 1997) 1. In engineering, the annualgraduation rate decreased by approximately 20 percent in the 1980’s. (Board of EngineeringEducation-National Research Council, 1992) 2 Astin (1993) 3 found that only 43% of thefirst–year engineering students in his population
Session 2433 Honors Thesis Work in Renewable Energy for an Undergraduate Student Robert S. Weissbach, Timothy S. Meyers Penn State Erie, The Behrend CollegeAbstractRenewable energy has become an important area of research and development for bothenvironmental as well as economic reasons. At the academic level, it is possible to introducestudents to issues related to renewable energy. This paper discusses the effort one student has putin, as part of a thesis, to develop an economically feasible, self-sufficient, renewable energysystem for a
industry-standard data acquisition boards availableincluding A/D, D/A, digital I/O, quadrature encoders, counters, mouse, joysticks, etc. Thecapability for serial communication support Simulink is especially useful.ExamplesRobotic Visual ServoingAn experimental testbed was designed to test the controller and demonstrate the flexibility ofuncalibrated visual servo control of an uncalibrated robotic manipulator. The system consists of acolor camera, a two-link reconfigurable robotic manipulator, and a desktop PC running MATLABwith Simulink. The controller (implemented in an S-function) is a Gauss-Newton optimizationtechnique that utilizes system estimation [7]. A CMUCam5 provides color-tracking data of amoving colored object. The CMUCam features on
internal to the chip SIGNAL s : INTEGER RANGE 0 to 3; BEGIN PROCESS (carrier_clk, data_clk) -- if either clock changes, then execute this loop VARIABLE count : INTEGER RANGE 0 to 3; -- this is local variable for PROCESS only BEGIN -- Define a 4-bit D flip-flop for shift register IF (carrier_clk 'EVENT and carrier_clk = '1') THEN q <= d; ELSE q <= q; END IF; -- two bit counter for mux select IF (data_clk 'EVENT and data_clk = '1') THEN count := count +1; END IF; s <= count; END PROCESS; -- D flip flop section to create 50% duty cycle
it becomes apparent new fields are needed,DateTime Allowd that the information from previous versionsNumber of students contains the material.testedNumber of test itemsTest items thatmatch exactlyItem formats forthose that matchexactlyNature of thedifferences betweenassessments. Pre1vs. Pre2; Post1 vs.Post 2; Pre vs. Post;Pre1 vs. Post1ScoringType (rubric,summed score, %correct, rating…)Min/Max PossibleScoreScorer(s)ReliabilityDate of reliabilityassessmentWho conductedreliabilityassessmentReliability Estimate Page 8.248.5
picture of the stacker mounted on the entire robot is shown in Figure 2.ConclusionFIRST provides an unparalleled opportunity to advance mechanical design education. Themain barriers include the inconvenient starting time, the short design time-line, the lack ofprepared educational materials, and the difficulty of reconciling the university’seducational goals with the service to the high school. This paper presents some ideas onhow to overcome these barriers.Dr. Andrew Wright, during his stay in industry and during his time teaching in thegraduate program at UALR has interacted with dozens of engineering graduates at alllevels (B.S., M. S., and Ph.D.). These graduates uniformly lack even the most basic designskills. The students who have passed
II. Polar Plots III. Drawing the Nyquist Diagram Class 3. Phase and Gain Margins. Goal: At the end of this class, each student should be able to determine the phase and gain margins of a feedback system from the Bode diagram of the loop transfer function. I. Nyquist Stability Test II. Example of a Third Order System III. Stability Margins a. Gain Margin b. Phase Margin c. Design ConsiderationsEach of the three classes included four cooperative learning exercises of about 5 minuteseach. Most exercises require students to make choices among two or more options andarticulate explanations of those choices.Examples:Exercise: Which GH(s) yield stable closed loop systems? Give
revitalization effort.BackgroundThe Department of the Navy is one of a growing number of Federal agencies which is expressingconcern about its ability to meet its future Science and Technology (S&T) workforce needs. Therecent trends in the number of Ph.D.s awarded in engineering which are given in Fig. 1 illustratethe nature of the problem. 8000 7000 6000 Number Awarded Engineering, total 5000 U.S. Citizens International
vehicle and payload across the track, and forpreliminary estimates of potential vehicle mass and approximate completion time. A moredetailed model was then developed which incorporated multiple steps, thus moreaccurately reflecting the actual track contour, as shown in equation (1): ( Vi + Vw) 2 + ( Vi+1 + Vw) 2 1 2 2 ⋅m⋅ ( Vi+1) − ( Vi) + We⋅tan θ ⋅∆S + µ ⋅We⋅∆S + ⋅A⋅Cd ( ) 1 2⋅∆S 2 2 2 0
appearance of fan blades to be stationary,moving slowly forward or even backward when lighted with certain blinking light frequencies bya stroboscope; or an unusual interference fringes on an image, or appearance of staircase stepsalong edges (jaggies) in an image when we know that the edge s are smooth. Each and every ofthese and other false appearances of something that is not, is due to limitations and interferenceof a perceiving or measurement system and perceived or measured signal, as effectivelyillustrated in Figure 3, with the developed virtual instrument.The ChallengeLearning is a challenging intellectual process, and new technologies have tremendous potentialto make an immense difference with its interactive (computational) and multimedia
willbe safe to assume that the team experience is going to contribute to and support a better attitudetowards working in teams in the future.References1. Busse, R. (1992, May). The New basics: Today’s Employers Want the “Three Rs” and So Much More. Vocational Education Journal, 67(5), 24-25, 47.2. Alexander, M. W. & Stone S. F. (1997, February). Student perceptions of teamwork in the classroom: An analysis by gender. Business Education Forum, 51(3), 7-10.3. McFarland, W. P. (1992, May). Meeting of the Minds: Recognizing Styles of Conflict Management Helps Students develop ‘People Skills’. Vocational education Journal, 67(5), 26-274. Kunkel, J. G. & Shafer, W. E. (1997). Effects of student team learning in undergraduate auditing
Session 2330 Reflective Journals: An Assessment of a Vertically Integrated Design Team Project Francis S. Broadway Department of Curricular and Instructional Studies Edward A. Evans, H. Michael Cheung, Helen K. Qammar Department of Chemical Engineering Rex D. Ramsier Departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering The University of Akron Akron, Ohio 44325Abstract: The use of affective/associative reflective journals and skill
Session 1122 Engineering Faculty Teaching Styles and Attitudes toward Student-Centered and Technology-Enabled Teaching Strategies Malgorzata S. Zywno Ryerson UniversityAbstractThis paper presents results of a survey assessing learning preferences and teaching strategies ofengineering faculty. Of particular interest were questions pertaining to technologyimplementations and to professional development. The survey pointed to lack of interest ineducational activities and low use of innovative instructional methods and instructionaltechnologies
. Thus, each chatparticipant was recognized by name. During the chats, students often referred to each other byfirst name. This recognition created a very professional working environment for the onlinechats. Page 8.815.9 “Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education” The format of the chats consisted of a student(s) posting a specific question to the group.Other members of the class were then free to jump in and offer the student help and advice. If astudent(s) fell off course in the discussion, the
generation for the courses taught. At student level, he or she isto answer the necessary course-exit surveys or to view any course-exit survey information.Following subsections describe the flow of actions pertain to this web-based survey starting fromthe beginning of the semester.Faculty Site:In the beginning of each semester, the Chair sends out a general email to remind faculty to setuptheir course information for the survey. The system enforces a limited time-period for enteringcourse information, typically three-weeks. The email includes the URL of the site and generalinstructions the faculty might need to setup their course(s). Faculty members can access the siteusing their university ID and password. There is no difference from the way of
the needs, for all key processes, and then § Develop a comprehensive object oriented system model. § Create a pilot system, a prototype that you can realistically implement, validate, refine, then § Create the full system as specified by your customer(s)/ sponsor(s) and then § Validate/ test, support, maintain and educate all parties involved. Page 8.761.3Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education. § In more detail, the process by which you can achieve the above outlined and expected
Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2003, American Society for Engineering Education Table 3: Program specific average grades for REU and control groups in Spring 2001 Control REU Mean 2.63877 3.22483 SD 1.06167 0.84292 SEM 0.10361 0.24333 N 105 15Table 4 analyzes student s’ overall academic performance by Spring-2001. Student t-testshowed statistically significant difference in performance between REU students and controlgroup (t = 1.9659, df = 118 standard error of
Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Educationthe 1950’s and 1960’s. Only with the advent of spaceflight in the 1960’s and 1970’s were manyaeronautical departments encouraged to incorporate other domains into their learning objectivesand course offerings. Today’s situation in aerospace engineering shows a heterogeneous mix ofapplications. Commercial airliners use GPS satellites for navigation. High altitude balloons areused for monitoring and studying layers of the upper atmosphere. Unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) transmit high bandwidth imagery and telemetry data via communications satellites backto the ground
projects or understanding design processes. Igniter Phrases Learn to use phrases that will create a positive environment to support the team’s activities. Ø Tasks • Team brainstorms for “igniter phrases. ” • Identify at least 20 “igniter phrases. ” Ø Deliverables • Team reporter presents orally: • Number of “igniter phrases ” identified • Most effective phrase to help create a positive t eam environment. Ø Criteria for Success • Team members listen and build upon each other ’s comments • Class begins to understand how pos itive communication can affect team performance • The class’s culture shifts towards positiv ism and support Ø
understanding for the assignment and its outcomes.Components that Facilitate UsageThe CPR™ system contains several components that facilitate both usage and learning. Though Page 8.745.3the multiple features make the system seem complex, following a typical session pathProceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ©2003, American Society for Engineering Educationdemonstrates both CPR™’s power and its ease-of-use. Figure 1 – a conceptual overview –guides the discussion for the features and
Session 1522 The Fuel Cell – An Ideal Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Experiment Jung-Chou Lin, H. Russel Kunz, James M. Fenton, Suzanne S. Fenton University of ConnecticutAbstractFuel cell based experiments embody principles in electrochemistry, thermodynamics, kineticsand transport and are ideally suited for the chemical engineering curricula. Experiments using ahydrogen proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell have been developed for the chemicalengineering undergraduate laboratory. The experiments allow students to study the principles offuel cell
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functions produced by those activities. For example, one cognitivepsychology approach to learning suggests students must learn production rule s through extensivestudy and practice.28 Another approach called constructivism suggests students must constructtheir own cognitive meaning by constructing physical artifacts.29 The structure of these levels ofabstraction is not intended to favor one approach over the other, but to accommodate anyapproach that is selected as the most appropriate for the desired learning.Elements at each level of abstraction are related to elements in higher and lower levels ofabstraction by means-ends relationships. Related elements at higher levels of abstractionidentify why an element is in the system, while related
. Human-Machine / Automation Information Systems - Automated Assem bly and Systems - 102 Graham Hall 416 McNair Hall Packaging Systems - Development of human-machine interface Database modeling and design, database 104 Graham Hall for manufacturing line s and information admi nistration and security, rapid system s, automat io n tool s such as PLCs. applica tion development, Web Flexibl e manu facturing systems
Page 8.8.7 Copyright 2003, American Society for Engineering Educationprimary audience since they decided what proposals had merit and how to proceed towardtheir final design. Sometimes the final design was the one proposed, had parts fromdifferent proposals, or was a new design altogether. Because they were the decision-makers, the other students in the lab were the primary audience. However, for the finaldesign report, the clients were definitely the primary audience because they would decidethe merits of the design and future directions. Regarding purpose, most of the writing assignments were designed to persuade. Inthe proposal, students tried to persuade peers that their design would solve their clients’problem/s
Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education • Nature of a Business Plan: intended to promote investment in an enterprise with the expectation of providing revenue or other considerations at some specified time(s) with profitability as its goal. • Investor role: provide assets enabling the enterprise to develop a product or service. • Role of the Directors: agree to share ownership; provide a revenue stream to the investor. • Organization of the Business Plan: Executive Summary; Description of the business; Description and use of the technology; Market analysis and forecasts; Financial plan; Management
composites for hulls, decks, risers and otherprimary structure, and the automotive industry uses composites to fabricate body panels, springsand drive shafts. The civil engineering community uses glass and carbon reinforced plastics inthe repair of aging bridges, piers, columns and other structures vital to the nation's infrastructureand economy. Exposure to the mechanics of composite materials and structures is usually reserved forthe graduate student. However, many undergraduate institutions find the need to provide theirstudents with experience with these advanced materials and have crafted courses to do so. Thisdescribes the motivation at the United States Naval Academy (USNA). For the same reasons asother industries, the U. S. Navy is