-solving, and sustainability and resiliency. Theproject seeks to foster interdisciplinary problem-solving skills involving architects, engineers andconstruction managers, in order to better prepare them to face and provide solutions to minimizethe impact of extreme natural environment events on infrastructure.The new curriculum stresses on problem-settings, the role that participants have on defining thecharacteristics of the problems that have to be solved, learning in action, reflecting on theprocess, and communication between the different stakeholders. This multisite andinterdisciplinary program provides students with the necessary support, knowledge, and skillsnecessary to design and build resilient and sustainable infrastructure. This
. Faculty interviewees were asked about theirprofessional experience, leadership perspectives, and personal instruction. The semi-structuredstudent interviews covered a range of topics including participants’ pathways to their engineeringmajor, the skills they expect to need for future success, their interactions with faculty, their out-of-class activities, and their perspectives on leadership. Most of the interview participants werenearing the end of their undergraduate education so they could reflect on their experience andimpending transition to industry. As a result, they had the benefit of hindsight, which offeredimportant implications for understanding the development of leadership self-efficacy throughoutthe college experience. Analysis of
Graduate Student in the Secondary Education Master’s of Education (MEd) program through the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services. Research interests include argumentation in science and engineering and the benefit they play in developing literacy in specific content areas. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Learning from Engineers to Develop a Model of Disciplinary Literacy in Engineering (Year 3)Project OverviewTo broaden participation in engineering and improve the accessibility of high quality curricularmaterials that reflect the authentic nature of the engineering discipline, new approaches toteaching engineering at the K-12 and
.The random forest classifier also introduces a relatively low computational cost in training. Thus,as new data is gathered, the model can be easily iterated upon to reflect the new data. If newfeatures are found during testing, the model can also be quickly updated to reflect those newfeatures. The random forest classifier then provides a flexible model that can be rapidly retrainedto reflect new observations or new data.Social-Cognitive-Theory-Based Support IntegrationAn independent educational game environment has disadvantages compared to instructorinteraction 28 . Students on the very low end of the content knowledge spectrum might find itimpossible to make any progress at all within the game. To remedy this, the student learningsupports
disciplinary cultures of the ECE and BME departments impact the effectiveness of thedesign thinking process.Analysis of the post-design session interviews revealed the impact that the disciplinary andorganizational cultures of both ECE and BME impacted (1) the effectiveness of design thinkingtoward culture change, and (2) the space in which change occurred (e.g., individual versussystemic levels). Reflecting a more limited design culture within the school, the stakeholders inthe ECE design sessions recognized and acknowledged limitations in their ability to make large-scale change within ECE. As such, prototypes developed by ECE stakeholders from the designthinking sessions addressed interactional and day-to-day issues that faculty, staff, and
industrial setting.Progress of the Ongoing TasksExecution of a Service Learning Project Course (ENGR 294). In Fall 2019, Cohort I Scholarsattended a Service Learning Project (SLP) course which was implemented for the first time at theUniversity. This course creates an opportunity for students to engage with their local communityand provides students with a sense of pride and belonging through their efforts. Following theservice learning model, the course also has a reflection component to allow Scholars to deeplyconnect with themselves and the community. During the last session of the course, Scholarspresented a summary of their service learning project proposals to their fellow Scholars, peers, andfaculty. Cohort I Scholars will continue to work on
foundation for additionalqualitative exploration.Data Collection, Analysis, and AdaptationsAll survey data was collected through a digital instrument using Qualtrics software. Survey datawas primarily information on attitudinal shifts using quantitative Likert-type scaling. The surveyalso included some open-ended questions identifying new areas for exploration; additionalqualitative data was collected through regular reflections during the internship and semi-structured interviews at the end of the internship. Researchers used SPSS software forquantitative data analysis of the survey information. Qualitative data was coded both manuallyand using NVivo software. Protocols for research were approved by the Institutional ReviewBoard (IRB) at the
prospectsfor each sub-workforce can vary significantly” [7, p.1], which necessitates a closer examinationof individual sub-workforces of interest.Within civil engineering, the accelerated rate of technological development, the declining stateof national infrastructure, and the degradation of the environment present new challenges tocurrent and future generations of workers. Civil engineers must respond to growing populationsin urban areas, intensifying natural disasters, and increasing calls for sustainability [9]. Work atthe intersection of human health, environmental protection, and built environment entailsresponsibilities that continue to broaden and these changes in practice need to be reflected incurricula. The American Society of Civil
and satisfaction, and intent to persist. To help accomplish this goal, wehave revised the Decision-Making Competency Inventory (DMCI) [4], [5] from its originalsingle scale by adding items that allow it to map more directly to the components of Byrnes’sSelf-Regulation Model of Decision Making [4]. The first revision included three factors –Generation and Evaluation, Impulsive / Lack of Process, and Reflection [6]. A second revision,which included an additional four items expected to load onto the Reflection factor, resulted infour factors – Learning (previously Reflection, with three of the new items), Avoidance,Information Gathering, and Impulsivity [7]. In this paper, we will also discuss new findingsbetween the DMCI and major changes as
development inyouth is the degree to which one has explored and committed to a vocation we posit thatachieving an engineering identity includes: crisis—i.e., a time when one’s values and choices arebeing examined and reevaluated, and commitment—when the outcome of a crisis leads to acommitment made to becoming an engineer. This time, of crisis and commitment occurs foryouth during their middle and high school years. Engineering Identity scores reflect the extent towhich a student self-identifies as an engineer. Students provided responses to 15 items, using a5-point Likert-type scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree; lower scores indicatehigher engineering identities. Doing Engineering scores showcase a student’s prior experiencewith
appropriate.Expert problem solvers view a problem from a conceptual perspective and are able to identifypatterns of information in the problem that novices are unable. Experts have a great deal ofcontent knowledge and are capable of retrieving information from memory with little attentionaleffort. They organize the information based on core concepts and their thinking reflects a deepunderstanding of the subject. Experts also show a flexible approach to solving new problems [4].Contrarily, novice problem solvers tend to see problem solving as memorizing, recalling andmanipulating equations to find an answer. Novice problem solvers tend to observe problems interms of numbers and calculations, like a series of isolated information and equations relevant tothe
experience delivering maker programs. In the current project, wedeveloped three variations of a maker educator training program based on a successful makercurriculum that has been developed and refined over 5 years. We deployed the program in threeparticipating sites where educators and administrators learned to set up a maker learning spaceand deliver the curriculum to youth. Through interviews, program observations and call-in focusgroups with the educators and administrators, we found participants preferred hybrid trainingmodels that combined in-person training and space setup with online resources that could beaccessed any time. The participants also enjoyed having a curriculum to start with and expressedinterest in customizing it to reflect
program added a training session focusing on various aspects of intersectionality as it relates to individual’s social identities, and how mentors can use these knowledge to better interact with mentees. The Fall 19 training session began with a warm-up activity where participants were asked to map out their social identities (e.g. race, age, gender, language, etc.) and reflect on how their most salient social identities may influence how their students/mentees may perceive them, and how they may present themselves. This warm-up activity included asking the participants (mentors), to reflect about their own experiences in interacting with their mentors while they were navigating their higher education experience, and to
the design, delivery,reflection, and subsequent redesign of the program to meet the needs of middle school students.Major observations from the middle school program will be presented, along with key programcomponents. It was found that: students with ADHD benefit from a personalized learningenvironment that is centered around student interests and features flexibility and choice; thatinteractions with role models and mentors with ADHD in the context of engineering canencourage students to consider engineering as a career path; and that roundtable discussionshelped to build relationships between participants. A comparison of the middle and high schoolprograms indicates that the age in which the students were introduced to a strength
often focused on hiring students in those strongresearch-based R1 programs.The future of any educational institution depends on the quality of its educational programs andclear pathways to future professional careers for its students. In the past decade, the engineeringdisciplines in general, and ECE in particular, have been experiencing huge transformations withfast-emerging new disciplinary areas. New technology areas range from quantum computing tomachine learning, cyber-physical systems, internet of things (IOT), industrial internet of things(IIOT), etc. It is becoming a challenge for small educational institutions such as some IECmembers to reflect new technology areas in their educational offerings, as well as take advantageof new trends
(Davishahl et al., 2019).In addition to ConcepTests and CIs, more extensive Instructional Tools are available to helpstudents develop conceptual understanding. These include reflection activities (Koretsky, et al.,2016a) as well as activities pedagogically tailored to conceptual understanding such asInteractive Virtual Laboratories (Bowen et al., 2014) and Inquiry Based Activities (Prince et al.,2015; Self et al., 2016). Figure 2 shows an example of a simulation developed during this projectthat forms the basis of part an Inquiry Based Activity in dynamics.Figure 1. Screenshot of the Student Interface of a ConcepTest for Engineering Dynamics. Theinstructor has the option to request written explanations and confidence when assigning
assessing student effectiveness during each phase of student development[8], [10]. While these models reflect best practices in team development and consider ways tocreate diverse teams that support underrepresented students, they have not adjusted theirpractices to measure the ways students are or are not making engineering environments moreinclusive. This focus is especially vital as ABET has made explicit changes to its criteria thatmake creating an inclusive teaming environment an essential skill for engineers [12]. In responseto these calls for change, research has begun to understand how engineering teaming experiencescan be more inclusive [13]-[22].Adding to this literature, our research examines how students interact in diverse teams to
means to identify FoI in both child and adult populations.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Research in theFormation of Engineers program under Grant Number EEC- 1916673. Any opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] Esteban-Guitart, M. & Moll, L. C. (2014). Funds of identity: A new concept based on funds of knowledge approach. Culture & Psychology, 20(1), 31-48.[2] Moll, L. C., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & Gonzalez, N. (1992). Funds of knowledge for teaching: Using a qualitative approach to connect homes and
the additive innovation cycle. Participants were selected to create a coherentcommunity of uniform rank and shared perspective on the importance of teaching. Data werecollected from each participant in multiple forms: teaching artifacts they created, surveys,reflective interviews, and videos of stories about the experience. Details about each stage of theadditive innovation cycle, including collected data, are provided in [3].Overview of case study researchCharacteristics and advantages of case study researchCase study research has been used ubiquitously in psychology [9], sociology [10], politicalscience [11], social work [12], business [13], and community planning [14]. Case study researchis suitable when research questions ask about the
collaborative relationship with theEngineering Ambassadors Network and located other engineering ambassador programs aroundthe country that focus on broadening the participation of underserved groups in engineering.Fifty stakeholders participated in 30-45 minute interviews.Phase Two: Research Agenda Meeting (March 2019 – August 2019)During this phase, the steering committee is co-planning the research agenda meeting informedby the initial interview findings. The meeting will take place in September 2019.Phase Three: Research Agenda Proposal (September 2019 – March 2020)During this phase, we will create an iterative process of synthesis which allows for stakeholdersto reflect on, respond to, and otherwise inform the findings of the proposal writing
onmany different levels. Active learning and other evidence-based learning strategies promote adeeper understanding of complex material because students are forced to think about the materialand apply fresh concepts to new situations [1]-[4]. Hands-on learning is a particular form ofactive learning where students engage in a topic in several different ways including sight, sound,and tactile sensory input [5]-[8]. While engaging multiple senses, students can interact with otherstudents and reflect on how their understanding of some topic can be used to explain a particularphenomenon. When the hands-on experiences are well-designed, students can go beyond thelecture material and observe how theory is manifested in the real world. Unfortunately
program,curriculum, and course content alterations to assure the creation of technicians that will meet thedemands of this new work environment in the advanced technologies.Skilled technician preparation in the United States today is a broadband system that creates aworkforce with the expected characteristics specific to the technology to be serviced.Classically, these technicians are characterized by overarching labels (hydraulics, pneumatics,electronics, mechanics, computer technology) that reflect previous waves of new technologyflooding the workplace. These skill sets are still required of tomorrow’s technician with theaddition insertion of the “digital” age contributions (data knowledge and analysis, advanceddigital literacy, and to some
also reported that they wanted to see more time in the professionaldevelopment course focused on the professional side of engineering and integrating theseprofessional skills and reflections with the industry trips.Program feedback from the eighteen scholarship recipients in 2017 led to significant changes inthe professional development course in 2018. We selected industry trips with the mostengineering emphasis, increased emphasis on professional identity development, replacedLandis’ Studying Engineering [2] content with career development topics guided byCliftonStrengths assessment [3], added a hands-on team-building activity, increased mentoringopportunities between the project faculty and students, and increased integration of the
experiences was collected from intervention students and shadowed employees aftereach experience using a Qualtrics (online survey tool) questionnaire. Intervention students wereasked to list the activities they completed during shadowing. Common tasks (company tour,hands-on experience, reflection with co-op) were provided in a selection list and students couldinclude details about additional activities in an open-ended text box. Students were asked to ratehow they felt about the shadowing experience and how they felt about their interactions withtheir mentor (the shadowed employee). A text box was also provided for them to share othercomments about the shadowing experience.Shadowed employees were asked to list the activities completed during
%)represented at the workshop. The gender statistics reflect the gender breakdown at 2-yearcolleges generally.2018 Workshop evaluationA Post-Workshop survey was developed using the workshop survey instrument createdfor the prior PSE-2YC project and was administered immediately after the workshop tocollect faculty feedback on four different aspects of the workshop: ParticipantBackground and Attitude, Pre-workshop Preparation, Workshop Content (materials,presentations and other activities), and Workshop Outcomes. Participants were asked torate (from 1 to 5) various aspects of the workshop. The specific descriptive ratings thatcorrespond to the numeric ratings for each question are shown in the table.Participants rated the workshop, materials, and
think they are smart enough to be an engineer or not). To help the research teamnavigate this complex issue during the interviews, we added several follow-up questions to theinterview protocol (e.g., Earlier you said you believe “xxx” about your own smartness and “xxx’about you as an engineer (or engineering students); how are these two things related?).Furthermore, it seemed difficult for some of the participants to reflect upon and articulate howthey identify with engineering since as first-year students, they may in the very earliest stages oftheir engineering identity development. Further, some of the participants had yet to pick anengineering discipline, which is related to engineering identity. Therefore, we also added severalfollow-up
, pp. 28-49, 1986.[11] C. B. Zoltowski, W. C. Oakes, and M. E. Cardella, “Students' ways of experiencing human-centered design,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 28-59, Jan. 2013.[12] E. Dringenberg, J. A. Mendoza-Garcia, M. Tafur-Arciniegas, N. D Fila, and M.-C. Hsu, “Using phenomenography: Reflections on key considerations for making methodological decisions” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2015, Seattle, WA, USA. [Online]. Available: https://peer.asee.org/using- phenomenography-reflections-on-key-considerations-for-making-methodological- decisions[13] N. D. Fila and Ş Purzer, “Work in progress: A preliminary investigation of the
? concepts? learning new ways to get computers to do what you want? Identity Please select In general, being an In general, being a computer the best engineer is an important science student is an important answer on a part of my self-image. part of my self-image. scale from 1 Being an engineer is an Being a computer science to 7 (anchors important reflection of who student is an important in
2012, S-STEM projects were required to dedicate 85% of budgets to scholarships.Starting in 2012, the NSF solicitation changed to allow increased expenditures for programmatic,evaluation and knowledge generation efforts. S-STEM teams are challenged to implementprograms that reflect best practices and generate evidence regarding successful interventions.1.2 Institutional ContextAugsburg University is a private Lutheran institution with an enrollment of about 3,000 students,approximately two thirds of whom are undergraduates. Founded in 1869, Augsburg has a strongcommitment to providing broad access to a quality education and supporting students fromdiverse backgrounds. As of Fall 2019, 45% of the full-time undergraduates were students ofcolor
on research [18] [19] [20].Women also are more likely to use student-centered teachingpractices [21] [22]. Moreover, women show greater commitment to community service in theirfaculty roles [23] and are more likely to pursue service as scholarship [24] [25] [26]. Park notesthat some responses to this gendered division of labor problematize women [17]. For example,women are often advised to become better at saying no to service requests in order to prioritizeresearch. She argues that such advice reflects sexist attitudes pervasive in our society thatundervalue nurturing tasks (child rearing, teaching, advising, mentoring) and communal servicetasks (departmental and institutional service) often undertaken by females. Moreover, Parkargues that