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Paper ID #29057The Design and Impact of a Combined Makerspace, Wet Lab, andInstructional Design Studio for Chemical Engineering CurriculumProf. Anthony Butterfield, University of Utah Anthony Butterfield is an Associate Professor (Lecturer) in the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Utah. He received his B. S. and Ph. D. from the University of Utah and a M. S. from the University of California, San Diego. His teaching responsibilities include the senior unit operations laboratory, capstone laboratory, first year design laboratory, and the introduction to chemical engineering. His research interests focus
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apair of dilemmas include Dilemma 2 does the pair have a highly significant relationship; anyother compared pairs were found to be not significant. This result shows that there weresignificantly more Can’t Decide responses to Dilemma 2 as opposed to Option A or B responseswhen compared to other dilemmas in the EPSRI. When seeking to explain why this takes place,we can look at a summary of Dilemma 2’s prompt for insight: The second dilemma in the EPSRI places the students into the position of a plant engineer at a chemical company in the suburbs of a major city. There’s a severe hurricane heading towards the plant, and if the plant floods, there is the possibility of extreme hazardous events such as an explosion. It is
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theiracademic unit but not in their discipline, and “Comparable” to faculty in other departments intheir College.Finally, participants were asked to rate the following possible impediments on their likelihood ofinfluencing the tenure process: • Teaching load requirements, • Expectation of peer-reviewed journal publications, • Service expectations, • Availability of funds for research in their fields • Appreciation for area of research by tenure review committee(s) • Competition within department for funds, • Availability of Teaching Assistants (TA) to assist with grading, • Availability of students to employ as researchers, • Quality of students to employ as researchers, • Availability of faculty mentoring
, there may be a trend to more flexibility in first-yearrequirements with more elective or optional courses. A possible reason could be to betteraccommodate transfer students (author’s speculation, not something expressed in survey results).AcknowledgmentsWe wish to thank all of the faculty who took the time to complete our survey and the reviewersfor their suggestions.References[1] D. Silverstein, M. Vigeant, D. Visco and D. Woods, "How We Teach: Freshman Introduction to Chemical Engineering," in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, KY, 2010.[2] L. P. Ford and M. A. S. Vigeant, "How We Teach: First Year Students Survey Results," in AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2019.[3] American
professor of Chemical Engineering at West Vir- ginia University (WVU) in January 2013. He is now Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering since August, 2019. His research group at WVU focuses on the development and implementation of process systems engineering methods for process design and intensification, advanced control and state estima- tion, modular energy systems and sustainability. He received his B.S. degree from the University of S˜ao Paulo in 2003 and his Ph.D. from Tufts University in 2007, both in Chemical Engineering. Upon comple- tion of his Ph.D., he was a research associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a postdoctoral associate at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Lima has served as the
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students having a broader technical base onwhich to draw for problem solving. Some students’ reported that they engaged with studentsfrom a major other than their own in classes where the faculty member said all class enrollmentwas from a single major. We believe students’ broader interpretation of Table 1’s“interdisciplinarity” comes from their actions outside of class - for example, consulting withfriends in other majors about the project, or being assigned to “talk to X potential customers”.Faculty may therefore realize some of the benefits of an interdisciplinary course even when theircourse is restricted to a single major by encouraging or assigning students to interact morebroadly on an assignment.Class atmosphere and student learning both
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discussed with any of the groups but isa possibility for further consideration. In order to determine if the outcomes of this project are reproducible, a version of thisproject will be introduced into Northeastern ’s fluid mechanics course in an upcoming semester.In order to better analyze the student’s self-reported enjoyment and improvement, a 4-point Likertscale will be used on the end-of-semester surveys to more accurately assess and quantify studentresponses. An ANNOVA analysis will also be utilized for better comparison between semesters.References(1) Vreman-de Olde, G.C., de Jong, T., Gijlers, H. Educational Technology & Society, 2013, 16(4),47-58.(2) Leeder, D. Education Media International, 2000, 37(4), 219–224.(3) Cherrett, T
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elastic modulus. On a morefundamental level the elastic modulus is proportional to the change in free energy G ofdeformation. Hence, Young’s Modulus ~ (dG/dl) = (dH/dl) – T(dS/dl)where l denotes the length of the sample, T is the (absolute) temperature and H and S refer toenthalpy and entropy, respectively [5]. If Young’s modulus is determined by the cohesive energydensity of materials then the effect of entropic forces can be neglected and thus Young’s Modulus~ (dH/dl). Metals and ceramics are thus also called ‘enthalpy elastic’.Rubbers, defined as weakly crosslinked amorphous polymers above the glass transitiontemperature, defy this trend. Rubbers are an important class of polymer materials that are widelyused for their
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the students when they were presented again this senior designcourse. Utilizing such materials not only reinforces these principles and skills but also providesstudents with a bigger picture of their major & curriculum and connects their earlier courses withthis, one of their last required core courses.It has been suggested in the literature that providing the students with more control over theirproject (e.g., brainstorming the project topic(s) or defining their goals) is a best practice, both togenerate and encourage student motivation and enthusiasm about the project as well as toimprove student perceptions of the course as a whole [8], [9]. Nevertheless, for this single-semester course, it is essential to have clearly defined projects