and e-Learning.Ivan Sopin, Armstrong Atlantic State University Ivan V. Sopin has received a B. S. in Computer Science from Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA, where he continues his studies as a graduated student. Ivan’s research interests deal with investigating new interaction models for 3D Web interfaces in application to medical and engineering education.Carlos Sanchez, Armstrong Atlantic State University Carlos Sanchez is an undergraduate student at Armstrong Atlantic State University, and is working on obtaining his B.S. in mechanical engineering. His current areas of interest are robotics and aerospace applications. He hopes to pursue a graduate degree in mechanical
has been offered nine times since 2004, but this was the first time such an open-endedfinal project has been used. Anecdotally, the authors observed an obvious increase in excitementand enjoyment on the part of the students due to this project. We plan to continue to use suchprojects in the future.References [1] C. S. Burrus, “Teaching filter design using M ATLAB,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Con- ference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 20–30, Apr. 1993. [2] R. F. Kubichek, “Using M ATLAB in a speech and signal processing class,” in Proceedings of the 1994 ASEE Annual Conference, pp. 1207–1210, June 1994. [3] R. G. Jacquot, J. C. Hamann, J. W. Pierre, and R. F. Kubichek, “Teaching digital filter design
Structures, McGraw Hill, 1953.7. Ugural, A.C., Fenster, S.K., Advanced Strength and Applied Elasticity, Elsevier, 1975.8. Wang, C.T., Applied Elasticity, McGraw Hill, 1953.9. Timoshenko, S. Goodier, J.N., Theory of Elasticity, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1934.10. Timoshenko, S. Gere, M.G., Theory of Elastic Stability, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1961.11. Timoshenko, S., Woinowsky-Krieger, S., Theory of Plates and Shells, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1959.12. Jones, R.M., Mechanics of Composite Materials, McGraw-Hill, 1975.13. Logan, D.L, A First Course in the Finite Element Method, Fifth Edition, Cengage Learning, 2016.14. Cook, R.D., Malkus, D.S., Plesha, M.E., Witt, R.J., Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Fourth Edition
[14]. Code-level hardening is also employed tomake it difficult for attackers from easily discovering vulnerabilities in the code, as well as to protectthe program owner’s intellectual property [15].Hardening can also refer to practices that make the original source code of an application moredifficult to understand. This is generally defined as code obfuscation. The practice of codeobfuscation in modern software engineering dates back to the 1980’s, with small competitions heldto transform simple C code into confusing, abstract puzzles difficult for humans to parse andunderstand [16].Since the 1980’s, literature on code-level obfuscation has been consistent but generally sparse. Thisfield of research is relatively small, with no more than
some of thefields defined by LOM (Learning Object Metadata) [8] and add new fields that are specificallyrelated to online laboratories such as: title, type_of_lab a, activity(s), among others. Table 1presents the data that the professor who creates it gives us so the system can classify it in one ofthe galleries. Field Name Field data Description Mandatory / type Optional title String Unique title for the lab Mandatory purpose String Description of the purpose of the lab Optional topic(s) String[] Topics covered in
feasible and would be accepted by the students.References[1] A. Jones, “Evaluation of Canvas-Based Online Homework for Engineering,” presented at the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017.[2] A. Striegel, “Distance education and its impact on computer engineering laboratories,” in Frontiers in Education Conference, 2001. 31st Annual, 2001, vol. 2, p. F2D–4.[3] S. H. Johnson, W. L. Luyben, and D. L. Talhelm, “Undergraduate interdisciplinary controls laboratory,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 133–136, 1995.[4] D. J. Olinger and J. C. Hermanson, “Integrated Thermal-Fluid Experiments in WPI’s Discovery Classroom,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 239–243, 2002.[5] A. M. Okamura, R. Christopher, and M. R. Cutkosky
) Informingstudents of the excellent educational opportunities at the University of Wyoming have beenachieved.AcknowledgementsThis educational project was funded by the John P. Ellbogen Foundation via the College ofEngineering and Applied Science’s Engineering’s Next Generation Program. We especiallythank Mary Ellbogen Garland, President and Chair of the Foundation. References1. Summer High School Institute, S.F. Barrett, “Arduino Microcontroller – Processing for Everyone” Morgan-Claypool Publishers, 515 pages, third edition, 2013, ISBN: 978162705253.3. I. Verner, S. Waks, and E. Kolberg, “Upgrading Technology Towards the Status of a High School Matriculation Subject: A Case Study,” Journal of
6. REFERENCES[1] T. B. Welch, C. H. G. Wright, and M. G. Morrow, “Experiences in Offering A DSP-based Communication Laboratory,” Digital Signal Proc. Workshop, 2004 and the 3rd IEEE Sig. Proc. Education Workshop, pp. 68-72, Aug 2004[2] W.-S. Gan, “Teaching and Learning the Hows and Whys of Real-Time Digital Signal Processing,” IEEE Trans. on Educ., vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 336-343, Nov. 2002[3] M. D. Galanis, A. Papazacharias, and E. Zigouris, “A DSP Course for Real-Time Systems Design and Implementation Based on the TMS320C6211 DSK,” 14th International Conf. On Dig. Sig. Proc., vol. 2, pp. 853-856, July 2002[4] S. L. Wood, G. C. Orsak, J. R. Treichler, D. C. Munson, S. C. Douglas, R. Athale, and M. A. Yoder, “DSP
Mult. Choice on line Mult. Choice paper Average Score 67%, s=11.5 69%, s=8.5 While a few students did dramatically improve or lower their test 1 score whengiven the re-test on paper, the average score did not see a significant change. Overall theslight increase in average score is consistent with the expected average increase if eachstudent were instead offered another online attempt. The clear conclusion fromexamining the average scores and the standard deviations (s) is that little, if any, testingbias is introduced by offering the test online versus the more traditional paper/opscanmethod. Comparable time limits were place upon both paper and online test
prototype along withlessons learned may be passed on to follow on teams in the development of refined prototypes.We highly encourage faculty members to employ this approach in developing new labware andcourseware. All material discussed in this paper is available from the corresponding author.AcknowledgmentsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the Hewlett Foundation for their sponsorship of the EWSI-UW Curriculum Improvement Grants that sponsored this project. References (student co-authors listed in bold)1. “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs – Effective for Evaluations During the 2011-2012 Accreditation Cycle.” ABET, Inc. October 30, 2010.2. S. F. Barrett and C.H.G. Wright, “For Students By Students
-simulations have been integrated in the teaching of courseELEG4223 “Photonic and Electronic Materials and Devices”. The student survey results arepresented in the paper. Students’ responses show that they believe that the VR simulations arevery helpful in increasing their understanding of nanotechnology.1. IntroductionThe fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology have rapidly developed and received enormousamount of attention in recent decades1. The U.S. has long been playing the leadership role inresearch and development of emerging nanotechnologies. To maintain its technological andeconomic leadership, there are emerging needs for U. S educators to change and enhance theinfrastructure for nanotechnology education2. Rapid development in
Engineering Education, 34(1), 26-39. 5. Stern, F., Xing, T., Muste, M., Yarbrough, D., Rothmayer, A., Rajagopalan, G., Caughey, D., Bhaskaran, R., Smith, S., and Hutchings, B. (2006). "Integration of simulation technology into undergraduate engineering courses and laboratories." International Journal of Learning Technology, 2(1), 28-48. 6. Busch-Vishniac, I., Kibler, T., Campbell, P. B., Patterson, E., Guillaume, D., Jarosz, J., Chassapis, C., Emery, A., Ellis, G., Whitworth, H., Metz, S., Brainard, S., and Ray, P. (2011). "Deconstructing Engineering Education Programmes: The DEEP Project to reform the mechanical engineering curriculum." European Journal of Engineering Education, 36(3), 269-283. 7. Cheah, C., Chen
first-year students programmingcurriculum. The Arduino Uno was the chosen microcontroller since the platform is excellent forteaching basic circuitry and programming, such as having easily accessible digital and analoginput/output ports.ENGR 111 uses a scaffolded set of lessons to introduce circuitry, programming an Arduino, andinterfacing between an Arduino and circuits. These lessons start with basic circuits usingbreadboards, basic components, and wires. Programming the Arduino is the next set of lessons,and these lessons focus on basic programming concepts and how to interact with the Arduino.Finally, there is a series of lessons that help the students create circuit(s) and program(s) thatinteract with each other.Although the ENGR 111
and the College ofDesign provided a 3-year contract for a shared faculty appointment and funds for travel,maintenance, and upgrades to the program with the the goal to be self-sustained and/or supportedin large part by external funds and grants.Session OverviewAs of June 2017, FLEx has delivered a total of 171 sessions both on campus and around the stateof Iowa (Figures 3 & 4). The number of sessions have continued to increase each year, with2017 poised to exceed 2016’s previously record total. Notable sessions and locations include theIowa State Fair, 4-H, Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE), Precollegiate Programs forTalented and Gifted, Upward Bound, and Science Bound.Sessions begin with a short 15-minute presentation on design
of 2014, the J. B. Speed School of Engineering (SSoE) at the University of Louisville(UofL) commenced an endeavor to renovate the school’s existing course(s) focused onintroducing first-year students to the profession and fundamentals of engineering, resulting in atwo-course sequence that all first-year SSoE students are required to take. The first component ofthis sequence, Engineering Methods, Tools, & Practice I (ENGR 110), is structurally analogousto the previously existing introductory course and is primarily focused on introduction to andpractice with fundamental engineering skills. The second component, Engineering Methods,Tools, and Practice II (ENGR 111), is a makerspace-based course primarily focused onapplication and
the Mathscript code generated by J-DSP for the design shown in Figure 5.The processing uses the Peak Picking block in J-DSP, which selects the highest components orfirst few components from the DFT coefficients based on the choice made. The reconstructedframes after peak picking can then be handled in LabVIEW to create output files with playbackfeatures. The model created in LabVIEW is illustrated in Figure 6. An assessment quiz was administered before (pre-quiz) and after (post-quiz) the hands-onlaboratory exercise. Some of the questions posed are itemized below:1. S is the frequency domain vector representation of the speech signal vector s. If S consists ofN components, which one of the following approaches, would result in better
-based demonstrations previously mentioned. This new board interconnects aTexas Instrument (TI) C6711 or C6713 DSP starter kit (DSK) to an Analog Devices (AD)quadrature modulator (AD9857). This modulator is capable of operating at up to 200 millionsamples per second (MS/s), with a resulting carrier or intermediate frequency of up to 80 MHz(i.e., 40% of the system’s sample frequency). An onboard 32-bit direct digital synthesizer (DDS)is used to generate the carrier waveform values. Baseband 14-bit in-phase and quadrature (I/Q)data are presented to the modulator, which can be programmed to interpolate the data at rates of4x to 252x. The AD9857 is interfaced to the DSK using an Altera Cyclone FPGA. The FPGAprovides queuing of the I/Q data, and the
, byte count, load address and record type. The recordformat also has a 2-character suffix containing a checksum7.There are six types of records for the Intel 32-bit Hexadecimal Object file. The recordtypes are 00 Data Record, 01 End Record, 02 Extended Segment Address Record, 03Start Segment Address Record, 04 Extended Linear Address Record, and 05 Start LinearAddress Record. 1. Data Record The data record which is record type 00 is the record that holds all of the data of the file. This record begins with a colon “:” followed by the count of the byte, the first byte of the address and the type of record “00”. After the data record type “00”, the data bytes follow. The checksum follows the data bytes and is 2’s
can be accessible to students, without any increase in complexity, leading to a veryeffective method to teach the programming fundamentals.Whereas the approach described above has been used on numerous occasions and inmany institutions, we believe that it has rarely been done in Matlab. Our experience with Page 11.1203.7using this method the past three years is very encouraging.References1. Brockman, J., Fuja, T. Batill, S., “A Multidisciplinary Course Sequence for First-Year EngineeringStudents,” 2002 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2002.2. McWilliams, L., Silliman, S., Pieronek, C. “Modifications to a Freshman
“marker” at the CM of the linkand plotting its velocity for a motion cycle. Here the specifications are that the driving jointimposes a constant angular velocity of 70 rpm (high crank speed) to the link driving themechanism. Students would be asked to confirm the value of the velocity at, for example, 1s byusing hand calculations. These can be obtained by calculating the velocity of the connectionsbetween the driving crank and the link (329.87 mm/s at 150.37 degrees) and between the linkand the lever (262.83 mm/s at 171.06 degrees – perpendicular to the lever). Then the angularvelocity of the link can be found (0.4161 clockwise) and the velocity of the CM can becalculated (magnitude: 291.53 mm/s). For the kinematic example (Figure 3) students
-Level Diagram.Mnemonic Encoding Operation NOP 0000 Do no operation. Takes 2's complement of the number in NEG 0001 the accumulator. Takes 1's complement of the number in NOT 0010 the accumulator. Rotates the accumulator data one bit to ROR 0011 the right (with wrap-around). Transfers the data from the accumulator OUT 0100 aaaa to the selected output port
∙ ∇)𝒖 = ∇ ∙ [−𝑝𝐈 + 𝜇(∇𝒖 + ∇𝒖𝑻 )] (1) where ρ is the density (kg/m3), u is the velocity (m/s), and µ is the viscosity (kg/m∙s). This fluid model was approximated as a steady-state flow with continuity equation ∇ ∙ 𝒖 = 0. No-slip boundary conditions were applied to surfaces except the inlet and outlet of the fluid chamber for the Navier Stokes model (𝒖 = 0). At the inlet of wind tunnel, a constant velocity was used and outlet pressure was set as zero gage pressure ( P=0). The simulation was repeated by varying the inlet velocity in the laminar flow region. (for external flow, Recr=500,000). Third, after COMSOL simulation is successfully done at various inlet velocities and students were assigned to analyze and calculate a
contribute to improving the creation of active learning environments in distributededucation. The data presented here represents a subset of a larger database that is still underanalysis. Also, future research is continuing to seek out models for objectively assessing thelearning impact of the Tablet PC implementation on students in DL courses.Bibliography1 J. D. Bransford, A. L. Brown, R. R. Cocking, M. S. Donovan, and J. W. Pellegrino, "How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School," Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2000.2 SMART Technologies, http://www.smarttech.com3 R. Anderson, C. Hoyer, S. A. Wolfman, and R. Anderson, "A study of digial ink in lecture presentation," Proceedings SIGCHI, vol. 6
, S. McCoid, T. Jenkins, and E. Livingston. Tackling engagement in computing with computational music remixing. in Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education. 2013. ACM.8. McCoid, S., J. Freeman, B. Magerko, C. Michaud, T. Jenkins, T. Mcklin, and H. Kan, EarSketch: An integrated approach to teaching introductory computer music. Organised Sound, 2013. 18(02): pp. 146-160.9. Winters, D., Virtuous and Vicious Cycles. The Social State?, 2003: pp. 43.10. Sharan, S. and I.G.C. Tan, Student engagement in learning. Organizing schools for productive learning, 2008: pp. 41-45.11. Haraldsson, H.V., Introduction to systems and causal loop diagrams. System Dynamic Course
Lifebook S761 with a 13,3 inch display and a1366x768 display resolution. The field of view was controlled with a mouse. Locomotion wascontrolled by WASD-keys, where W/S keys controlled forward and backward while A/D keyscontrolled left and right. The hardware usually results in a sitting body posture while using thedevice.Virtual Theatre. The Virtual Theatre is a mixed reality simulator which enables unrestrictedmovement through a virtual environment and therefore is used in an upright body posture.The user can move around within the environment by just walking in the desired direction.Therefore the control mode of locomotion is walking naturally. To track the movements of auser, the virtual theatre is equipped with 10 infrared cameras. They
/Accreditation_Documents/Current/eac-criteria-2012–2013.pdf[4] Zimmerman, Donald E., and Michael Palmquist. 1993. "Enhancing Electrical EngineeringStudents' Communication Skills." In Proceedings of the IEEE International ProfessionalCommunication Conference, Philadelphia, October 5-8: 428-31.[5] Fisher, E., Usrey, M. W., & Beaslq, H. A. (2003). OWL: A wise way to enhance engineering students’ writingskills. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, November 5-November 8.[6] Rohrbach, S. ; Ishizaki, S. ; Werner, N. ; Miller, J. ; Dzombak, D. (2013). Improving students' professionalcommunication skills through an integrated learning system. Professional Communication Conference (IPCC), 2013IEEE International[7] Werner, N. ; Ishizaki, S. ; Rohrbach, S
toolsthat are being developed to achieve project objectives, the work related to the development ofcase studies is described here. Historically, case studies have been as educational tools inbusiness, law and medicine but not so much in software engineering. The hypothesis is that casestudies would be effective educational tools to introduce real-world professional practices intothe classroom which would help the students in identifying and solving problems, and develop aperspective on knowledge application. In this paper we describe a set of V&V related case-studies that we have drawn from industry experiences and developed them as pedagogical tools.These case-studies cover several important topics in S/W V&V domain such as software
automatedassessment by increasing marking granularity and feedback units," ACM Technical Symposiumon Computer Science Education, pp. 9-14, 2014.[12] S. Findlay-Thompson and P. Mombourquette, "Evaluation of a Flipped Classroom in anUndergraduate Business Course," Business Education & Accreditation, v. 6 (1) p. 63-71, 2014.[13] M.B. Gilboy, S. Heinerichs, G. Pazzaglia, "Student Engagement Using the FlippedClassroom," Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47(1), 109–114, 2014.[14] M. Guzdial, "A Media Computation Course for Non-Majors," ITiCSE annual conference onInnovation and technology in computer science education, pp. 104-108, 2003.[15] D. Hendrix, L. Myneni, H. Narayanan, M. Ross, "Implementing studio-based learning inCS2," ACM
the influx and progression of K-12students through graduate school in programs that lead to computing careers. This material isbased in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant NumberCNS-0540492. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.Bibliography1. Fiegerman, S. (2010). The Dumbest States in America. Jan 21, 2010. Retrieved from Shahami, M. (2008). Overview of the New Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum. Stanford Research Institute,
ExecutionInitially, the set of functions (begin test, next question, previous question) needed to completethe assessment are listed. Next, the event(s) associated with each function are identified as shownin Table I. The two events that are monitored during this portion of the investigation are thelocation of left/right mouse clicks and keystrokes. If a key or combination of keys is used thatfalls within the list of needed keys to execute a function, the student is classified as being on-task. However, if a key or combination of keys is used that falls outside of the list of needed keysto execute a function, the student is classified as being off-task. Similarly, if the mouse is clickedat a location that falls within the list of needed clicks to execute a