for making a difference in their community and world or personalagency. Personal agency is a capability that every individual holds; it is described by Bandura asan individual’s beliefs about their capabilities to exercise control over events that affect their livesthrough purposeful and reflective actions. Agentic actions allow students to explore, maneuverand impact their environment for the achievement of a goal or set of goals. This study identifieshow cognitive processes of forethought, intention, reactivity, and reflection shape a students’agentic behavior and together influence first-generation college students’ goal of making adifference in their community through their engineering degree.Data for this study came from a large-scale
collection utilized the“think-aloud” technique. Twenty groups were assigned the project and three of those groupsparticipated in the “think-aloud.” The qualitative method entailed a detailed task analysis foreach group from which a task map was developed. Corresponding ratings for the quality of eachmajor task and the group’s tolerance for ambiguity during each session were assigned. Aqualitative analysis of the impact that social interactions had on key decision points wascompleted and the use of reflection tools was evaluated. Of the three groups, the highestperforming group demonstrated high quality ratings in each of the major experimental tasks:design, analysis and conclusions. They also exhibited an increasing tolerance for ambiguity asthe
the ASEE ECE Division, served as an as- sociate editor for the ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, and served on the IEEE Committee on Engineering Accreditation Activities, the IEEE Education Society Board of Governors, the ABET EAC (2009-2014), and EAC Executive Committee (2015-2018). Dr. Rover is a Fellow of the IEEE and of ASEE.Dr. Mani Mina, Iowa State University Mani Mina is with the department of Industrial Design and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student
for Engineering Education, 2006 Defining and Assessing the ABET Professional Skills Using ePortfolioWhile most engineering programs are confident developing specific criteria and assessment toolsfor the technical skills described in ABET Criterion 3a-k, the question of how to define, teachand assess the professional skills (teamwork, professional and ethical responsibility,communication, impact of engineering solutions, life-long learning, and contemporary issues)remains much more challenging. This paper describes concrete, assessable expectations thatconnect student work to professional skills, broken down by level and organized into ePortfolioassessment matrices that reflect recognized
AC 2011-1852: THE DIALECTICS OF GOAL SETTING AND MONITOR-ING: TWO STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES WITH PORTFOLIO CONSTRUC-TIONBrook Sattler, University of Washington Brook Sattler is a PhD student in Human Centered Design & Engineering. Her research interests include the design and use of critical reflection methods to support inclusive teaching practices, and intellectual development.Ashley Ann Thompson, University of Washington Ashley (Babcock) Thompson is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is a first year PhD student in the department of Human Centered Design and Engineering. Her research interests include the effects of interdisciplinary teams on engineering
interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education.Dr. David P. Crismond, City College of New York David P. Crismond is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at City College, City University of New York, 138th St. & Convent Ave. NAC 6/207b, New York, NY 10031; His research interests relate to engineering design cognition and instruction, and helping teachers build their own design pedagogical content knowledge, create their own video-based
theamount of diversity that can be displayed within the context of a single assignment. It isimportant to note that we are not analyzing the assignment solutions for correctness but onlylooking at the thinking and organizational strategies used at this time.2. Theoretical Foundations based in Writing to LearnLearning to program is a complex process that could benefit from Writing to Learn (WTL)strategies. The struggles of novice programmers is well documented [1]. A commonly citedfactor is “fragile knowledge,” which is knowledge that is incomplete and superficial [2].Students who effectively employ metacognitive strategies, such as reflection and self-assessment, are more likely to master the problem solving skills that are essential toprogramming
education, if we are to survive, is the facilitation of change and learning. The only man who is educated is the man who has learned how to learn; the man who has learned how to adapt and change; the man who has realized that no knowledge is secure, that only the 7 process of seeking knowledge gives a basis for security.”Education literature includes extensive discussion of the qualities and competencies of effectiveself-directed learners, and of student attitudes toward self-directed learning.8,9,10 For example,Candy describes self-directed learners as individuals who are curious, motivated, disciplined,reflective, analytical, persistent, responsible, flexible
education research through doctoral education programs; two developedengineering education knowledge and practices through exposure as part of our doctoral andpost-doctoral program work; and one of us developed the knowledge and practices while in afaculty position. In our new faculty positions, we represent both tenure and non-tenure trackroles and have positions that are within a range of programs.To examine the impact of institutional context on our agency, we selected and implementedaspects from both collaborative autoethnography and collaborative inquiry to study theexperiences of our research team [14, 15]. Throughout the first two years of our positions, wewrote weekly, monthly, pre-semester, and post-semester reflections to capture and make
of engineering designAbstractThis research paper describes the development of an assessment instrument for use with middleschool students that provides insight into students’ interpretive understanding by looking at earlyindicators of developing expertise in students’ responses to solution generation, reflection, andconcept demonstration tasks.We begin by detailing a synthetic assessment model that served as the theoretical basis forassessing specific thinking skills. We then describe our process of developing test items byworking with a Teacher Design Team (TDT) of instructors in our partner school system to setguidelines that would better orient the assessment in that context and working within theframework of standards and disciplinary
Sustainable Infrastructure (RISE-UP). Both projects are funded by NSF. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Work In Progress: Combining Strategies for Leadership Development of Engineering StudentsAbstractThis work in progress reports an intervention to develop leadership skills in engineeringundergraduate students. A methodology based on a cognitive apprentice framework wasimplemented, where coaching, Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL), cooperative learning,reflection, and self-assessment are combined to train peer leaders from different engineeringprograms. Students in the PLTL Peer Leaders initiative are low-income academically talentedstudents (LIATS) from a Hispanic
, for example byhaving them document and reflect on their learning experiences. Increasingly, electronicportfolios (e-portfolios) are gaining attention as a solid assessment tool as well as a pedagogicaltool. As a pedagogical tool, e-portfolios serve to communicate high expectations and supportlearner-centered instruction. We hypothesize that documentation of engineering design learningin an e-portfolio will enhance students’ learning.The empirical literature supports the belief that active learning supports student outcomes 3, 4. Page 13.537.2Students who are engaged in active learning are more likely to progress through stages ofacademic
. Rubrics that will be used to judge the quality of the presentations by guest speakers as well as students and to guide the reflections written on guest speakers and student presentations to help students learn to identify and judge entrepreneurial competencies. 4. A description and guidelines for playing and for writing reflections for the individual student online business game-which were transferred from the prior course. 5. A description and guidelines for participating as a team in the’$5.00 create a business game’ which is intended to help students integrate the content of the entire Principles course as well as focus on achieving the enduring understandings
including students, faculty, and other stake-holderssuch as employers, the tools used in the learning enterprise including traditional and moderntechnology tools, and the environment for learning. Using the framework presented, variablesassociated with the task, the players, the tools, and the environment can be visualized andanalyzed in 3-dimensional space using multidimensional scaling and neural network methods.One aspect of the framework, reflections from an engineering faculty member, is analyzed todemonstrate how strategic planning can be facilitated through assessment and analysis with theframework.1. Model for strategic assessment planningAdapted from the Task, Operator, Machine, Environment (TOME) framework from the humanfactors
instrumentation is to drive ongoing cycles of continuousimprovement in teaching with a focus on transforming student learning. Owing to theongoing, dynamic practices of reflective educators, pedagogy and plans iterativelyevolve. These changes in practice exist in a complex environment that has the potential toprofoundly impact students’ ability to engage with and internalize content. Given thisenvironment, instrumentation is deployed to collect data in a process of developmentalevaluation while proactively responding to student learning and development throughdisaggregated data. This work equips educators with information to support thedevelopment of prototypes and innovations that strive toward providing undergraduatestudents with authentic, deep, and
. James John Bale Jr., University of GeorgiaDr. Nicola W. Sochacka, University of Georgia Nicola W. Sochacka is the Associate Director of the Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) in the College of Engineering at the University of Georgia. Dr. Sochacka’s research interests span interpretive research methods, STEAM (STEM + Art) education, empathy, diversity, and reflection. She holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Epistemologies and a Bachelor of Environmental Engineering from the University of Queensland.Dr. Joachim Walther, University of Georgia Dr. Joachim Walther is an Associate Professor of engineering education research at the University of Georgia and the Founding Director of the Engineering Education
. Interviewparticipants were selected using a cross-case matching methodology based on their globalpreparedness measure scores (i.e., high vs low scorers). Twenty-five undergraduate engineeringstudents enrolled at the three collaborating universities were interviewed. Interview data wereholistically reviewed with an a priori coding schema based on the research objectives and thenre-coded according to the final coding schema by multiple research team members for inter-raterreliability purposes, and arbitrated where necessary.Differences in students’ reflections emerged based on the depth of their engagement with theculture and community in the host country in which they had participated in an internationalexperience. The results from this study broaden the
learning, reflective eportfolios, and professional development of graduate students related to teaching.Maria L. Macik, Texas A&M University Maria Macik is an associate instructional consultant at the Center for Teaching Excellence at Texas A&M University. She earned a B.S. degree in psychology and sociology from Texas A&M University, an M.S. degree in educational psychology, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in educational psychology at Texas A&M. Her research interests include: curriculum (re)design, creativity and innovation in higher education, and reflection and transformative learning.James Kaihatu, Texas A&M University Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University. Have
the various preferences and styles bywhich students learn. As such, the purpose of this paper is to present evidence on the effect offormative assessment design on student performance, and whether this effect varies by studentlearning style. The results from this study can be used by engineering educators to eitherdiversify or personalize their assessment style.This work is grounded in the Felder-Soloman learning style model, a model that was developedwithin engineering education and has been validated and widely used within the field. Thismodel categorizes learning styles along four distinct dimensions: perception (sensing versusintuitive), input (visual versus verbal), processing (active versus reflective), and understanding(sequential
students participate in an organized service activity that meets identified communityneeds and reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of coursecontent, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility."(Bringle & Hatcher, 1995). Many past studies (e.g. Eyler and Giles, 1999) have shown service-learning to result in positive outcomes in cognitive and affective measures for students as well asbenefits to the community, faculty, and institution.Different embodiments of service-learning have developed in engineering in recent years. Directplacements in the community are utilized in the first year programs, such as at Cornell andVirginia Tech, for example. More often
-LearningService-learning can be defined as a type of experiential education in which studentsparticipate in service in the community and reflect on their involvement in such a way asto gain further understanding of course content and of the discipline and its relationshipto social needs and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility7. The pedagogy of service-learning has four key characteristics. They are: service, the academic connection,reciprocal partnerships, and analysis or reflection8.Service - A central component of the service-learning experience involves serviceopportunities that meet the needs of the underserved in a community and/or contribute toprojects for the common good of the community. In engineering, service can take manyforms, from
reflection on their learning accessed their feedback more often thanthose who do not [6]. So it is hypothesized that students who do reflections will score higher onproposed factor 2 (timely review of feedback) than those that do not. Of the 1213 students, 226were enrolled in sections of the course that used structure-reflection [6]; 874 were enrolled insections that did no or minimal (e.g., minute paper) reflection. To test the hypothesis that thescores obtained for factors associated with timely review of feedback were higher for sectionsthat did reflection than those that did no or minimal reflection, a Kruskal-Wallis test and aWilcoxon Rank test were used. These two non-parametric tests were chosen over the parametrict-test due to the Likert
interviews were conducted to gain additional information regarding their problemsolving experience. To study the role of socio-political context in shaping engineering identity,this study is guided by the following research question: What Discourses shape students’problem solving practices and identities as engineers?MethodsTheoretical perspective guiding this researchThe methodology and data analysis were guided by a constructivist theoretical perspective. Itwas our intention to study engineering students’ individual meaning making processes and howstudents describe their existing and emerging identities as engineers. We viewed individuals asactive agents gaining knowledge about their social context through their reflections andexperiences with
or set of individuals collecting, handling, and analyzingdata14. Qualitative research acknowledges the role of the researcher as a filter: data arecollected, organized, and interpreted, and an attempt to reduce bias is unnecessary15.Qualitative researchers must confront the subjective nature of the researcher in connectionwith the process of research. Given that IPA acknowledges that this bias cannot be removedfrom any stage of the study, bias is a topic that cannot be ignored or delayed as it has animpact on validity throughout the research process. Therefore, reflecting upon anddocumenting the position of each researcher and how he or she approaches the data is anintegral part of the interpretive paradigm16 and of IPA9
of the six-week summer experience and serve as the source of data for this study,which sought to answer the following three research questions: 1. How do participants use research notebooks to record and catalog research activities? 2. How do participants use research notebooks to record and catalog potential pedagogical practices related to using engineering concepts? 3. How do the notebooks reflect participants incorporating engineering concepts into the development of engineering informed lesson plans?MethodsFrom a methods perspective, qualitative procedures were used to address the project researchquestions. This approach was taken because qualitative methods are better suited to answeringquestions
experience to abstract conceptualization and theformulation of meaning along a continuum from reflective observation to active experimentation.Kolb’s model describes an idealized learning cycle that includes all elements in the model -experiencing, reflecting, thinking and acting – in a recursive cycle as illustrated in Figure 1. Concrete Observation & experience reflections Testing implications of Formation of concepts in new abstract concepts situations and generalization
with high-levelreflection/qualitative questions and low-level reflection/quantitative questions. The second phasewill be a narrative analysis of individuals’ stories derived through semi-structured interviewsusing a protocol constructed from the analyses of the survey data. The survey was built usingMcAlpine and colleagues’ identity-trajectory framework3-5, which accounts for theinterconnectivity of the intellectual, institutional, and networking influences on a student’sidentity. The findings from these two phases will be used to describe the diversity of identities ofstudents studying EngEd in Canada, and to ascertain challenges and opportunities that exist forthem in this developing and unfettered field1.As a function of the overall study
Paper ID #34289Research Through Design: A Promising Methodology for Engineering Edu-cationKathryn Elizabeth Shroyer, University of WashingtonDr. Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education
perceptions of the peer review process.The study was implemented over two semesters with iterative revisions in instruction madebetween semesters based on initial findings. Results suggest that peer review can increasestudent performance, as long as reflections are used to prompt student revision, regardless of theclass delivery method or assignment type.IntroductionEarly in their careers, engineers spend 20-40% of their time writing; as they move to middlemanagement, the writing requirements increase to 50-70% of their day; finally, engineers insenior management spend 70-95% of their days writing [1]. Despite job requirements for writingthat cut across professions [2], in most disciplines writing is rarely emphasized outside of Englishcomposition
forinstructional practices commonly associated with local campus centers of faculty development.Building on prior work regarding the types of comments made by faculty in VAPR (Pembridge,Allam, & Davids, 2015), this paper examines the role of the TLE as an instructional coach withinVAPR and how their participation influences the feedback provided by fellow faculty peersinvolved in the process.Video-Annotated Peer ReviewThe VAPR process is an approach developed to engage faculty in change strategies, described byBorrego and Henderson (2014) that align practices across Henderson, Beach, and Finkelstein(2011) quadrants of change (i.e., curriculum and dissemination (I), reflective faculty (II), andshared vision (IV)) to support institutional change