Paper ID #34701The (Augmented) World Is Our CampusMr. David S. Pixton, Brigham Young University David Pixton is a subject liaison at the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University. In this role, he is responsible for providing research training and assistance to students and faculty within the majority of engineering and technology fields offered at the university. He holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Library and Information Science. David’s current research is focused on improving learning in a library environment, including the use of augmented reality for educational purposes, and a pedagogical
librarianexperience and interest in acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in data management [7]; anda willingness to innovate, take risks and experiment [8, 9]. On an interpersonal level, it requiresdeveloping and sustaining trusted relationships between the data or liaison/subject librarian(s)and researchers [9]. At the organizational level, the support of library administration andinstitutional prioritization of data services are critical factors [8].The depth and duration of these interactions with researchers may range from shorter-term“project-based” interactions [9], to “deep dives” into the data practices of an individual or team[10, 11], to long-term, “program-based” relationship-building and collaborations with a programor department [7].Some
, the course, or the specific faculty member. This study aimed tounderstand the needs of engineering faculty members, especially those who had not workeddirectly with the engineering librarian for library resource instruction. The study was modeledafter a similar multi-site study conceived and organized by Ithaka S+R, a not-for-profitorganization that provides guidance and support for academic and cultural communities, thatexplored the teaching needs of business faculty members [3]. Interviews were conducted withfaculty members from the departments of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Industrial &Systems Engineering in the summer of 2020. This paper examines the main teaching themes thatemanated from the analysis of the interview
substantialincrease in the number of articles retracted from academic journals across a wide rangeof disciplines [5] - [7]. While the major cross-disciplinary studies of the increasingretraction phenomenon were conducted between eight and ten years ago, there havebeen more recent studies that have investigated retractions in the medical [8-10] anddental [11] fields, and investigations into scientific studies conducted in China [12] thathave found higher rates of retraction than in previous decades. Rubbo et al.’s paper onretractions in the engineering literature also found higher rates of retraction between2008 and 2015 than in prior decades [13]. “Publishing misconduct” is determined to bethe most common reason for retraction in Grieneisen and Zhang’s study
program and thelibrary to implement a credit-bearing, experiential learning, course focused on integratingnew technologies into the library. The poster will provide background information onboth the Vertically Integrated Project program and the course hosted by the library, detailthe current undertakings of students in the course, and discuss the future directions theproject is aiming for.Background - Vertically Integrated ProjectsThe Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) program started in the early 2000's at PurdueUniversity [8]. Since its beginnings VIP has grown into a global consortium with over 40participating universities in nearly one dozen countries [9]. VIP programs at NYUconsist of credit-bearing courses based around faculty research
journal or proceedings, (Scan) and the resulting set were manuallyscanned for acronyms in all capital letters within fields with data entered by patrons. (Examine) Entrieswith all capital letter acronyms were flagged and further assessed for the standard format type. All itemsdetermined to be standards were then reviewed to determine if the request was fulfilled by ILL staff byany means. [7]To replace the Scan step, Author 1 first developed a regular expression, using Python in JupyterNotebooks (code, documentation, and de-identified dataset can be found on Author 1’s GitHub: Regular expressions (or regex), used for textprocessing and querying, identify patterns within written text. A
Black Engineers (NSBE) and the Society of WomenEngineers (SWE) to gauge interest in creating exhibits. Both organizations responded positively,and the details were planned out in follow-up face-to-face meetings.(Figure 1: Employee-created Interlibrary Loan Exhibit)FEBRUARY EXHIBITFor Black History Month in February, a student employee worked with members of the NSBEstudent chapter to create the exhibit, “A Celebration of Black History Month: College ofEngineering Alumni”. The posters recognized six members of the chapter who were recentgraduates. Bios for each graduate included chapter involvement, degree(s) earned, currentposition, accomplishments, and awards (Figure 2).The NSBE Chapter President sent out a call to alumni members asking for
higher education: an exploration of the value ofparticipatory methods,” British Educational Research Journal, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 995-1015,2010.[7] E. Lorente-Catalán, and D. Kirk, “Making the case for democratic assessment practiceswithin a critical pedagogy of physical education teacher education,” European PhysicalEducation Review, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 104-119, 2014.[8] S. M. Mustapha, N. S. N. Abd Rahman, and M. M. Yunus, “Factors influencing classroomparticipation: a case study of Malaysian undergraduate students,” Procedia-Social andBehavioral Sciences, Vol. 9, pp. 1079-1084, 2010.[9] T. A. Angelo, and K. P. Cross, “Minute paper,” Classroom Assessment Techniques: AHandbook for College Teachers, pp. 148-153, 1993.[10] L. D. McNair
of how to avoid hardwiring societal bias into our computing machines. As AshleyShadowen, a student at CUNY sums up in her Masters’ thesis, “ Machine ethics is a complicatedand multifaceted problem. But if we get it right, we will unleash the full benefit of machinelearning for humankind.” [28]References [1] Friedman, B., & Nissenbaum, H. (1996). Bias in computer systems. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 14(3), 330–347. [2] S. Noble, Algorithms of oppression: How search engines reinforce racism. New York: NYU Press, 2018. [3] C. O’Neil, Weapons of math destruction: How big data increases inequality and threatens democracy. New York: Crown 2016. [4
.2009.2033041. [4] Sellingo, J. (2018). The New Generation of Students: How Colleges Can Recruit, Teach, and Serve Gen Z. A report of The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2018. [5] Frenkel, M., & Bringardner, J., & Borges Rajguru, S. (2019, June), Work in Progress: Student to Scholar: A Learning Community Model for Professional Skills Development Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida. 10.18260/1-2--33650 [6] “Co-Curricular,” in a Glossary of the Internet. The Glossary of Education Reform: For Journalists, Parents, and Community Members, [online website], 2013. Available: [Accessed: April 13, 2021] [7] Rutter, M. P
students would associate help with the librarians’faces and voices.Table 1: Lesson Plan and Changes for New Workshop Design [1] Lesson Plan Topics Covered in Changes for When/where Assessment 2019-2020 academic 2020-21 covered question(s), year academic year 2020-2021 Introduction How to get help COVID-19 Live virtual Question 1 to the from a librarian; protocols (e.g. class only (live virtual class) Library How to book a mask-wearing, study room booking
toolavailable across the U.S. and internationally. Academic libraries can support their engineeringschools by providing the resources their students need to prepare them for a professionalengineering career.References[1] National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES), History. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Nov. 14, 2020].[2] M.C. Loui, “Ethics and the development of professional identities of engineering students,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 94(4), pp. 383-390. Oct. 2005.[3] S. Sheppard, K. Macatangay, A. Colby, and W. Sullivan, Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009.[4] S.M. Palmquist, “Professional practice: Teaching the
-Clark, “Access to everything: Building the future academic library collection,” Portal, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 425–437, 2014. [9] L. K. Dunn and S. Xie, “Standards collection development and management in an academic library: A case study at the university of Western Ontario libraries,” Issues Sci. Technol. Librariansh., vol. 2017, no. 87, Jun. 2017.Appendix AAccessing Engineering Standards: A Study in ARL Best Practices for Acquiring andDisseminating Standard survey questions. 1. Do you have a set budget each year for purchasing Standards? a. Yes b. No c. It is part of the firm order budget 2. What is your yearly Standards budget? 3. In the last year, how much would