Paper ID #37304What Engineering Leaders Lead: The Career Outcomes of an EngineeringLeadership Program’s Alumni CommunityDr. James N. Magarian, Massachusetts Institute of Technology James Magarian, PhD, is a Sr. Lecturer and Associate Academic Director with the Gordon-MIT En- gineering Leadership (GEL) Program. He joined MIT and GEL after nearly a decade in industry as a mechanical engineer and engineering manager in aerospace/defense. His research focuses on engineering workforce formation and the education-careers transition.Dr. Reza S. Rahaman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr. Rahaman returned to MIT in 2018 after
Paper ID #41454Career Advantages of Business Education Courses for Engineering ManagementStudentsDr. Saeed D. Foroudastan, Middle Tennessee State University Dr. Saeed Foroudastan is the Associate Dean for the College of Basic and Applied Sciences (CBAS). The CBAS oversees 10 departments at Middle Tennessee State University. He is also the current Director for the Masters of Science in Professional Science proSuzanne S. Hicks, Middle Tennessee State University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Evaluation of Impact on Employability of Business Education Courses in a
identity aspiration were underlying processes driving theconditional effect. Following (Preacher and Hayes 2004)’s recommendations, we tested ourmodel using non-parametric percentile bootstrapping to create confidence intervals for eacheffect with the lavaan package (Rosseel 2012). As shown in Figure 1, the result revealed that entrepreneurial identity aspiration wasdriving the observed conditional effect of the video intervention on entrepreneurial intention.Consistent with the results from OLS regression, participants in the relatable role modelcondition have higher entrepreneurial identity aspirations than those in the unrelatable role modelcondition with a point estimate of 0.11 and the 95% confidence interval of (0.01, 0.21
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each type, and strategies forunderstanding team members’ preferences and tailoring communication and collaborationstrategies. This model offers users insights into their personality preferences and psychologicaltype and incorporates an additional letter to accommodate five scales instead of four [12]. Themodel evaluates five personality dimensions, each representing opposite ends of a spectrum: (1)Energy: the interaction with the surrounding environment (Extraverted(E)/Introverted(I)); (2)Mind: the perception and processing of the world (Intuitive(N)/Observant(S)); (3) The processof making decisions and reacting to emotions (Thinking(T)/Feeling(F)); (4) Tactics: theapproach to work, planning, and decision-making (Judging(J)/Prospecting(P
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specifications, and facilitymanagement strategy.Keywords: Facility engineering, Facility condition assessment, engineering management,engineering educationIntroductionOrigins of the facilities engineering profession can be traced to organizations supporting the builtenvironment. The industrial revolution in the early 1900’s brought to creation a diverse array ofbuildings, factories, and equipment to support the evolution of the United States of America. Toaddress the challenges associated with a rapidly growing industry, in 1915 thought leaders in plantengineering assembled a forum in Boston, Massachusetts of mechanical engineers, mastermechanics, and chief engineers in plants. This forum discussed common problems and facilitatedthe exchange of ideas in
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innovations in project management practices. Aligning academic approaches with industry usage is crucial for bridging the gap and fostering a workforce ready to harness the potential of AI in project management. References[1] S. Makridakis, “The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms,” Futures, vol. 90, pp. 46–60, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2017.03.006.[2] T. Brown et al., “Language Models are Few-Shot Learners,” Adv. Neural Inf. Process. Syst., vol. 33, pp. 1877–1901, 2020.[3] N. Glaser, “Exploring the Potential of ChatGPT as an Educational Technology: An Emerging Technology Report,” Technol. Knowl. Learn., vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1945–1952, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.1007/s10758-023-09684-4.[4] A
appearing in all twelve rankings. The top eleven AI detectionsoftware applications appeared in at least half of the rankings. Overall, there were thirty-eight AIdetection software applications in the study.Table 1: Ranking of AI detection programs by recent comparative analysis reviews [19]-[30]. Holcombe A bdullahi S chaffer A ndreev P
excluded). Remove duplicates Figure 3. Review protocol for the study. In stage two, similarly as done previously, there were five phases. The identification ofresearch was made considering the search phrase used from the review protocol. This phrase wastaken from the previous study and is the one that provides the most results to search for studiesrelating to OR in HEIs contexts. The phrase considers two options for Organizational concept(with z and with s), as well as three options for HEIs (Higher Education, University, andCollege). The phrase was used searching in the “all fields” option for each database. Theselection of studies was made by checking the first
driving force behind the remarkable success of theproject. We would also like to acknowledge the Estates Office of the University of Hong Kong forgranting the authorized use of Figure 1a and Figure 1b in this practice paper.Ethical approvalEthical approval for this study was obtained from the University of Hong Kong, with HRECreference number EA230632.References[1] T. W. Barrett, M. C. Pizzico, B. Levy, R. L. Nagel, J. S. Linsey, K. G. Talley, C. R. Forest and W. C. Newstetter, “A review of university makerspaces,” in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2015.[2] Charosky, G., Hassi, L., Papageorgiou, K., & Bragós, R. (2022). “Developing innovation competences in engineering students: a comparison of two approaches.” European
%] 4 4.00 100.00%In this course, I engaged in critical thinking and/or problem solving.[1 = Never…4 = Frequently] 4 3.64 91.09%Based on what the instructor(s) communicated, and the informationprovided in the course syllabus, I understood what was expected of me.[1 = No…3 = Yes] 3 2.72 90.50%This course helped me learn concepts or skills as stated in courseobjectives/outcomes.[1 = Did not help… 4 = Definitely helped] 4 3.50 87.52%Please rate the organization of this course.[1 = Not at all organized 4 = Very well organized] 4 3.36 83.91
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Paper ID #40278The Complete Engineer: How the Whiting School’s Engineering Manage-mentand Leadership Course Complements Senior DesignDr. Mia Baytop Russell, The Johns Hopkins UniversityMs. Illysa Izenberg, The Johns Hopkins University Illysa Izenberg has over 26 years of business experience, 6 in aˆ CœCorporate Americaˆa C and the rest in strategy and management consulting and coaching. Sheˆa C™s taught graduate students since 2006 and undergraduates since 2010. Currently, she teaches EnginMichael AgroninAabhas Jain ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023The Complete Engineer: How the Johns
Paper ID #42090The Evolution of Engineering Management Program Assessment: LessonsLearned in Digital DeliveryMajor Sam Yoo, United States Military Academy MAJ Sam Yoo is an Acquisition Officer (former Aviator, UH-60) and Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Management from the United States Military Academy, a Master of Science in Engineering Management from Missouri S&T, and a Master of Science in Engineering and Management from MIT. MAJ Yoo is a Project Management Professional and Certified Six Sigma Black Belt. His research interests include
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