Washington Sarah Coppola is an Assistant Teaching Professor the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University of Washington. Dr. Coppola is an educator and researcher whose work focuses on how people are excluded by design. She holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University, a MS in Human Factors Engineering from Tufts University, and a Doctorate in Ergonomics from Harvard University. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Reflecting on Adapting Visual Oriented Classes for Blind and Low Vision Students Sourojit Ghosh, Kunal Mehta, Alainna Brown, Maxwell Coppock, and Sarah Coppola
and Outreach STEM Education graduate student at Tufts University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 1 Context Matters: Characterizing First-Year Engineering Students’ Shifting Perspectives when Reflecting on Different Sociotechnical and Justice TopicsIntroductionThis practice paper relates to the overall mission of ECSJ, specifically transformative learningtoward action. For well over a decade, there have been numerous critiques of the social/technicaldualism present in engineering education and calls to disrupt it [1]. Researchers have varyingmotivations
collaborative inquiry methodology to explore researchpractices that do not have strong consensus within EER, such as reflection [25], positionality[26], qualitative research quality [27], and more [28], [29]. Following this methodology, ourvirtual group met regularly and we reflected individually on prompts related to our inquiry inbetween meetings. Our reflections and discussion meetings fostered group meaning andsense-making of our experiences as neurodivergent engineering education researchers.Collaborative inquiry also allowed us to recognize our agency, strengths, and challenges asneurodivergent engineering education researchers.Data CollectionFor this project, we met semi-regularly since ASEE 2022 and initially discussed differenttheoretical
present helpful resources to instructors to alleviate part of this labor, as a set of resourcesthat are readily available to be used in their courses (e.g., [2]–[4]), while also equipping studentswith knowledge of how to individually and collectively foster inclusive classroom practices andstronger agency in advocating for changes they wish to see in their courses by pointinginstructors to existing resources within such toolkits.In this work-in-progress paper, we present an Inclusive Teaching Toolkit, a set of resources,tools, and guides for instructors and students to foster inclusive and accessible practices in theirclassrooms, created through a reflection-based co-design with instructors and students. While avariety of similar toolkits have
ourunderstanding of their perceptions and values about stakeholder experiences within the contextof infrastructure decisions, as well as their agency beliefs to combat inequities in this context.Each framework is further described in the following sections.Critical ConsciousnessGrounded in the pedagogical practices of Brazilian educator-philosopher Paulo Freire (1921-1997), critical consciousness comprises three components: (1) critical reflection, which is thecritical analysis of inequitable social conditions; (2) critical motivation, which is the interest andagency one has to redress such inequities; and (3) critical action, which is the action taken toproduce or participate in activities aimed at promoting societal change [3]-[6]. The likelihood
beenpreviously documented in ASEE Prism [1], which is quoted below. “ASEE President Sheryl Sorby’s speech at the 2020 Annual Conference outlined a vision for both the organization and engineering education that reflects more diversity and equity. In light of this vision, as well as the societal momentum toward dismantling White supremacy and racism, ASEE has launched a Year of Impact on Racial Equity. Many aspects of engineering culture have origins and practices that center Whiteness and exclusivity. However, we are all caretakers of this culture and can either protect exclusionary traditions or strategically design models that better meet the diverse challenges and needs of our society. In order to
human-centered design approach, (2) the intersection of socialjustice and design thinking, and (3) the implications of design choices on historicallymarginalized groups. Course artifacts, student reflections, and instructional team reflections areused to understand the growth in mindset of the students and instructor through this course.Additionally, these resources are used to present key learnings for future implementation.This project focused on examining systems. Groups historically excluded from engineering,including people of color, disabled, LGBTQ+, and women, were recentered through the humancentered design process. Students evaluated engineering systems for exclusion and ideated on thesource of these design flaws. In doing so, they
of Technology. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Socio-technical and culture-inspired projects in freshman engineering design course bring context and emotion to learningAbstractLearning is not an unemotional consideration of facts but emotion is integrally woven into theexperience of learning [1]. Situated cognition model [2] is a theoretical approach to learning thatsupports the idea that learning takes place when an individual is interactively doing somethingthrough situated activity that has social, cultural, and physical contexts. This paper presents post-activity reflections in student design projects with socio-technical and socio-culturalinterventions in a freshman design
global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. 5) an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts. 8) an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.Riley’s text uses a modular format that engages students in a four-step process (Engage, Analyze,Reflect, and Change). Figure 1: Learning Process for ModulesThe modules presented in Riley’s text can be integrated “as-is” into typical thermodynamicscourses. However, as the modules are not
by white men [5]. Given that white males have maintained a position ofdominance in STEM, they can use this privilege and power in addressing the concerns statedabove. In particular, white men can recognize, and act against inequity both in their classes, aswell as overall systemic inequity in STEM departments [4]. However, disruption of privilegecannot occur without continuous reflection on their whiteness, and significant engagement withpeers and students of color [17], [18]. There is a paucity of research reporting on the structuralinequity in STEM fields [5]. The goal of this paper is to explore how collaboration between aBlack and white scholar on an equity-focused research project can inform racial allyship in whitemen within the
learner-centered pedagogies [4]. Through interactions, self-reflection, andcritical introspection, the participants contribute to the collective creation of knowledge [4].Research suggests that the resources movement actors gain access to might be closely related tothe structure of learning itself. For example, Cornfield and colleagues [5] find that activists of theNashville nonviolent civil rights movement relied on nonlinear and iterative processes ofcollective learning to design and implement action. Leaders of the Highlander Folk School, acritical center that trained and empowered many activists during the Civil Rights movement [11],relied on experts and guest speakers to deliver content to the participants, but they also usedtechniques such
EJE's relevance in addressing sustainability and social equity. By promotinginclusive pedagogical approaches and continuous reflection, we aim to equip students with theskills to design ethical engineering solutions. Through collective efforts, we aspire to contributeto a more sustainable and equitable future, fostering understanding and action in EnvironmentalJustice Education.Key words: Environmental Justice, Equity, Engineering Education IntroductionThe purpose of this Work in Progress research paper and ECSJ-DEED joint technical session isto highlight the crucial role of Environmental Justice Education (EJE) in bridging the gapbetween educators and students, particularly in the context of engineering
andtransdisciplinary course focused on engineering health equity. Using equity pedagogy, theinstructors aim to create a learning environment and learning objectives that will support studentsto become reflective and critical citizens that can help build a just society (McGee Banks andBanks, 1995). Moreover, a transdisciplinary framework with student-centered strategies toaddress social and structural determinants that influence health structures, systems, andtechnologies at an undergraduate level offers a holistic opportunity to explore complex globalproblems (Velez et al., 2022).Related WorkHealth equity courses have been implemented at the graduate level at the University of TexasAustin (Lanier et al., 2022), senior undergraduates and early graduate
], [34]), etc.Given the variety of terms and approaches, we first sought to define our goals for equity-centeredengineering curriculum and instruction. To challenge conceptualizations of engineering thatreproduce and maintain inequitable processes and outcomes, educators must interrogate whatcounts as engineering and support such reflection in their students. Educators must teach thatengineering is sociotechnical in nature [7]; authentic engineering problem-solving is contextual[13], [23]; and engineering is part of justice movements [1], [20]. Such teaching requires bothequitable pedagogy – to model equitable practices and create environments in which students canlearn to be equity-minded engineers – as well as equity-centered content – in
colonnades of oppression.Critical consciousness seeks to share power with those who are socially, historically, andpolitically oppressed in ways that they not only recognize but challenge unjust systems. Developing critical consciousness cannot be based solely on training or competence [5].As Freire argues, “to affirm that men and women are persons and as persons should be free, andyet to do nothing tangible to make this affirmation as reality, is a farce” [15, p. 50]. Thus,altering the conditions students of Color find in STEM requires reflection, engagement, andaction toward social justice goals from those with power. By establishing a criticalconsciousness as the foundation, allies can effectively work toward multicultural competency.These
Engineering Education at Purdue University. He keeps a balanced life connecting with nature, staying mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially active, constantly learning and reflecting, and challenging himself to improve. He is interested in learning/teaching collectively, engineering philosophy, and social and environmental justice. His purpose is to help people freely and fully develop in a sustainable world.Mr. Leonardo Pollettini Marcos, Purdue University Leonardo Pollettini Marcos is a 3rd-year PhD student at Purdue University’s engineering education program. He completed a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Materials Engineering at the Federal University of S˜ao Carlos, Brazil. His research interests are in
-basedbystander training; self reflections on microaggressions and implicit bias; and in-class teamexercises and discussions on the intersection of power dynamics, team interactions, anddiscrimination, as well as strengthening empathy though a recognition of societal privilege andeconomics factors. Throughout these trainings, activities, and discussions, an emphasis is placedon development of concrete actions that students can take within their current and future teams topromote an inclusive, collaborative, and psychologically safe environment for all members.As implementation of these active learning techniques to DEI concepts within the seniorundergraduate aerospace capstones is a relatively new update to the curriculum, development ofmetrics to gauge
privilegeinfluence student teams and team-based design, as well as short reflections asking students toapply such lenses to their teamwork experiences, following emancipatory pedagogy suggestionsof Freire [14], hooks [15], and others. For example, we assigned a reading on groupconversational characteristics, which led to a number of interesting reflections from somestudents about how much they enjoy “ritual opposition” (a method of testing ideas by tearingthem down, which Tannen [16] claims is common amongst men) and from other students abouthow those same interactions make them feel unsafe and silenced. Most reflections indicated 1students realize that neither
thequestion: How are metaphors used for epistemological boundary-making in engineeringeducation research (EER)? The first section on epistemological views in EER defines epistemology and synthesizesliterature to illustrate 1) why it is essential to study epistemologies in EER, 2) why EER needsepistemic pluralism, and 3) why it is significant to reflect on the language we use to engage withdiverse epistemologies. The second section on crystalizing epistemological lenses synthesizesliterature across disciplines to show how metaphors crystallize the fluid concept of epistemology.Finally, in the section on seeing the spectrum, we briefly review how metaphors have been usedin EER to clarify epistemologies and propose a study design to investigate
highlight a small fraction of this new body ofwork, where students begin to engage in discussion of ARDEI concepts and ARDEI context istaught explicitly in engineering courses or is included in engineering problem solving.Some educators have begun adding context to show the connections between engineering andsociety to engineering examples, homework, and textbook problems that have traditionallyfocused on the technical aspects of engineering problem solving. Hirschfield and Mayes capturestudent interest in a chemical engineering kinetics course by using tangible examples of baking,antifreeze, and flame retardants, and asking students to reflect on the ethical considerationspresent in the design and use of these chemicals [14]. Riley’s
prototypesolution. Action research was chosen to shift the learning towards developing systemicperspectives on larger societal challenges and social justice. This was accomplished bydeveloping graphical and written representations [33] for perspectives (2)-(4) in Figure 1 toenable students to better perceive and address societal issues impacting upon their designprojects.Methodologically a combination of primarily first-person with some elements of second-personaction research was used. The course was either co-taught or engaged an embeddedethnographer over the five semesters the study was performed and all of the team engaged incritical reflection. The course instructors recognized at the outset of the course that the ‘capstonein miniature’ format was not
international development often reinforce structures of marginalization, we are vigilant andcritical in implementing this curriculum and seek to minimize the imposition of hegemonicways of knowing, doing, and being. Our pedagogical framework of Localized Engineering inDisplacement is grounded in principles of social justice and critical pedagogy [8]. Theframework centers the local knowledge of the community and empowers displaced studentsto be learners, leaders, and citizens [8]. In DeBoer et al. [8], we describe this framework, itsoutcomes for students, and its impact on the community.In this paper, we explore the drivers of relevant curricular design and share how the LEDcurriculum has evolved over the past seven years through reflection and action
know?Systems, andScientific Read fictionalized medical case studies where a organ systems. Identify Doctor Diaries (3) argument components within these texts.Argument Transplant Watch and reflect on a video testimony about an individual’s organTranslating Testimony transplantation journey.Knowledge intoReal-World History of Organ Read and discuss the history of organ donation and transplantation. Transplantation Identify the primary challenges facing the organ transplantation system.Applications:Organ Watch video(s) about animals which have evolved to
engineering and that engineering can only be done by specific peoplethat subscribe to masculinity. Therefore, making presents opportunities for them to challenge thedominant perspectives in engineering that are marginalizing. Making affords learnersopportunities to relate to and see themselves in engineering work.In this work in progress, we present the case of Sarah, an undergraduate student in mechanicalengineering, whose relationship with engineering was once impacted by the marginalizingnarratives. Yet, she (re)negotiated those relationships through a university course that providedher a space to reflect on her experiences in making and how those experiences contribute to herlearning in engineering. Through this case study, we hope to provide
be done through incorporating collaborative autoethnographic and Indigenousresearch methods to share the story of the program through the experiences of all those involved. Thesemethods position the participants as both coauthors and coresearchers in this work as we co-create thisnew program and new knowledge together. Participants will be asked to regularly reflect on theirexperiences within the program, their growth, and any conflicts or feelings that arise. These reflectionswill then be analyzed by the coauthors and coresearchers both for emerging themes and narrativestructures to inform the story-building process. Stories will be created for both the individual participantsand the program. One goal of this work is to develop the current
in college and beyond. The EcologicalValidation Model of Student Success and its educational practices reflecting the social evolutionframed this study. Information was collected through surveys and interviews from three studentcohorts. The findings revealed how this culturally asset-based program reinforced the identity ofstudents as Hispanics by centering culture and community aspects that students were familiarwith, promoted teamwork with peers as a strategy to make learning better situated in theirinterest to support each other, and contributed to creating a research space where students feltintegrated, included, and valued considering who they were or represent. Programs that center onstudent asset-based features and pedagogical
limitations of the self-efficacy construct have been identified. Onesuch is a critique that the construct serves more as a reflection of motivation rather than adeterminant and therefore researchers should endeavor to understand the various sources of self-efficacy in greater depth in order to interpret its meaning [5]. These insights motivate a deeperinvestigation into the relevance of self-efficacy in this context.Our students’ transformation as they undergo design-build experiences is likely multi-faceted. Aseeming increase in confidence, ergo self-efficacy, stood out in the lead author’s initialobservations. Through reflection and discussion with colleagues at the university, two otherpossible experiences emerge for investigation. Students may be
[35], life sciences [36], engineering [37], and computer scienceteacher education [38]. Through the implementation of these pedagogies in the leadership course, the instructorssought to develop in CS students an awareness of the impact of technological advances insociety, an increase in confidence, and a sense of empowerment in their ability to handle conflictin a positive manner as they develop into future computing professionals. The pilot leadershipcourse integrated cooperative principles in all classroom activities, in particular, the purposefuland intentional development of skills for leadership. Komives et al. [3] argue the importance ofthese skills for leadership, especially perspective-taking, communication, reflection
the classroom and what beliefs they specifically draw upon to create instructional movesfor more equitable spaces. Fifty written reflections were analyzed from LAs from twoinstitutions who taught various STEM courses, including: chemical engineering, biologicalengineering, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, chemistry, and biology. Thesereflections detail their thoughts about a chapter in Ilana Horn’s book [7], which discusses what itmeans to be “smart” in a mathematics classroom and ways to create instructional moves thatpromote more equitable learning environments and mitigate status differences. The concept ofsocial status was originally defined by Max Weber as cultural capital or otherwise described associetal values [8
electronic displays in student common areas. In thiscourse, interdisciplinary engineering students will work with non-engineering students inmultidisciplinary teams on case studies and projects to learn to identify and apply underst andingof social attributes to engineering problems. Course activities will include lecture to introducesocial and emotional competencies and the principles of user-centered design, case studies tofacilitate discussion of the impact of social attributes on engineering projects in a multicultural andglobal context, and projects using multidisciplinary teams to work with small scale engineerprojects, applying a user-centered design framework. Students will journal to support reflection onsocial and emotional competencies