solve the issues, and complete the tasks toachieve the project’s goal(s).At different stages of this project, students encouraged to design, build, and test the performanceof a propeller. While the hands-on experiences are essential, it is crucial to learn how to sharethose experiences concisely and clearly with others. These skills will be necessary to preparestudents for senior-level projects. Some of the concepts the students learned in this project are: Design and Build Testing and Troubleshooting Engineering Mechanics principles Manufacturing Processes Project Management Skills Communication Skills Problem Solving Skills Physics of Motion Measurement SkillsThe
Paper ID #19181MAKER: iTutor - Intelligent Tennis TutorDr. Hugh Jack P.E., Western Carolina University Dr. Jack is not the author. The abstract has been submitted on behalf of Kaviarasu P, Gokul Kannan, Kesava Mani, M H Ashik , Navin S - Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017iTutor - Intelligent Tennis TutorAuthors: Kaviarasu P, Gokul Kannan, Kesava Mani, M H Ashik , Navin SKumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, IndiaAbstractTennis has been always been a sport of choice for many around the world. In India, it wasintroduced by the British in
PLM Space (Fabricate, Inspect, Exchange through Exchange through Sensing/Control) Public Cloud Service Private Cloud Service CAD Modules CNC Machines PLM System Mfg Systems CAM Modules Design Inspection Maker s Product Maker s Ideas CAI Modules Input Sensing/Control CAE Modules MES
resintaking up the volume that infill patterns would be taking up if the part was printed solid.Printing Time and Material EstimationsThe frame structures were sliced in Repetier-Host for 60mm/s printing-speed with a 0.6mmnozzle at 0.4mm layer height with 2 perimeters and 3 solid top/bottom layers, providing anoverall shell thickness of 1.2mm. The slicer estimates more than 8 hours and 113 m filament toprint a 40x40cm frame with 15% infill while without any infill the print time and material arereduced by ~40%. (Figure 3) (a) (b) Figure 3 Slicer estimates and printing statistics of 40x40cm frame parts a) 15% infill slice with printing statistics b) 0
Engineering Teacher, pp. 30-35, May 2014.[2] International Technology Education Association, “Standards for Technological Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology,” 3rd ed., 2007. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Apr-2015].[3] D. Sianez, M. Fugere, and C. Lennon, “Technology and Engineering Education Students’ Perceptions of Hands-On and Hands-Off Activities,” Research in Science & Technological Education, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 291- 299, Nov. 2010.[4] M. Milojkovic, M. Milovanovic, D. Mitic, S. Peric, M. Spasic, and S. Nikolic, “Laboratory CNC Machine for Education of Students on Control Systems Engineering,” Facta Universitatis, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 117-125, 2014.[5] D. Rijmenants
senior students, Engineers Noura Al Dhaheri,Reem Al Nuaimi, Asmaa Al Dhanhani, and Asma Al Hebsi, on the senior design project [4], underthe tutelage of the first author.References[1] J. Huang, F. Ding, T. Fukuda, and T. Matsuno, Modeling and Velocity Control for a NovelNarrow Vehicle Based on Mobile Wheeled Inverted Pendulum, IEEE Transactions on ControlSystems Technology, Vol. 21, No. 5, September 2013[2] Y. Xu, S. K-W. Au, Stabilization and Path Following of a Single Wheel Robot, IEEE/ASMETransactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2004 407[3] S. Kim and S. Kwon, Nonlinear Optimal Control Design for Underactuated Two-WheeledInverted Pendulum Mobile Platform, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 22, No. 6,December 201[4] N. Al
, TX 78666 AbstractThis paper provides an in-depth analysis to develop (or refine) manufacturing curriculum of anIndustrial Technology, Engineering Technology and Manufacturing Engineering Programs whenthey exist in single educational environment. A single educational environment can be defined asa department(s), school(s), or colleges(s). Such an arrangement provides an opportunity wherethe engineering and technology curriculum blend to offer the students a wide range of experienceand knowledge. In addition, it provides the local communities and industry with integratedworkforce that has a high diversity of engineering and technology skills. This paper is intendedto discuss guidelines, strategies to
multiplechoice questions (see Appendix) was taken to evaluate students’ knowledge of the FDM 3000operations and applications. The test scores from three groups were tabulated and illustratedbelow (see Table 1 and Figure 9): Table 1: The test performance among the designated three groups Group #1 (Control Group-Live Group #2 (RP Simulator-Old Group #3 (RP Simulator-New Instruction) Version) Version) S. No For 16 S. No For 16 S. No For 16 1 14 1 10 1 9 2 8 2 9 2 9
enrollments at theseinstitutions are: over 10,000 at PUC, over 8,000 at Ivy Tech, and more than 28,000 at COD. The NSF-ATE project goals are: 1) augment and reorganize existing electrical andmechanical engineering technology courses into thirty-two enhanced modules at three differenttiers, 2) incorporate experiential learning in each module level so that the modules aremeaningful and practical, and 3) incorporate innovative delivery of lecture and laboratorymaterials. The innovative aspects of this project are: a) meet student learning needs based on theirdiverse educational background, b) provide multiple delivery options, c) complete modules(rather than courses) to receive college credit(s) or certificate(s), and d) provide
personological issues suggests thatgovernmental, industry, and educational stakeholders need to address the issue of a clearlystated, commonly used definition of AM to attract investors, recruit workforce participants, andguide effective educational opportunities.AcknowledgementThis work was supported, in part, by National Science Foundation award 1700581.References[1] B. Esmaeilian, S. Behdad, and B. Wang, "The evolution and future of manufacturing: A review," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 39, pp. 79–100, 2016.[2] P. Panchak, "The manufacturer's agenda: Why we need a better definition of 'advanced manufacturing'," Industry Week, November 14. [Online]. Available:
e es ns s ng r
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RP Simulator to learnFDM operations and other applications. At the end of each activity corresponding to each group,a written test comprised of 10 multiple choice questions was taken to evaluate students’knowledge of the FDM 3000 operations and applications. The test scores from three groups weretabulated and illustrated below (see Table 3): Table 3: Comparison of student performance based on Group A, Group B and Group C Group A Group B Group C (Live Instruction) (Video) (The RP Simulator) S. No For 10 S. No For 10 S. No For 10 1 4
)instructors and instructional designers should carefully design which course components shouldbe delivered online and in class. Combining classroom and online activities is only a small stepin blended web-based learning. Thus, it is important for instructional designers and instructors tocarefully design web-based learning course to provide learners with meaningful opportunities forcollaboration and social interaction.AcknowledgementsThis research is supported in part by the National Science Council in Taiwan under contractnumber NSC 97-2511-S-132-001-MY2.References[1] L. Bielawski and D. Metcalf, Blended elearning: integrating knowledge, performance, support and online learning (2nd ed.), United States: HRD press, 2005.[2] Market Researcher
cutting forces and temperatures in machining4. Understand different tool material properties and tool-wear mechanisms and apply Taylor‟s tool-life equation to predict tool life5. Analyze factors affecting the machined surface quality6. Develop and improve professional skills (such as communication, teamwork, business knowledge, and entrepreneurship) to help enable machining innovationNote that learning objective No. 6 included entrepreneurship education. The students in the classwere divided into six project teams with three or four students on each team. Each team wasrequired to complete three tasks by the end of the semester. These three tasks included 1)developing a computer software program for machining simulations, 2
operations managementprograms. The purpose of the Lamp Shade Game is to demonstrate the advantages anddisadvantages of the main lean manufacturing principles in comparison to craft and massmanufacturing, while simulating the three different manufacturing processes by producinglampshades according to a random demand. The main learning objective of the game is tocontrast craft, mass and lean manufacturing based on various dimensions such as quality focus,production layout, skill level of the operator(s), setup times and flexibility of the system, productvariety, production volume, production strategy (push vs. pull, built-to-order vs. built-to-stock),production trigger, production sales price, supply delivery (frequency and batch size
Corporate Strategy.3 In his book Fusion Management, Stanley Marash notes that since the 1960’s more than 32quality programs have come and gone at an average of almost one per year. He further noted theemergence of a common pattern: “A few pioneer companies adopt or develop a program andachieve great success. The business press takes notice and other companies seek to emulate thepioneers. But as the idea spreads it becomes diluted. Senior management tries to adopt the modelwithout ever really comprehending what is required to make the program successful.”4 It appearsfrom the review of recent articles there is some lack of understanding regarding the evolution ofSix Sigma and Lean.What is Six Sigma?While Six Sigma began as a quality program at
include continued development of web-based problem-solving environmentsfor automated system design, implementation of automated cognitive task analysis within theseenvironments to facilitate continued research on design problem-solving, and development of anundergraduate-level system integration course.AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by a National Science Foundation grant no. 0238269. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Hsieh, S. "Automated Manufacturing System Integration Education: Current Status and Future Directions," Proceedings of 2005 ASEE Annual Conference
characteristics, 2014. Available online at:[6] Rich, M., “Factory Jobs Return, but Employers Find Skills Shortage,” The New York Times (July 1, 2010). Available online: (last accessed on 8/4/2016).[7] Hsieh, S. "Skill Sets Needed for Industrial Automation Careers" 2016 ASEE Annual Conference, June 26-29, New Orleans, LA.[8] Web resource:[9] Web resource: industries[10] Hsieh, S. and Hsieh, P.Y., “Web-based Modules for Programmable Logic Controller Education,” Computer
➢ Specifications for the working environment of the team robot system Cleaning area: 20m×10m Time for cleaning: 120 minutes➢ Specifications for Master Robot • Size 620×360×295 mm3 • Maximum payload: 2 kg • Body weight: 28 kg • Maximum speed: 0.22 m/s • Ground clearance: 1 cm • Continuous operation: 120 minutes • Drive hardware configuration: Differential wheeled with 2 drive wheels and 4 casters • Drive software requirement: Autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance • Battery requirement: (x2), 22Ah sealed lead-acid batteries➢ Specifications for Slave Robot
Table 1. Table 1: G-Codes for Circles and Squares Circle Square G20 M3 S1000 G20 G90 G40 G90 G0 M3 S____ G00 X0 Y0 Z0 Z-_____ G01 Z-___ F__ G1 X.918 F__ G02 X0 Y0 I.446 J0 F__ G1 Y.918 G1 X0 G00 X0 Y0 G1 Y0 G01 Z-___ F__ G02 X0 Y0 I.446 J0 F__ M30 G28 M30 G28Two levels of spindle speed (S
projects andlarge number of students. In future, we will conduct more projects in the upcoming semester toassert the effectiveness of this approach.REFERENCES[1] R. Graham, "The global state of the art in engineering education," Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Massachusetts, 2018.[2] K. Zhou, T. Liu and L. Zhou, "Industry 4.0: Towards future industrial opportunities and challenges," in IEEE, 12th International conference on fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery (FSKD)., 2015.[3] I. Jawahir, F. Badurdeen and K. Rouch, "Innovation in Sustainable Manufacturing Education," in 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Berlin-Germany, 2013.[4] C. E. S. da Silva, E. G. Salgado, C. H. P. Mello, E. d. S. Oliveria and
Future DirectionsIn this brief review of literature relating to Industry 4.0’s implications for South Korea, it is clearthat Industry 4.0 has the potential to transform South Korea’s future workforce. This developingphenomenon offers several opportunities for researchers. Promising areas for explorationinclude:1. What sorts of competency skills would be required for advanced manufacturing workers tosurvive in Industry 4.0?McKinsey Global Institute [9] recommended that workers seek additional education and trainingto adapt to an automated workplace. In the context of South Korea’s two-year technical collegeprograms, researchers may wish to investigate the extent to which current curricula containsadvanced manufacturing topics and reflects
. Mosst of the studdents go throough afounddation prograam before thhey are enrollled as a fresshmen student in PI. Thee foundationnprogrram is designned to help students s develop knowleedge, study sskills, techniical,analy ytical, and co ommunicatio on skills whiich are necesssary to meeet the PI’s enntrancerequiirements andd assist them m in their futu ure studies att the Petroleeum Institutee. Thefounddation prograam at the PI is called as the Advanceed Universitty Placementt program.Courrse framewo orkOncee the student reaches the freshmen leevel there aree core coursees that have to completeirresp
draw after about 28 minutes. Figure 3 shows hisdrawing. It is intended to be a carousel-type layout, but he had difficulty drawing a circle, so hedrew a rectangle instead, with blocks indicating the stations. The design is intended to includenine stations arranged in a circle, with the 1st station adjacent to the 9th station. He used the pinkstar to point to which part(s) would be assembled at each station as he talked. The designincludes five robot stations (3, 4, 5, 6, and 9) and four manual stations (1, 2, 7, 8).Figure 4 shows his typed cost estimates (the text overlap on the first line is due to a videosynching issue). He also listed items that would normally be included in a proposal, such as aschedule
],and several other metacognitive measures (see Section 1).In both simulation activities, students build the car toy according to a set of customer requirementsshown in Table 1. The simulation activities also require that all the tasks are performed by onestudent for the individual activity (craft production) and by four students for the group activity(mass production). The student(s) need to minimize the total cost of producing the car toy whilesatisfying the requirements of the customer. Hence, there are four main functions: design, sourcing,manufacturing, and inspection. The simulation also involves a customer and a supplier (see Figure2). The descriptions of the four jobs are as follows: (1) Design Engineer: the design engineer
] university. University of This section (conclusion/summary) is a summary of In an online lab Minnesota the results and discussion from the report. It is still report writing Department of discussion, where you insert your opinion of the resource of a R1 Mechanical results. Report the key findings of the report here. It is university’s Engineering much like the results and discussion sections of the mechanical Student Writing abstract. Directly answer the report question here. Do engineering Guide [14] not be vague. program. Ringleb, S. I., Conclusions are logically tied to inquiry findings and In an engineering
immersive virtual reality to a science lab simulation causes more presence but less learning. Learning and Instruction, 2019. 60: p. 225-236.6. Huang, H.-M., U. Rauch, and S.-S. Liaw, Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments: Based on a constructivist approach. Computers & Education, 2010. 55(3): p. 1171-1182.7. Lee, E.A.-L. and K.W. Wong, Learning with desktop virtual reality: Low spatial ability learners are more positively affected. Computers & Education, 2014. 79: p. 49-58.8. Felder, R.M., and R. Brent,, Designing and Teaching Courses to Satisfy the ABET Engineering Criteria. Journal of Engineering Education, 2003. 92(1): p. 7-25.9
has been steadily and rapidly changing for many years. From about the mid-1980’s, concepts of cost control, quality and overall efficiency have become an increasingly sharp focus. In recent years, many companies have tunneled in on lean manufacturing as their savior. It is certainly true that the precepts and procedures of lean, ToC, TQM and other regimens are essential for modern manufacturing competitiveness, and instruction in these matters has become a fundamental component in manufacturing education. With far less visible excitement, however, another ‘revolution’ has entered the scene. The fastest growing sectors of product type are those that require new processing technologies. In 21st century
digital design experience [7]. In addition, SmartManufacturing education further requires data collection and management systems that allow forexploration of data analysis and feedback as demonstrated by [8]. In order to provide a relativelylow-cost training platform for a relatively challenging control problem, D. Kim and B. Anthonydemonstrated a benchtop fiber extrusion system for educational training [9]. This FibeRExtrusion Device, FrED, provided a process that would benefit from complex process control,while also being straightforward to analytically model and test. Recently, S. Kim et al. showedhow deep reinforcement machine learning could even be applied to the feedback control for thisdevice for improving fiber quality [10]. These