to develop and implement workable, appropriatesolutions [7], and that failures to do so can have consequences for their technologies [8]. Whileability to reflect on the context of engineering solutions is associated with their success in theprofession [9], training students to do this—and doing so in ways that are well-integrated into therest of a course—is by no means easy. As historian Atushi Akera has pointed out, althoughcurrent ABET criteria would ideally be considered a space for supporting educationalinnovation, these criteria are often just another set of requirements that educators must developstrategies to meet [10]. Indeed, ABET’s shift to focus on students as emerging professionals hasvaluable outcomes [11], but includes many
, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection,and exploration. Because the learning environment is context specific, its design may use onlysome of these teaching methods, or some more than others. Page 26.1687.4 Content Types of knowledge required for expertise • Domain knowledge: subject matter specific concepts, facts
MapsConcept maps have been widely applied as a heuristic tool in engineering education to promotemeaningful knowledge structures for students. A concept map allows a student to organize acollection of concepts and to identify/present the relationships between each other using a graph3- 4 . Studies suggest that concept mapping be a valid tool to categorize and to reflect changes instudents’ structures of knowledge in STEM disciplines 3, 5. However, concept maps emphasizethe macro relationships among concepts and may not reflect students’ understandings of anindividual concept.Concept inventories referred to here comprise of a series of instruments for the assessment ofstudents’ conceptual understanding of STEM disciplines. The questions were
#22168Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer-sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to supportengineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach-ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineeringeducation. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Work-in-Progress: Engineering Identity across the Mechanical Engineering MajorAbstractThe Mechanical Engineering Department at Seattle University was awarded a National ScienceFoundation RED (Revolutionizing
game’s primary mechanism, although a captivatingchallenge for its game mechanics, was not configured to address many of the key pedagogicalgoals associated with the introduction of thermodynamic properties, their inter-dependency, andthe unique features of the properties in the subcooled, two-phase, and superheated regions. Arelatively cool reaction to the game by the students was reflected in all three evaluation methodsand resulted in a significant re-direction of the game’s features.Along with a list of specific pedagogical goals, the game’s re-direction includes a set ofprofessional practice scenarios, and a completely new set of game mechanisms. Additional gamefeatures, including a novel in-game assessment tool that is based on a
such, departments must find creative and effective ways to providing properadvising and mentoring on these topics.One solution, which by itself provides such a high-impact learning experience, is a student-centered / student-led program to aid the department in providing services to students. Ourdepartment developed a student ambassador program to meet these needs. The main objective ofthe student ambassador program is to provide information about the department, major disciplineand university from a student’s perspective.This paper describes the student ambassador and program in more detail, provides preliminaryassessment of its effectiveness through analysis of the ambassador reflection pieces, and offersguidance on developing and
were other subjects discussed during the second half of the project.Midterm Project AssessmentFor the midterm assessment, worth 5% of the course grade, students were asked to address threekey questions with their deliverables: • Is there a clear vision for the roller coaster design? • Are the technical skills necessary to complete the design being developed? • How can the time and resources remaining in the semester be budgeted to ensure a successful project outcome?Each of these big picture questions was explored in more detail by individual deliverables: aproject proposal, preliminary calculations, and reflections. No fixed format was specified foreach of these deliverables, but certain items needed to be included.In the
America’s Promise (LEAP) was able to identify many suchHIPs that are gaining attention [1]. In a subsequent report, Kuh found that students whoparticipated in these HIPs show that they were positively affected by these activities, asmeasured by the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). It was found that these“deep approaches to learning are important because students who use these approaches tend toearn higher grades and retain, integrate, and transfer information at higher rates [2].” Thus,what we set out to do is to apply HIPs to a 300- level engineering course at a state collegelevel and gather data regarding its effectiveness, student reflections, and possible futureimprovements for better learning outcomes.HIPs in a Mechanical
success,as indicated by parameters like higher course pass rates, higher Grade Point Averages, creditaccumulation, retention, and graduation rates11. Skills can be taught which are consistent acrossprograms, as well as customized to fit individual courses12. E-portfolios can support assessmentby identifying goals and providing a repository for organizing, storing, and sharing records. It isinstructionally valuable in that students can connect their own work with the broader programexpectations, thus self-evaluating their status. Students can engage in reflection, which maydevelop their critical thinking skills.This study is a follow-up to a previous study made by the researchers13 (see Bose & Pakala
Narratives aims to provide students with a toolkit for successfulcommunication in contemporary society and the workplace. This integrated course experience invitesstudents to reflect and use diverse ways of communication in the digital era. During one semester,participants were introduced to oral, written, visual and auditory techniques of communication, anddocumented through various digital media artifacts. Page 26.127.3Our value proposition that artistic storytelling can help students think, communicate and aid in theiremotional wellbeing is backed by a long history of scholarship. Such seminal articles as K. Egan’s“Memory, Imagination
embracing risk. The use of Miroreceived mixed perception on average for factors pertaining to creativity and the role ofsketching, while factors pertaining to organization and teamwork tended to receive positiveresponses. These results are also reflected in students’ qualitative responses. Figures 3 and 4 present data of male-only and female-only students, respectively. Forthese groups, the participant who identified as “other” has been excluded. Figures 3 and 4 reveala gender disparity for factors pertaining to willingness to embrace risk, with female studentsdisplaying less willingness on average than male students. The female participant group also hasnoticeably larger margins of error than the male group, indicating a wider range of
defined for all academic programs offered by Tecnologico de Monterrey.Faculty must reflect on the results of their classes to identify good practices that must bemaintained and areas of opportunity in which he or she must work to improve the results for thefollowing semester. As a result, improvement actions are defined and uploaded into SAEP eachsemester. At the end of the two-semester cycle a meeting with all faculty of each department isheld in which the results of the cycle are presented and discussed. The outcome of the meeting isa list of good practices shared by the faculty and a list of actions for improvement that will beconducted the following cycle. Also, the need for technological or laboratory infrastructure areidentified. In
students commented that classroom grades were not aligned with thecompetition vehicle and that they wanted their grades to reflect engineering work and notpaperwork. This sentiment was echoed by faculty advisors who felt that the progress reportdeliverables were largely busywork and did not reflect actual design or fabrication work. Toprequests from students were: Increase individual accountability Focus on engineering over paperwork Add a design and fabrication task to Introduction to Engineering Projects Replace progress reports with technical reports Use scheduled classroom time effectively Provide students with basic timelineFaculty advisors interpreted student responses to mean that underutilization of in-class
real-time polling software Poll Everywhere (2019) asked one quantitativeand one qualitative question regarding the qualifications reflected in the resume before them.FindingsA total of 36 students participated in this exercise. Students who received Candidate 1’s resume(first name on resume: “Julie”) were asked “You are the recruiter at a defense contractor seekingto fill an entry level structural engineering position. How likely are you to offer Candidate 1 aninterview?” Students were provided response options on a 5-point Likert-type scale, which wasdisplayed as a bar chart in real time for the class. As shown in Figure 1, no students indicated a“Very high likelihood” of offering Candidate 1 an interview and one student indicated a “Verylow
provided to scholars have themost impact, especially in “Scientific Self-Efficacy”, “Science/Engineering Identity” and“Expectations”. Less than 16% of the scholars consider attending conferences or featuring theirresearch on website as having a positive impact. The lower percentages in those two activitiesmay also reflect that not all the scholars have the opportunities to attend a research conference ordo research, also have research results featured on website. Figure 4. Percentages of individual research activities having contributed positively to the five categories. The five community building activities have contributed more in helping studentsintegrate into the program and campus. Illustrated in
engineering educators to develop teaching models andactivities to promote using problem decomposition and recomposition in engineering educationon the basis that professional engineers use more decomposition/recomposition that studentscurrently do.AcknowledgementsThis material is based partially upon work supported by Utah State University during Dr Song’sPhD candidature. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of that institution. Partof this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No.EEC- 1463873. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the
, homework, reports, and practical applications onthe job. By calling them practice sessions and tying them in with lectures, homework, andmultiple weeks of overarching topics based on a scenario, we have tried to make the sessions feellike less of a class and more of a “practice for after you graduate” atmosphere which stresses thatthe skills and experience will be useful later and reflective of what engineers do after graduation.A set of learning goals, split into 9 subcategories, was set up for all four courses anddistributed/grouped over the courses so it would match with the course content covered andtechnical skills learned to date. The MEP-1 course takes place in the first semester of thesophomore year and Statics is a pre-requisite or co
more if briefactivities are introduced into lectures. Felder3 makes broad recommendations on howengineering teaching can be improved. Felder and Silverman4 argue that though students allhave different learning styles, and a small number of techniques can meet the needs of moststudents. They recommend using material that emphasizes practical problem solving andfundamental understanding. They also discuss the importance of reflective learning (along withactive learning). The author’s initial vision was to bring a can crusher to class and let thestudents answer some questions about mechanical advantage, thus extending familiar contentfrom their Statics course (drawing free-body diagrams, balancing forces and moments) to an ideathat was brand new
reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach-ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineeringeducation. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Implicit Engineering Identity in the Mechanical Engineering MajorAbstractThe Mechanical Engineering Department at Seattle University was awarded a National ScienceFoundation RED (Revolutionizing Engineering and Computer Science Departments) grant in2017 to study how student identities are affected when a department makes “revolutionizing”changes. These can result in graduates who not only are prepared technically and professionallywith a practical, realistic understanding of what
activities tends to promote the storage of course material into long-term memory. Being able to explain the basic principles behind class demonstrationsimmediately after participating in the demonstrations may reflect their ability tounderstand and apply those principles. Being able to explain the same information afteran extended period of time, however, may reflect the student’s confidence in how closethey are to attaining true mastery of the material.It is, arguably, intuitive that one might expect that the confidence a student feels in theirability to explain demonstration concepts would decrease over time. Therefore one mayexpect that the percentage of students that agree that they can explain topics in a semesterfrom now would be less than
: system identification using transmissions, rigid-body PD and PID control,reflected inertia, transmissions, fundamentals of servo control, control with drive flexibility, Page 26.833.6control with backlash present, disturbance rejection, non- collocated control, compensators andfilters (lag, lead, notch).The one-credit laboratory course spans most of the experimental topics of the ECP 205, ECP210, and ECP 220 and with the exception of the LQR experiments have been performed overtime in the undergraduate curriculum. Keeping in mind that the one-credit laboratory coursecomplements theoretical learning in two successive three-credit lecture course
with various activities in Strength of Material. We find that lab and quiz assignments, as wellas watching lab or lecture videos are items student spend most of their time engaging with (mean valuesare highest as reported in Table 1). For activities of reading the textbook, practicing on your own, andexploring the internet on the course topics are also activities reported by around 30% as being engaged with“very often”. On the other hand, optional problem sets and answering reflective questions, and the use ofonline forum, neither of which is graded or assessed in this course, are activities that majority of studentsreport “never” engaging with. Question: Out of all the time you spent on this course only during the
examines the effectiveness of interprofessional project-based service learning (PBSL)experience in fostering a deep orientation to learning, and professional skills (especiallycommunication and teamwork). Learning orientation describes a student’s attitude towards andmotivation for studying. It is desirable that engineering students adopt a so-called deep learningorientation, emphasizing understanding as well as reflection on the applicability of course contentand the transferability of learning experiences to professional settings 5 . The need for a focus onprofessional skills has been emphasized since the 1990s due to the preponderance of engineeringjobs being in commercial industry, where the ability to function as part of a cross
school is right for them, and also promote professionaldevelopment of the faculty member. It is recommended that higher education institutes promoteindependent studies to improve their visibility while faculty, especially at teaching institutes, useit as a vehicle to continue to engage in fundamental research for professional development. Theparagraph below is the reflection written by the student at the culmination of this study.“Through this independent study, I gained invaluable experience with applying theory to a real-life scenario through modifying/improving the dimple(s) based on the flow structure studiedusing computational methods. Upon commencement of the study, I had limited experience usingCAD software and no experience in executing
studentlearning and success in engineering courses for all modes of learning including the traditionalFace-to-Face, hybrid and online modes of learning. It can further be concluded that the samecourse structure can be confidently used for all engineering courses as well as science courses,thereby, helpful for all STEM related courses.At St. Ambrose, both self-reflection of instructor and student feedback mid-course and end ofcourse evaluations were very positive. Additionally, the grades of students were high andmeasured effort and understanding.The instructor solicited formal anonymous feedback in the middle of the semester in addition tothe required end of course evaluations. The mid-course feedback from electronics students wasthe best out of the last
student.Each class began with the same two-stage reading quiz as was done in Fall 2014 semester(described above). The second activity, team development, required approximately five minutesand consisted of two questions for team discussion. The first question was an icebreaker,designed to be easy to answer and help the teams engage in conversation. The second questionwas designed to focus on team function and cause reflection on attributes of a team. A sample ofquestions used for each question type is provided in Table 1. After approximately four minutesof team discussion, the instructor asked a subset of the teams to quickly report to the class arepresentative answer to each question, and occasionally followed up with a brief discussion onthe
variety ofaesthetic issues in the form of practical and creative assignments. The course consists oflectures on photography skills, fluid physics, visualization techniques, critique sessions, and aguest lecture. Assignments consist of images paired with written technical reports, and self-reflection sessions to learn "effective communication" skills. Other course objectives evaluatedthrough students’ assignments and projects are "creative thinking" and "integrative thinking".Some samples of student works are presented. This course proved to be very successful inattracting all students (male and female) in both engineering and non-engineering majors.IntroductionThere has been a great interest in bridging the science and art in recent. Three
evaluation, engineering educators who fail to reflect ontheir own cultural perspectives may understate the importance of conflicts and instead favorrespectful, harmonious cooperation. However, task conflicts, when modulated well, can function assources of creativity and innovation, a necessary engine in the early, diverging phase of innovation[17]. We believe that it is important to enable Japanese students to learn both collaboration andcooperation with people from diverse backgrounds.Given the complexity of teamwork and its context dependency, we believe that a simple rubric asproposed by JABEE is not enough. It is necessary to develop a method to measure teamwork learningwhile taking into consideration the cultural context of the
and ensure that the later value is smaller than the former value for any givensurface. The students were also asked to verify and report their obtained values against thosereported in the literature as much as possible. Additionally, the students were also asked toidentify the sources of error in their experimental model that would have resulted in deviations(if any) of their calculated friction coefficient values. Majority of the students (greater than 90%)were able to report values and reflect upon their results and the deviations they observed.Considering that this is not a controlled laboratory experiment where all the equipment andparameters are strictly controlled, the simple experimental models built by the students workedquite well to
lectureAlthough the first author was mindful that the FYS audience drew from all of the majors acrosscampus (liberal arts and non-liberal arts) and needed to address the nature and value of criticalthinking, the choice of the subject matter and its treatment reflected the usual direction of theconversation about the discipline of the liberal arts in engineering. As a case study of theapplication of critical thinking, the lecture delves into conspiracy theories regarding the collapseof the World Trade Center Towers on 9-11. The opportunity to prepare for the plenary lecturegave the first author the motivation to seriously consider the efforts by a handful of engineersand architects to reopen the investigation of the collapse as part of the 9-11 Truth