Paper ID #11681Applications of Reflective Thinking Exercises in both Technological Literacyand Standard Engineering CoursesDr. Mani Mina, Iowa State University Mani Mina is with the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He is also an active collaborator and participant in the department of Industrial Design. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and issues of technological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities
Paper ID #23366Improvements in Undergraduate Electromagnetism Courses by DesigningExperiences of Inquiry and ReflectionMiss Neelam Prabhu Gaunkar, Iowa State UniversityDr. Mani Mina, Iowa State University Mani Mina is with the department of Industrial Design and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side
contribute to engineering education?” This is an important practical question to address. In order to have a better understanding of the related issues, we tried an experiment. During Fall 2013, with collaboration between our engineering college and a European Page 24.679.3university, a set of seminars with the title of “Critical Reflections on Engineering, Engineering Pedagogy and Philosophy” were conducted. Engineering faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students attended the seminars. In addition, faculty from Physics
Paper ID #23608Developing Self-awareness in Learning Practices: Designing and Implement-ing a Survival Tool for Freshmen in EngineeringNeelam Prabhu Gaunkar, Iowa State UniversityDr. Mani Mina, Iowa State University Mani Mina is with the department of Industrial Design and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the
and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the hu- man side of engineering, new ways of teaching engineering in particular Electromagnetism and other classes that are mathematically driven. His research and activities also include avenues to connect Prod- uct Design and Engineering Education in a synergetic way. In addition, he is active in high-speed systems engineering, and strong magnetic pulses as well as magneto-optical systems for fiber optics applications. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Addressing the differences between intention and retention in
and revision of the standard engineering curricula and practices. The main objectives of the paper will be to explore this practical question: “How can instructors and administrators gradually make the fundamental changes needed to move the courses and curricular structures of engineering programs to match the Deweyan (inquiry-‐based) educational philosophy?” [1-‐4] Engineering-‐program reform would have a better chance of success if in gradual, progressive steps engineering faculty come to reflect on their underlying educational value systems and belief structures in the context of their specific pedagogic practices. Thus, this paper attempts
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching engineering in particular Electromagnetism and other classes that are mathematically driven. His research and activities also include on avenues to connect Product Design and Engineering Education in a synergetic way. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Designing a Multi-Cycle
literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching engineering in particular Electromagnetism and other classes that are mathematically driven. His research and activities also include on avenues to connect Product Design and Engineering Education in a synergetic way. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020A perspective on students’ autonomy in learning and engaging in a freshman inquiry-based learning environmentAbstractPresent day workforce requires graduates to be self-starters, independent and willing toexperiment, as genuine
technological and engineer- ing philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. In addition he is active in research of engineering education and new focuses on engineering pedagogy. Page 26.1572.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 The Role of Transdisciplinary Courses in the Reform of the Engineering Curriculum. A Case Study.AbstractThe case study presented in this paper is a description of a blended transdisciplinary SmallPrivate On-Line Course (SPOC) conducted by one of the authors
utilizing evidence-based teachingpractices and case studies. Figure 1. Student responses to their perception of greatest challenge.Resonance Resonates: Predict, Experience, ReflectAn effective approach for implementing an interactive lecture demonstration involves threestages: predict, experience, and reflect [10]. This Section defines each stage and how it wasexecuted in a lecture with the objective of teaching students about resonance in buildings duringan earthquake.PredictIn a study by Crouch et al. [11], it is shown that students who just passively observe ademonstration do not have a better understanding of the subject than students who do notobserve the demonstration at all. However, involving students by asking them to predict
environment for developing analytical, systematic and logical thinking. Authors suchas Cash and colleagues4 and Johnson26 propose that to diagnose is an important skill fortroubleshooting. Jonassen and Hung33 explain the process of diagnosis by identifying the fault orproblem that is preventing the system to work: The diagnose of a fault in a system is the analysispart of the troubleshooting process, where the person has to compile the information gathered inprevious steps, to draw a conclusion and in order to make the next action. The diagnosis is thefinal stage of feedback, because the reflection on the information the system gives to thetroubleshooter is used to go a step further.Using feedbackPermanent feedback is an equally important element for
and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching engineering in particular Electromagnetism and other classes that are mathematically driven. His research and activities also include on avenues to connect Product Design and Engineering Education in a synergetic way. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021The challenge: The role of the student in Engineering and TechnologicalLiteracy programs, perspectives, discussions, and
Paper ID #18355Technological and Engineering Literacy Classes from different perspectives:A pilot studyDr. Mani Mina, Iowa State University Mani Mina is with the department of Industrial Design and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching engineering in particular
engineering education of critical self-reflection andfocusing on problems. This is not surprising because as early as the nineteenth century theUnited States possessed a Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education that hadsponsored the first of these major reflections, and subsequently several more. Socially relevantissues in engineering education (and STEM education more generally) are often identified bynationally distributed reports from blue ribbon panels. In engineering these date back to theMann report of 1918, through the 1923 Wickenden study, the 1940 Hammond Report, the 1955Grinter Report, the Goals of Engineering Education report (1968), Engineering Education andPractice in the United States (1985), The Engineer of 2020 (2004), to
applied within themodern engineering education framework. While this may be a novel treatment, it does not gofar enough in addressing Heidegger’s critics and contemporaries – something we will attemptthrough using a lens borrowed from Jaspers’ work – that of his interpretation of existence andmeaning. In order to further ground this philosophical treatment, we will bring into play keyarguments of Husserl’s metaphysics, which contain constructs still relevant to a modernengineering philosophy. Finally, we hope to integrate the three in a manner relevant colleagueswithin engineering education and beyond. Whereas recently I reflected upon the developments in engineering philosophy broughtabout by a few colleagues with reference to core
represents a cross-disciplinary effort between engineeringand humanities, but it differs from other similar efforts in terms of content and focus [3]. Thiscourse prioritizes familiarity with engineering content and technical style, while also invitingengineering students to reflect upon, evaluate, and defend their organizational, design, andwriting decisions.Implementing a STEM-specific technical writing course also provides students with theopportunity to further engage with their disciplines and the opportunity improve upon any(accurate or inaccurate) negative self-perceptions of general written and verbal ability [2].Goldsmith and Willey note in another study note that if sustainable writing practices were to besuccessfully introduced into
tales, a more holistic approach may beachieved: one which happens to be reflected in student learning outcomes associated with ABETaccreditation of undergraduate engineering programs. In addition, by exploring ‘missingnarratives’ – voices and stories that are silenced or excluded in a given narrative – we can betterunderstand the role of ethics and values in engineering designs and technological failures. Thisapproach allows for a learning-through-questioning, problem-based approach which has aninherent multidisciplinary appeal and the ability to motivate STEM student learning whileexploring questions of social justice, diversity, sustainability and global concerns.In a broader context, technologies themselves are inseparable from the concept
reflecting the specialized knowledgethat defines the context”. He argued that students should be trained to teach because they alsolearn when they have to explain to “others using such methods as cooperative learning andpeer instruction”. Support for Trevelyan’s thesis is to be found in a review of research onlearning-by-teaching and its implications for engineering education reported by Carberry andOhland [2]. Although it is known that some students are trained and paid to act as tutors forsmall groups in some programmes no information is given in either of these papers about thecontent of that training. It is argued here that substantial prior training may lead to moreeffective learning exchanges and subsequently better teaching in higher
visual artifacts in a website. ENGL 2000, however, requiredmore total pages of writing in a greater variety of genres. ENGL 2000 IE 4785 Blog Daily Journal Reflections Excursions Webpage Cultural Analysis Primary Research Daily Assignments Secondary Research Brochure Research Paper Figure 3: The diagram shows the overlap of the class assignments given in ENGL 2000 and IE
illustratedgraphically.theoretical foundation. It is also conceivable to erect a sophisticated philosophical edifice withoutmuch practical relevance. A balanced and rational relationship between philosophy and practiceis that of informing and qualifying 8 . Just as philosophy learns from practice and in turn can refineit, matters of practice gain justification by and provide feedback to theory. This mutualrelationship is what we will reflect upon in the following, vis-a-vis engineering.The subject matter of engineering (what can be called the first-order knowledge of engineering) isthe object of study for philosophy of engineering and philosophy of engineering (what can becalled the second-order knowledge of engineering) is a necessary element in the curriculum ofteacher
. Unfortunately,engineering educators generally find it difficult to foster critical thinking among their students.This work-in-progress paper describes a strategy to inculcate critical thinking ability inengineering graduates. Examples are taken from two core courses in the Materials andManufacturing stream.Several critical thinking models were explored, such as Gibbs’ reflective cycle model, Facione’smodel, Kronholm model, and King and Kitchener’s model. Paul and Elder’s (P-E) model forcritical thinking was found to be more suited for engineering. P-E model provides a good basisfor the way in which engineers think, and is especially suited for CT as it targets issues such ascreativity, design development, and professional and ethical issues. Learning
possible actions, then chooses to act in a particular way.Their choice determines what they pay attention to following the action. To make sense of theresults of their action, at least the ones they paid attention to, they develop mental representationsor perspectives of the result of the action. There are many possible perspectives that can bedeveloped based on the actor’s attention and interests. Regardless of how they interpret theresults of their own actions, they leave the field of action with new knowledge which informsfuture intentions, thus starting the cycle again. Thus in Macmurray’s system one’s interactionwith, or coupling to, the world is defined iteratively through action that is reflectively informedby knowledge gained through one’s
framework is intended to form theorganizational infrastructure for creating a repository of course materials and an onlinecommunity for course developers and instructors.The proposed framework will help faculty develop expertise in adapting existing innovativecourse materials and standards for defining technological literacy and incorporating themefficiently into their own courses.What Is Technological Literacy?In 2006 the National Academy of Engineering published Tech Tally 3. In this document the NAEdefined technological literacy as “an understanding of technology at a level that enables effectivefunctioning in a modern technological society”. This reflects E.D. Hirsh’s definition of“literacy” as “information that is taken for granted in public
viewed appropriate. For this section, the Cadets were asked to writea three page essay on how the subject of how aeronautics intersects with their chosen major.This posed a thought provoking reflection essay which was not expected in an introductoryengineering class. Cadets were encouraged to talk with their advisor, other classmates, otherCadets in the major, and with the author. Several Cadets chose the latter and excellentdiscussions were had with the author outside of the classroom. As a result, the essays writtenwere thoughtful and thought provoking. In a survey that was accomplished after the essays weregraded and returned, many Cadets thought the essay experience was valuable and theyappreciated the opportunity to reflect on the relevance
canfertilize the learning of these subjects as well as engineering in general, the inclusion ofwriting/communication in the curriculum should become easier.Writing as a cognitive processIn order to write about something, we need to understand in depth what we write about - writingis therefore a learning strategy for reaching deeper knowledge and new insights. The writingprocess has been shown to have positive aspects besides that writing itself, for example toimprove student reflection [12, 13], and to improve critical thinking skills [14]. As noted earlier,both integration in regular courses and progression over the entire curriculum is important.Towards this aim, it is beneficial to break down ”writing” to units that can be distinguished
and use of technology and evaluate trade-offs including a balance of costs and benefits both economic and social.8 Identify technology that appropriately reflects the values and culture of society for which it is intended.9 Give examples of relationships among technologies and connections between technology and other fields of study.Responsibility10 Can identify and analyze professional, ethical, and social responsibilities as related to technology.11 Participates appropriately in decisions about the development and use of technology.12 Demonstrates an interest and ability in life-long learning and self-education about technological issues.Capabilities13 Formulate pertinent questions, of self and others
wholedoes not warrant attention in the curriculum. But given the traditional mission of so many liberalarts colleges of preparing students for active lives as informed citizens, and the desire if notpassion of so many liberal arts college students to change the world and improve the quality ofhuman life, the lack of such introductory courses is evidence of a lingering, and troublesome,blind spot in the liberal arts college environment.In this paper, we—one of us a mathematician with a background in engineering and the other aphilosopher with a background in philosophy of technology and philosophy of engineering—describe and reflect on our experiences in the Fall of 2016 team-teaching Thinking Like anEngineer, a course we developed for first year
-engineers. Grunert and Adams(2016) reflect this consensus when they assert that “engineering literacy develops citizensthrough their participation in a culture and society that depends on engineering projects.Engineering literate persons function fully within such a society, participating in engineeringprojects not only insofar as engineering training is required, but also in recognition of the broadersocial impact of those projects.” Their paper highlights an interesting finding from their previousresearch: an “absence of meaningful difference between students in engineering courses of studyand students in non-engineering programs.” Of course, this recognition goes at least as far back as “Improving TechnologicalLiteracy” (2002), in which
Narratives aims to provide students with a toolkit for successfulcommunication in contemporary society and the workplace. This integrated course experience invitesstudents to reflect and use diverse ways of communication in the digital era. During one semester,participants were introduced to oral, written, visual and auditory techniques of communication, anddocumented through various digital media artifacts. Page 26.127.3Our value proposition that artistic storytelling can help students think, communicate and aid in theiremotional wellbeing is backed by a long history of scholarship. Such seminal articles as K. Egan’s“Memory, Imagination
arts toevoke and provoke different ways of knowing in the researcher but also in the audience as they reflect on their ownexperiences in relationship to the research interpretations [60]. Arts-based research methods emerged as a branch ofWestern qualitative research theories and practices [66] that occur along a continuum of art-science, which providesflexibility for using creative practices in the research design, content generation, analysis, and/or interpretation. Ichose these inductive and generative creative practices to produce knowledge that mirrors the processes that Nail[61] and CRM [5] describe. Arts-based methods can be used in tandem with traditional qualitative and quantitativepractices or alone [60], which in my work-in-progress