Paper ID #15817Changing Student Behavior through the Use of Reflective Teaching Practicesin an Introduction to Engineering Course at a Two-Year CollegeMr. Richard Brown Bankhead III, Highline College Richard B Bankhead III is the engineering department coordinator at Highline College. At Highline Colleg,e Richard is committed to developing the behaviors of successful engineering students in transfer students as well as preparing them academically for the challenges of junior level engineering courses. Richard has taught at Highline since 2004 and was awarded the Faculty of the Year Award at Highline Col- lege for the 2009
movements and light (vision) data collection. Studentshaving trouble with NXT programming would generally not be able to progress toLabVIEW programming. NASA uses graphical programming (LabView) for control anddata collection in critical missions. A special exercise has been implemented to mimicthe NASA Mars Pathfinder operating principles. The exercise aims to teach theprinciples of robotic vision and data communication. The goal is to illustrate thegraphical programming control of vision via reflectivity measurement and datacommunication to third party computing environment such as Excel.Lego NXT block programming is used to measure reflectivity changes as a function ofelapsed time. Vision requires reflectivity measurements. The program reads
accompanyingrubric(s), reviews them with the assessment coordinator, and meets with, trains, and collectscompleted assessments from all instructors who teach the course. The assessment chair alsomeets with and receives feedback from the instructors and constructs a reflective summary forthe course. The chair then compiles all of the assessment results, including the reflectivesummary, and transmits them to the assessment coordinator.At the discretion of the assessment chair (and approved by the assessment coordinator),assessment devices may include qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed direct and indirectmeasures. Rubrics are used to assess essay questions, projects, portfolios and presentations, andthey are provided to the instructors who conduct and
principles introduced in the TSW. Over a period ofweeks the adjuncts plan a lesson, which is then demonstrated in the real world classroom. Thisphase emphasizes reflective practice and culminates with a reflective paper written by theadjunct faculty member. Teaching in the Community College introduces participants to broaderteaching topics that go beyond the planning of an individual lesson. These topics affect theplanning of an entire course or propose the introduction of an entirely new approach or teachingpractice throughout a course. Each of these three will be described in greater detail below.The Teaching Skills Workshop is based on “microteaching” practices used nationally.Microteaching essentially requires teachers to teach 15-minute lessons
not at all new and has been in practice for a very long time.Regardless, a problem based curriculum is significantly different from the traditional disciplinecentered curriculum. It is important that the aims and objectives of problem based learning arereflected in every aspect of the learning environment created. Scholars have identified fourfeatures that clearly separate a problem-based curriculum from a traditional, topic-basedcurriculum. It is important that the aims and objectives of problem-based learning are reflected inevery aspect of the learning environment created. Problem-based curriculum should documentaccomplishments at the upper levels of Bloom's Taxonomy Triangle. Scholars in the area ofcognitive science and educational
integrates requiredcourses with career planning and support, followed by a paid internship with a partner company,completed by final reflection and placement. The net cash outlay for a participant is $4,400 withthe opportunity to earn the equivalent or more during the paid internship. We have developedtwo tracks for the program, one in Innovation and one in Technology. Each track shares severalfoundational courses and has been designed to meet the diverse needs and prior skills of ourtarget population.Courses/core curriculumManufacturing certificate programs are offered at MassBay Community College and are part ofthe engineering department offerings. The college is an open access institution and thecertificate programs do not have prerequisite
; • experiences or incidents that reflected ideas discussed in class; • thoughts, feelings, and values derived from their service activities; • what was learned.These weekly reports formed the basis for each team’s final written project report and oralpresentation to the entire class. Each student presented a portion of the final team report andincluded operations and procedures that were characteristic to their site, as well as theirpersonal reflections on the activity. Finally, an open forum was provided for the entire classto discuss their ideas and exchange lessons learned during the project. Students completingthe project were recognized in front of the entire class and were presented with certificates ofappreciation.Because of liability
. Page 22.1411.2• Promote Distance Delivery of Engineering Education: To engage remote students in a distance delivered framework with a geographically dispersed instructional team.• Promote Engineering Professionalism: To educate students in the profession of engineering and engineering ethics by highlighting the experiences of a multidisciplinary instructional team and practicing engineers as invited speakers.• Promote Engineering Recruitment and Retention: To excite students to complete engineering degrees and join the engineering profession with a learner-centered instructional environment.Based on the desired outcomes, instructors improvised the team at a distance-teaching approachto reflect the primary tenets of the
project, students assessed their performance on both technical andWorkforce Skills using inspection sheets, rubrics and other tools. This self-assessment includeda reflective paper about the project; what went well, what might be improved, and lessonslearned. After the self-assessment, the instructor also assessed student performance. Aconsensus meeting between the instructor and the student was held to discuss and reconcile anydifferences, and to plan the next activity. Documentation from this cycle could be accumulatedin an optional employment portfolio4.Project planning and assessment documentsEach individual project and each team project required a detailed written plan. Highly skilledpractitioners often create mental plans rather than
, identifying each attribute and itscharacteristics, and identifying the excellent and poor quality work using narrative descriptivecriteria. Holistic rubrics and analytical rubrics are both used to measures students understandingof course content. Holistic rubrics provide a choice to state the highest and lowest levels ofperformance combining the descriptors for all attributes and analytical rubrics state the highestand lowest levels of performance using the descriptions for each attribute separately. The use ofrubrics allows the instructor to provide quality feed back to the student along with providingevaluation and reflection opportunities for an instructor as well. The use of rubrics in a technicalprogram will provide accountability and evaluation
students) and on-campus (n=11 students) formats, both taughtby the same instructor who developed the lab materials. Both groups used the same lab kits andthe same lab activity guides. Table 2 shows a summary of statistics comparing the twocohorts— showing retention and success, amount of work completed, student time to completion(as reported on their lab reports), and an abbreviated concept inventory5 at the end of the class.Note that due to the focus of our current grant effort, the statistics reflect only the lab class andexclude the results of the theory class, although the concept inventory test may be influencedmore strongly by the circuit theory class than by the lab activities.Table 2. Comparisons of retention (percentage of students who
the problem. The instructor acts as afacilitator as students independently seek out the information and resources needed to fill in their Page 15.985.3knowledge gaps. Once the self-directed learning phase is complete, the group reconvenes tobrainstorm possible solutions and then devise a test plan to validate their solution. If the solutiondoes not adequately address the problem, the cycle is repeated. Student groups then present theirfinal solution for peer review and comment and reflect on their learning experience. Problem Analysis
, andengage in highly structured “cookbook” type laboratory activities, PBL is open-ended andcontextualized, where student learning is driven by the problem itself.While a number of different approaches to PBL have been described in the literature since firstbeing introduced in medical schools in the 1970s, they all share the same basic learningprocess10. Working in small teams, students learn “how to learn” by engaging in a recursiveprocess that includes problem analysis, independent research, brainstorming, and solutiontesting. Figure 1 – Problem solving cycleIn PBL, students are presented with an open-ended problem with little or no content preparation.Working in small teams, they collaboratively reflect upon prior
Christine Group Closing Over AllKeynote Activity C/Ortiz Activity Remarks Conference 9.4 8.7 8.4 7.9 8.1 9.1Sixty two percent of the participants rated the opening keynote address a 10, and 77%of the participants rated the over all conference a 9 or 10. The group activity was theleast effective of all the activities, however this still averaged close to an 8 out of the 1 to10 scale. In reflection, this activity should have a specific task for the team to do, such asdevelop a marketing slogan or an ‘ad’ that could be presented to a chosen audience(student, parent, underclass, other educators, etc).Overall, the conference was well received. The comments listed below accentuate theimportance of the discussions and
majority-minority institution can make for the state andthe nation, a co-enrollment program was developed. At the onset of its development, theengineering co-enrollment program was founded on over a decade of experience gained througha strategic partnership between the general studies department at Texas A&M and Blinn College.This co-enrollment program, known as the Texas A&M Blinn Transfer Enrollment at A&M(TEAM) Program, now fourteen years (2001-2015) in existence, has enrolled a total of 8,122students and graduated 2,846 in 112 different majors across the university. The number ofgraduates does not include the past four years of students admitted to the program(approximately, 3,900 students) which reflects their highest enrollment
and time management skills, leadership skills and presentation skills. Business attire isrequired for the team presentation at the conclusion of the project.The authentic learning activities embedded in the project reflect the routine activities of today’sworkplace and emphasize many of the same employability skills industry identified in the “superset.” Rubrics have been designed to help bridge the gap for students between project directionsand project outcomes. Additionally, faculty have determined that the project should be assessedintermittently throughout the course of the semester. This has given faculty insight into eachgroup’s management and communication styles, as well as the degree to which the technicalaspects of the course are
* Partners changed in Years 3 and 4 so data reflects different partners Table 4 provides data for all other sources of transfers which includes other communitycolleges and four-year universities. As in Table 3, the data for Year 3 varies due to the change inpartners. One of the previous partners who was providing several transfers became a bachelordegree granting institution. As a result, this partner was replaced since partners were to be onlytwo-year institutions. Table 4: TAMUK STEP Non-Partner* Transfers for the Fall Semester Baseline 2003-04 2005-06 2006-07
fully incorporate the breadth and depth of knowledge and skills comprised in RPTwork. This belief is supported by Dauer and StGermain’s (2006) assertion that traditionalapproaches to radiological training may not be enough to facilitate deep learning. Theywarn that adherence to traditional educational approaches may result in workers withknowledge and skills deficits. They encourage the exploration and evaluation ofalternative learning philosophies that use such learning strategies as: inductivediscussion, self assessments, case studies, demonstrations, projects, prompting andcoaching, interactive lectures, and guided reflection. We have attempted to incorporatemany of these strategies into our theoretical and instructional design framework
website features as theyexist at the time of the ASEE meeting.Figure 1: Sample Log-In Page. Page 22.1107.4Figure 2: Sample Video Scenario Page (top and bottom).AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation via grant DUE-1036255. Opinions Page 22.1107.5expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of the NationalScience Foundation. Appendix PI Interview Questions for Project Management and Change
have transferred to a 4-year university. This subsection willalso be information when we compare the responses from transfer students to traditionaluniversity students in the future. Self-efficacy was assessed by asking the students to indicatetheir level of agreement to six statements on a 5-point Likert scale.We also asked all students to indicate what hurdles they expect to face if and when they enter a4-year university institution (refer to Section 1 of Appendix A, however note that the specificwording was designed for the existing transfer students. The wording was changed for theanticipating students to reflect their future concerns). This subsection was designed to assess theissues and concerns transfer and potential transfer students
facultyand administrators should be especially cognizant of retention rates, and the relationship of SATscores to the successful completion of their programs by their students.A linear regression model to predict an expected campus freshman retention rate was producedusing average campus SAT scores. Initial examination indicates that some campuses have loweraverage freshman retention rates than other campuses due substantially to the level of freshmanhigh school preparation as reflected by Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores. Studentperformance on the SAT is a primary indicator of first year student success, but other factors mayalso influence retention and provide opportunities for faculty and administrators to improveretention rates above
baseline of participant knowledge of topicsthat would be covered in the SBP. After the pre-test, the engineering design process wasintroduced and discussed. The participants’ first activity was to create a basic type of DC circuitthat included a small light bulb. Following the Ohm’s Law and Watt’s Law activity, theparticipants built both series and parallel DC electric circuits using batteries and electrical loadsmounted on bases which snapped together. The students were asked to put the experimental datainto tables and provide graphs of voltage vs. current. Once all the electric circuit activities werefinished, time was dedicated to reflecting on material learned and discussing the engineeringconnection to the activities.On the second day, a
thathelped engineering transfer students’ make the adjustment to their new receiving institutions; and(2) to increase awareness of opportunities to enhance transfer receptivity at four-year institutionsfor transfer students in engineering programs. More specifically, we explore the followingresearch questions:RQ1: When engineering transfer students are asked to reflect on their transitions to their receiving institutions, what themes emerge regarding: a. Factors that helped them adjust to the receiving institution? b. How the sending institution could have enhanced their success or eased their transition? c. How the receiving institution could have enhanced their success or eased their transition?RQ2: What
course, students on averageanswered 90% of these questions correctly, reflecting an average increase of 38%. Thiscorresponds to an average normalized (Hake) gain12 G of 0.79; in other words, students achievedon average 79% of their possible learning gain on this assessment instrument.As is customary with concept inventories, learning gains were somewhat more modest asmeasured by the MCI, with average scores increasing from 44% pre to 61% post, an averageincrease of 18%, and a normalized gain G of 0.32. Although this indicates that only one-third ofthe potential gain in conceptual understanding was realized on average, these results comparefavorably with those reported by others for the MCI. During initial development and testing ofthe MCI
2006-07). Baccalaureate engineering degrees granted over the grant period show that degrees grantedoverall and to URMs have increased by 3.5% and 54%, respectively while female degreesgranted have declined by 20% at WSU and UW.Changes in upper division engineering enrollments yield very positive findings at WSU and UW.They have increased in total, for women, and for URMs throughout the five year grant period by15%, 21%, and 37%, respectively. The female degrees granted will most likely continue to lagfor several more years, consistent with national trends. Additionally, findings from the StudentExperience Survey, administered annually for four years, reflect statistically significantimprovements in student attitudes regarding perceptions of
on the degree to which their instructor directed their activities. Cohort 2students were asked to compare their experiences in their second year project and a first yearproject. This approach allowed the researchers to understand whether, and if so, which aspects ofstudents’ experiences in well- and ill- structured problems affected their professional identitiesand technical capital.The demographics of the participants reflected the program’s and the county’s demographics inwhich NWCC was situated. The students were white and from working class backgrounds. Theone participant who was female was the only female in the entire program. Some students hadentered the program from high school, while others entered the program after being laid off
award: DUE-0633277. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography 1. Pearson G., and A.T. Young, editors, Technically speaking: Why all Americans need to know more about technology, National Academies Press, (2002). 2. Krupczak, J.J., D. Ollis, “Technological Literacy and Engineering for Non-Engineers: Lessons from Successful Courses,” Proceeding of the 2006 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (2006). 3. Kuc, R.,” Teaching the non-science major
, and then to be reflective after the completion of their first semester at ISU.Both the pre and post-surveys are projected to be implemented in March 2009 as a joint effortbetween members of the SEEC Learning Village O-Team and Advising O-Team.ConclusionWe are looking forward to determining our impact on pre-engineering transfer students, andbased on preliminary evidence we are beginning to see indications of success. We hope tocollect and analyze all data during spring 2009 semester with the assistance of the Evaluation O-Team. This will allow our team to see the results of utilizing a holistic approach to createconnections between community college pre-engineering students and ISU’s College ofEngineering. These results will be used to inform
refining our program model inorder to improve our ability to attract and retain more students in math, engineering, science, andtechnology.An overview of the application and enrollment history of the EDGE Program is presented inTable 3. The trend in student participation reflects an evolving focus on the composition of thecurriculum and the readiness of our target population. EDGE Cohort Year: 2003 2004 2005 Applications received 32 112 52 Students accepted into the program 20 62 35 Students enrolled in the program 20 58 26 Students qualified for
pursuing STEM majors during that time, (Figure 2) During this time period, the number of all Latino STEM majors made the most dramatic increase of 233%, more than doubling; (Figure 3) There was also an increased proportion of STEM associate degrees earned by URM students--up from 11.5% before the grant to 33.9% after, The number of students completing credits towards a transfer STEM degree increased by more than 50%, going from roughly 7% of the Cabrillo population before the grant to 17% after, URM STEM majors in the pipeline have increased from 19% to 34% of all STEM majors over the course of the grant, nearly reflecting their overall proportion of the college population, which is 40%, ( Figure 1)Outcomes that were related to