Paper ID #356592020 BEST ZONE I PAPER WINNER - The Engineers’ Orchestra: aConductorless Orchestra for Developing 21st-Century Professional SkillsDr. Diana S. Dabby, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 The Engineers’ Orchestra: a Conductorless Orchestra for Developing 21st Century Professional Skills Diana S. Dabby Assoc. Prof. of Elect. Eng. and Music Music Program Director Olin College of
Leadership in Quality and the Association for Institutional Research.Dan Merson, The Pennsylvania State University Page 25.254.2 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Design in Context: Where do the Engineers of 2020 Learn this Skill?Increasingly, engineers must design engineering solutions that consider the contexts in whichthey are implemented. Examples like China‟s Three Gorges Dam, the development of next-generation fusion nuclear power, and the One Laptop per Child program illustrate thecomplexities and the stakes of current and future
of the LelandStanford Junior University. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not representviews of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education or the Board of Trustees of the LelandStanford Junior University.References[1] K. Crenshaw, “Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics,” University of Chicago Legal Forum, 140, pp. 139-167, 1989.[2] E. Pascarella, L. S. Hagerdorn, E. Whitt, P. M. Yeager, M. I. Edison, P. T. Terenzini, A. Noura, “Women's Perceptions of a "Chilly Climate" and Their Cognitive Outcomes during the First Year of College,” Journal of College Student Development, 38(2
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2 Q A process occurs toState Change S S irrev change the system’s state. 1 1 Q2 , out 1W2 , out 1 T
events.Student recruitment and selectionThe REU Site was advertised via typical channels, including a program website, flyer circulatedto appropriate listservs and faculty connections, and social media. A single application portalwas used for the Site, with applicants selecting the campuses for which they would like to beconsidered. Applications were considered complete if they included an application form,personal statement, unofficial transcript(s), and at least one letter of recommendation.Applicant review occurred in two phases: initial screening and PI/mentor review. During theinitial screening, personal statements and recommendation letters were read by the screeningcommittee and scored via a shared rubric. The screening committee was comprised of
Systems Engineering Failures Finding(s) Causal Action Discussion/Explanation The mine operator Pike River Mine explosion: “The original mine plan specified decided to change an two main fans located on the mountainside next to a ventilation aspect of the ventilation shaft. Two planning changes were made. Pike decided to relocate system design
, S = Energy and Sustainability,No = not observed)Code Definition CourseMastery Competence, proficiency in understanding and applying No knowledgeBroader context Understanding of the subject’s societal implications F, E, SEngagement active Student involvement in learning F, E, S learningEthical Ability to identify ethical issues and decide on ethical actions F, E, S developmentRelatedness Feeling of belonging and support in the learning setting F, ESystems thinking Ability to see connections and see the whole instead
of thinking that roughly capture patterns in LAs’descriptions and diagnoses of, and imagined responses to, the teamwork troubles: individualaccountability, where the trouble is seen as caused by individual(s) described as “off task” or“checked out” or demonstrating some level of incompetence; delegation of work, where thetrouble was located in the team leader’s inability to delegate tasks effectively to team members,or in the group’s general lack of communication about what tasks need to be completed, whoshould execute the tasks, and what work other groups in the team were doing; and emergentsystems, where trouble was described as a group-level phenomenon emerging from the patternsof interaction amongst group members, contextual features
Annual meeting for the American Society for Engineering Education, St. Louis, MS, 2000.2 Ingram, B., M. Jesse, S. Fleagle, J. Florman, and S. Van Horne, Cases on Higher Education Spaces: Innovation, Collaboration, and Technology, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 2013, pg. 165-185. Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference Organized by The University of Texas at Dallas Copyright © 2017, American Society for Engineering Education 2017 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual ConferenceDavid J. Ewing –Earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering fromPensacola Christian College and a PhD in
Science and Education, National ResearchCouncil.Carlton, K. (2000), 'Teaching about heat and temperature', Physics Education, 35 (2), 101.Chi, M. T. H. Commonsense Conceptions of Emergent Processes: Why Some Misconceptions AreRobust. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2005. 14. 161-99.Chi, M. T. H. (2006). Laboratory methods for assessing experts’ and novices’ knowledge. In K.A. Ericsson, N. Charness, R. R. Hoffman, & P. J. Feltovich (Eds.), The Cambridge handbookof expertise and expert performance (pp. 167-184). Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress.Chi, M. T. H. 2008 Three types of Conceptual Change: Belief Revision, Mental Model Transformation,and Categorical Shift. In Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change, S. Vosniadou, Ed, New
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ofVirginia nor the participants.References[1] J. Kabo, X. Tang, D. Nieusma, J. Currie H. Wenlong and C. Baillie, “Visions of SocialCompetence: Comparing Engineering Education Accreditation in Australia, China, Sweden, andthe United States,” in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX, USA, June 10-12, 2012.[2] R. M. Marra, S. M. Kim, C. Plumb, D. J. Hacker and S. Bossaller, “Beyond the Technical:Developing Lifelong Learning and Metacognition for the Engineering Workplace ProfessionalDevelopment and Lifelong Learning” in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus,OH, USA, June 24-28.[3] P. Strauss and S. Young, “I know the type of people I work well with”: student anxiety inmulticultural group projects,” S. Higher Education
Management, Reliability for System of Systems, and Systems Simulation. He is a topic leader in systems thinking, including systems theory and complex systems, for the Society for Engineering and Management Systems (SEMS). Prior to joining the doctoral program at ODU, he worked as a systems analyst and operations officer for five years. He is a past proceedings chair of the American Society for Engineering Management and is currently a member of the Academy of Management and Institute of Industrial Engineers. He holds a BS in Business, an MA in Operations Management, and PhD in Engineering Management from Old Dominion University.Mr. Parker Jones, Mississippi State University BS Industrial EngineeringEmily S. Wall
media can support the IT methods associated with goodm-learning such as high retention graphics, video and animation with voiceovers; and it does thisat the same time as it maintains the ubiquity of SMS-based text-only dissemination. That is,continuing education materials can be pushed out to the cell/smart phones of PEs’ registered forcourse(s) without their intervention (e.g., no browsing for information) regardless of the phonemodel, calling plan, or wireless service provider they own.In particular, this paper will discuss the following topics: 1. Existing models of university-company collaboration so as to introduce an atypical university-company collaboration in which the partnering company is a start-up which owns a
pilot course and teacher workshop showed encouraging results and we hope tocontinue developing the CST kit and curricula around it.AcknowledgementThis work is supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) [DGE 1723687, 1821766, CNS1722557, 1801534; CCF 1718474] and Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) [2847.001,2727.001].References[1] K-12 Computer Science Framework. (2016). Retrieved from[2] Holst, Alexander and Swaroop Ghosh. “Quantified Analysis of Magnetic Attack on Commercial Magnetic RAM Chip.” Hardware Demonstration in Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2016, Online:[3] A. Holst, J. Jang and S. Ghosh
blind student for her efforts in the course and explaining how parts andswelled drawings were perceived throughout the course.References[1] S. A. Sorby, "Educational research in developing 3‐D spatial skills for engineering students," International Journal of Science Education, 31-3, pp. 459-480, Feb. 2009.[2] C. Potter, and E. Van der Merwe, "Perception, imagery, visualization and engineering graphics," European journal of engineering education, 28-1, pp. 117-133, Mar. 2003.[3] B. Beck-Winchatz, and M. A. Riccobono. "Advancing participation of blind students in science, technology, engineering, and math," Advances in Space Research, 42-11, pp. 1855-1858, Dec. 2008.[4] D. Fitzpatrick, “Teaching science subjects to
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100% rational and easy to follow solution process, Meets Minimum including required diagrams and figures Competency Incorrect answer due to one or two minor errors II 80% but supported by a correct solution process as described in Level I Does Not Meet Minimum III 0% Incorrect answer due to conceptual error(s) CompetencyIn Level II scores described in Table 2, there are two necessary conditions for classifying anerror as minor: 1. The mistake is a minor algebraic error, computational error, error in units or significant digits, or other human mistake such