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Displaying results 271 - 300 of 1210 in total
Conference Session
Research in Faculty Development
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kristen Ferris, University of New Mexico; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Pil Kang, University of New Mexico
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division
so by a chair following poor teaching evaluations; this typicallydoes not make them more ready to change, however. Our setting, because of the five-year effortto engage all faculty in better meeting diverse student needs, provided an opportunity toinvestigate both groups of faculty. Our study reports on the first four years of the project.The departmental change effort included several strategies, guided by an engineering educationresearcher, to bring about change: threading design challenges through core chemicalengineering courses; switching from bleed-all-over-it, long technical reports to cycles of drafts,peer and instructor feedback, and revision and reflection; and developing ways to assess andsupport professional skills like teamwork
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in ECE Courses
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bahar Memarian, University of Toronto; Susan McCahan, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
by the instructor. The evaluation may, or may not, includeproviding formative feedback on the students’ solutions. Instructor • Creates assessment acitivities and guides • Monitors quality of assessment • Tracks problem-solving competency development of students Assessor Student • Evaluates student work by following the • Takes the tests assessment guide • Self-asesses own solution errors before • communicates errors on student viewing the grade or ideal solution solution formatively • Reviews assessor feedback, reflects and
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: K-12 Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eliza Gallagher, Clemson University; Anna Marie Vagnozzi, Clemson University; Rachel Lanning, Clemson University ; D. Andrew Brown, Clemson University; Christy Brown, Clemson University; Kristin Kelly Frady, Clemson University; Julia Machele Brisbane, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Michael A. Matthews P.E., University of South Carolina; Joseph Murphy, University of California, Los Angeles; Khushikumari Patel, Clemson University; Aubrie Lynn Pfirman, Lander University; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel; Richard H Roberts Jr, Florence Darlington Technical College; Ronald W. Welch P.E., The Citadel; Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
, resulted in astatewide survey for distribution at all coalition campuses in Fall 2019.Significant issues with deployment of the survey resulted in response rate that was below ouracceptable threshold for inferential statistical analysis, both for overall number of completeresponses (n = 542) and for distribution of responses along demographic characteristics such asinstitutional affiliation, major, and racial/ethnic identity. Descriptive analysis of relevant variablesfrom the survey supports that the themes identified in the focus groups are all reflected in thesurvey responses. The survey will be re-administered in Fall 2020 with new distributionguidelines to obtain the desired response rate.Although we cannot quantify the extent to which the
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joel Alejandro Mejia, University of San Diego; Melissa M. Arana; Mireya Becker Roberto, University of San Diego; Nicole G. Reyes
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
, promoting bilingualism and biliteracy, grade-level achievement, and multicultural competence for all students [5]. Often teachers findthemselves hitting a barrier in STEM courses when it comes to incorporating dual languagepractices. There are limited opportunities for STEM content teachers and English as a SecondLanguage (ESL) teachers to collaborate, particularly because STEM content teachers may seethemselves providing only STEM content while dismissing any language-related responsibilities[6].In recent years, dual language programs have expanded in the United States reflecting a betterunderstanding of the connection between language and content knowledge [7]. Public schoolshave increasingly begun offering programs that highlight the importance
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 6
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Angela R Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Greg Rulifson PE, USAID
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
critical reflection of the learner on the experience. Unlessembedded within a course as a service-learning activity (e.g. [13]), there may not be structuredreflection. This is particularly true in co-curricular activities, where advisors may worry thatformal reflection would deter college students from participating. However, the reflection couldoccur informally via a group discussion.Giles and Eyler [11] cite Dewey’s [12] four criteria for projects to be truly educative. The fourcriteria are: generate interest, worthwhile intrinsically, problems that demand new information,and cover a considerable time span. K-12 activities are often designed to be fun, so they arelikely to generate interest on behalf of both the college student and K-12 kids
Conference Session
International Accreditation and Credentials: International Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ming Li, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Tagged Divisions
, thesupport of school conditions, the guarantee of quality monitoring, and the satisfaction ofstudents and customers. The main achievements of engineering education are analyzed, theunderlying problems are analyzed, and countermeasures and suggestions for furtherimproving the quality of engineering education are put forward [4].The “China EngineeringEducation Quality Report” has been released successively since 2014, reflecting the progressof engineering education in China as a whole. In addition, the Chinese academia has alsoconducted research on the issue of quality assurance in engineering education in China,which mainly involves two aspects: existing problems [5] and countermeasures [6].3. Research Method3.1 Literature analysisThe research
Conference Session
Perspectives and Evaluation of Engineering Design Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Greses Pérez, Stanford University; Patrick Marcel Danner, Technical University of Munich; Shannon Katherine Gilmartin, Stanford University; Carol B. Muller, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, we focus on human diversity as reflective of “broad heterogeneity in socialidentities and statuses represented among individuals in a shared engineering experience” [1].We see these dimensions as situated in, interacting with, and influenced by the cultural andsocial norms in which individuals operate. In turn, individuals affect those cultural norms.Understanding these aspects is increasingly recognized as an important part of learning tobecome an engineer. Though traditional engineering education has been, and to a large extentstill is, focused on students acquiring technical knowledge [2] [3], in the workplace engineers arerequired to bring more than technical expertise to solve problems. As part of their work, theyoften draw on different
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 3
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Laura Ann Gelles, University of San Diego; Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Final Straw” that wasfocused on accessibility of straw materials within the disability community. For this module,groups of students considered the unique design needs of a marginalized stakeholder who relieson the material properties of single-used plastic straws (e.g., individuals with strength andmobility issues) to recommend an alternative material for the straw (e.g., paper, metal, silicone).In doing so, they must consider the larger economic, environmental, and social impacts of theirmaterial recommendation, and also consider how engineering design and public policy canunintentionally exclude vulnerable populations. Curricular content (e.g., homework, midtermquestions) as well as researcher reflections were used to assess this module
Conference Session
Data-informed Approaches to Understanding Student Experiences and Outcomes
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Qin Liu, University of Toronto; Greg Evans, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Engineering students develop competencies through classroom learning, work-integratedlearning outside the classroom, and extra-curricular activities on and off campus [1-3]. In twoways, current engineering education research (EER) does not adequately reflect these multipleinterlinked experiences that contribute to competency formation. Firstly, while much EER hasbeen devoted to students’ classroom learning [4, 5], less emphasis has been placed on work-integrated learning and the synergies arising from learning inside and outside classrooms.Secondly, the potential of existing data sources, such as administrative data, academic recordsand student surveys which engineering schools routinely collect, remains relatively untapped.These data sources are
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: Assessment Tools and Practices
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ronald S. Harichandran, University of New Haven; Aadityasinh Rana; Nadiye O. Erdil, University of New Haven
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
failure Learning from failure (LFF) Establishing the cost of production or delivery of a service, including Cost of production (CoP) scaling strategies Building, sustaining and leading effective teams and establishing Effective teams (ET) performance goals Table 2. Assessment Outcomes for the Four Modules Module AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 Thinking Articulated creative Reflected on the Applied divergent- Applied an ideation
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Curriculum and Design - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Steven Higbee, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Sharon Miller, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
found eachproject and reflected on the integration of prior coursework into their design projects. Finally,student design reports were scored by instructors and students self-reported design mastery,using a common rubric.Results and Discussion: After completing each integrated project, students demonstratedimproved design knowledge and cognizance of integrating prior coursework knowledge intotheir designs. Students also reported significant confidence gains in four major areas: (1) designprocess and approach, (2) working with hardware, (3) working with software and interfacingwith hardware, and (4) communicating results. Focus group responses support the observedquantitative improvements in student design confidence. Further, instructor scoring
Conference Session
Promoting Communication Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia; Judith Shaul Norback, Georgia Institute of Technology; Charlie Bennett, Georgia Institute of Technology; Benjamin J. Laugelli, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
6Van Wie (26946), “Using Reflection to Facilitate Writing Knowledge Transfer in Upper-LevelMaterials Science Courses” by Mallette and Ackler (26638), and “Writing across Engineering:A Collaborative Approach to Support STEM Faculty’s Integration of Writing Instruction in theirClasses” by Ware, Turnipseed, Gallagher, Elliott, Popovics, Prior, and Zilles (26720). Thesepapers were presented in three different sessions (2 in LEES and 1 in chemical engineering); onewas funded by the NSF, while another had significant institutional funding.Many of the papers presented at the 2019 conference exemplify the fourth trend observed in the2016 analysis: collecting data (typically from student evaluations or surveys) for a single course(sometimes even for a
Conference Session
Student Approaches to Problem Solving
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Amber Gallup, University of New Mexico; Sung "Pil" Kang, University of New Mexico
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
decisions today, related to yourdesign project?”). We found that students reliably accounted for the decisions observed.Based on these subconstructs, we developed Likert statements written as simple concepts [48]with a 7-point bipolar scale, with a middle option to reduce measurement error [49]. Researchsuggests that using item-specific scales, as opposed to the commonplace agree/disagree scale,can improve the quality of responses [50]; we thus avoided agree/disagree scales and focused ondeveloping scales that reflected the construct we sought to measure. For instance, we avoidedscales that focused on frequency (e.g., always to never), as in our discourse analysis, weobserved that even infrequent decisions were sometimes very impactful. This
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 4
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Neal I. Callaghan, University of Toronto; Jose Luis Cadavid, University of Toronto; Huntley H. Chang, University of Toronto; Ileana Louise Co, University of Toronto; Nicolas Ivanov, University of Toronto; Nhien Tran-Nguyen, University of Toronto; Jonathan Rubianto, University of Toronto; Locke Davenport Huyer, University of Toronto; Dawn M. Kilkenny, University of Toronto
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
grades of zero (i.e., incomplete assignments, D), misseddays of classroom instruction (E), and missed days of Discovery (F) by student between schools.N=77 and 53 for Schools A and B, respectively. P-values reflect nonparametric U-tests between schools.Aggregate assessment of classroom performance from both schools presented consistent meanfinal course grades (excluding the 10-15% Discovery portion) of 67% (Figure 2A); given thissimilarity it was determined that further comparative analysis between school cohorts wasjustified. However, performance on Discovery variables was significantly different (p < 0.0001)between school cohorts; School A students averaged 67% (remarkably consistent to their
Conference Session
Design Methodologies 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrea M. Ragonese, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Elizabeth Marie Starkey, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
classrooms. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the deploymentof product dissection modules in graduate-level engineering classrooms—both in an online (non-co-located) setting and in a residential classroom setup. This concept was introduced to graduatestudents in an engineering leadership and innovation management program course that focused onproduct innovation in a corporate setting.This study aimed to understand the usefulness of virtual product dissection in online classroomsthrough the implementation of an online virtual product dissection module where studentscompleted individual reflections and written discussions. The results from this case study yieldrecommendations for the use of product dissection in non-co-located classrooms for
Conference Session
Maker Spaces in Design Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amit Shashikant Jariwala, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jenny Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology; J. Auston Ferrarer, Georgia Institute of Technology; Gabrielle E. Lonsberry, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kentez Lanier Craig, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
provided focused and specific instruction in the safe operation of the prototyping and manufacturing tools • In-class discussions between teams to practice lecture material through role-playing as “designer” and “user”2.3 Course Assignments The course included a number of both team and individual assignments to aid students’learning, provide hands-on experience with the material covered, promote self reflection andevaluation, formulate constructive criticism of others’ work, and foster a rich and interactivelearning environment. This section describes the main course assignments in detail.2.3.1 Masterpiece Assignment To help introduce students to makerspace equipment and demonstrate the practice ofemploying different
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Student Thought
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Erika A. Mosyjowski, University of Michigan; Javiera Espinoza von Bischhoffshausen, University of Michigan; Lisa R. Lattuca, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
participants felt were important in solving a complex problem, aswell as their understanding of what it means to have a systems perspective, both personally andhow they perceived it to be defined in their field, company, and/or educational context. Focusingon participants’ lived experiences likely facilitated deep reflection, rich detail, and greateraccuracy, in contrast to general questions about systems thinking which may only yield vague orsuperficial responses that may not reflect participants’ experiences in practice [18], [19].Data Analysis. Two trained coders initially coded interviews based on a codebook developedinductively by the study team. This coding scheme was primarily descriptive, flaggingparticipants’ responses to different study
Conference Session
Design Across Curriculum 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Robert P. Loweth, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Jiangqiong Liu; Kathleen H. Sienko, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
to facilitate data analysis. We also collected additional data generatedduring the team’s pre-assessment and assessment activities. Additional pre-assessment phasedata included C-SED training module deliverables such as prior knowledge reviews, contentquizzes, application tasks, and reflections. Additional assessment phase data included a list ofinitial needs statements, recordings of nightly meetings, individual reflection journals, andindividual field notes. These additional data were used to help verify that participant interviewresponses accurately reflected participant conceptions about developing needs statements.Table 2. Examples of protocol questions pertaining to needs statement development
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session 4: Energy and Analysis
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lisa Bosman, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jennifer Brinker, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College; Kenneth Walz, Madison Area Technical College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
research questions examined are as follows: ● How is the energy landscape in Germany different from the United States? ● How has the CREATE project influenced educational practices for the participants? ● How can these findings more broadly shape energy education teaching practices for instructors across the United States?2. MethodsThe complete methodology for the international professional development program is describedin detail by Slowinski et al. [5, 6], and is outlined only briefly here. A collaborativeautoethnographic approach was used by participants to explore the guiding research questions.Autoethnography employs self-reflection to explore the contextual and lived experiences ofindividuals, which allows for a greater and deeper
Conference Session
Alternatives to Traditional Assessment
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Todd M. Fernandez, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kaela M. Martin, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Richard T. Mangum, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Cristi L. Bell-Huff, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
rubricelements as the SCD such as concept of operations and team logo. As the semester progressed,we realized that our meets elements should be closer aligned with including assignment elementsrather than clarity. We also fully admit that some of our criteria were not well written, but the 5criteria was the best we could come up with at the time – a lesson learned from implementingspecifications grading: the need for ongoing reflection and clarification of specifications asfaculty and students learn.Peer evaluations were completed using CATME, and students passed the assignment if theywrote meaningful comments including improvements for team members
Conference Session
Novel Strategies for Studying Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nicola W. Sochacka, University of Georgia; Christian Michael Culloty, University of Georgia; Jacob Hopkins; Julie R. Harrell, University of Georgia; Joachim Walther, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
education, the pro- fessional formation of engineers, the role of empathy and reflection in engineering learning, and student development in interdisciplinary and interprofessional spaces. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Using SenseMaker® to examine student experiences in engineering: A discussion of the affordances and limitations of this novel research approachIntroductionIn 2017, the National Science Foundation (NSF) organized a workshop in Washington D.C. tointroduce a new methodology, SenseMaker®, to the engineering education research community.This paper describes the development and implementation of a SenseMaker study, “TheEngineering
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Walter W. Schilling Jr., Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
feasible. The new LMSsystem is supposedly more friendly toward this but is not scheduled to be deployed until the2020-2021 academic year.Second, in pure standards-based grading, the only measurements made are assessments ofachievement. This, however, goes against some of the practices that encourage good studentlearning and prevent procrastination, such as an early submission bonus which encouragesstudents to start assignments before they are due. [12] [13] The current rubrics still have an earlyperformance bonus because it does encourage students to start earlier and work throughassignments, and it also is quite popular with students. But it does go against pure standards-based grading. Another area is a reflection bonus which is used in a
Conference Session
Intro to Biomedical Engineering and Vertically Integrated Curriculum (Works in Progress) - June 23rd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sabrina Jedlicka, Lehigh University; Eugene Thomas Pashuck, Lehigh University; Susan F. Perry, Lehigh University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
KEEN student outcomes to assess curiosity, connections,value creation, communication, collaboration and character have been mapped to ABET studentoutcomes, as well as to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges ScholarProgram [10] to extend assessment applications. In future studies, we will present on theseintegration efforts, as well as the tools used in assessment and mapping of KEEN related outcomes. Student Reflection 5 4.5 4 3.5 Rating (1 = Not at All, 5 = Yes
2020 ASEE North Central Section conference
Varun K Kasaraneni, Gannon University; David Gee, Gannon University; Saeed Tiari; Ramakrishnan Sundaram, Gannon University
primarily made of plywood. Other materials thatare used for construction of the box are: black matte paint, the lack of shine of which stopsexcess reflection of light to help absorb the solar energy, the legs are constructed of timberwood, and a screen material is used for the shelves to allow circulation of heated air. In orderto minimize hardware such as hinges, the door to the dehydrator utilizes notching in theplywood to function as a sliding door. The second component of the dehydrator is the hotbox, which is constructed of plywood and a transparent acrylic sheet. All materials areassembelled using wood screws. a) b) Figure 2: Phase 3 solar-powered food dehydrator design #2Design 3
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Matthew Wettergreen, Rice University; Joshua Brandel
** CNC Machining NO - NONE Molding/Casting NO - NONE Mill/Lathe NO - NONE^Survey results and stats are taken from Wettergreen, 2020 [8]*A 3D Pen (3Doodler) was supported for an experimental group of students participating in arelated study. It is not considered a core component of the curriculum and is not usually taught.**The maker space in which the class takes place provides resources including lab assistants,online training, public workshops, and step-by-step instructions posted on machines.As reflected in Table 1, statistically significant increases were observed in student
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-oriented Studies Division Technical Session 3
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eleanor Byrnes, Harvey Mudd College; Yaqub Alam Mahsud, Harvey Mudd College; Spencer Rosen, Harvey Mudd College; Matthew Spencer, Harvey Mudd College
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
study, and the best thirty from each category were retained foranalysis. Class descriptions were extracted from these documents, and these descriptions werecategorized into multiple categories reflecting the many types of laboratory experiences studentscan have: no laboratory component, traditional in-lab hardware experiences, software-basedlaboratories ​[4]​, take home lab kits ​[5]​, mixed studio-lecture courses ​[6]​, or other laboratoryexperiences.The hypothesis of this study was that both engineering discipline and school rank would drivesignificant differences in the number of laboratories a program offered because EE and ME havevery different capital requirements for laboratory classes, and resources are one explicit aspect ofschool
Conference Session
ET Pedagogy II
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Barbara L. Christe, State University of New York
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
development and reflection on diversity as an ethical underpinning ofprofessionalism.Ethical challenges or discussions often lack binary decisions. Many times, no single "correct"solution exists. Typically, one can identify a range of solutions that are clearly wrong and arange of solutions that are better than others. This range of responses is opposite to the "checkthe answer in the back of the book" instruction in circuit analysis or other engineeringtechnology coursework. Some students find this aspect of ethics personally challenging.Offering students a case study that is directly associated with the engineering profession yields acontext-based discussion far more valuable and productive as students develop their professionalidentity. The
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Faculty Development 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Karin Jensen, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Joseph F. Mirabelli, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Kelly J. Cross, University of Nevada, Reno; Allyson Jo Barlow, University of Nevada, Reno
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
and diversificationof the engineering education community and bridge the gap between research and practice. Thecurrent work describes an effort to assess the needs of both mentors and mentees in EER andpreliminary work to build community for the NSF PFE: RIEF program.MethodInstitutional Review Board approval was obtained for the study. In the fall of 2019, a briefsurvey was distributed to current and past RIEF grant awardees (PIs and co-PIs that wereidentified from the NSF award database). In addition to providing background information abouttheir project (role, current or completed project), participants were asked to reflect on thefollowing questions: • What support from the RIEF community would benefit you and your work? • What
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Sustainability
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Carla Lopez Del Puerto, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Humberto Eduardo Cavallin; Oscar Marcelo Suarez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Jonathan Munoz Barreto; Jose L. Perdomo, University of Puerto Rico; Drianfel E. Vázquez, University of Puerto Rico, Ponce Campus; Fabio Andrade Rengifo P.E., University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Luisa Guillemard, University of Puerto Rico, Myagüez Campus; Ormari Troche
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
-solving, and sustainability and resiliency. Theproject seeks to foster interdisciplinary problem-solving skills involving architects, engineers andconstruction managers, in order to better prepare them to face and provide solutions to minimizethe impact of extreme natural environment events on infrastructure.The new curriculum stresses on problem-settings, the role that participants have on defining thecharacteristics of the problems that have to be solved, learning in action, reflecting on theprocess, and communication between the different stakeholders. This multisite andinterdisciplinary program provides students with the necessary support, knowledge, and skillsnecessary to design and build resilient and sustainable infrastructure. This
Conference Session
Design in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael A. Phelan, Temple University; Aratrik Guha; Brandon K. Harrison, Temple University; George Moukarzel, Temple University; Abigail A. Tetteh; Yah-el Har-El, Temple University; Ruth Ochia P.E., Temple University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
process moves through ‘empathize,define, ideate, prototype, and test’1 and the biodesign process described by Yock, et al.2Our college has been introducing DT concepts in our first year Introduction to Engineeringcourse (ENGR 1101) and our senior design (SD) series (ENGR 4169 and 4269) since 2014.These courses are required for every engineering student in our college. As a bioengineeringdepartment, we have also included design thinking within our required, introductorybioengineering course since 2014, as well as, two newly developed elective Biodesign coursesstarted in 2018. Our goal is to determine if our intervention has made an impact on the designthinking mindset of engineering students as reflected in their culminating design experience