someone memorable. After looking over my resume, the first question they asked was if I could explain what “a focus in sustainability” meant. They had never heard of a sustainability designation and were intrigued by the unique skillset I could bring. … They were impressed by the curriculum, and … [o]ne interviewer said, ‘I wish I had that when I was in school.’ I became memorable.”L. S. (2020 graduate) said, “As I look towards my life after graduation, I'm confident that the education I received inside and outside the classroom as part of the sustainability designation helped guide my career trajectory. … [M]y ultimate career aspirations are towards sustainability leadership in all of its facets—renewable energy
these grants…” [R3]Another subject whose research is interdisciplinary reflects on his difficult experience withtenure review: “The complication for me was that my research spans two fundamental fields of study... [S]o I had to seek feedback on both sides…in terms of the [first field of study] world, how am I doing? in terms of [second field of study], how am I doing?.. [T]he issues I had [with P&T] were related to that. How you’re reviewed when you’re …. interdisciplinary is a headache.” [R7]As R7 illustrates, faculty with interdisciplinary research are often evaluated by faculty across twodepartments and must uncover the hidden curriculum in both. In other cases, faculty are expectedto meet tenure expectations that may be
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SelvesThe psychological concept of possible selves, developed by Hazel Markus and Paula Nurius,examines how people use both positive and negative imaginations of the self to guidemotivation, behavior, and identity construction, including ethical formation [4]. According to theauthors, possible selves facilitate self-knowledge informed by “the ideal selves we would verymuch like to become” as well as “the selves we are afraid of becoming” [4]. As such, possibleselves function as “cognitive manifestation[s]” of persistent “goals, aspirations, motives, fears,and threats” and operate as “the essential link between self-concept and motivation” [4].Importantly, the authors argue that the possible selves people construct, though numerous andvaried, are
working with that data on their computer or within a shared drive.External data repositories are being used, but not widely. However, they may be preferred oncethe project is no longer active and deposit data at the time of publication as the literature noted. TABLE VINDICATE WHERE YOU STORE RESEARCH DATA DURING AN ACTIVE PROJECT(S). Data Storage Location Count Percentage Computer or laptop hard drive (i.e. local hard drive) 24 92% Shared drive/ UBC network storage or departmental server (e.g. Home drive, TeamShare, SharePoint, OneDrive) 19 73% External drive 16
pursuit of the engineering professoriate. (Doctoral Dissertation), University of Maryland-College ParkCarrasco, E. (1996). Collective recognition as a communitarian device: Or, of course we want to be role models! La Raza Law Journal, 9(1), 81–101.Chakravartty, P., Kuo, R., Grubbs, V., & McIlwain, C. (2018). #CommunicationSoWhite, Journal of Communication, 68(2), 254–266,, S. (2014) Balancing knowing and not-knowing: an exploration of doctoral candidates’ performance of researcher selves in the dissertation defence, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39:3, 364-379, DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2013.834876Choe, N. H., Borrego, M. J., Martins, L. L., Patrick, A. D., & Seepersad, C. C. (2017
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from populationsunderrepresented in engineering. In the 1990’s UC San Diego had a Minority EngineeringProgram that provided community and mentorship to underrepresented students. The NationalSociety of Black Engineers (NSBE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), andSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) were also longtime, active chapters at UC San Diego. Inaddition, multiple diversity and inclusion initiatives began to develop across campus within afew years of the IDEA Center, including the establishment of the Office of the Vice Chancellorfor Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and the Black Resource Center.4.2 Start-up Stage: Early Activities“An organization that is in the beginning phase of operation.” [1]4.2.1 StrategyThe original
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) insufficient good Research Quantity of prior research No Little Some Large amount of Potential experience in academic experience experience experience experience (CV) and beyond Quality of prior research No Time spent in a Secondary Peer-reviewed experience in academic experience lab with no author on conference and beyond demonstrated publication(s) presenter, first- outcomes and/or prior author
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nuance of community cultural wealthdimensions, counterspace processes, and misalignment between assets and institutional policies.The findings below are focused around passages in the data that were coded as both a type ofCCW and either a counterspace process or misalignment.FindingsPreliminary findings from our analysis of interview data align with Margherio et al.’s [6]research highlighting the interplay between CCW and counterspaces. Students who havepersisted in STEM into their Junior or Senior year describe LSAMP as a resource that helpedthem both activate existing forms of capital/cultural resources they possessed entering collegeand develop skills and networks that contributed to continuing success. Further, examination ofchallenges
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Paper ID #30335The Challenge of Preparing iGen Students for Engineering and ComputerScienceDr. Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University Ken Van Treuren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering at Baylor University. He received his B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado and his M. S. in Engineering from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. After serving as USAF pilot in KC-135 and KC-10 aircraft, he completed his DPhil in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and returned to the USAF Academy to teach heat transfer and
. Using the data from the pre and post survey responses from 2017 and 2018(n=230), the four survey items that yielded the highest Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistencyfor each scale (as calculated in SPSS) were used on the 2019 survey.Table 2. Survey Instrument Aspect Definition Reference(s) # items 2017+ # items 2019 2018; alpha survey, alpha Course Feeling comfortable, supported, and accepted 40 4; .993 4; .993 Belonging in the course / classroom College Belonging at the campus, engineering college 41, 42 6; .760 4
, students indicated whether they had no computer science,introductory computer science, or advanced/PA computer science and if they had taken the APComputer Science A or Computer Science Principles and/or IB Computer Science exams andtheir score(s). For Physics, …. Students in both courses indicated their highest level of highschool mathematics (algebra; geometry; trigonometry/pre-calculus; calculus; advanced calculusor higher) and whether they had taken an AP examination in Calculus and/or an IB exam inMathematics and their score(s). Participants then completed the measures of efficacy, mindset, belongingness, and goalaffordances described above. 2) Post-exam survey. Participants who had completed the intake survey received anemail
memberships.” The boundaries being drawn here are quite clear:politics do not belong in the IEEE, and LGBTQ individuals are ontologically political. It isinteresting that the latter two posters assumed the proposer(s) of the new language were LGBTQ(must be outsiders!), when in fact there was an organized response from the few out LGBTQIEEE members to alter the proposed wording before adoption of the proposed changes, as theproposed language was not truly inclusive of the LGBTQ community.Sexual orientation is private/doesn’t belong in the workplace: A slightly different (thoughrelated) boundary was drawn between professional and private spheres when frequentcommenter Luke Burgess (relation to Barry Burgess unknown) suggested that sexual
engineering. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference CDIO, Montreal, Canada.[15]. Harden, R. (2002). Developments in outcomes-based education. Medical teacher, 24(2), 117–120.[16]. Harden, R. (2007). Outcomes-based Education: The future is today. Medical teacher, 29(7), 625–629[17]. Gardiner L. F. (2002). Assessment essentials: Planning, implementing, and improving assessment in higher education (review). J. Higher Education, 73(2), 302–305.[18]. Dew, S. K., Lavoie, M., & Snelgrove, A. (2011, June). An engineering accreditation
a coherent grouping of similar ways of experiencing thephenomenon among (typically) more than one individual.For Zoltowski et al.’s study, analysis of the data yielded seven qualitatively different ways inwhich the students experienced human-centered design (categories) within the context of“designing for others”. An overview of the categories of description is given in Table 1. Table 1. Categories of Description of Students' Experience of Human-Centered Design10 Category of Description (Human-Centered Design Summary is...) Design is not human-centered, but technology-centered design. The focus of the design is on the technology and solving the technical
: New expectations for undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. National Science Foundation, 1996. [5] N. R. Council et al., “From analysis to action: Undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology,” 1996. [6] N. R. Council et al., Transforming undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. National Academies Press, 1999. [7] S. Hurtado, N. L. Cabrera, M. H. Lin, L. Arellano, and L. L. Espinosa, “Diversifying science: Underrepresented student experiences in structured research programs,” Research in Higher Education, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 189–214, 2009. [8] N. W. Moon, R. L. Todd, D. L. Morton, and E. Ivey, “Accommodating
defense to the findings of this study, attention is drawn to thedefinition of shame here operated within. The term “perceived” is essential in depicting the truenature of shame. Expectations are interpreted by the individual. Nicole recognized multiple timesthat her perception of expectations may not be absolutely identical to reality. However, despitelogical recognition of reality, her emotional experiences still operate within forms ofexpectations that are interpretations determined by the self.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported through funding by the National Science Foundation (NSF EEC1752897). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do
2014 he was awarded by FAPESP with a post-doctoral research at the Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs at the same university. His research focus relies on Engineering and Community Services; Socio-Legal Studies, Science and Technology Studies, Political philosophy, Sociology of Environment and Intellectual Property Rights.Dr. Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz, Aeronautics Technological Institute (Brazil) I currently develop a post-doctorate research at the Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA) with a schol- arship from FAPESP (#2018/20563-3). I hold a PhD degree in Philosophy (University of S˜ao Paulo, 2017), a bachelor degree in Philosophy (Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, 2008), a master degree in