. Thomas’ research and teaching endeavors are focused on advanced materials for alternative energy sources, sustainable environments, aerospace, and bio-applications from the micro to the nano scale. Her research investigates the fabrication of inorganic and organic thin films and nanofibers for device integration. Thomas’ research group specializes in characterizing, modeling, and integrating materials that demonstrate high levels of biocompatibility, thermal reflectivity, mechanical robustness, and environmental sustainability, such as carbides, sol-gel coatings, high temperature oxides, and sev- eral polymers. Her research is interdisciplinary in nature and fosters collaborations with Chemical and Biomedical
measures of academicperformance [19]. These courses have also been linked to decreases in dysfunctional careerthoughts [20], [21], [22] and psychological distress [23].As stated, there is scant research available on classes where career development supports havebeen integrated into existing program curricula. The information that does exist is primarilyanecdotal, with practitioners using mainly informal career supports and sharing their experiencesand observations at conferences (e.g. [4]), in articles focusing on their experiences (e.g. [5]), orreporting data that are generally gleaned from students’ self-reports via course evaluations. Forexample, when employability skills language and reflections were integrated into classrooms atMemorial
for Engineering Education, 2006 Defining and Assessing the ABET Professional Skills Using ePortfolioWhile most engineering programs are confident developing specific criteria and assessment toolsfor the technical skills described in ABET Criterion 3a-k, the question of how to define, teachand assess the professional skills (teamwork, professional and ethical responsibility,communication, impact of engineering solutions, life-long learning, and contemporary issues)remains much more challenging. This paper describes concrete, assessable expectations thatconnect student work to professional skills, broken down by level and organized into ePortfolioassessment matrices that reflect recognized
design.Principles of Service-Learning Service-learning is a form of experiential education that connects academic material toservice through guided reflection. Instructors partner with members of the community to craftstudent experiences that help to fulfill the learning objectives of the course through a process ofservice that meets important needs for individuals and/or organizations in the community.Students bring their own experience and skills, as well as what they are learning in theclassroom, into the community; and they bring those community-based experiences back into theclassroom, engaging in systematic reflection that is intended to improve both their learning andthe quality of their service. It is this emphasis on reflection in the
through project or problem-basedlearning (PBL). Most of this section of the rubric draws from the “Ensuring Equity in PBLReflection Tool”[14]. This part of the rubric examines the degree to which students are allowedto exert agency and participate in team-learning environments that reflect real-world contextsand social impacts. The rubric encourages activities that engage every student, ensuring that alleducational experiences are hands-on and relevant to students' lived experiences andsocioeconomic backgrounds.Each of these sections contains specific items, totaling 27, which describe behaviors andpractices ranging from those that perpetuate inequity to those that foster an inclusive atmosphere.For example, under the "Head" section, item 1
Paper ID #15770Improving Students’ Learning in Statics Skills: Using Homework and ExamWrappers to Strengthen Self-regulated LearningKai Jun Chew, Stanford University Kai Jun (KJ) Chew is a Research Data Analyst in the Mechanical Engineering department at Stanford University. He is currently working closely with Dr. Sheri Sheppard on two fronts: introducing reflec- tive activities as part of the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE) and implementing the Continuous Improvement Program as part of the ABET evaluation. Born and raised in Malaysia, KJ received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
during a task, and self-reflection and evaluation after a task [4].To understand how SRL plays a role in understanding and fostering engineering students’learning in entrepreneurship, we are conducting an ongoing intervention study that providesstudents with SRL support in addition to the regular teaching activities. Our main purposes of thestudy include 1) contextualizing SRL into the entrepreneurship course; 2) providing studentswith SRL practice to support their learning in entrepreneurship; 3) identifying and assessing thelearning and psychological outcomes related to SRL that indicate students’ growth inentrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mindset.The work-in-progress study is the pilot study of the ongoing intervention study. Students
tobe [its] central or distinguishing activity” [1]. Mastering design skills requires students topractice design in authentic contexts and engage in thoughtful reflections formeaning-making. Engineering design notebooks are gaining attention by instructors tointegrate their facilitation (structured, semi-structured or open) and reflections, as thenotebook serves the dual purpose of learning and assessment. The notebook (product orprocess-focused) is intended to record the thoughts, design iterations, and research conductedby students, while the instructors are able to assess student progress in a formative and/orsummative manner.While the structure can vary significantly, we can make an important distinction betweenprocess- and product-based
students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education.Miss Yuliana FloresDr. Hadas Ritz, Cornell University Hadas Ritz is a senior lecturer in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and a Faculty Teaching Fellow at the James McCormick Family Teaching Excellence Institute (MTEI) at Cornell University, where she received her PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2008. Since then she has taught required and elective courses covering a wide range of topics in the undergraduate Mechanical Engineering curriculum. In her work with MTEI she co-leads teaching workshops for new faculty
-disciplinary courses and concepts, and providing learning opportunities for students toconnect, integrate, and synthesize knowledge (8).Two underlying assumptions are at play when considering how integrative learning takes place:(1) students do not naturally integrate, or translate, their experiences to novel complex issues orchallenges (9); (2) how a student integrates knowledge across contexts and over time takes work,and is unlikely to occur without commitment from the educational institution (8). The mostprominent pedagogies of integration include service-learning, problem-based learning,collaborative learning, and experiential learning (10). What is essential to each of thesepedagogies is the practice of reflection; “these pedagogies necessitate
purposes of this analysis, weconsider the outcomes to be recommendations we would make to others because they representthe tangible and transferable outcomes. Autoethnography is a research methodology thatanalyzes a phenomenon through the use of self-narratives, which would otherwise remain privateor buried [3]. This approach enables us to share the combined but individual experiences of theprofessors of practice that completed the curriculum restructuring situated within the context ofwork.Theoretical FrameworkOur study is guided by the central constructs in the Interconnected Model of Teacher Growth [4].While this model focuses on the individual growth of the teacher, it is also a relevant perspectivefor reflecting on instructor engagement with
studyabroad programs on the transformative learning outcomes of the participants are related to theirpersonality attributes.Transformative Learning in Study AbroadStudy abroad programs are exemplars of high-impact experiential learning. In Kolb’sexperiential learning theory, they focused on the centrality of experience and reflecting on theexperience. Like Kolb, Mezirow [4] also emphasized learning through critical reflection andproposed the transformative learning theory rooted in constructivism. According to Mezirow,when a disorienting event challenges an individual’s deep-rooted beliefs and assumptions, theywould critically reflect on those assumptions, initiating the transformative learning process [4].Consequently, the individual gains
AC 2011-1852: THE DIALECTICS OF GOAL SETTING AND MONITOR-ING: TWO STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES WITH PORTFOLIO CONSTRUC-TIONBrook Sattler, University of Washington Brook Sattler is a PhD student in Human Centered Design & Engineering. Her research interests include the design and use of critical reflection methods to support inclusive teaching practices, and intellectual development.Ashley Ann Thompson, University of Washington Ashley (Babcock) Thompson is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is a first year PhD student in the department of Human Centered Design and Engineering. Her research interests include the effects of interdisciplinary teams on engineering
and training must reflect this purpose, e.g., wear appropriate personal protectiveequipment (PPE). Most CHE Lab schedules are restrictive in terms of time, so adding content that doesnot provide obvious benefit to the promotion of safe lab practices might be deemed superfluous. Addingnew educational content can be viewed as a zero-sum game. If I add one new lecture about safety thenthis addition will come at the expense of another existing lecture (e.g., communication, data analysis). Itcan therefore be difficult to prioritize content for delivery because of the serviceable nature of the lab todeliver on a multitude of ABET learning objectives.These are the challenges that we faced when considering how we might re-think safety education in
reflect the complexity of real-world, wicked problems [2]. Whenstudents do engage with wicked problems, either in the classroom or later as professionalengineers, they find them daunting and difficult. Tackling such problems requiresunconventional approaches such as an awareness of positionality and sustained empathy in theengineering design process. While this process incorporates the concept of empathy, it is notalways explicitly, consistently, and intentionally emphasized.Following recent calls to emphasize empathy in engineering design education [3], [4], [5], wedraw on feminist accounts of virtue and care ethics, and scholarship in the philosophy ofempathy to inform our approach to teaching empathy-based engineering design in anundergraduate
grouped in bindersas display items for ABET evaluators. Each course would contain examples of poor, averageand exceptional student work gathered in a tabbed binder. This was provided to ABET programevaluators as an illustration of the achievements of students, proof of student learning.Then came the shift in ABET criteria to a more assessment driven process. Now there is anexpectation to demonstrate student learning and active engagement. Clearly, Xeroxed copies oftraditional assignments are not adequate evidence of group work, experiential learning and otheractive instructional techniques. Simply providing these traditional assignment samples does notadequately reflect student-student interactions, learning which occurs through group
. Student teams also presented their work to thecommunity partner. In addition to the final drawings and presentation, students were graded onan individual reflection paper about the design process and given peer evaluations to grade howthe team worked together. Because drafting classes (e.g., AutoCAD, Revit, Solidworks) arecommon among many engineering disciplines, this approach is seen as a model of how CE maybe incorporated easily into many engineering programs. In addition to explaining the coursedesign, this paper presents summative reflections from the professor, a community partner, andthe Center for Community Engagement coordinator about successes and failures with respect tothese projects. These reflections are provided as learning
Paper ID #19581A Sea of Variations: Lessons Learned from Student Feedback about the Roleof Trust in First-year Design TeamsMs. Natalie C.T. Van Tyne, Virginia Tech Natalie Van Tyne is an Associate Professor of Practice at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer- sity, where she teaches first year engineering design as a foundation courses for Virginia Tech’s under- graduate engineering degree programs. She holds bachelors and masters degrees from Rutgers University, Lehigh University and Colorado School of Mines, and studies best practices in pedagogy, reflective learn- ing and critical thinking as aids to enhanced
interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education.Dr. David P. Crismond, City College of New York David P. Crismond is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at City College, City University of New York, 138th St. & Convent Ave. NAC 6/207b, New York, NY 10031; dcrismond@ccny.cuny.edu. His research interests relate to engineering design cognition and instruction, and helping teachers build their own design pedagogical content knowledge, create their own video-based
theamount of diversity that can be displayed within the context of a single assignment. It isimportant to note that we are not analyzing the assignment solutions for correctness but onlylooking at the thinking and organizational strategies used at this time.2. Theoretical Foundations based in Writing to LearnLearning to program is a complex process that could benefit from Writing to Learn (WTL)strategies. The struggles of novice programmers is well documented [1]. A commonly citedfactor is “fragile knowledge,” which is knowledge that is incomplete and superficial [2].Students who effectively employ metacognitive strategies, such as reflection and self-assessment, are more likely to master the problem solving skills that are essential toprogramming
investigates how undergraduate engineering students’learning trajectories evolve over time, from 1st to senior year, along a novice to expert spectrum.We borrow the idea of “learning trajectories” from mathematics education that can paint theevolution of students’ knowledge and skills over time over a set of learning experiences(Clements & Sarama, 2004; Simon, 1995; Sztajn et al., 2012; Corcoran, Mosher & Rogat, 2009;Maloney and Confrey, 2010). Curricula for undergraduate engineering programs can reflect anintended pathway of knowledge construction within a discipline. We intend our study ofindividual students within undergraduate engineering programs can highlight how this mayhappen in situ and how it may compare to a given, prescribed
mindset. To achieve thisobjective during the first offering, this course utilized active learning techniques, personalreflection, and the development of an individualized career-impact roadmap by each student. Inorder to work in conjunction with programming available from existing career centers andacademic advising, this interdisciplinary course placed an emphasis on personal reflection andthe roles of innovation and technology commercialization in creating societal impact. This paperdescribes the logistics of developing and implementing this 1-credit hour course and providesdetails of the assignments used to assess student learning. This course can serve as an example toother institutions who seek to more fully empower their students to
transformative learning process starts.Transformative learning helps in changing learners’ perceptions by altering their problematicframes of references [7]. Transformative learning pedagogy can help first year students tobecome self-directed and independent learners [8]. Since critical reflection is a crucialcomponent of the transformative learning process, it poses a greater challenge in theimplementation of transformative learning pedagogy in first year engineering courses. Studieshave found that even at the graduate level, students are not inherently reflective [9]. Adding tothat, not all types of reflection lead to transformative learning. Mezirow [10] argues thatengaging in content or process reflection leads to straightforward transformation
resources—like office hours or tutoring time—necessitates efficient time management. Efficient time management, in turn, enables theimplementation of in-depth metacognitive study activities, which helps students generatequestions that target their respective academic trouble spots that can be addressed throughfeedback from the academic success resources. Generating questions can also encourage studentsto overcome avoidance of office hours, which often stems from a fear of asking the wrongquestions or wasting the professor’s time [7]. By integrating these three academic successconcepts (See Figure 1) we expect students to enter a virtuous cycle of experimentation,reflection, and growth. Although the General Engineering advisors spend most of their
draw upon disciplinary-specific or epistemic ways of knowing,designing, decision-making, collaboration, and communication within their social andcultural context [5]. These are reflected in their use of specific tools and approaches whileproblem-solving, modelling, prototyping, evaluating, and sharing design solutions [5], [12],[13]. Many engineers use notebooks or design journals to document their knowledgeconstruction and reflections as they engage in the engineering design process andcommunicate with various audiences [9], [13], [14]. Engineers learn how to use thesenotebooks through a process of apprenticeship within their professional community ofpractice and practical experience [5], [9], [12], [13], [15]. As such, the notebook can
education, if we are to survive, is the facilitation of change and learning. The only man who is educated is the man who has learned how to learn; the man who has learned how to adapt and change; the man who has realized that no knowledge is secure, that only the 7 process of seeking knowledge gives a basis for security.”Education literature includes extensive discussion of the qualities and competencies of effectiveself-directed learners, and of student attitudes toward self-directed learning.8,9,10 For example,Candy describes self-directed learners as individuals who are curious, motivated, disciplined,reflective, analytical, persistent, responsible, flexible
, and research practices in science.Dr. Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech Lisa D. McNair is an Associate Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, where she also serves as Assistant Department Head of Graduate Programs and co-Director of the VT Engineering Com- munication Center (VTECC). She received her PhD in Linguistics from the University of Chicago and a B.A. in English from the University of Georgia. Her research interests include interdisciplinary collabora- tion, design education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include interdisciplinary pedagogy for pervasive computing design; writing across the curriculum in Statics
© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Teaching Dynamics of Cultural Dimensions In Design To Create Sustainable Environment: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Of ArchitectureAbstract Sustainable design is the concept that recognizes human civilization as an integral part ofthe natural world, and that nature must be preserved if the human community itself is to survive.Cultural dimensions of design are the tangible and intangible aspects of cultural systems that arevalued by or representative of, a given culture and reflected in the built environment [12]. Therewas no existing course in our curriculum to cover the topic of culture and design. Therefore, it isnecessary to develop a new
education research through doctoral education programs; two developedengineering education knowledge and practices through exposure as part of our doctoral andpost-doctoral program work; and one of us developed the knowledge and practices while in afaculty position. In our new faculty positions, we represent both tenure and non-tenure trackroles and have positions that are within a range of programs.To examine the impact of institutional context on our agency, we selected and implementedaspects from both collaborative autoethnography and collaborative inquiry to study theexperiences of our research team [14, 15]. Throughout the first two years of our positions, wewrote weekly, monthly, pre-semester, and post-semester reflections to capture and make
engineering concepts through low-stakes practice, and as a means ofassessing student progress. One such strategy has been utilized in various courses at a small, privatecollege with a general engineering degree program. This homework approach encourages students toauthentically engage with engineering concepts by incentivizing completion over correctness andrequiring students to complete a metacognitive reflection following each assignment. This approach hasshown strong improvements in the homework habits adopted by the students.In fall 2019, this homework approach was adapted for use in a thermodynamics course at a large, publicresearch institution. Although there are a few practical differences in implementation at the two schools,the purpose is