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on research accomplishments using thetraining that they received in the spring. The project for the fall semester was to design and conducta new experiment. To do that, students (in groups of four) were tasked to review the literature toidentify research gaps. The objective was to help students frame experiments’ objective(s) toaddress identified research gaps. The students identified potential design problems, participants,required data analysis, and coding methods for the experiments. The students were responsible forrecruiting and bringing the participants to a design studio. In the design studio, the students couldobserve and record how participants solve the design problem. Then the students analyzed the dataand communicated their
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, culturalconfinement, mistaken cultural portrayals [8]. As evidenced above, students of Color experiencea litany of challenges all of which contribute to the floundering presence in STEM. The results of these systemic issues in STEM learning environments have far-reachingnegative ramifications for both current and future experiences of students of Color. For example,in 2018, the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) reported thoseunderrepresented in STEM comprised just 24% of science and engineering (S&E) of totalbachelor’s degrees, 22.1% of all master’s degrees, and 13.6% of overall S&E degrees. Incontrast, about two-thirds of the employed scientists and engineers identify racially as White [9].In 2019, NCSES noted out
participation in engineering byopening up more perspectives of what is engineering using diverse contexts.References[1] M. Knight and C. Cunningham, “Draw an Engineer Test (DAET): Development of a Tool to Investigate Students’ Ideas about Engineers and Engineering,” in Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 2004.[2] L. Berthoud, S. Lancastle, M. A. Gilbertson, and M. Gilbertson, “Designing a resilient curriculum for a joint engineering first year,” in Annual Conference Proceedings for the 2021 European Society for Engineering Education, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361461385[3] J. R. Morelock, “A systematic
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development. Inaddition to teaching the technical skills, the modules also integrate various professional skills suchas teamwork, communication, and system thinking. Through this approach it is hypothesized thatstudents will develop real-world knowledge, techniques, and skills in STEM, thus better preparingthem for the modern work environments. Integrated Product Life Cycle Management Product Design Module Material/Process Module Method/Technology Module Business Process Module D P S B D P S B P D S B P D S B Product Manufacturing Manufacturing
intended (use Multisim) and do a gain calculation (use a suitable coupling capacitor). d. Design the amplifier such with cut-off frequencies of fL=178 Hz and fH=637 kHz. Use formulas you derived in pre-lab. Include bode plot, circuit schematics and your findings. e. Construct the circuit of Fig. 1 on your breadboard and run the circuit using Analog Discovery module. Obtain the Bode Plot using the Network Analyzer tool. f. Lastly, compare your hand calculation results to results derived from simulations and Analog Discovery measurements. If there are any discrepancies in corner frequencies, state possible reason(s) for the error. Fig. 1 Common Source NMOS Amplifier with a load capacitor2) AC
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unlikely to become more accurate over time.Mr. S. has taught middle grades at two different rural schools for the past 10 years. The academicyear following the RET, he switched to teaching ninth graders in the same rural system’s highschool. • Mr. S’ developed curriculum activity featured an introductory look at wireless communications in his integrated science course that he shared with his ninth-grade students. Aside from a Morse code activity for the students to complete, the lesson was mostly a lecture format with Mr. S asking frequent questions for comprehension checking. Students did indicate their understanding of the key points being illustrated by the teacher through discussion responses.Ms. M. has
. Previously developed instruments could be utilizedto look at impact on design self-efficacy with students who have access to an academicmakerspace at different stages in their undergraduate career [15].References[1] E. Halverson and K. Sheridan, “The Maker Movement in Education,” Harvard Educational Review, vol. 84, pp. 495–504, Dec. 2014, doi: 10.17763/haer.84.4.34j1g68140382063.[2] S. Carlson, “The maker movement goes to college”, Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 61, A26– A28, 2015.[3] V. Wilczynski and R. Adrezin, “Higher Education Makerspaces and Engineering Education,” presented at the ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Feb. 2017, doi: 10.1115/IMECE2016-68048.[4] M. M. Hynes
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Paper ID #34786 1D and 3D dynamic solvers for species transport, heat transfer, electrochemical reactions (adsorption and desorption), impedance, polarization and electrical potential for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and sodium sulphur batteries (Na-S). He also has developed a novel model to predict the nickel coarsening in high temperature SOFCs based on electro-migration. His current research is related to computational modeling of liquid atomization, drag coefficient of complex geometries, combustion, fire dynamics and heat transfer mechanisms of 3D direct laser metal sintering.Dr. Chip W Ferguson, Western Carolina University Chip Ferguson is the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering and Technology and
assistance until this goal was met. Prior to proposal development, each KickStarterteam performed a STEM-self assessment and developed a STEM plan, out of which researchproposal concepts were identified and matched to the appropriate NSF program, e.g. S-STEM,ATE, and later HSI. In 2016, HSIs in KickStarter cohorts began to acquire grant awards, initiallyin S-STEM and ATE. When the HSI program solicitation was announced, HSIs in KickStarterbegan switching from pursuing the Small Grants for Institutions New to the ATE Program trackto the equivalent track in the HSI program, quite successfully. A total of eleven HSI awardswere earned by 2-year HSIs participating in KickStarter for an 85% award rate. In 2019 theKickStarter program ended and no new
Twin?, www.exorint.com/en/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-a-simulation-and-a-digital- twin. 5. Xcelgo. “More Schools Use Digital Twins: ‘Just Get Started.’” Xcelgo, Xcelgo, 12 Sept. 2019, xcelgo.com/more-schools-use-digital-twins/. 6. Ahmed, S. M., Yaris, C., Farooqui, R., & Saqib, M. (2014). Key attributes and skills for curriculum improvement for undergraduate construction management programs. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 10 (February 2015), 240– 254. 7. Barlow, P. L. (2011). Development and delivery of an integrated project-based jobsite management undergraduate course. 47th ASC Annual International Conference Proceedings, 7(August), 3–21. 8. Benhart, B
with those gleaned from student and administrator experiencesacross the larger project.Acknowledgments This project is supported through the National Science Foundation (NSF-RAPID)program under Grant No. (NSF 2028811). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Special thanks to all student and facultymembers that participated in this research.References [1] E. Mahase, “Covid-19: WHO declares pandemic because of ‘alarming levels’ of spread, severity, and inaction,” Bmj, p. m1036, 2020. [2] P. Sahu, “Closure of Universities Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Impact on Education
refinement and 2) class content ownership andstudent agency. When building autonomy by increasing student involvement in program andcourse refinement, participants suggested approaches such as allowing students to provide “inputon syllab[i]” and “feedback on different phases of project[s].” In the case of giving students classcontent ownership/student agency, participants expressed how students could be given autonomyby allowing them to “choose or create their own assignment,” by providing opportunities forstudents to “teach class one day,” as well as by "motivating” students to practice autonomy and“solve problems their own way."As observed in Alterman’s Circumplex Model, motivating teaching styles can be adopted toincrease students’ intrinsic
]. Thisperception can cause students to question the relevance of the content they are learning insideand outside the academic content area. Establishing students' positive self-beliefs about theiracademic capabilities early on is vital as their beliefs about their abilities become less malleableover time [9]. If students do not understand mathematics and do not believe they can do it, theybecome disinterested and ultimately abandon pursuing mathematics and mathematics-relatedfields such as engineering [10].The integration of engineering with math and science is one mechanism that can foster theadoption of positive beliefs about mathematics. Harlan et al.'s [11] longitudinal comparison studyof middle school student cohorts showed the combination of
like, no, screw you. I'm actively going to go against which is like what my friend is like who was on my team…for the girls on my team, you kind of knew it was going to be this way and I feel like you have to actively get on that. I don't know. Yeah and that sounds s****y and I feel bad saying it but it's, it can't be fixed right now, so you need to do what you can, be on that to not let it get worse.Data Analysis: Graphical RepresentationsAfter developing the codebook, we developed a way to graphically represent male studentperceptions of gender dynamics. Each of the three spectra described previously are representedon the graphs, as follows: ● Does the student indicate conscious awareness of a gender-related
components of the voluntary workshopthat need to be further considered. Moving forward, it would be interesting to assess the effect ofa mixed-methods approach (CAD/origami) in our context and to develop a larger sample usingthe indirect (origami) method (n=19 in this study).AcknowledgementsThis work was conducted under IRB 2017-011(N) and grew out of work started under the NSFEngage Project, Award #0833076, at Stevens Institute of Technology.References1. Sorby, S. A. (2009). Educational research in developing 3‐D spatial skills for engineering students. International Journal of Science Education, 31(3), 459-480.2. Smith, I.M. (1964). Spatial ability - Its educational and social significance. University of London Press.3. Wai, J., Lubinski, D
(advanced global imaging techniques). Areas of applications include flow-induced vibrations, flow around bluff bodies, airfoils, perforated plates, cavity configurations, and biomedical devices.Dr. Inci Ruzybayev, York College of Pennsylvania Inci Ruzybayev is Assistant Professor in Engineering Physics at the York College of Pennsylvania. She received her Ph. D. in Physics from University of Delaware and her M. S. and B. S. in Physics Education from M.E.T.U. in Turkey. Her technical research interests are in structural and characterization of TiO2 thin films and magnetic nanoparticles along with pedagogical research interests in improving engineering physics curriculum and seeking solutions to gender bias
has also worked extensively with high schools to advance student learning success. Malshe’s notable honors include: Membership in the National Academy of En- gineering (NAE) for ”For innovations in nanomanufacturing with impact in multiple industry sectors”; Society of Manufacturing (SME)’s David Dornfeld Blue Sky Manufacturing Idea Award for ”Factories- In-Space”; SME-S.M. Wu Research Implementation Award; three Edison Awards for Innovation; Tibbett Award by the US Small Business Association sponsored by EPA for successful technology transfer; R&D 100 Award, (the ”Oscar” of innovation); Fellowships to the International 1. Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP), 2. the American Society of Materials (ASM), 3
], adapted from Zhu et al. [13]. During the module session, the graduate student teaching team… 1. Addressed my individual needs or concerns 2. Helped me and my partner(s) when we needed assistance 3. Provided responses that guided me in problem-solving 4. Motivated me to continue learning 5. Facilitated my communications with professors or other Learner-Centered course staff 6. Acknowledged that learning engineering concepts can be challenging at times
available resources and5/15/21 3constraints. While all three approaches to learning involve decisions related to the product(s) ofstudy and one or more processes for studying, the “surface” approach is more stronglyinfluenced by the products of study, and the “deep” approach by processes [11]. Thecombination of task, motive, resources and strategies has been labeled as “metalearning”, whichis a form of metacognition [11].How Transfer Students Differ from First-Year StudentsBoth transfer and first-year engineering students face the major challenges of adjusting to a newand often much larger institution. However, transfer students have experience as collegestudents because they had already attended a two-year
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