and mentoring, as one of the leading elements that contribute to students’ success [1],figure 1. Figure 1: Elements of Students' Success [1]In practice, peer tutoring has been utilized to support students in large introductory classes, suchas math, chemistry, and biology, with little-to-no support in engineering classes. Tutoringservices that target lower level engineering courses have been limited to individual attempts orclub organizations, e.g., IEEE and HKN. Additionally, limited studies are evaluating generaltutoring services in higher education [2].In 2017, the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at California State University,Chico established a tutoring center to provide drop-in tutoring
opportunities while reducing the need for external employment. • Increase students’ engineering self-efficacy. • Increase recruitment of aerospace and industrial engineering students. • Encourage students to pursue advanced degrees. • Increase student retention in engineering.The ASPIRE program strengthens and supports students through a program of mentoring,networking, and academic design. The primary features of the program include continuousmentoring of all ASPIRE students by peers, faculty, and industry representatives; four face-to-face interactions with all ASPIRE students, mentors, and faculty per semester; and enrollment incommon courses.A total of 36 undergraduate ASPIRE Fellows will have been directly supported
). Research has shown that implementing DLI inother subjects, such as history, has led to students showing greater mastery of historical thinking,increased ability to transfer historical knowledge to other contexts, and improved readingcomprehension compared to peers that did not receive DLI [5], cf. [6], [7]. Similar studies havebeen conducted in science [8].Research on disciplinary literacy suggests that use of DLI in engineering may increase students’abilities to engage in engineering thinking as well as lessen literacy-based barriers that preventwomen and underrepresented students from pursuing STEM pathways. To accomplish this goal,a robust model of DLI in engineering must be developed and disseminated into K-16 classroompractice.BackgroundThis
objects.Dr. Scott T. Huxtable, Virginia TechMr. Sathyanarayanan Subramanian, Virginia Tech I am a Graduate Mechanical Engineer at Virginia Tech, specializing in Thermal-Fluid Sciences.Prof. Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma Zahed Siddique is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering of University of Oklahoma. His research interest include product family design, advanced material and engineering education. He is interested in motivation of engineering students, peer-to-peer learning, flat learning environments, technology assisted engineering education and experiential learning. He is the coordinator of the industry sponsored capstone from at his school and is the advisor
toothbrush. Students will beexpected to write a report with detailed description of all steps taken during the development ofthe prosthetic limb.Once we perfect the prosthetic arm, the same process can be applied to development of otherlimbs such as arms or legs. This project will benefit patients with disabilities and improve theirday-to-day lives at a fraction of the cost of current solutions.MotivationThe purpose of this project is to help low-income families’ children who have a disabled handand to expand students’ awareness of societal needs. With this project, students demonstrate thelearning and knowledge gained from the different sources, such as using Arduino board to designa myoelectric prosthetic arm. It is therefore important to show the
] V. Sampson, P. Enderle, J. Grooms and S. Witte, “Writing to Learn by Learning to Write During the School Science Laboratory: Helping Middle and High School Students Develop Argumentative Writing Skills as they Learn Core Ideas,” Science Education, vol. 97, pp. 643-670, Sept., 2013. doi: 10.1002/sce.21069[31] L. Martin, “The Promise of the Maker Movement for Education,” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), vol. 5, pp. 30-39, Jan.-June, 2015.[32] S. Sheppard, K. Macatangay, A. Colby and W. Sullivan, Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field, Book Highlights. Stanford, C.A.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2008
two weeks, which a student completes in a group with a partner.The class sizes range from about 10 up to 30 students, depending on the section, and each lab isscheduled for 160 minutes. Each term, between 10-15 sections of lectures and labs (each) areoffered. Given four lab exercises each term, each student is responsible for writing at least two ofthe reports, while the other partner at a minimum helps with the experimental setup and dataacquisition during the lab meeting. The students usually have one week to write-up their finalreport. The student who is not responsible for the writing of a specific lab is often of limited helpduring post-lab analysis of data, and is often not prepared for the material prior to coming to thelab
environments in different ways thantheir male peers altering their continued interest in computer science.Personal FactorsPersonal factors such as motivation, sense of belonging, personal fulfillment, and identity caninfluence persistence to degree. Research shows that while these personal factors are unique toeach student, educational environments can be structured or altered to influence some personalattributes in ways that positively impact retention.Motivation can impact how students face and persevere through challenging concepts and coursework. Research using project based computer game development has shown that assignmentscan be structured to facilitate student motivation and encourage them to work through difficultmaterial [13]. Motivational
variants of learning modules thatfacilitate STEM ethics learning for the diverse students in the classroom. This research drawsupon 264 surveys and student-writing samples from students across four institutions, specificallyNotre Dame, St. Mary’s College, Xavier University-Louisiana, and University of Virginia. Theaim of this initial research is to explore the heterogeneity of students in STEM classrooms, whiledemonstrating that STEM students can be described more holistically when personality and othernon-demographic characteristics are recognized as important attributes in a learner-centeredenvironment. This paper supports the notion that, prior to the start of instruction, the mosteffective instructors will critically review and consider a
Paper ID #22886Work in Progress: Transforming a CourseDr. Polly R. Piergiovanni, Lafayette College Polly R. Piergiovanni is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Lafayette College. Besides chemical engineering courses, she teaches an engineering course to nonengineering students. Her current research interests include critical thinking evident in student writing and assessing learning in experiential learning activities. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018Work in Progress: Transforming a CourseThird year students at Lafayette College enroll in an Applied Fluid Dynamics and
, 2016). Peer debriefing will include fellowstudent researchers, faculty advisors, and peer-faculty group meetings. Peer debriefing works torelate one’s research conclusion to a peer more distant from the data to explore alternativeconclusions that may have been overlooked. Built-in probing interview questions and/orrespondent validation, in which the participant is asked to elaborate or confirm their position, isanother way to mitigate misconnections (Maxwell, 2013). In unforeseen situations wheretraditional knowledge may conflict with the research, community, traditional, and culturalsensitivities will be respected and supported.Memo writing is serving to track the analysis process which would support repeatability andprovide additional
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) degree.The main objective of the ECE Scholars program was to increase the number of electricalengineering students graduating from Seattle University and entering the engineeringworkforce. Seattle ECE scholars received financial, academic, professional development, andcommunity building support to ensure their successful progression toward the BSEE degree.Student support services included peer tutoring, informal study partners, industry mentorshipprogram, professional development seminars, and social activities.In this paper, we discuss both the qualitative and quantitative results of this grant. We reporton the academic achievement of the scholars and their career choices after graduation. We
disabilities. Design is an integral part of engineering education at Olin College of Engineering. In Olin College’s largely project-based curriculum, students spend much of their time in design teams. These courses can present barriers for students with disabilities who are entitled to the same access to learning resources, including classroom culture, as their peers. Project-based courses present a wide range of challenges for students with disabilities, including, but not limited to, the ability to fully participate in hands-on learning and as a contributing team member. As larger numbers of students with identified non-visible disabilities enter engineering schools, and engineering schools increasingly adopt project-based design courses, the
other benefits of UR are found to be better operating skills of the equipment and machine tools, better understanding of technical and professional writing, better interpersonal and public speaking skills and so on. Those interpersonal and professional skills better prepare them for industry jobs. All the students participating in UR were more successful in job searches as compared to their peers. • Faculty also benefitted from UR, especially with more teaching loads at primarily undergraduate institutes. The findings from this study suggests that both faculty and students can be benefitted by engaging undergraduate students early in their college career and engaging them longer in the project
project management andcommunication, particularly communicating outside of engineering. Overall, the sophomorestended to report similar numbers of team members with each professional skill as the seniors.Whereas the seniors could clearly distinguish between the professional skill areas, thesophomores were not adept at this.To understand the impact of the team asset-mapping activity, we compared the sophomores’scores on items from a peer evaluation conducted twice during the semester. Early in thesemester, students tended to report some difficulty managing conflicts related to team tasks, butby the end of the semester, significantly fewer teams did so.We also describe an asset-based modification we made to the teams in the senior capstone
first summer intensive professional preparation had 12 participants from the host institution,universities in the same geographical regions as the host, and from the collaborating institutions.Seventy-five percent of the ACADEME (Advancing Career in Academics with Diversity andMentorship in Engineering) Fellows strongly agreed that the summer training content was usefulfor his/her professional development and 100% agreed that they would recommend the programto their peers. In addition to providing the assessment results from the first summer professionaltraining, this paper includes recommendations from ACADEME Fellows for enhancing futuresummer sessions, results of a survey of a non-cohort group, lessons learned from recruiting, andthe most
on Pine Ridge Reservation and ethnographic research on Rosebud Reservation. That reservation research is part of an ongoing National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Pre-Engineering Education Collabora- tive led by Oglala Lakota College (a tribal college) in cooperation with South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and SDSU. She has recently served as a principal investigator for a South Dakota Space Grant Consortium project designed to create interest in STEM education and careers among high school girls at Flandreau Indian School. She has publications in peer-reviewed regional conference proceedings and international journals and has recently co-edited a book about bringing engineering to Native Hawai
Conference Summary Findings Chicago Conference Summary Findingsf) Faculty recruiting: women and underrepresented minority groups(cont’d)1) Faculty network “Phone Tree” can be an excellent tool for faculty recruiting2) Higher Education Recruiting Consortium (HERC) ( Reasons for loss of women faculty – (Diversity, Salary, Work–Life Balance) • Do not get tenure due to a lack of mentoring, peer support • Pay inequality – estimates show women are getting paid 20% less than men • Family issues typically fall to the woman while man continues with his career path • Females were significantly less satisfied than males with the work
purposes, withoutreleasing personal information.Real-time information literacy course delivery at social mediaAs stated earlier, little research has been conducted in using social media for libraryinstructional activities. The IEEE Client Service team in China has offeredinformation literacy courses since late 2016 via social media (WeChat and QQ). Thecomparison of real-time course delivery between social media and WebEx platformwas published in an earlier paper [16]. The information literacy courses offered atWeChat and QQ include Searching IEEE Xplore Effectively, IEEE Paper SubmissionGuidelines & Process, Technical Paper Writing, and Boosting Your Career with IEEE.Each course consists of a 45-min presentation with 15-min Q&A.We choose
; Measurement, respectively from Purdue University. Her work centers on P-16 engineering education research, as a psychometrician, program evaluator, and institutional data analyst. She has authored/co-authored more than 40 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings and served as a reviewer of journals in engineering education, STEM education, and educational psychology, as well as an external evaluator and an advisory board member on several NSF-funded projects.Dr. Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University Dr. Richard got his Ph. D. at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989 & a B. S. at Boston University, 1984. He was at NASA Glenn, 1989-1995, taught at Northwestern for Fall 1995, worked at Argonne
purpose of these courses is to introduce students to the discipline, toteach fundamental skills in engineering methods, calculations, designs, and computer aideddesigns, and to build a sense of community through team work, communication skills, andservice-learning. The tremendous increase of students in the program has led to shifts in the 2-course sequence. This paper will present the 2-course sequence with a focus on recent changesto accommodate a higher student to faculty ratio, as well as course instructors workingtogether to ensure a seamless transition between courses, including continuity in designprojects. Specific changes include using peer mentors in large classes, a focus on careerknowledge and skill building through these courses, and
education, wireless and sensor networks, and signal and information processing.Dr. Randal T Abler, Georgia Institute of Technology c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Diversity and Student Persistence in the Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Course SequenceAbstractWhile historically underserved students derive differentially greater benefits from participationin research with faculty, they engage in the activity at lower rates than their peers. In contrast tothe national trend, the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program at the Georgia Institute ofTechnology enrolls representative proportions of Black/African American students andHispanic/Latino students with
(includes Peer teamwork and leadership (includes teamwork and leadership (includes Feedback form data) Peer Feedback form data) Peer Feedback form data) Appendix 2 Capstone Writing Quality Rubrics
ArticlesFirst, we specified search parameters (Appendix A) to locate articles. Once articles were located,we uploaded them to Rayyan, a web-based application designed for use in literature reviews.Rayyan helped the research team identify and eliminate duplicate articles. Two authors—onewith expertise in engineering education and one with expertise in literacy education—read theremaining documents. We mutually agreed that an article/manuscript should be excluded fromthe literature review when it did not meet one or more of the following inclusion criteria: 1. Study is in English. 2. Study is peer-reviewed (dissertation, article, monograph, etc.). 3. Focal research participants are K-12 students in or outside of classroom settings
interview howshe felt that she maintained a good interpersonal relationship with her engineering peers and professors.Additionally, as the epigraph of this paper indicated, Rebecca was a high-performing student and hadachieved several markers of traditional success as an engineering student, including high grades andprestigious internships. Furthermore, at the time of the interview, she had planned to pursue a degree in aprofession outside of engineering following her graduation. However, as will be clear in our findings, herrole as an engineering student was important to understanding her core identity. 1We chose to present Rebecca’s case of shame as a mechanical engineering student because it
professional development on negotiation skills,a glimpse of the life and career of ECE faculty members, information on different types ofschools, tips on how to prepare for a successful academic position interview, and opportunitiesfor networking with over 300 department heads and 40 peers. In response to a post-workshopsurvey, students reported that they particularly valued the networking opportunities withdepartment heads and peers provided by this unique opportunity to bring students and chairstogether at the ECEDHA conference. Participants’ interest in postdoc and faculty positionsincreased after the workshop with more of an increase in interest in faculty positions. Those whoresponded to a second survey six months later reported that they
– frequent meetings provide all team members with a granular understanding of the project’s statusExisting literature on using Scrum in engineering education deals almost exclusively with upper-division or graduate engineering courses [4]. While this may be an obvious place to utilizeScrum, it should actually be taught across the engineering curriculum. For example, it has beenshown that technical writing is a skill that ought to be taught and reinforced across multipleengineering courses and years [11,12]. For any project management technique to be really useful,we should start teaching it early and reintroduce it often. For these reasons, we have beenimplementing Scrum methodology across several years of our ECE undergraduate program.2.1
90 journal and peer-reviewed conference papers. His work has been presented in several international forums in Austria, USA, Venezuela, Japan, France, Mexico, and Argentina. Dr. Ayala has an average citation per year of all his published work of 33.25.Dr. Otilia Popescu, Old Dominion University Dr. Otilia Popescu received the Engineering Diploma and M.S. degree from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania, and the PhD degree from Rutgers University, all in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Her research interests are in the general areas of communication systems, control theory, and signal processing. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, Old Dominion
Paper ID #22525Computing and Engineering Scholarship Program at SCSUDr. Susantha Herath, St. Cloud State University Dr. Susantha Herath is a professor and the Chair of the Information Systems (IS) department at St. Cloud State University. He holds a Ph.D. in computer engineering. His current research interests are in risk management, cyber security and information assurance. He has 25 years of college-level teaching experience at graduate and undergraduate levels and 31 years of research experience. He has published over 75 peer-reviewed articles. He has submitted over 45 competitive grant proposals and received over
-doctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon Uni- versity, Pittsburgh (2001 – 2003) and BHP Institute for Steel Processing and Products, Australia (1998 – 2001). Dr. Manohar held the position of Chief Materials Scientist at Modern Industries, Pittsburgh (2003 – 2004) and Assistant Manager (Metallurgy Group), Engineering Research Center, Telco, India (1985 – 1993). He has published over 65 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences including a 2007 Best Paper Award by the Manufacturing Division of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), three review papers and three book chapters. He has participated in numerous national and international conferences. He is a member of ASM International, TMS, ACerS, AIST, ASEE