InformationPseudonym Racial Gender Disability(s) Engineering Major Year-in-School International Identity Identity Student (Y/N)Susan White Woman Multiple physical disabilities Mechanical Third-year NLucy Black Woman Cognitive, learning Civil Third-year YAria White Woman Cognitive Industrial Ph.D. NClaire White Woman Cognitive, learning, physical Computer Science Fourth-year N Co-researcher Recruitment and Data Collection This
PIECES: AN INFORMAL FRAMEWORK TO ENCOURAGE MULTIFACETED ENGAGEMENT a b c d a. Aerospace Engineering Department. CU Boulder J. Rush Leeker, L. MacDonald, S. Roudbari, L. Ruane, M. Palomar b. Global Engineering, CU Boulder c. Architecture, Sustainable Planning &
Education, 2024 PALAR IN PIECES: AN INFORMAL FRAMEWORK TO ENCOURAGE MULTIFACETED ENGAGEMENT J. Rush Leeker, L. MacDonald, S. Roudbari, L. Ruane, M. Palomar INTRODUCTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2 Action Learning (AL): METHODOLOGY Centers on a 'learning by
to help practitioners navigate their careers, help practitioners betterunderstand their students and colleagues, and help administrators/mentors develop an asset-basedand systemic-based understanding of neurodivergence.References[1] H. B. Rosqvist, N. Chown, and A. Stenning, Neurodiversity Studies: A New Critical Paradigm. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.[2] A. Cuellar, B. Webster, S. Solanki, C. Spence, and M. A. Tsugawa, “Examination of Ableist Educational Systems and Structures that Limit Access to Engineering Education through Narratives,” presented at the 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, 2022.[3] T. Sorg, “Where are We, and Where to Next? ‘Neurodiversity’ in
Significance of Scholarship Programs in STEMIntroductionIn this Work-in-Progress paper, we share our ongoing work with an NSF Scholarships in STEM(S-STEM) program related to an iteration of analysis that looked across specific aspects in amore summative manner than our typical analyses during the five years of the project that aremore formative. As the project will soon enter an extension into a sixth year to use existingscholarship funds, we took this opportunity to begin to reflect on overarching goals toward thedevelopment and submission of a new S-STEM proposal to continue this work. The StudentPathways in Engineering and Computing for Transfers (SPECTRA) program in the ClemsonUniversity College of Computing, Engineering
also leverage the MBTI to tailor their teachingmethods to accommodate students' diverse needs, enriching the overall learning experience.Table 1: Myers-Briggs personality types and their descriptive codes. Personality Type Energy Information Decision Lifestyle A Main Trait ISTJ I S T J Inspector ISFJ I S F J Protector INFJ I N F J Counsellor INTJ I N T J Investigator ISTP I S T P Analyzer
Educationaddressed the U.S.'s projected aviation maintenance worker shortage of 800,000 people over thenext two decades from different perspectives.Course OrganizationThe CST course is designed for 16 weeks of classes to cover the materials established on thesyllabus. The CST course had five components 1. Lectures, 2. HODAs, 3. Writing assignments,4. Exams, and 5. Semester-long project. During the first part of the course, the students wereintroduced to concepts such as critical thinking, systems archetypes thinking, and mental modelsin the lectures. At the beginning of the semester, the students were introduced to the final projectrequirements, and teams were established with students from diverse cultural and educationalbackgrounds. During the first eight
document structure (narrative, large blocks of text, lists, etc.) used. 10. Mechanics • Standard English usage supported reader’s understanding of the response. (grammar, spelling, • No or minimal misspellings or punctuation errors. punctuation, etc.) • Word choices are correct; no or minimal subject/verb agreement errors or run-on used appropriately. sentences, etc. 11. Drawings used to • Comment “N/A” below if drawings were not used. illustrate, explain • Comment if drawing(s) used as primary explanations / responses. • Drawing(s) helped explain and support points made in text. • Drawing(s) were
identified by the other model. The GPT-4 model tended to identifymore basic relationships, while manual analysis identified more nuanced relationships.Our results do not currently support using GPT-4 to automatically generate graphicalrepresentations of faculty’s mental models of assessments. However, using a human-in-the-loopprocess could help offset GPT-4’s limitations. In this paper, we will discuss plans for our futurework to improve upon GPT-4’s current performance.IntroductionAssessments are found in every engineering classroom and are an important part of our educationsystem [1]-[3]. Assessments play many different roles, including understanding studentimprovements in learning [4], acting as a tool to assist students with learning [5], [6
Number [EEC-1849430 & EEC-2120746]. Any opinions, findings andconclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect those of the NSF. The authors acknowledge the support of the entire e4usaproject team.References[1] “The Standards | Next Generation Science Standards.” Accessed: Feb. 07, 2024. [Online]. Available:[2] “Employment in STEM occupations : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.” Accessed: Feb. 07, 2024. [Online]. Available:[3] “Motivational factors predicting STEM and engineering career intentions for high school students | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
each type, and strategies forunderstanding team members’ preferences and tailoring communication and collaborationstrategies. This model offers users insights into their personality preferences and psychologicaltype and incorporates an additional letter to accommodate five scales instead of four [12]. Themodel evaluates five personality dimensions, each representing opposite ends of a spectrum: (1)Energy: the interaction with the surrounding environment (Extraverted(E)/Introverted(I)); (2)Mind: the perception and processing of the world (Intuitive(N)/Observant(S)); (3) The processof making decisions and reacting to emotions (Thinking(T)/Feeling(F)); (4) Tactics: theapproach to work, planning, and decision-making (Judging(J)/Prospecting(P
(DE-NA0004115) , MSIPP-I AM EMPOWERED funded by the Department of Energy (DE-NA0004004), NSF-RISEfunded by the National Science Foundation (1646897), CREST Center funded by the National Science Foundation (1735968),RETREAT: Retaining Engineers through Research Entrepreneurship and Advanced Materials Training funded by the NationalScience Foundation (1950500), DREAM: Diversity in Research and Engineering of Advanced Materials Training. Funded by AirForce Research Laboratory (FA8651-18-1-0003) and Catalyst Project: A Two-Semester Driven Conceptualization Training ofManufacturing Intelligence in Materials Engineering (MIME) - A Froshmore FUTURES Program (2011853).References[1] M. L. Espino, S. L. Rodriguez, and B. D. Le, "A Systematic
high school female students andcounselors.Furthermore, the study underscores the importance of addressing gender imbalance in CEMprograms and offers actionable insights to promote gender diversity and inclusion in theconstruction industry. By implementing these recommendations, educational institutions canwork towards creating more inclusive and diverse learning environments in CEM education andultimately contribute to a more equitable representation of women in the construction industry.Bibliography1. Archer, L., DeWitt, J., Osborne, J. F., Dillon, J. S., Wong, B., & Willis, B. (2013). ASPIRES Report: Young People’s Science and Career Aspirations, Age 10 –14. King's College London2. Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R., Shanmugam, M., Lee, A. J
Ancestry, Technical Talent, and Learning Process. While AI-based learning showspromise for certain student groups, peer and internet-based reviews also play a vital role infostering engagement and knowledge retention. To this end, students should be wary of entirelyrelying on AI, as backgrounds, learning preferences, and deep analysis may be hurdles instead ofolder, standard approaches. Future research should explore the interactions between thesevariables in greater detail, perhaps using larger datasets and different learning environments.References[1] Ng, D. T. K., Leung, J. K. L., Chu, K. W. S., & Qiao, M. S. (2021). ai literacy: definition,teaching, evaluation and ethical issues. Proceedings of the Association for Information Scienceand
in class greatly improved their ability to comprehend course material. Moreover, thestudents gained a stronger understanding of engineering in general, while developing self-confidence needed to excel in engineering related fields. Others felt valued by being treated asstudents in top tier institutions, while a few mentioned the rigor of the course is needed to ensurethe quality of education. These results were also reflected in student responses from the tier-oneinstitution.REFERENCES[1] Alon, S., 2007. The influence of financial aid in leveling group differences in graduating fromElite institutions. Economics of Education Review 26, (3), in press.[2] Bidwell, C. E., & Kasarda, J. D. (1980). Conceptualizing and measuring the effects of
. Students also integrate artinto the design to create an organic shape of fish and craftily shape the fins and tail into the moldto get fish features.3.2 ParticipantsThe participants were students in an Industrial Engineering course at a tribal university withABET Accredited Engineering programs. Six students participated in the course, consisting offive males and one female, aged 20- 36.3.3 Data Collection Instrument(s)The results were collected using a metacognitive reflection assignment consisting of twosections, Part 1 - Photovoice Reflection Prompts and Part 2 - Open-Ended Reflection Questions,with three questions in each area. Each student received a Metacognitive Reflection Assessmentwith Part 1- Photovoice Reflection Prompts and Part 2
and Operations Research from the Pennsylvania State University. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Navigating Intersectional Identities in Civil Engineering Education and Practice1 Introduction:Underrepresentation is a well-known and researched topic in academia, specifically forengineering that remains a White, male-dominated field [1]. Underrepresentation is defined by “apopulation’s representation in education and employment that is smaller than their representationin the U.S population.” It is also defined by the uniformity of representation by field, forexample, “Although women have reached parity with men among S&E bachelor’s degreerecipients—half
thepostdoc program is to create well-rounded scholars versed in research, teaching, and service.Using artifacts and postdoc reflections, this study aims to explore the experiences of the firstcohort of LEGACY postdoc scholars to understand how a newly created intersectionalmentorship model facilitates scholars’ progression toward faculty positions while curating aninclusive community and culture for scholars. The intersectional mentorship model framing this postdoc program is based on researchconducted by Dr. Cox, with some adaptations from Walker et al.’s (2009) The Formation ofScholars, which presents a multiple apprenticeship framework that offers a holistic approach tomentoring for scholars. The three mentor types in the program are primary
Professionalization Workshop (SPW)– theme and example quote(s) Writing a resume and/or research statement • I learned the format for a research resume. • The fact that we had our personal statements and resumes checked gave me more confidence while applying for different things. • Being able to have a research statement ready for future opportunities.” • …that I learned how to build a stronger resume. • …the ability to receive training that was very helpful in guiding our preparation for different career paths be it be from our written assignments like the resume… Learning about professional conduct, ethics, or environment in the field • It gave me examples of …how to professionally conduct myself in a field that
cultural needs of students.Future work regarding the emphasis on science teachers as agents for change will focus on thein-school context of the action research projects. In this regard, qualitative and quantitative datawill be reported on novice teachers' engineering and cultural self-efficacy for teachingengineering processes.16 References[1] T. R. Guskey, "Professional development and teacher change," Teachers and Teaching, vol.8, (3), pp. 381-391, 2002.[2] B. Huang, M. S. Jong, Y. Tu, G. Hwang, C. S. Chai, and M. Y. Jiang, "Trends and exemplarypractices of STEM teacher professional development programs in K-12 contexts: A systematicreview of empirical studies," Comput. Educ., pp. 104577, 2022.[3] J. A
., Lundy-Wagner, V. C., Drezner, N. D., Gasman, M., Yoon, S., Bose, E., & Gary, S. (2009). The contribution of HBCUs to the preparation of African American women for STEM careers: A case study. Research in Higher Education, 50, 1-23.4. Smyth, F. & McArdle, J. (2004). Ethnic and Gender Differences in Science Graduation at Selective Colleges with Implications for Admission Policy and College Choice. Research in Higher Education, 45, 353–381.5. Scriven, O. (2013). Why so few? African American women in STEM—Part II: By the numbers. Scientista. few-african-american-women-in-stem-part-ii-by-the-numbers#sthash.%20HwrVZ5ir.dpuf6. Alliman
-time full-time first year students who complete a certificate or degree withinthree years) were in the single digits or low teens.At Wright College and its larger system, these failings – particularly of student success – werewell known for decades. Through a comprehensive series of reforms and changes implementedover five years, rates began to improve. Among the many changes were the implementation ofguided pathways, targeted completion programs (College Completes), customer business models,predictive scheduling, revisions to developmental education, and more [14]. None of these changeswere unique; all were drawn from research on best practices. High level, the community collegesystem followed many of the reforms advocated in Bailey et. al.’s
a Mathematician and Computer Systems Analyst for the U. S. Department of Energy as well as more than 25 years of experience teaching mathematics, statistics, computer science, and first-year engineering courses in higher education institutions. Currently, she leads a team of faculty who are dedicated to providing first year engineering students with a high- quality, challenging, and engaging educational experience with the necessary advising, mentoring, and academic support to facilitate their transition to university life and to prepare them for success in their engineering discipline majors and future careers. American c Society for Engineering
and beyond COVID-19," Education Sciences, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 236-257, 2020.[20] T. De Jong, M. Linn and Z. Zacharia, "Physical and Virtual Laboratories in Science and Engineering Education," Science, vol. 340, no. 6130, pp. 305-308, 2013.[21] L. Fleming, "Perfecting Cross-Pollination," Harvard Business Review, pp. 22-24, September 2004.[22] E. G. Derrick, H. J. Falk-Krzesinski, M. R. Roberts and S. Olson, "Facilitating interdisciplinary research and education: A practical guide," Science on FIRE: Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research and Education” workshop of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011. Proceedings of the 2021 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference
concept has grown since the late 1950’s. Krupczak andBlake (Blake & Krupczak Jr., 2014) have charted development of the concept, lookingparticularly at the intersection of technological literacy with engineering literacy. It shouldbe noted that the term “technological literacy” is more commonly used in the United Statesthan other nations. A sense of how technological literacy has become more prevalent inconversations on education can be seen by looking at the word frequency of the term usingthe Ngram viewing tool (Google, 2010). While this tool has significant biases and limitations(Pechenick, Danforth, & Dodds, 2015) the relatively high representation of scientific andtechnical literature in the corpus and the fact that “technological
-world issues,and consistent iteration helps both “mitigate design fixation” and “reinforce[s]...adaptive andcreative thinking” (p. 2). University makerspaces serve as a central location for students topractice knowledge learned in the classroom, and hone their design skills.Antonucci-Durgan, et. al (2014), Dukart (2016), and Whitmer (2014) acknowledge academicmakerspaces as spaces where experiential education occurs. Two examples of experientiallearning opportunities are internships and cooperative learning (co-op) programs. Whileinternships and co-op programs are encouraged in engineering education settings, there are fewestablished opportunities of such opportunities at university makerspaces. There is evidence ofseveral university makerspace
verbal (V) ability, in the middle is spatial (S) and math (M) is on the right. STEMstudents, to the right of Figure 1, have an ‘I’ shaped ability profile (i.e. M > S > V), incontrast to the ‘V’ shaped profile (i.e. M ≥ V > S) of the HSS students. Clearly, the ‘I’shaped profile, developed by high school, was a predictor of a STEM education path anddistance travelled on this path. Given that this predictor contains not just math ability butspatial ability also, STEM educators have reason to treat spatial ability in the same way asmath ability: assess incoming students for the ability and provide resources to address anyshortcomings in it. While it is now common to find math learning support centers co-existingbeside engineering schools
, textbooks, letters and diaries in the cause of providing somehistorical context for two centuries of physics education. Table 1. Special Collections Resources. Special Collections Resources Letters of CDT George Cullum USMA 1833, 9 Sept 1831 and 16 June 1832 [31] Letter of CDT John Pope USMA 1842, 24 Nov 1839 [32] Letter of CDT Ulysses S. Grant USMA 1843, 18 July 1840 [33] Letters of CDT William Dutton USMA 1846, 19 Oct 1842 and 3 Sept. 1844 [34] Natural & Experimental Philosophy Notebook of CDT James Runcie USMA 1879 [35] Diary of CDT Charles H. Barth USMA 1879 [36] Letters of CDT George S. Patton USMA 1909 [37] Letters & Diary of CDT Richard Von Schriltz USMA 1941 [38,39] Letters of
Paper ID #13634ENCOURAGING STUDENTS TO SEE THE ROLE OF SERVICE COURSESIN THEIR MAJORDr. Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University Ken Van Treuren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering at Baylor University. He received his B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado and his M. S. in Engineering from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. After serving as USAF pilot in KC-135 and KC-10 aircraft, he completed his DPhil in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and returned to the USAF Academy to teach heat transfer and propulsion
addition of engineeringcontent and practices to NGSS does not add additional requirements to the science standardsalready being taught. Although NGSS is not adopted in Oklahoma, the new OklahomaAcademic Science Standards, OAS-S, mirror NGSS. Further, many participants stated that eventhough they did not receive any resources for teaching engineering, they were satisfied with thisbecause they did not teach engineering anyway. This reveals that teachers do not understand thescience standards they are required to teach as part of OAS-S, which require them to beengineering teachers. Some participants’ responses indicated that teachers held misconceptions about thedifficulty or nature of engineering. For example, a few participants mentioned