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Displaying results 1231 - 1260 of 2236 in total
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 9
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Renukadevi Selvaraj, The National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) Chennai, India
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
. S. No. Major Areas Subdivision Example Nutrition Eating junk foods Addiction Social media addiction 1. Physical Drug abuse Sleep Not having a proper sleep schedule and awareness Study Skills Low attention Level of understanding Goal setting and Time
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 5
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
challenges, another critical aspect thatmust be taken up is sharing discipline-specific lesson plans. What specifically can be done in afluid mechanics course, for example? What are some small, intermediate, or large changes thatcan be made, and what is their effectiveness? While some resources are available in variousplaces, building a network to share teaching materials and practices would help to advance thiswork more widely.This work was funded by a grant from the Lemelson Foundation, grant #22-02094, July 2022 toJune 2024.References[1] S. Hoffmann, I. Hua, E. Blatchley, and L. Nies, "Integrating sustainability into courses across the engineering curriculum: a faculty workshop model," in ASEE Ann. Conf. Expo, Louisville, KY, Jun
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria L. Espino, University of South Carolina; Brian D. Le, University of California, Los Angeles; Henry Tran, University of South Carolina; Spencer Platt, University of South Carolina
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
. (2010). A national analysis of minorities in science andengineering faculties at research universities (2nded.). Unpublished policy report.[5] Reybold, L. E. (2003). Pathways to the professorate: The development of faculty identity ineducation. Innovative Higher Education, 27, 235-252.[6] Sklar, D. P. (2016). Moving from faculty development to faculty identity, growth, andempowerment. Academic Medicine, 91(12), 1585-1587.[7] Whittaker, J. A., Montgomery, B. L., & Acosta, V. G. M. (2015). Retention ofunderrepresented minority faculty: strategic initiatives for institutional value proposition basedon perspectives from a range of academic institutions. Journal of Undergraduate NeuroscienceEducation, 13(3), A136.[8] Lieff, S., Baker, L., Mori
Conference Session
Materials Division (MATS) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anuja Kamat, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Materials Division (MATS)
as one question in thefinal exam showed that the students benefitted from this lab. There were only 9 students in theclass and so a robust assessment to prove the success and benefits of this lab. However, studentreflections and student work give a good insight to encourage the continuation of this lab in thein-person mode.References:[1] S. Zirbel, “Compliant Mechanisms for Deployable Space Systems,” Theses Diss., Nov. 2014, Accessed: Mar. 09, 2021. [Online]. Available:[2] C. Edwards and S. Hegerty, “Where It’s Cool to be Kitty: An Art Therapy Group for Young People with Mental Health Issues Using Origami and Mindfulness,” Soc. Work Groups, vol. 41, no. 1–2, pp. 151–164, Apr
Conference Session
Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Perspectives on Advancing Women and Gender Equity in Engineering - for the Next 130 Years
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Baishakhi Bose, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Haleh Barmaki Brotherton, Clemson University; Theo Hopper, University of Michigan; Pamela Martínez Oquendo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lily M. Wang P.E., University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Margaret E.B. Webb, Virginia Tech; Hannah Wilkinson, Utah State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
Conference Session
Committee on Effective Teaching Presents: Models, Models, & More Models
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Francis McMullen, United States Military Academy; Adrian Biggerstaff, P.E., Stanford University; Christopher H. Conley; Jakob C. Bruhl, P.E., United States Military Academy; Kevin Arnett; Paul Moody; Aaron T. Hill Jr., United States Military Academy; Lynden Damon Crosbie
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
Missouri at Rolla and the University of Illinois at Ur- bana/Champaign, and Ph.D. from Purdue University. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Missouri. His research interests include resilient infrastructure, protective structures, and engineering education.Kevin ArnettPaul MoodyCol. Aaron T. Hill Jr., United States Military Academy Colonel Aaron Hill is an Assistant Professor and Design Group Director in the Department of Civil & Mechanical Engineering at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from West Point, a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management from Missouri S&T, a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech, and
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hannah Boyce, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Madeline JoAnna Szoo, Northeastern University; Paul A. DiMilla, Northeastern University; Rachelle Reisberg, Northeastern University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 6: Engineering in the Home
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter N. Knox, University of Vermont; Amber Simpson, State University of New York at Binghamton; Adam V. Maltese, Indiana University-Bloomington
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
children will learn about various emotions, understand feelings, and appropriate responsesfrom parents, parents too may learn about their child(ren)’s emotional responses and ways to bestreact and engage that supports their child’s growth and determination through adversity.Conclusion and Implications for PracticeWith the understanding that parents play a critical role in the learning experiences of children,alongside their social and emotional development and socialization, we explored parent and childperceptions of their experience with frustration and failure while participating in an engineering-oriented STEM program in out-of-school contexts. The current investigation highlighted twoprominent themes, specifically oriented around parent
Conference Session
Session 1 - Track 4: What does an Engineering Instructional Faculty do? Voices of Engineering Instructional Faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
2023 Collaborative Network for Computing and Engineering Diversity (CoNECD)
Viyon Dansu, Florida International University; Alexandra Coso Strong, Florida International University; Meagan R. Kendall, University of Texas at El Paso
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
,” Retrieved form the website of Positive Organizational Scholarship on April, vol. 15,2008.[7] C. A. Bodnar, E. J. Mccave, C. Smith-Orr, A. Strong, C. Faber, and W. Lee, “Definingacademic engineering education roles within the United States,” in Research in EngineeringEducation Symposium & Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference, 2021.[8] S. Cutler, A. Kottmeyer, R. Heinen, Y. Xia, S. Zappe, and T. Litzinger, “A holisticassessment of the responsibilities and areas of support of engineering faculty,” int. j. acad. dev.,vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 96–109, 2022.[9] L. Earle Reybold and J. J. Alamia, “Academic transitions in education: A developmentalperspective of women faculty experiences,” Journal of Career Development, vol. 35, no
Conference Session
ASEE Southeast Section Conference
Nahid Vesali, The Citadel; Mostafa Batouli, The Citadel
Tagged Topics
Professional Engineering Education Papers
ConferenceReferences1 Batouli, M., Shamsi, N., Vesali, N., & Burke, R. (2022, August). A Data-Driven Comparison of ABET Accredited Construction Engineering and Construction Management Programs. In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.2 Maduenyi, S., Oke, A. O., Fadeyi, O., & Ajagbe, A. M. (2015). Impact of organisational structure on organisational performance. International Conference on African Development Issues: Social and Economic Models for Development Track, 354-356.3 Ouchi, W. G., & Dowling, J. B. (1974). Defining the span of control. Administrative Science Quarterly, 357-365.4 Gould, F. E., and Joyce, N. E.. Construction project management. Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 20095 Devi, T. R
Conference Session
Capstones and Economics
ASEE Southeast Section Conference
Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; Kweku Tekyi Brown P.E., The Citadel; William J. Davis P.E., The Citadel; Dan D Nale PE
Tagged Topics
Professional Engineering Education Papers
C™s degree from the University of Connecticut and his Doctoral degree at Clemson University. He is active in the tranDr. William J. Davis P.E., The Citadel William J. Davis is Dept. Head & D. Graham Copeland Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of Construction Engineering at The Citadel in Charleston, SC. His academic experience includes: transporta- tion infrastructure planning and design, infrastructure resilience, traffic operations, highway safety, and geographic information systems. His research interests include: constructing spatial databases for bet- ter management of transportation infrastructure, improving transportation design, operation, safety and construction, understanding long-term
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Salman Mohaghegi
importance, why it matters andhow it can be improved may be more challenging to answer.References[1] A. Kaswan, “Distributive Environmental Justice,” in Eds. B. Coolsaet, Environmental Justice – Key Issues, New York, NY: Routledge, 2021.[2] B. Coolsaet and P.Y. Néon, “Recognition and Environmental Justice,” in Eds. B. Coolsaet, Environmental Justice – Key Issues, New York, NY: Routledge, 2021.[3] A. McHarg, “Energy Justice: Understanding the ‘Ethical Turn’ in Energy Law and Policy,” in Energy Justice and Energy Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.[4] R. Day, “Energy Justice,” in Eds. B. Coolsaet, Environmental Justice – Key Issues, Routledge, 2021.[5] J. Dugan, D. Byles, and S. Mohagheghi, “Social Vulnerability to Long
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Pinar Omur-Ozbek
the students with the tools they needto make informed and ethical decisions in their future careers.CitationsBairaktarova, D., and Woodcock, A. (2017). Engineering student’s ethical awareness and behavior: A new motivational model. Science and Engineering Ethics, 23 (4), 1129-1157.Bullard, R. D., Mohai, P., Saha, R., and Wright, B. (2008). Toxic wastes and race at twenty: Why race still matters after all of these years. Envtl. L., 38, 371.Carroll, T., Gordon, B., Hancock, P. I., Stenger, K., and Turner, S. S. (2022). Cultivating solidarity for action on social justice in engineering: A collaborative autoethnography. International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace, 9 (1), 62-91.Cumming-Potvin, W. M., and Currie, J
Conference Session
S6A: Full Papers - Out with the Old, In with the New
14th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference
Derin Ural, University of Miami
Tagged Topics
Full Papers
experience that preparesthem for future challenges in the engineering field.AcknowledgmentsThe author would like to acknowledge the support of the University of Miami College of Engineering andtechnical support of the Academic Technologies department for the administration of the NSSE surveys.References[1] S. Cotner, J. Loper, J.D. Walker, & D.C. Brooks, ““It’s not you, it’s the room”—Are the high-tech, active learning classrooms worth it?” Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(6), 82–88, 2013.[2] S. Freeman, S.L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M.K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, M.P. Wenderoth: “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 111(23), 8410–8415, 2014
14th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference
Xinyu Zhang Ph.D, P.E., West Virginia University; Li Wang; Lynette Michaluk, West Virginia University; Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University; Isabel Perez, West Virginia University; Clayton Scott Hammond, West Virginia University; Ian Bush; Ryan George Cao
Tagged Topics
universityaccounts not belonging to the AcES leader were not tracked due to lack of access.Future Work. We will analyze survey results on resource limitations and compare responses onAcES and Adventure WV first year trips. We will improve the sampling methods to recruit moreunderserved students to better reflect their perspectives.References[1] M. Ashley, K. M. Cooper, J. M. Cala, and S. E. Brownell, "Building better bridges intoSTEM: A synthesis of 25 years of literature on STEM summer bridge programs," CBE—LifeSciences Education, vol. 16, no. 4, p. es3, 2017,[2] J. A. Youngman and C. J. Egelhoff, "Best practices in recruiting and persistence ofunderrepresented minorities in engineering: a 2002 snapshot," in 33rd
Conference Session
Session 4 - Track 2: Inclusive Innovation: Reframing STEM Research in COVID-19
2023 Collaborative Network for Computing and Engineering Diversity (CoNECD)
Tamara N. Hamilton, Syracuse University ; Claudine-Lonje A Williams, Syracuse University; Chelsea Bouldin
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
Department of Education (NYCDOE) in partnership with the Department of Labor (DOL) on the Youth CareerConnect Mentoring Initiative (YCC).Chelsea Bouldin, I am a Black woman PhD fellow who delights in co-creating worlds that embrace expansive processes of being. ”How do us Black women, girls, and femmes know ourselves?” is my most persistent query. Flavorful food, Black sci-fi books, bound-less writing, impromptu exploration, and laughing endlessly fill my dreamiest days. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Inclusive Innovation: Reframing STEM Research in COVID-19 Over the past several years, there has been a consistent increase in the number of scienceand engineering (S
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Magdalena Villaseca, Universidad Andres Bello; Juan Felipe Calderon, Universidad Andres Bello, Viña del Mar, Chile; Maria Elena Truyol, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP)
research question, how do these new redesign courses impact students’engineering identity? The three groups were compared doing a nonparametric Kruskal-WallisTest on Likert-scale item results and a nonparametric Mann-Whitney test to compare PairsGroup 1 v/s Group 3 (control), and Group 2 v/s Group 3 (control). Table 4 shows that theKruskal-Wallis test showed no statistically significant difference in all questions between thedifferent groups.Regarding the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test between pairs of groups, results arepresented in Table 5 and Table 6. This test showed a statistically significant difference inQuestion 4 score between Group 1 and Group 3 (control), p = 0.025, with a mean rankQuestion 4 score of 12.31 for Group 1 and 19.14 for
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madalyn Wilson-Fetrow, University of New Mexico; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Sherry Hsi, BSCS Science Learning
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Wireless Sensor Networks," in 2022 ASEE-North Central Section Conference, 2022. [Online]. Available: [Online]. Available:[16] J. Austin et al., "The BBC micro: bit: From the UK to the world," Communications of the ACM, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 62-69, 2020, doi: 10.1145/3368856[17] J. Yu, S. Hsi, S. Van Doren, and H. Oh, "My:Talkies: Designing a craft kit to support learning about communication devices through making," Interaction Design and Children, pp. 442-447, 2022, doi: 10.1145/3501712.3529720.[18] A. Maltese, D. Oyler, and K. Paul, "Design with Code Club: An attempt to get kids learning to code while designing solutions to everyday problems (Work in
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David B Knight, Virginia Tech; Kirsten A. Davis, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Nicole P. Sanderlin, Virginia Tech; Jessica Deters, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Alaa Abdalla, Virginia Tech; Katherine Maul, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Anne Victoria Wrobetz, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF. We appreciateall faculty and student focus group and interview participants who helped us understand theirexperiences managing and engaging in IRES programs around the world.References[1] K. Davis, Y. Jalali, V. Lohani, D. Knight, and R. Müller, “Student learning in international research programs: A comparison across cultural contexts,” presented at the ASEE Annual Conference proceedings, 2018.[2] K. A. Davis and D. B. Knight, “Becoming a researcher: A narrative analysis of US students’ experiences in Australia,” presented at the Proceedings of the 8th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 2019.[3] L. M. Hatfield, C. T. Amelink, N. P. Sanderlin
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Muhammad Dawood, New Mexico State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
semesters. A subset of twenty-two items is identified. Subsequently, a two-factor structure comprising of 13 items is proposed.IntroductionA classroom has two major components: Physical (building, blackboard, overhead projector,lighting, seating, IT infrastructure, etc.) and Human component (students and instructor(s)) [1],[2]. While physical aspect of a classroom is static, more or less, the human component isdynamic and evolving. This component creates a multidimensional dynamic environmentcomprising of social and psychological interactions between student-to-student and student-to-instructor. "The dynamics of the classroom, the tone, the interpersonal forces at play, and thenature and structure of communication patterns all combine to either
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wujie Zhang, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Lauren M Beverung, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Rebecca McKeown; Tammy J. Rice-Bailey
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
Submittal(s) Timeline Introduction and team formation Week 1 Project ideation (incorporation of Project idea description including Weeks 1-4 biomimicry) the major reference article(s)) Project idea validation (optional) Interview notes, survey, etc. Weeks 4-10 Prototyping planning (optional) Prototyping plan Weeks 4-8 Prototyping (optional) Prototype and a short video Weeks 9-10 recording of the whole process Project report writing Final project report
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan Lemke, Bethel University; Gabriel Michael Hjelle; Zachary Erickson
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
will better match the Laplace-transform-based theory the students will be learning.There will be opportunities for investigators to study the learning process by looking at quizzesand lab reports related to both the servo motor and the laser power feedback apparatus.ConclusionsWe preparing a suite of optical tools to share with the community for implemented as guidedlabs and projects for teaching engineering. Emphases of this effort include simplicity, low costand 3D printed apparatus wherever possible, and the opportunity for students to exploresomething outside of the traditional lab curriculum.This work is supported by the National Science Foundation IUSE program.References 1. H. A. Hadim and S. K. Esche, “Enhancing the engineering
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brad Cicciarelli, Louisiana Tech University; Timothy Reeves, Louisiana Tech University; Catherine Hendricks Belk, Clemson University; Marisa K. Orr, Clemson University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
assess whether the factors of chemicalengineering self-efficacy, coping self-efficacy, and student integration have a significant impacton the achievement and persistence of chemical engineering sophomore students.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2025035 through the Professional Formation of Engineers: Research Initiation in EngineeringFormation (PFE:RIEF) program. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] Culberson, O.L. “Attrition of ChE Undergrads,” Chemical Engineering Education, 4(1), 24- 27 (1970)[2
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Huff, Harding University; Amy L. Brooks, Oregon State University; Halle Miller, Harding University; Grant R. Countess, Harding University; Kyle Shanachilubwa, Harding University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
contribute to a culture of engineering thatdemonstrates compassion, both interpersonally in the practice of engineers and intrapersonallysuch that we collectively value our holistic identities.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported through funding by the National Science Foundation (NSF CAREER#2045392). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. Additionally, the authors gratefully acknowledge the anonymous reviewersfor their constructive feedback, which helped us to sharpen the paper.References [1] J. L. Huff, B. Okai, K. Shanachilubwa, N. W. Sochacka, and J. Walther, “Unpacking professional shame
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
eugene leo draine mahmoud, Mt. San Antonio Community College
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
-releases/2022/08/09/fact-sheet-chips- and-science-act-will-lower-costs-create-jobs-strengthen-supply-chains-and-counter-china/ (accessed Feb. 22, 2023).[5] G. C. Peters, “All Info - S.3600 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Strengthening American Cybersecurity Act of 2022,” Mar. 02, 2022. (accessed Jan. 14, 2023).[6] S. Brice, “2022 OUTLOOK: No Shortage of Jobs in California,” SoloPoint Solutions, Inc., Nov. 18, 2021. (accessed Jan. 14, 2023).[7] “Summary of the 2018 White House State-Federal STEM Education Summit,” 2018.[8] Committee on Barriers and Opportunities in Completing 2-Year and 4-Year STEM Degrees, Board on
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division (ETD) Technical Session 5
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Srikanth B. Pidugu, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Ashokkumar Misarilal Sharma; Cody Capocelli
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
𝒗𝟐 4. Calculate velocity head (also known as kinetic or dynamic head): 𝟐𝒈 𝒑 𝒗𝟐 5. Calculate total head (H) at point 2: + 𝟐𝒈 𝜸 6. Repeat procedure for all five runs. 7. Compare with the total head at point 1 and calculate the percent error. p2 p2/γ 𝒗2= Q/A 𝒗𝟐𝟐 /2g p2/γ + 𝒗𝟐𝟐 /2g % Q (ft3) t (s) z1 (ft) (psig) (ft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) error 2.30 5.308 0.00469 14.98 1.528 0.036 5.334 5.68 6.23 2.37 5.469
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 9
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amanda Ross, Virginia Tech; Andrew Katz, Virginia Tech; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Kai Jun Chew, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
engineering education research agendas,” in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, (June) 2011, pp. 22-684.[6] Z. Kovecses, “Metaphor and culture,” Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 197-220, 2010.[7] M. G. A. Hewson and D. Hamlyn, “Cultural Metaphors: Some Implications for Science Education,” Anthropology & Education Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 31–46, 1985, doi: 10.1525/aeq.1985.16.1.05x0849q.[8] W. C. Adams, “Conducting Semi-Structured Interviews,” in Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2015, pp. 492-505.[9] S. Kvale, “Ten standard objections to qualitative research interviews,” Journal of Phenomelogical Psychology, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 147-173, 1994.[10] M. B
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Debapratim Ghosh, University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign; Samuel Harford; Houshang Darabi, The University of Illinois, Chicago; Jennifer R. Amos, University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
) and # 2022-0542 (Chicago).References[1] Cuseo, J. (2005). Decided, undecided, and in transition: Implications for academicadvisement, career counseling, and student retention. Improving the first year of college:Research and practice, 27-48.[2] Hartman, R. O., & Betz, N. E. (2007). The five-factor model and career self-efficacy:General and domain-specific relationships. Journal of Career Assessment, 15(2), 145-161.[3] Restubog, S. L. D., Florentino, A. R., & Garcia, P. R. J. M. (2010). The mediating roles ofcareer self-efficacy and career decidedness in the relationship between contextual support andpersistence. Journal of vocational behavior, 77(2), 186-195.[4] Arghode, Vishal, Sarah Heminger, and Gary N. McLean. "Career self
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hannah D Budinoff, The University of Arizona; Vignesh Subbian, The University of Arizona; Ann Shivers-McNair; Francesa Lopez
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
results. In Fall 2023, we plan to offer a revisedversion of this PD program, recruiting a new cohort of engineering instructors. Data collectionwill be expanded to additional courses. We plan to collect data across all levels of theengineering program (e.g., first, second, third, and fourth-year courses) and across alldepartments.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2215003. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] American Society for Engineering Education, “Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology, 2021
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED)
participate in co-op programs.A significant part of this recruitment process includes evaluating the students in both terms of thequality of a potential new full-time employee but also to understand if the student is interested orgaining interest in the type of engineering discipline(s) that a particular company performs in theindustry [4]. Since recruitment is a significant expense, employers are very concerned withyields from the expense and effort devoted to recruitment. Studies from 1984 and 2015, bothshow that employers were satisfied with recruitment goals resulting from co-op programs [5] [1].Other significant factors that employers want to reduce are employee training costs and turnoverrates. Employer surveys revealed that co-op hires had