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Conference Session
Track: Pre-College - Technical Session 11
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Christine Newman, Johns Hopkins University; Margaret Hart, Johns Hopkins University; Andrea M. Perry, Garrison Forest School; Anitra Michelle Washington, Western High School; Laura Garcia
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Pre-College
. 5Each student is asked to write briefly in their journals on a weekly basis to document their learning and their challenges.  These are read by staff who include comments and questions for students.  Staff intervene if they think it is needed to improve the situation for the student.  In most cases the students are advised to advocate for themselves—ask questions, for example.At the end of the semester of research, the student develops a presentation that shows what she has done during her research, what she has learned, how the research will be impactful if successful, and if this research opportunity has influenced her future plans.They get to make their presentation to an audience of their peers, theirs and others’ mentors and faculty
Conference Session
Experiences of Underrepresented Students in Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Manuel Jimenez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Luisa Guillemard, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Sonia M. Bartolomei-Suarez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Oscar Marcelo Suarez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Aidsa I. Santiago-Roman, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Nayda G. Santiago, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Carla López del Puerto, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Pedro O. Quintero, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Nelson Cardona-Martínez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, faculty mentoring, extra-curricular activities, peer group support interactions, and research/work experiences.A pilot group of 92 students from ten different engineering programs and four different entrylevels, joined the project. At the end of the first year indicators shows encouraging preliminaryresults. 97.9% students in the study group performed above the college-wide average. Freshmensuccess indicators in terms of academic performance, retention, and sense of belonging were upand career goal planning and actions began to show.BackgroundSuccess in higher education institutions by itself is a subjective concept that depends on themetrics defining it. Factors such as retention, quality, completion, and attainment are typicallyaddressed by
Conference Session
FPD8 - Early Intervention & Retention
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gretchen Hein, Michigan Technological University; Amber Kemppainen, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
students enrolled in Pre-Calculus with anengineering course. The topics covered in the course were coordinated with the topics beingcovered in Pre-Calculus. For example, students apply the concepts learned regarding linear,power and exponential equations in pre-calculus to engineering applications in ENG1001. Thestudents enrolled in the course elected to participate in the program. Most of these students werepart of the Michigan Tech ExSEL program. ExSEL is a program that promotes students successthrough academic support services such as peer mentoring, study groups, study skills and timemanagement techniques, academic progress monitoring, campus resource referrals, campus andcommunity involvement events, and career and personal development
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Eduaction - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rahul Rai, Virginia Tech; Asli Sahin, Virginia Tech; Ashley Studd, Virginia Tech; Janis Terpenny, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
participated in writing a conference paper based on the developed tool2.Figure 2. Graphical Modeling Tool snapshot Piggyback Product Research Page 12.1508.6 The second research project was to establish fundamental principles, teachable methods, and guidelines for designing product architectures that can evolve to cope up with the changingrequirements to enable proactive obsolescence management. Technology is advancing at a fasterrate everyday. In order to prevent a product from becoming outdated sometimes add-ons can bedeveloped to increase the lifetime or functionality of a product. These products are commonlycalled piggyback products.Four REUs
Conference Session
Teaching with Technology in Dynamics and Mechanics of Materials
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rungun Nathan, Villanova University
Tagged Divisions
theaddition of streaming videos for asynchronous instructions. Qualitative feedbackindicates a positive response from students. Rigorous assessment is planned forevaluating the efficacy of these technologies.IntroductionBoyer1 in his report talks about reinventing undergraduate education by taking severalsteps which include the use of information technology creatively for enhancingundergraduate education. Hake2 has shown that interactive engagement increases theconceptual understanding and problem solving ability of students in a mechanics course.Cooperative learning3, 4, and peer instruction5 have shown to be beneficial in classroomsand in the enhancement of student learning. According to Patricia Cross (a leadingeducator), “We have more information
Conference Session
Engineering Collaboration: Faculty & Student in K-12 Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Holly Anthony; Josh Price; Joe Harris
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Page 15.711.7 will do multiple runs to check for consistency and repeatability. Mass is added to a sample when it is electroplated. Students will record the mass of the samples before and after the process to determine mass gain. Students will write up lab reports to show their results.Go PublicIn this part of the legacy cycle, students will have the opportunity to present their findings withtheir peers, parents, and members of the community. I: All students will be responsible for turning in an accident report. This accident report will be summative of the entire legacy cycle. Using their journals, lecture notes, multiple perspectives, and research
Conference Session
Collaborations Between Engineering/Education
2005 Annual Conference
John Lehman; David Stone; Mary Raber
: 1. Use of hands-on learning, making K-12 science curricula less theory-based and more context-based by emphasizing the social good of engineering and demonstrating how it is relevant to the real world 2. Use of an interdisciplinary approach by adding a technological component to all subjects and lessons 3. Involvement of engineering in K-12 lessons that map to state standards for math and science 4. Engaging more K-12 teachers in outreach efforts and curriculum writing 5. Making engineering “cool” by outreaching to urban schools and females more aggressively 6. Creating better incentives for all interested parties to engage in K-12 outreach (especially higher
Conference Session
Molecular and Multiscale Phenomena
2004 Annual Conference
Jason Keith
(5 credits) Elective Modules Elective Modules (3 credits) (4 credits) Table 1. Enterprise Minor and Concentration Curriculum Course # Course Title Course # Course Title (number of credits) (number of credits) ENG2961 Teamwork (2) ENG2962 Communications Contexts (1) ENG3962 Complex ENG4953 Writing / Societal Communication (1) Context (1
Conference Session
Portable/Embedded Computing I
2004 Annual Conference
Solomon Alao; Shurron Farmer; Damian Watkins; Craig Scott; Pamela Leigh-Mack
on attrition than difficulty of the subject or aptitude3. The preceding factors makefreshman minority engineering students interesting candidates for the mobility technologyintegration studies.The TechnologyThe advent of local and personal area networks such as Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) provide a low costmobile solution to extend learning and collaborating capabilities beyond the classroom. Wi-Fiprovides an infrastructure that furnishes the use of wireless capable laptops, personal digitalassistants (PDAs), and tablet PCs by extending connectivity to the World Wide Web. It alsoenables students to setup peer networks where information is shared and analyzed in groups. IPAQ POCKET TABLET PC Notebook PC
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering/Technology
2004 Annual Conference
Heidi Sherick
engineering, math, and scienceeducation for American Indians, women, and other minorities remain. For American Indians,low levels of enrollment in engineering and closely related programs can be attributed to culturaldifferences, inadequate support programs, inadequate financial aid, lack of professional rolemodels, minimal academic and peer counseling, limited exposure to the fields of engineering andinadequate math skills. American Indian communities are the most in need of trainedengineering professionals as they manage their own natural resources on their lands(hydroelectric dams, coal reserves) and work to develop economic infrastructure within theircommunities. It is important to recognize the cultural sensitivity that only American
Conference Session
Contemporary Issues in Manufacturing Education
2003 Annual Conference
William White; Marie Lee; Diane Schuch Miller
Session 1363 The Development of Manufacturing Case Studies William L. White, Diane M. Schuch-Miller, Marie D. Lee Lawrence Technological University/Wayne State University/Wayne State University In manufacturing engineering education, there is a need for problem-solving projects that reflect realissues to supplement or replace drill and practice problems. Authentic activities offer an opportunity to apply newknowledge and skills to manufacturing engineering problems, test theorie s, and draw conclusions in a safeenvironment with the help of their peers and mentors. Case studies add relevance and
Conference Session
SPECIAL SESSION: Educational Methods and Tools to Encourage Conceptual Learning I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald P. Visco Jr., University of Akron
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering, Educational Research and Methods
write-up/procedure that other students would follow about their module(with a 100% correct report attached by the team) and, finally, a detailed project report. At the endof the semester, the student groups would archive all of this electronically and send it to theinstructor as well (for the teams to use in the follow-on years). Detailed information was providedto the students on the syllabus as to why this activity was occurring. This has been repeated below: While there is an increasing movement towards "hands-on" learning, especially in engineering, such an approach is mainly focused on modified laboratory experiences and/or out-of-classroom experiences. However, most of the contact hours in a curriculum
1997 Annual Conference
David J. Lilja
thisability be taught? One approach that is particularly effective is to ask students to review papers assigned fromthe literature. These papers must be carefully selected both to teach up-to-date information aboutthe topic of the course, as well as to provide examples of both good and not-so-good work. Foreach paper, or for a small group of papers that may all discuss a related point, students are askedto write a short (l-2 page) summary that addresses each of the following points [ 11: 1. What is the problem being studied? 2. Is this an important problem? Why or why not? 3. What are the main results? 4. What method is used to produce the results? 5. What are the assumptions in the paper? How
Conference Session
Recruiting, Retention & Advising
2005 Annual Conference
Pierre Larochelle
engineeringproject report, (8) understand the concept of features based solid models, (9) canconceptualize, create, and build simple 3D geometries with a focus on mechanical partsand assemblies, (10) have a working knowledge of and ability to perform basic machinetool manufacturing operations (e.g. drilling, milling, turning, finishing), and (11) have anunderstanding of the relationship between detailed drawings and manufacturingprocesses. The course is structured as a project motivated learning experience modeledafter traditional capstone design courses. Students are assigned to teams, write projectproposals, generate design concepts, perform analyses, generate detailed productiondrawings, attend design reviews, and manufacture functioning physical
Conference Session
Innovation in Curriculum Development
2005 Annual Conference
Louise Green; Barbara Quintiliano; Andrea Welker
active and collective, their information literacyskills can improve dramatically.Typically, students respond well to hands-on computer laboratories in which they search variousdatabases and retrieve electronic information. McGuigan (2001) notes that the Web is often thefirst source students explore when researching a topic. Davis (2003) also reports that students areusing fewer scholarly references, but that this trend can be reversed with properly constructedassignments.Active and peer learning are strategies often employed to teach a variety of topics. Theeffectiveness of these strategies is especially important because Manuel (2002) reports that thestudents at California State University viewed the “words of caution said by the instructor
Conference Session
Improving ME instructional laboratories
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Chastain, Clemson University; Harvin Smith, Clemson University; Mason Morehead, Clemson University; David Moline, Clemson University; John Wagner, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
principles are reinforced through open ended, student conducted, multifacetedmechanical and thermal/fluid system experiments. The students work in a collaborative mannerto develop mathematical models, create test plans, apply measurement techniques, perform dataanalysis, and write comprehensive technical reports. In this paper, an overview of the threeexperimental systems and accompanying student learning objectives will be presented. The firstexperiment features the modeling, testing, and analysis of a single degree-of-freedom systemsubject to excitation from a rotating unbalanced mass. The student teams are tasked toanalytically and experimentally investigate the system and design a dynamic vibration absorber.In the second experiment
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade - Reflections and Advice on the Educational Process
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Cutler, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Matthew A. Verleger, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach
Tagged Divisions
coursework; 3. Pass Qualifying Exam; 4. Pass Competency/Preliminary Exam; 5. Write Dissertation; and 6. Defend.These are very common elements across most PhD programs as reflected by their presence on most, if notall, of the group maps. These are elements that you would likely find in a graduate school manual for thesteps to completing a PhD and are typically the elements that require the completion of some sort ofpaperwork with the institution to verify that they have been completed. However, there are other implicitelements that are not as directly seen in a manual that are required to meet these steps. For example,choosing an advisor was only explicitly placed on one of the participant group (Group 4) maps. Theadvisor was included as
Conference Session
Research to Practice: STRAND 3 – Principles of K-12 Engineering Education and Practice
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan R Zubarriain, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Nicholas Kumia, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Shouling He, Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
their robot, their first assignment was to write a program to allow therobot to move forward for one meter, turn 180 degrees and then move forward for another meter.By gradually introducing new programming techniques, the level of programming difficulty wasincreased. During the 3rd week of the course, the students were introduced to functions whichmade repetitive code more efficient and programmer-friendly. By this time, the moreexperienced programmers were actively helping the less experienced. Peer work always workshand-in-hand with teacher instruction. In the 4th week, before students would begin their finalprojects, the final objective was to program the remote controller. The course was designed thisway to ensure that students would not
Conference Session
Entrepreneurial/Innovative Communication
2004 Annual Conference
Roxanne Spray; Lori Donath; Nancy Thompson; Theresa McGarry; Elisabeth Alford
their research projects with peers, near peers, and professionals, to findout how interested audiences respond to their work, and to receive helpful feedback as theydevelop their writing and presentation abilities.Now in its fourth semester of data collection, the RCS continues to reflexively research thelearning processes that occur in studio sessions. Through this research the RCS identifieseffective strategies for facilitating group and student learning processes, while investigating theprocesses of learning overall.Distributed Cognition and the Theoretical Background of theRCSThe research communications studio (RCS) incorporates social constructionist theories ofcognitive development emanating from the work of Lev Vygotsky. 11 These
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michel A. Kornegay, Morgan State University; Md Tanvir Arafin, Morgan State University; Kevin Kornegay, Morgan State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
writing efficient codes in a given programming • Persistent encouragement from the faculty memberslanguage. The eCTF problems awarded flags not only for the • Peer group’s success in the other parts of the projectcorrectness of the solution but also for the design’s efficiencyand speed. As a result, the course instructors offered lessons V. C ONCLUSIONSon-the-fly on basic algorithm and data structure during the In this paper, the authors have described activities beneficiallecture/lab sessions. This experience has also motivated the to increasing the engagement of underrepresented minoritieselectrical engineering department to consider an algorithm in an embedded
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 3 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Erika Mein, University of Texas at El Paso; Alberto Esquinca, San Diego State University; Helena Mucino-Guerra, University of Texas at El Paso
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
Theory into Practice, Action in Teacher Education, and Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. She earned her Ph.D. in Reading/Writing/Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania and has been a faculty member at UTEP since 2008.Dr. Alberto Esquinca, San Diego State University Alberto Esquinca is an Associate Professor in the Department of Dual Language and English Learner Education at San Diego State University.Helena Mucino-Guerra, University of Texas at El Paso Helena Muci˜no is a Ph.D. student in the Teaching, Learning, and Culture program at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). She holds a master’s degree in Musical Education Research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is currently
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shane Brown, Washington State University; Karyn Hildreth, Washington State University
andArchitecture, but also to industry.LITERATURE REVIEWStudies have shown that retention and student development are correlated with socialintegration3. It has been suggested that a student’s interaction with his peers is the single mostimportant factor in student development 1,2 and that the lack of peer group study is a significantfactor regarding students changing majors from math, science and engineering fields in college14.Tinto’s15 longitudinal model targets academic and social integration as a key reason for studentsdropping out of college programs as well. The literature clearly states that social integration in Page 12.21.3any setting, both
1996 Annual Conference
Dr. John W. Nazemetz; Dr. John B. Solie; Dr. David R. Thompson
team’s grade is distributed based on individual contribution. The individual grades are distributed based on the instructors’ observations and the peer input and the grades given within a team is such that the average of the individual grades equal the grade on the team effort (i.e. if the report is a B, the three team members could get B/B/B or A/B/C or A/C/C, etc.) This effectively deals with the requirement for all team members to contribute to the project.Overall Conclusions Overall, it can be concluded that freshman can do well in the course and benefit from theexperiences that it provides. Input from a self assessment paper that each student writes at the end of thesemester indicates that the students are realizing the
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George Youssef, San Diego State University; Enrique A. Ainsworth, University of California - Los Angeles; Casey Ann Shapiro, UCLA Center for Educational Assessment; Hannah Whang Sayson, UCLA Center for Educational Assessment; Marc Levis-Fitzgerald, University of California - Los Angeles
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
students are expected to publish peer-reviewed journal papersas well as assist PIs with proposal writing.2- Oral Communication – TANMS students are encourage to freely articulate themselves andtheir ideas and thoughts during meetings with PIs and mentors. Additionally, students areexpected to deliver an oral technical presentations and posters.Core II - Engineering Success1- Innovation – Ability to execute new ideas in research, education, and industry with relevance(or relevancy) to multiferroics.2- Creativity – Ability to synthesize new ideas on multiferroics. For example, students are able tosuggest applications of multiferroics based on their research.Core III – Business and Marketplace Savvy1- Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurial mindset is
Conference Session
Teamwork and Assessment
2004 Annual Conference
Fabio Carrera; David DiBiasio; Natalie Mello
decision. Required preparation classes include training in teaming and professionalism.Practice in peer and self-evaluation in team situations is included as are proper techniques forconducting meetings. Process Control—Team DynamicsDuring both on-campus preparation and the on-site project phase team progress is monitored bya variety of standard tools. Team performance contracts are created as a team and signed by eachmember. Periodic contract reviews provide a first assessment of individual contributions. Wealso use a formative peer evaluation form from several sources measures 21 items within thedimensions standards of integrity, respect for individuals, innovations, goal setting, leadership,and overall work
Conference Session
Assessment in EM Education
2002 Annual Conference
Sami Ainane; Janet Schmidt; Gary Pertmer
Education chairs an annualmeeting where program activities are reviewed and “best practices” shared among representativesof the college. ABET accredited programs are required to write a two page update of their on-going activities in preparation for this regular meeting.III. Keeping the Flame Alive in Mechanical Engineering The Mechanical Engineering program review and assessment process consists of differentactivities, see figure 1. These activities include continuous assessment by two faculty committeesof the teaching/learning process in the Department, continuous assessment by individual faculty aswell as faculty groups in specific areas, continuous assessment by the Department Chair and theDirector of Undergraduate Studies, and
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session II
2015 ASEE International Forum
Sigrid -- Berka, University of Rhode Island; Emily Ann Serman, University of Rhode Island; Megan Mercedes Echevarria, University of Rhode Island; Lars O. Erickson, University of Rhode Island; Silke A. Scholz; Anette Geithner
Tagged Topics
International Forum
planned. During the year the students also perform different fundraisingactivities and assist their faculty advisor with grant writing to support the trip expenses includingsupplies and maintenance of equipment. Since their formation the faculty-ESW-students haveraised more than $80K from federal and private foundations as well as support from individuals.Selection criteria for the team that will be going to Guatemala, are based on contributions to thestudents’ organizations, participation, as well as professional and personal skills. Spanish IEPstudents are highly valued amongst their ESW peers, because their language skills are essentialfor the educational activities that are simultaneously performed alongside the engineering work,and because
Conference Session
System 1 in Engineering Education and Research
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Huff, Harding University; Kanembe Shanachilubwa, Harding University; Stephen Secules, University of Georgia
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
interview howshe felt that she maintained a good interpersonal relationship with her engineering peers and professors.Additionally, as the epigraph of this paper indicated, Rebecca was a high-performing student and hadachieved several markers of traditional success as an engineering student, including high grades andprestigious internships. Furthermore, at the time of the interview, she had planned to pursue a degree in aprofession outside of engineering following her graduation. However, as will be clear in our findings, herrole as an engineering student was important to understanding her core identity. 1We chose to present Rebecca’s case of shame as a mechanical engineering student because it
Conference Session
Engineering and Engineering Technology Transfer and the Two-Year College Student Part 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Henry Griffith, San Antonio College; Heena Rathore, Texas State University
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
been the winner of a number of prestigious awards including IEEE Achievements Award, Young Engineer Award, Global Engineering Impact Award and Graphical System Design Achievement Award. She has published more than 30 papers in peer reviewed journals and conferences in her field and is the sole author of Map- ping Biological Systems to Network Systems (Springer). She was also featured on TedX, Qatar held by TedXAlDafnaEd in Qatar and her work is covered in professional and major trade publications, major media, such as Microwave Journal, Everything RF, Financial Express, Science Reporter, the Times of India, and India Today. She has been invited as a panelist, TPC member and has been a chair for multiple sessions
Conference Session
COED Programming Education 1: Students, Motivation, and Mastery
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Rossi, Penn State Behrend; Paul C. Lynch, Penn State Behrend
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education Division (COED)
the instructorneeds to move between students quickly or even worse…students may “fall through the cracks”as demand for help outpaces the instructor resources available. The result is students leaving labwith knowledge gaps regarding the topic that prevent them from creating a solid foundation onwhich to build their basic programming knowledge. Even worse is the fact this approach teachesstudents when they are handed a programming task to dive straight to code as fast as possiblewhich may not be consistent with how they will work in industry.The goal of this paper is to outline a new paradigm for structuring the lab period which teachesstudents how to work with peers to solve a problem, think before they code, and build conceptualunderstanding