Paper ID #27845Progress on Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Growth Mindset and Be-longing Interventions in a Freshman Engineering ClassDr. Jinny Rhee, San Jose State University Dr. Jinny Rhee is the associate dean of the College of Engineering at San Jose State University. She oversees all aspects of the undergraduate programs in the college. Her research interests include admin- istration of programs supporting student success, in addition to thermal management of heat and power systems. Dr. Rhee received a PhD in mechanical engineering from Stanford University (1995).Prof. Camille S. Johnson, San Jose State University
professional career Ben has worked as a freelance web developer. Additionally he has worked in education both as a teacher in special education and as a university partner. In his time working in education he has worked to invent and simplify the processes in education to enhance the way teachers are able to interact with students using technology. He also has a great passion for music and enjoys sharing it with others.Richard S. Clark, National UniversityBrett Nieman c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 BLOCKSCRIPTS - A UNIVERSITY TRANSCRIPT BLOCKCHAINAbstractOur team created a blockchain solution named Blockscripts to hold a student's transcriptinformation, and or diplomas. The
scalefrom 1, very inaccurately, to 7, very accurately. A higher score in each personality trait shows thestudent’s personality is strong in that trait.Grit: This construct was proposed by the psychologist Angela Duckworth and is defined as thepassion and perseverance for long-term goals.13 Grit is usually unrelated or inversely related tointelligence or talent. The two subcategories of grit are consistency of interest and perseverance ofeffort. Perseverance of effort is a superior predictor of GPA while consistency of interest is a betterpredictor of number of lifetime career changes.14 Undergraduates who scored higher in Grit alsoearned higher GPAs than their peers despite having lower SAT scores.13 The Grit-S (short gritscale), which is comprised
Hayashibara, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 VM High-Performance Computing for Undergraduate Engineering ProjectsINTRODUCTION Parallelized processing, or the process of solving multiple parts of a single problemsimultaneously through the use of many processors (see Fig. 1), is essential for many engineeringand scientific disciplines as projects and mathematical models continue to reach beyond thescope of what can be done by hand. From their inception in the 1960’s, these grid computing (orsupercomputing) systems have advanced so as to come in a variety of sizes
, HassanBadkoobehi, Laith Al Any, Jay Dey, and many others for their suggestions, encouragements,cooperation, and/or help during the preparation of this paper.REFERENCES[1] Ainsworth, S., (2006). DeFT: A conceptual framework for considering learning with multiple representations. Learning and Instruction, 16, 183-198.[2] Bailey, T., Jenkins, D., & Leinbach, T. (2005). Community college low-income and minority student completion study: Descriptive statistics from the 1992 high school cohort. New York: Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center.[3] Braude, E., Bernstein, M. Software Engineering: Modern Approaches, (2nd Edition), John Wiley & Sons, 2011.[4] Brenner, M.E., Brar, T., Duran
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. Evaluation/grading procedure(s) must be defined based on these requirements. The technical content includes design and implementation of engineering systems (hardware and/or software) at upper division level. Service learning content includes diverse activities with community partner(s) so as to benefit both the college students and the partner(s). 3) A minimum 10 service learning hours are required for each student. Each project team must work with an external community partner for the service learning experience. 4) Reflective activities are included in the course where students are encouraged to discuss with other team members and the
, additional research isrecommended with a larger sample size, multiple classes, and multiple instructors.Background: The Evolving Use of Podcasts in Higher EducationThe body of scholarship addressing the use of podcasts in higher education is growing.Generally, articles from the early 2000’s on the use of podcasts in higher education considerstudents as consumers of podcasts that deliver course content, such as recorded lectures andsupplemental material. Research demonstrates that students view podcast content-delivery as auseful, enjoyable, and advantageous learning tool in traditional, distance learning, and m-learning (using portable, handheld devices to access content) contexts. 1, 2, 3, 4 Studentappreciation for podcast-delivered material is
.10025115. Chan, Y. M. Video instructions as support for beyond classroom learning. in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (2010). doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.12.3266. Johanes, P. & Lagerstrom, L. Online videos: What every instructor should know. Comput. Educ. J. (2017).7. Arakaki, D. Y. Lecture Videos to Supplement Electromagnetic Classes at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. in 2017 ASEE Pacific Southwest Section Proceedings (2017).8. Santiago, J. M., Guo, J., Kasley, K. & Phillips, P. Introduction to Engineering Using Google Docs and Interactive Video in Support of an Online Flipped Classroom Approach. in 2017 ASEE Pacific Southwest Section (2017).9. Palmer, S. An evaluation of streaming digital video
testscores.4-10 Flipped classroom strategies often employ active learning exercises, which Felder andBrent (2009) define as, “anything course-related that all students in a class session are calledupon to do other than simply watching, listening and taking notes.”11 Active learning exerciseshave been shown to boost academic performance; Freeman et al.’s (2014) meta-analysis of 225studies on active learning in STEM courses found that performance on concept inventories,exams, and passing rates generally improved in classrooms employing active learningstrategies.12A flipped classroom strategy is not guaranteed to result in improved academic outcomes. Someflipped classroom experiments show no significant gains between a section employing a
technologies [6] are available, andprograms such as Matlab [5] have advanced image processing capabilities that can be used formotion capture. Such programs can be used as a tool to foster collaboration between engineeringstudents and those in other fields such as kinesiology, arts, and music.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by a grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation. Opinions, interpretations,conclusions, and recommendations are those of the authors.References[1] Barris, S., & Button, C. (2008). A review of vision-based motion analysis in sport. SportsMedicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 38(12), 1025–1043.[2] Carey, S. L., Lura, D. J., & Dubey, R. V. (2013, June). The Role of Motion Analysis inBiomedical Engineering Education and Interdisciplinary
students’ scores of the two groups. It can be seen that students’ performance of thetreatment group is significantly better than that of the control group in the midterm exam. Morenoticeably, the number of students who received “A”s in treatment group is twice of that in thecontrol group. Figure 2. Students grade distribution in mid-term exam Figure 3. Comparison of midterm exam score distributionFigure 4. Stacked bar graph of mid-term exam score (A: 90~100; B: 80~89; C: 70~79; Below C: 69 or lower)Similar to the study done for the midterm performance, the results and comparison of students’final exam scores of the two groups are shown in Figures 5 through 7, where
collection.We would also like to thank the students, instructors, and teaching assistants of the course fortheir participation in the study.References:[1] Mennin, S. (2007). Small-group problem based learning as a complex adaptive system. Teaching and TeacherEducation, 23, 303-313.[2] Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, F. P. (1991). Joining together: Group theory and group skills. Prentice-Hall, Inc.[3] Bhavnani, S. H., & Aldridge, M. D. (2000). Teamwork across disciplinary borders: A bridge between collegeand the work place. Journal of Engineering Education, 89(1), 13-16.[4] Bahner, B. (1996). Report: curricula need product realization. Mechanical Engineering-CIME, 118(3), S1-S1.[5] Ford, M., & Morice, J. (2003). Using micro management techniques
law enforcementprofessionals. Teams had to craft an eighteen-minute presentation describing the who, what,where, when, why, how(s) of the crime as well as discussing privacy or moral issues. Judges wereable to then ask the teams questions for two minutes.For the 2017 competition, each of the sixteen teams were given a vehicle to search and seizephysical items and digital devices. A laptop was placed in an obvious location, as well as otherdigital devices such as an external hard drive, Ring doorbell, and Amazon Echo device. Otherdigital devices, such as an SD card, were placed in much more difficult places to find, but oftenwere hinted at by the digital evidence trail, such as Windows device connection logs. Digitalevidence was often
5 10 15 20 25 0 50 100 150 Time(s) Time(s) Figure 7. Time history of (a) Northridge earthquake and (b) Chi-Chi earthquake The parameter sets are applied to the one-bay-one-frame model to perform the dynamicanalysis, and the maximum story drift are recorded. Figure below shows the histogram of 10000dynamic analysis results. From Figure 8, it can be observed that the uncertainty of maximumstory drift ratio can be evaluated. (a
assessmentof different course designs. During the fall 2019 we would again ask students to assess differentcourse designs as well as compare resulting grades from two session of the same class.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank Kimberly Gottula for her help in developing this paper. Her class projecton LMS course design and additional directed research, including suggestions for navigationdesigns, were invaluable in writing this paper.References[1] J. Dahlstrom, E., Brooks, D. C., & Bichsel, “The current ecosystem of learning management systems in higher education: Student, faculty, and IT perspectives,” Louisville, CO, 2014.[2] P. S. Muljana and G. Placencia, “Learning Analytics: Translating Data into ‘Just-in-Time’ Interventions
Propulsion Systems P 6 Q 7 R 5 Energy S 5 Average Students Per Team 7.5As summarized above, each design team in Fall 2018 ranged in size from 4 to 11 students, withan average of 7 students per team; past design teams have ranged in size from 3 to 32 students.Each team is managed by a DTL. The DTL selection process is up to the capstone professors’discretion. The DTL is often appointed by the professors after a formal interview process
) 3 Overall, I feel I learned a lot from today’s 2.00% 0.00% 3.00% 28.00% 67.00% 4.58 session(s) The instructors were good communicators 2.00% 0.00% 5.00% 31.00% 62.00% 4.51 Today’s topic was very well introduced 2.00% 1.00% 6.00% 27.00% 64.00% 4.5 The material covered was very well 2.00% 1.00% 6.00% 33.00% 58.00% 4.44 presented The hands on session(s)/field trip helped me 2.02% 0.00% 9.09% 29.29% 59.60
proceedings, San Antonio.[10] Pearson Weatherton, Y., & Chen, V. C. P., & Mattingly, S. P., & Rogers, K., & Sattler, M. L. (2012,June), Sustainable Engineering Internships: Creation and Assessment Paper presented at 2012 ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas.[11] Powers, K., & Chen, H. L., & Prasad, K. V., & Gilmartin, S. K., & Sheppard, S. (2018, June), Exploring HowEngineering Internships and Undergraduate Research Experiences Inform and Influence College Students' CareerDecisions and Future Plans Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah.
of classes (see the below section regarding s tudent and faculty reflections). These new courses will be offered s tarting in 2019, and will serve CIA minors and discipline specific majors as well: ART 376 The Art of Mixed Reality: Conceptual creation, storytelling, interface design in 3D virtual and augmented realms, visual styles and use of metaphors. A theorybased view of mixed reality (MR) worlds, including coding and software, the making of 3D assets, technical challenges and constraints. The students will develop, research, write and propose their own idea for a MR project. ART 470 Conceptual Art and Storyboarding for
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the input terminalto incorporate the protection device.ConclusionA new laboratory experiment utilizing a new Buck converter module has been developed toimprove students’ learning experience and skills in power electronics. The new lab module wasconstructed with the full support from Monolithic Power Systems, and it was designed toaccommodate new learning outcomes. Initial assessment of the new Buck experiment indicatedthat the new Buck converter is able to effectively fulfill the new learning outcomes. A moreformalized survey is currently under plan to assess the effectiveness of the new lab module inhelping students achieve the learning outcomes.References1. Mishra, S., “Power Converter Systems for Consumer Electronics Devices”, 2016 IEEE
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contactless inlet and exit valves forindividual rotating combustion chambers that periodically charge and discharge as they rotate pastthe inlet and exit ports. The device is designed in such a way that combustion is initiated shortlyafter both ends of the channel(s) are closed, generating a constant volume combustion where themixture pressure and temperature are elevated significantly. Meanwhile, centrifugal force on theflow facilitates the flushing and loading processes. The high-pressure hot gases exiting thechannels are directed to two-dimensional nozzle guide vanes mounted at the rotor exhaust ports.The nozzle guide vanes accelerate and deliver the burned gases to a two-dimensional cross-flowradial turbine with impulse-type blading mounted on
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(s), and the numerical calculations to reach theexpected solution.The LMS recorded when each student watched each MP webcast. Students could watch the MPwebcasts as often as they chose, and the webcasts remained posted on the LMS until the end of thecourse and the final exam. In addition to the webcast viewing record were available the scores of thestudents on each question of the two summative exams (midterm and final exam).We examined three questions in relation to the use of the MP webcasts in the course:Question 1: Do the students watch the MP webcasts and how does their viewership change during thesemester? Using the LMS record, we coded the student access to each webcast as 0 (not accessed), 0.5(partly accessed), 1 (accessed in full