increasingly used as a safety management tool in the nuclear power industry through the 1980’s and 90’s. This capability is of central importance in the domestic nuclear power industry in the new century. PRA provides answers to four important questions: (i) What can go wrong? (ii) How likely is it? (iii) What are the consequences? and (iv) How do uncertainties impact the above answers? There are three levels of PRA analysis in the commercial nuclear power industry: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Level 1 consists of an analysis of plant design and operation focused on the accident sequences that could lead to a core damaging event, their basic causes and their frequencies. Key figure of merit is the Core Damage
choices between 0.1 s and 1 min. The second and third live buttons control the unit and thetenth places respectively, of the time interval to be selected for the count. (If the time interval selected is50 units while the unit switch was selected to be 0.1 s, then the count will take place over (0.1 x 50 =) 5seconds.) There is also one digital display that can show either the current count or the time lapsedduring the count. The display can be toggled back and forth by clicking on a button below the digitaldisplay. The device works as it would in real life, so the student must understand how to use it.Procedures for the two virtual labs developed so far are very similar to the procedures student follow inthe physical lab. Physics models have also
2014.Nuclear-Pumped Laser (NPL) technology was a part of the strategic defense initiative (SDI)program in the 1980’s. NPLs have since faded from the United States research agenda but theyremain an active part of the research agenda in other countries, notably in Russia and othernations in the former Soviet Union as well as China [1] which has a cooperative agreement withRussia [2]. The reason for this broad interest in the technology is that a NPL can scale to highpower/energy levels (potentially up to 100 MW Continuous Wave (CW) beam power). Militaryapplications have historically dominated the NPL research agenda. However, there aresignificant humanitarian applications for high power/energy lasers. For example a high powerCW NPL would have
modeling. The paper highlights the experience inhandling the undergraduate students for research participation and presents students’ experienceworking in nuclear engineering program. The undergraduate participation in research providedunique opportunity in recruiting students in the nuclear engineering program for graduateprogram.IntroductionSince the beginning of the nuclear industry, early 1960s, chemical engineering has been asignificant discipline within the U. S. nuclear industry1. Traditionally the chemical engineershave made and now continue to make significant contribution in the areas of fuel fabrication,isotope separation, fuel reprocessing, and waste management. Chemical engineers monitor thechemistry of the coolant and cleanup systems
requirements during construction andcommissioning of a nuclear power plant. T H O U S A N D S O F W R O K E R SSteps in executing the plan: The work of preparing the workforce falls to many Texas institutionsas seen in the following list: 1. Wharton County Junior College will lead a program to establish a two-year Power Technology Program. Graduates from this program will be prepared to enter into accelerated accredited training as mechanics, electricians, and chemistry technicians. 2. Hill College will be the lead institution to create a two
weremade according to that evaluation.The questions that are used to structure most of the courses include the following general questions.When learners click on the general question, they are presented with the more specific (indented)questions. When any of those more specific questions are selected, the answer to the question, alongwith some explanation, is presented. • What radioactive source(s) are present? o What isotope(s) are present? o What type of radiation is emitted (alpha, beat, gamma, positron)? o What is the half life of the each isotope? Page 12.471.6 o What is the atomic structure of each of
= ψ(r, Ω) πR2 Page 12.1358.6 R→0 4πThis is the confirmation that φ is the same as the ICRU fluence rate. R S xFigure 1: A point source S with a sphere centered a distance x > R away. Compute the volumeaveraged scalar flux over the sphere. Students must also be asked not to over interpret this result: for a finite sphere the rate at whichparticles enter the sphere divided by
the history of the facility, the nature, ore gradeand geologic morphology of the uranium deposit, and the mining technique(s) used torecover it. It was turned in as a one page writeup or three slides. Table 1: Course Schedule Time Topic / Activity HW / Test / Project Week 1: Introduction; Fuel Cycle Overview 8/31/06 Week 2: History, Hot Topics: 9/5, 9/7 the AFCI, GNEP, Transmutation Week 3: The Front End: 9/12, 9/14 Uranium Mining and Supply, Conversion Week 4: The Front End: 9/19: Written 9/19, 9/21 Enrichment, Fuel
analysis algorithm development for software applications. Prior to working for the University of Texas, Dr. Foltz Biegalski utilized her expertise to support the development of technology in support of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). This includes the development of software to analyze beta-gamma coincidence data from radioxenon monitoring systems.Victoria Pratt, University of Texas-Austin Ms. Victoria S. Pratt graduated from the University of Texas in Austin's (UT-Austin) nuclear engineering department in May 2005, where she completed her thesis on a non-proliferation related topic. Before attending UT-Austin, Ms. Pratt was employed for two years by a semiconductor
lifelong learningITA Learning StatementsStudents enrolled in NUC 495 are required to develop learning statements that objectivelyaddress the ITA learning objectives. A learning statement must include an explanation andexample(s) of how a given learning objective has been met. Evidence must be provided insupport of every learning statement. The relationship between the given learning objective andthe corresponding evidence must be explained. The essential elements of good learningstatements are as follows: • Written clearly and concisely in Standard Written English • Written in the form of a narrative • Supporting evidence is referenced and provided • Describe how the evidence supports the learning statement
13.873.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 Matriculating Nuclear Engineering Students – The North Carolina State University Case Lisa Marshall and Mohamed Bourham Department of Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State UniversityAbstractFirst-year nuclear engineering students typically complete a common freshman year thatdoes not include courses(s) in nuclear engineering. How then does a department engagestudents who have expressed their intent to major in nuclear engineering but haven’tmatriculated into the discipline as of yet? Through an analysis of matriculation trends anda survey of current nuclear engineering students, we will report on why students choosenuclear
, Distance Lab via LabVIEW and Webcam”, Trans. ANS, 92 (2005).[6] YUXIANG GU et al. “UIUC's Contribution to Big-10's INIE Project”, Proc. of the PHYSOR 2004, 2067- 2077, Chicago, IL, ANS (2004).[7] J. W. HINES, “Distance Education: Teaching from a Distance” Trans. ANS, 91, 978-979 (2004).[8] S. E. BINNEY, K. A. HIGLEY, “Distance Learning Revival at Oregon State University”, Trans. ANS, 91, 975-977 (2004).[9] NPRE-351 LAB MANUAL, Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (2005). Page 11.290.13[10] USB-TEMP, Temperature Measurement Module
Amer Chem Soc 75 (1953) 215-219.4. S.C. Amendola, S.L. Sharp-Goldman, M.S. Janjua, M.T. Kelly, P.J. Petillo, M. Binder, An ultrasafe hydrogen generator: aqueous, alkaline borohydride solutions and Ru catalyst, J. Power Sources 85 (2000) 186 – 1895. R.J. Jasinski,. Adv Chem Ser. 18, 4 (1964).6. C.M. Kaufman and B. Sen, Hydrogen generation by hydrolysis of sodium tetrahydroborate: effects of acids and transition metals and their salts. J Chem Soc, Dalton Trans 94 (1985); 307-313.7. Hua, Dong., Yang Hanxi, Ai Xinping, Cha Chuansin. Hydrogen production from catalytic hydrolysis of sodium borohydride solution using nickel boride catalyst. Int J Hydrogen Energy 28 (2003) 1095-1100.8. T.S.N Sankara Narayanan,. and S. K. Seshadri
, andBrookhaven National Laboratories. We have followed an excellent format to recruit,secure funding and eventually place students in the national labs.IntroductionSince the late 1990’s the University of Texas at Austin Nuclear and RadiationEngineering Program has made a priority of placing of students with advanced degrees atthe national laboratories. The initial inception of this idea came under the auspicious ofthe Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium (ANRCP) where DOE funding wassecured to support research activities at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&Mand Texas Tech, with the hope of eventual placing students at PANTEX and othernational laboratories. At the University of Texas funding was also received to offer M.S.and
AC 2007-480: A SUCCESSFUL PROTOTYPE FOR UNIVERSITY/NATIONALLABORATORY RESEARCH COOPERATIONJames Tulenko, University of Florida James S. Tulenko, a professor in the Department of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Fl, is also the Director of the Laboratory for Development of Advanced Nuclear Fuels and Materials. He was Chairman of the Department of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering at the University of Florida for sixteen years. He is a Past President of the American Nuclear Society (ANS). Prior to his academic career, Professor Tulenko spent 23 years in the Nuclear Industry as Manager, Nuclear Fuel Engineering at Babcock and Wilcox; Manager
, Page 12.519.11 10 Table 6 Calculation of a germanium detector efficiency curve 152Half-life of Eu 13.542 Y 427353019.2 s Highlight the B9 cell. Click on equal sign. Type B8 minus B7. ThenDecay Constant format B9 by right clicking and selecting format cells. Select the Number(lamda) 1.62195E-09 1/s tab, chose number from the category menu, and click OK. Convert days to seconds by multiplying by 24 and 3600.Activity
. Albuquerque, NM., pp. 106-109. 6. Anderson, R., 2008, “The WMSR robotic response: the tale of the “M2” robot,” Conference proceedings of the 2nd international joint topical meeting on emergency preparedness and response and robotic and remote systems conference. Albuquerque, NM., pp. 365-372. 7. Kapoor, C., and Tesar, D., 2006, “Integrated teleoperation and automation for nuclear facility cleanup,” Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 33(6) pp. 469-484. 8. Koenig, N., 2007, “Toward real-time human detection and tracking in diverse environments,” Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Development and Learning, London, UK, pp. 94-98. 9. Gulati, S., Jung, H., and Kapoor, C., 2007
animationshows the assignment of the individual source terms for neutrons traveling in the directionassociated with each ordinate from the collision density and scattering kernel. Intensity ΩN/2 Ordinate Set I0 … On mesh ΩN/2 Ω1 interval i… … Ω1 S1(xi)=ΣsI(xi) Assign s1i,n Neutron given Σs(Ω•Ω’) Beam I(x)=I0e-ΣΣx ≡S1i [n/cm3/s] Figure 2. Animated Illustration
on theprogress of the work. It is important that faculty and Graduate mentor attend studentpresentations and make important positive comments.Bibliography1. Boyer Commission on Education of Undergraduates in the Research University. 1998. Reinventing Undergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America’s Research Universities. New York, New York2. K. B. Schowen, K.B. 1998. Research as a critical component of the undergraduate educational experience. Assessing the Value of Research in the Chemical Sciences. National Research Council Report, National Academy Press: 73–81.3. A. L. Zydney, J. S. Bennett, A. Shahid, K. W. Bauer Impact of Undergraduate Research Experience in Engineering Journal of Engineering Education 151-157
who previously had limited laboratory experience.References 1. S. Turhan, H. Yucel, and A. Demirba. Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis of boron with a 241Am-Be neutron source. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. (262 3), pp 661-664, 2004 2. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Page 14.603.6Page 14.603.7
Fractions for Neutron Activated Rare EarthElementsConclusionThe Radiochemistry Education Award Program and national lab funding has allowed theNuclear and Radiation Engineering Program at the University of Texas to be at theforefront of nuclear and radiochemistry educational and research activities and helpsecure the next generation of such needed expertise. Page 11.509.6References1. S. Landsberger, E. Strassberg, K. Schmidt, J. Radioanal. Nuc. Chem., 261 (2005) 121.Biographic InformationDr. Steven Biegalski is an Assistant Professor in the Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Program. Hespecializes in the fields of nuclear instrumentation, neutron radiography
reservoirs are used to measure the other volumes bysuccessively open valves one at a time. The volume between gas valves, vacuum valve, andcontrol volume is referred as volume 2 and can be used to adjust pressure. Volumes A and S andsmall volumes for fine pressure adjustments. Vent Control Volume = Vol 3 + Vol 4 Valve 9 1000 psi Valve 8 Volume S Gauge 100 barVacuum PT Valve 7
global, economic, environmental, and societal context i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning j. a knowledge of contemporary issues k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Figure 3. Student Outcome essay prompt. Page 26.18.11 SO Differential (S-W) Response Frequency, N=21 x 386420 a b c d e f g h i j k-2-4-6 Figure 4. Student Outcome essay response delta
make informed decisions. As theNuclear Engineering field makes strides towards the future, it should look to improving e-learning experiences and adopt the advancements in the technologies used by a variety of otherindustries.7. References[1] A. Shtub, "Project Management Simulation with PTB Project Team Builder," in Winter Simulation Conference, Baltimore, 2010.[2] "NRC Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 17 July 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed April 2014].[3] S. Magennis and A. Farrell, "Teaching and learning activities: expanding the repertoire to support student learning," AISHE, vol. 1, pp. 45-54, 2005.[4] C. H. J. Davies
instructor, a mentor (depending ononline teaching experience of the instructor), and program chair or designee. The salient featuresof the process are mentioned as follows: • Minimum requirements for instructional activities: In order to ensure the consistency and quality of online education, the school has developed specific guidelines regarding minimum standards for course development, design, and delivery. • Learning Outcomes: The design of the instructional activities (i.e., the use of technology/multimedia) is dictated by desired learning outcomes rather than the availability of existing technology. • All of the instructional materials are reviewed by the program chair(s) to ensure they meet the program
student enrollment for the minor programsignificantly increases during the second and third year of the project with aggressiverecruitment and better planning for course scheduling.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of Nuclear RegulatoryCommission (NRC) for funding this project at Fort Valley State University. The comments,opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of NRC.References1 Approach-Develops2 http
Page 24.387.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Developing a Reactor Operator Training Course Series at Oregon State University Wade R. Marcum1, Steve R. Reese2, S. Todd Keller2, Robert A. Schickler2 1 Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics, Oregon State University 2 Radiation Center, Oregon State UniversityABSTRACTOregon State University’s (OSU’s) Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation HealthPhysics (NERHP) recently graduated its first influx of students participating in the inaugural“Reactor Operator Training” course series
Engng. Educ., Bangkok, Thailand, 19-23 (2007).4. Terenzini, P.; Cabrera, A.; Colbeck, C.; Parente, J.; Bjorklund, S., "Collaborative Learning Vs. Lecture/Discussion: Students’ Reported Learning Gains." Journal of Engineering Education (2001): 123-130. Web.5. Guzdial, M.; Ludovice, P.; Realff, M.; Morley, T.; Carroll, K.; Ladak, A., "The Challenge of Collaborative Page 24.921.9 Learning in Engineering and Math," Frontiers in Education Conference, 2001. 31st Annual , vol.1, T3B,24-9 vol.1, 2001