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Displaying results 3121 - 3150 of 22826 in total
Conference Session
Changing the Engineering Classroom
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dong San Choi, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Michael C. Loui, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
are learning about how the brain works, we will assign weeklyreflection papers so that students express how the lecture, the classic experiment, and the smallgroup discussion have influenced the way they view learning through provided prompts. Theprompts will probe students on the following experiential processes: self-reevaluation, socialliberation, dramatic relief, and environmental reevaluations.In addition to weekly reflection papers, we will assign reading and watching assignments forhomework. For example, students will read book excerpts and watch videos of TED Talksrelated to how the brain works. These readings and videos will be accompanied by short writtenassignments called reaction papers. These reaction papers will have prompts
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II - Study Abroad
2017 ASEE International Forum
Anna Friesel, Technical University-Copenhagen; Jean-Marc THIRIET, Gipsa-lab, Univ. Grenoble Alpes; Anthony Edward Ward, University of York, England; Olivier Bonnaud, University of Rennes 1; hamed yahoui, université de lyon
Tagged Topics
Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
the projects: EIE-Surveyor3, ELLEIC4 andSALEIE5.1. EIE-Surveyor3 was an ERASMUS thematic network project funded by the European Commission (project no: 225997-CP-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-TNPP). EIE-Surveyor took place for a three-year period, from October 2005 to September 2008. The aims of the project were to reflect and make concrete propositions for the problem of mobility of students, readability of contents, and recognition of diplomas. The project was organized as four main tasks: • Reflection on generic competences and subject-specific competences in Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) • Implementation of quality assessment methodologies on some educational resources available in EIE • Reflection and
Conference Session
Works in Progress: Classroom Practice
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Dringenberg, Kansas State University; Ruth E. H. Wertz, Valparaiso University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
reliableinstrument.Internal reliability of each was measured by Cronbach’s alpha for each of the four factorsand for the instrument overall. The reliability ranged from 0. 614 to 0.672 for the fourfactors and was 0.602 for the instrument overall. In general, this shows a marginal levelof internal reliability, which is something that will need to be addressed in furtheriterations of the instrument.DiscussionIn general, our analysis did result in four discrete factors that reflect the acceptance orresistance to two distinctive aspects of ill-structured problem solving: ambiguity andmultiple perspectives. With further development, an instrument of this nature could beused by classroom instructors to gauge where students are with respect to majorthresholds in how they
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Postcard Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William H Guilford, University of Virginia; Meg Keeley M.D.; Brian P. Helmke, University of Virginia; Timothy E. Allen, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
number of students. Wehere report on the inaugural year of our Clinical Scholars program, its impact on participants,and lessons learned on how to broaden its impact to non-participating students via our BMEcurriculum.Scholar selectionApplicants to the clinical immersion program must be either rising 3rd or rising 4th yearbiomedical engineering students. As a result, by the time they enter the clinical environment allparticipants will have completed one semester of quantitative human physiology, and a course incell and molecular biology for engineers. A holistic yet targeted admissions process helps toensure the diversity of the Clinical Scholar cohorts. Finalists are selected based on their responseto several reflective questions rather than on
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 17: Student Cognitive Development
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph A. Lyon, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Martin R. Okos, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
their model using different mathematical andcomputational pathways. The Planning the Model step occurs largely prior to instruction in thecourse, giving the students full opportunity to explore different ways to solve the problem.Second is Building the Model, where students actually create one of their modeling solutionpathways individually. During the Building the Model step, students program the model anddocument their thinking process through a final report and in-code comments. In the third step,Evaluating the Model, students meet with their team and other teams to compare solutions inorder to identify key differences in how the problem could be solved, documenting theevaluation process. Finally in the Reflecting on the Model phase students
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 14: Thinking about the Engineering Curriculum
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isabel Hilliger, Pontificia Universidad Catholica de Chile; Sergio Celis, Universidad de Chile; Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III; Jorge Baier, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, soteaching staff are dealing with larger workload [6], [8]. Consequently, they spend less timereflecting about curriculum and teaching practices [9], [10], and they resist to fulfillingadditional assessment requirements at a program level [4]. Besides lacking opportunities to reflect, most faculty lack opportunities to collectand analyze meaningful learning data due to the complexity of assessing student learningoutcomes on a program level [11]. To deal with this challenging but essential task,teaching staff rely on both quantitative (e.g., quiz results, test scores, mid-term students’satisfaction and end-of term evaluations) and qualitative data (e.g., open-ended responsesto end of term comments from students and colleagues) to identify
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Camille Birch, University of Washington; Celina Gunnarsson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dianne Grayce Hendricks, University of Washington
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
scientific theories ofgender/sex, race, disability, and sexuality influence one another. Throughout the course,students are asked to reflect on who gets to be a scientist or engineer, who defines whichquestions researchers ask and which problems engineers solve, who benefits from thesesolutions, and what role social justice plays in science and engineering practice.Throughout the course, we explore these inter-related questions: 1) How do our cultural ideas about race, gender, disability and sexuality influence science/engineering knowledge and practice? 2) On the other hand, how does our science/engineering practice influence our cultural ideas about race, gender, disability and sexuality? 3) How can we use science and engineering
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 18: Student Learning and Problem Solving
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oenardi Lawanto, Utah State University; Angela Minichiello P.E., Utah State University; Assad Iqbal, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
thatproblem. They may instantly consider application of a particular formula and then look for clueswithin the available information that matches the variables in the formula. To be effectiveproblem-solvers, however, students must learn to construct accurate and appropriateunderstandings and knowledge about the relationships between task characteristics (i.e., purpose,structure, and components of tasks) and associated processing demands. This personalknowledge about the problem-solving task at hand is known as metacognitive knowledge abouttask (MKT) [13]. Ideally, the MKT helps students enact more effective self-regulation,particularly task interpretation processes. Students’ engagement on a task as a whole, includingtheir active and reflective
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 2: The Study of Identity in Engineering Education
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Caroline Bolton, Bucknell University; Kaela M. Martin, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Elif Miskioglu, Bucknell University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
others would also consider your recovery successful/unsuccessful? Why or why not? g. Has your event affected your future behavior? Based on their class section, participants were either given the “unsuccessful” recovery or“successful” recovery first, followed by the other option. This difference was implemented tomitigate the potential effects of the first failure type reflection on the answers for the other (i.e. anegative reflection could influence the next positive reflection). How an individual responds tofailure can give a good amount of information pertaining to the general trends of saidindividual’s motivation. For analysis of this qualitative data we used emergent thematic analysisto code and subsequently identify thematic
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Neil A. Knobloch, Purdue University; Levon T. Esters, Purdue University; Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Abeera P. Rehmat, Purdue University; Quintana M. Clark, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Ulyssa Hester, Purdue University; Trinity A. Johnson; Dottie Vollmer, Purdue University; Elizabeth Morgan Alexander, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
STEM courses and postsecondary majorsin the STEM fields.BackgroundScience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is critical for our future advancement.However, the diverse workforce required to drive STEM advancements forward is lacking. Thisshortage is due in-part to academic preparation disparities, which appear early in the elementaryschool years and continue into the 8th grade [1]; national test scores suggest that many U.S.students finish the middle grades underprepared in STEM subjects [1-5]. The National Assessmentof Educational Progress finds roughly 75% of U.S. 8th graders are not proficient in math at theend of 8th grade [2]. Reflecting on the disparity of URMs in the U.S. that enter the STEM fields,fostering success among
Conference Session
Capstone Design II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Laguette, University of California-Santa Barbara
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
successfully competed and have won several prestigious awards. 4) Student and Faculty Created Projects include creative and challenging projects such as the award winning Laryngoscope with internal suction, a solar-powered surf board, and athletic training equipment.Capstone Design Projects Course ObjectivesThe Senior design projects are developed with the support of local industry, interested faculty, Page 12.506.3student organizations, and interested students. The projects reflect the academic integrity andexcellence of the Mechanical Engineering department. A committed faculty and IndustrialAdvisory Board are instrumental in this
Conference Session
Optical and Wireless Communication Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ernest Kim, University of San Diego
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
tailored to complement the laboratory exercises that canoften include engineering design concepts.A typical electromagnetics course topical coverage at our institution is: 1. Review: Vectors and Vector Calculus (1 week) 2. Maxwell's Equations (1.5 weeks) 3. Uniform Plane Waves and Propagation (2 weeks) 4. Reflection and Transmission of Waves (1.5 weeks) 5. Transmission Lines and Waveguides (2.5 weeks) 6. Transmission Line Principles in Circuit Design (2 weeks) 7. Antennas and Radiation (2 weeks)The laboratory content of the electromagnetics course (for Fall 2006) was: 1. Transmission Line Characteristics (1 week) 2. “Microwave Training Kit” Experiments (4 weeks) 3. Introduction to Agilent Advanced Design
Conference Session
Innovative Curriculum in Engineering Technology
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Massoud Moussavi, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
(reflection, refraction, Snell’s law, lenses,mirrors, beam splitter), wave and particle optics(polarization, interferences, and diffraction), fiber optics(optical fiber types, signal distortion and attenuation), Page 12.1113.7 optical communication systems including light sources, detectors, receivers, amplifiers, and modulation. 3 lectures/problem-solving and 1 three-hour laboratory Prerequisite: ETE 335 II. Prerequisites and Co-requisites: ETE 335/335L; Students are expected to have a good theoretical, analytical, and practical knowledge of communication system including modulation, demodulation, transmission, receivers, transmission line, and signal
Conference Session
Innovations in the ChE Laboratory
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Felecia Nave, Prairie View A&M University; Michael Gyamerah, Prairie View A&M University; Irvin Osborne-Lee, Prairie View A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
shift of students who would normally pursue careers inchemical engineering degrees to bio-related departments (i.e. biomedical, biological,bioengineering, etc.) has had an significant impact.3 To address this issue, many chemicalengineering programs have changed their names and updated their curriculum to reflect theshared focus on biology and engineering.Worldwide, the fastest growing global biotechnology marketplace includes approximately 4300companies in 25 nations with revenues estimated at over $40 billion.4 The biotechnologyindustry clusters have identified workforce development as the second or third largest hurdle tocommercialization and economic success.5 Hence, the survival, maturation and success of thebiotechnology industry is
Conference Session
Embedded System Design
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mouna Nakkar, University of Sharjah
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
industry and is expected to grow more in the next few years.To reflect on this, several leading universities are incorporating alternative teaching methods ofEmbedded Systems1-5. This change is of an agreement to proposals made by chief industryengineers. For example, G. Martin6 mentioned that few universities are changing its curriculumto reflect on industry's needs. Further, he added that the industry have a shortage of SoCengineers that universities are not providing.B. Teaching Embedded Systems/SoC/FPGA designDespite the improvement of reconfigurable hardware, FPGA, and EDA tools associated withthem, FPGA/SoC design is still a difficult pedagogical task especially for undergraduate courses.The design requires a good understating of the
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship Education: Assessment and Integrating Entrepreneurship into the Curriculum
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Gerhart, Lawrence Technological University; Melissa Grunow, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, and sustainable change are studied. In addition,each student began development of his/her own leadership philosophy through various projectsand personal reflection assignments. Team work is emphasized and all students’ leadershipskills are both self-assessed and assessed by each team member.Near the beginning of the course, the students were surveyed on their general perceptions ofleadership skills including problem solving, teamwork, self-confidence, group management,ethics, organization, social awareness, and confidence. After the course, the same survey wasadministered. A comparison of the pre and post-course surveys yields some shift in perceptions.The students were also surveyed pre and post-course on their
Conference Session
Learning as a Community
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Meyer, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Patrick Gee, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Laura Masterson, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
opportunities in engineering. Additionally, somestudents have a very specific idea of an engineer. Through the use of the tours we are able tointroduce them to a variety of different job opportunities in engineering.In 2007 and 2008 we took the students on selected tours of engineering research areas at IUPUI.In both groups students were to write a reflection paper about the tours. The papers includedevidence that students were excited about what they had visited. It was clear that for many ofthem, the research areas they saw were new and informative. In the first year the reflections weredone as an assignment in their learning community class. In the second year those takingEnglish did it as part of their English class. However it was graded by their
1996 Annual Conference
Richard Gilbert; Marilyn Barger, Hillsborough Community College; Renata Engel, Pennsylvania State University
. As a Page 1.238.2 {tix~; 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘.,+,DIYH; 1result, these productions may project large quantities of free energy and ultirnatel y inject some of that energyinto the audience. The third and last variable of the information transfer function, contc?nt comnwd, reflects the level ofexpertise and familiarity of the subject matter. An ultimate example for this variable is a we] l-documented non
1996 Annual Conference
E. Carr Everbach
research in acoustics. However, stone breakage is thought to be governed by eitherthe internal reflection of the compressional portion of the acoustic pulse (which becomes a tension wave)from the posterior of the stone, or the action of microscopic gas bubbles collapsing onto the stone surface inresponse to the rarefactional portion of the acoustic pulse.2 Both mechanisms may operate simultaneouslyor in combination, but each is dependent upon the temporal and spatial characteristics of the lithotripterpulse. Lithotripters of various designs produce acoustic shock waves using different techniques. Often aninitial shock wave is created by an underwater explosion driven by a high-voltage spark discharge.3 Thespark-gap electrodes are located
Conference Session
Assessment of K-12 Engineering Programs and Issues
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Doug Kueker, Vivayvic; Pam Newberry, Project Lead the Way
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
made complex because there are multiple viewpoints from which one mayexamine a curriculum. Porter25, 26 (2002, 2004) makes distinctions regarding the four levels atwhich curricula analysis may occur. Table 1 reflects the focus of curricula analysis at each of thefour levels.Table 1. Primary Focus of Curricula Analysis at Each Dimension of a Curriculum Level Primary Focus of Curricula Analysis Intended Curriculum Analysis is concerned with examining the content (e.g., declarative, procedural, tactile, and situative knowledge) and the performance expectations, which is the level at which a student is expected to know and use the
Conference Session
Sustainability in Engineering Curricula
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Murphy, University of Texas, Austin; David Allen, University of Texas, Austin; Cliff Davidson, Carnegie Mellon University; H Scott Matthews, Carnegie Mellon University; Braden Allenby, Arizona State University; Chris Hendrickson, Carnegie Mellon University; John Crittenden, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
potential to play a leadership role: “environment” is one of thethree “legs” of sustainability, while civil and architectural engineering represent significantanthropogenic flows of materials and energy and reflect the needs and desires of society. Page 14.897.2In the first of a two-step benchmarking process, the administrative heads of 1368 engineeringdepartments (or the equivalent) at 364 US universities and colleges were contacted and asked tocomplete a questionnaire about the extent to which sustainable engineering was being integratedinto their departments. More than 20% of those contacted responded. Within that 20%, morethan 80% of all
Conference Session
What's New in Dynamics?
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Perry, University of Memphis; Jeffrey Marchetta, University of Memphis
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
characterized and reported to the student in terms of each of the followinglearning style pairs: • Active vs Reflective Learning Style • Sensing vs Intuitive Learning Style • Visual vs Verbal Learning Style • Sequential vs Global Learning StyleIn our case we were most interested in the Visual vs Verbal learning style. Page 11.1281.3MethodologyTwo introductory undergraduate mechanical engineering courses, dynamics and fluid mechanics,were selected for this study. The courses were taught by different instructors, both of whom hadtaught the courses a number of times in the past. In each course students were made aware duringthe first
Conference Session
Qualitative Research Methods
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sreyoshi Bhaduri, Virginia Polytechnic and State University; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
participants about an activitythey enjoyed and how they learned in the settings outside the classroom for that activity.Students were then asked to reflect on how the learning in both the settings (ie. inside theclassroom and outside) were different or similar.For interviews at PriU we asked: “Tell me something you enjoy doing. How did you go about learning how to do that? (examples might be an instrument, sport, language, game, cooking, or other craft) How is learning for this activity the same as and different than learning in academic classes? What makes it different?”For interviews at PubU, we asked: “Tell me something you enjoy doing. How did you go about learning how to do that? (examples might be an
Conference Session
Design and Making
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marisa Exter, Purdue University; Iryna Ashby, Purdue University; Colin M. Gray, Purdue University; Denise McAllister Wilder NCIDQ, Purdue University; Terri S. Krause, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
thetwo courses in Spring 2016, including increased integration of readings, reading reflections, anddiscussion in Design Lab, and hands-on projects and introduction of tools that could be used toweigh trade-offs in Seminar. As one student expressed in a focus group, “Well, I got to say, it's alot more design in seminar and a lot more seminar in design.” Although some students indicatedsome sense of ambivalence regarding this change, all students in the other group agreed with onestudent’s explanation: It kind of feels like they've blurred the lines between our design lab and seminar. It's actually kind of nice because it makes it harder to differentiate between the two. I kind of liked the classes have somewhat blurred together
Conference Session
Experinces in Manufacturing Engineering Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arif Sirinterlikci, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
done along with a weekly log and journal that describes the activities.Students also complete a student survey to reflect on their experience and are graded by theirwork supervisors. The new course will also include the minimum hours requirement, weeklyjournals and logs along with the PPT Presentation. The main difference will be that the studentsare required to produce scholarly works including conference papers and trade journal articles.Scholarly works of appropriate quality may also be submitted to scientific journals. Thecompletion and submission of these works will be the requirement, not the acceptance.The course will draw its students from internal and collaborative research projects at theinstitution along with students conducting
Conference Session
The Best in DEED
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy E. Rechkemmer, University of Michigan; Maya Z. Makhlouf, University of Michigan; Jennifer M. Wenger, University of Michigan; Eli M. Silk, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Seda McKilligan, Iowa State University; Kathryn W. Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University, Great Valley
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
multiple ways.The initial framing and resulting ideas that a designer generates to solve a design problem maybe influenced by that individual’s cognitive style. Cognitive style is a stable attitude or way ofthinking that reflects how a given individual prefers to interpret and respond to information.7Kirton’s Adaption–Innovation (A–I) theory posits that some individuals are more adaptive andprefer more structure, while others are more innovative and prefer less structure. Althoughindividuals may have a preferred problem solving approach, there are always different problemsituations or different times within a problem in which there could be a benefit to approachingthat problem in a non-preferred way. A person who is able to ideate along a spectrum
Conference Session
The Best of First Year Programs: Best Paper Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder; Beth A. Myers, University of Colorado Boulder; Jacquelyn F. Sullivan, University of Colorado Boulder; Kenneth M. Anderson, University of Colorado Boulder
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
students, one instructor, and fiveteaching assistants, with course activities spread across multiple lecture, lab, and recitationsections meeting at different places in time and space.This research paper explores the consequences of this scaling for the students enrolled in thecourse, as well as for the instructors, teaching assistants, and facilities involved in courseimplementation. A mixed-methods approach featuring quantitative data including studentacademic performance metrics, demographic characteristics, and pre- and post-survey resultsrelated to attitudes and motivations to persist in engineering are combined with qualitative datafrom individual student interviews and textual responses to biweekly reflection questions tounderstand how the
Conference Session
Design & Development Projects and Practices
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael G Mauk P.E., Drexel University; Richard Chiou, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Carlos Michael Ruiz, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Carol Jeanice Martin; Smarth H Chadha, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.)
Tagged Divisions
vision, quality assurance, manufacturing science, andprocess control. Most simply, small (∼1 cm2) solar cells can be characterized by pointmeasurements such as open-circuit voltage, photocurrent, efficiency, and spectral response.However, solar cells, including large-area devices (∼ 100 cm2) and modules, can be analyzed inmuch more detail by scanning and probing the solar cell to map the localized electrical andoptical characteristics and performance in two dimensions. Here we describe the adaptation ofan inexpensive (∼$100) desktop laser engraver and a low-cost CCD camera for 2-D profiling ofsolar cells based on light-beam induced current, spectral response, surface roughness topography,grain structure and texture, and reflectivity. We also use
Conference Session
Design, Assessment, and Redesign of Writing Instruction for Engineers
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Y. Yoritomo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Nicole Turnipseed, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; S. Lance Cooper, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Celia Mathews Elliott, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; John R. Gallagher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; John S. Popovics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Paul Prior, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Julie L Zilles, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
examples to illustrate those points, and including encouragement to balance thecriticism. Rubrics can also reflect this perspective by putting more emphasis on higher-levelskills such as rhetorical effectiveness (consideration of audience, purpose and context), logicalorganization, thoughtful selection and summarizing of references, appropriate tone and balance,effective use of language, and persuasive argument [33].Research on writing in the disciplines has documented the centrality and diversity of specificgenres [20], [34]–[37]. Genre is a concept that defies simple definition, but for the purposes ofthis paper, it can be considered a type of writing, encompassing the typical audiences, purposes,style conventions, writing practices, and
Conference Session
Underrepresented Populations
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Srinjita Bhaduri, University of Colorado, Boulder; Katie Van Horne; John Daniel Ristvey Jr., UCAR Center for Science Education; Randy Russell, UCAR Center for Science Education; Tamara Sumner
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
townsuffering from a natural disaster. Built into the curriculum are numerous opportunities for youthto reflect on the relevance of program activities to their interests and their lives, which priorresearch has suggested help to increase youth interest and persistence in STEM. Here, we reporton the field trial of this program, and examine the efficacy of the program for increasing youthmotivation and aspirations in STEM, enhancing their abilities to engage in engineering designpractices, and for developing their capacity to use UAVs to address scientific and engineeringproblems. We also report on the changes the program had on youth perceptions of UAV/Drones:from considering UAVs as “toys” to realizing they can be used as “tools” to support science