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Displaying results 10441 - 10470 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hannah E. Glisson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Jacob R Grohs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
opportunities, and specific interest inengineering and arts integration. Table 1 contains sample survey items from each section.Table 1. Needs Assessment Survey Item Samples Demographic Items What is your role in the education sector? How many years of teaching experience do you have? Which subject(s) or grade level(s) do you teach? (Select all that apply) What school district are you affiliated with? Professional Development Preferences When considering professional development offerings, which factors are most important to you? Please select and rank from among the following. · Cost of attendance · Content relevance · Timing · Modality · Continued support after professional development experience
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON) Technical Session 2 - Engineering for One Planet (EOP)
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea T. Kwaczala, Western New England University; Devina Jaiswal, Western New England University; Lisa K. Murray, Western New England University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON)
funding this work,with special thanks to our mentors Cindy Anderson and Bayo Ogundipe. Thank you to WNEU’s Collegeof Engineering administrative staff, Patty Reiley, for tabulating data from the IRB-approved surveys.7. REFERENCES: [1] M. Rosen and H. Kishawy. "Sustainable Manufacturing and Design: Concepts, Practices and Needs" Sustainability 4, no. 2: 154-174, 2012. [2] Garetti, M. and Taisch, M. “Sustainable manufacturing: trends and research challenges”. Production planning & control, 23(2-3), 83-104, 2012. [3] Bello, A. S., Al-Ghouti, M. A., and Abu-Dieyeh, M. H. “Sustainable and long-term management of municipal solid waste: A review”. Bioresource Technology Reports, 18, 101067, 2022. [4
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division (COED) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carsten Monrad Thue-Bludworth, University of Florida; Jeremiah J Blanchard, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education Division (COED)
matures, we intend to introduce it to the community at large in a variety of ways,including publishing via social media, forums, maker communities on the internet, conferenceson engineering education, as well as through outreach with some of the vendors whose hardwareand software inspired Iron Coder’s conception.References [1] L. Fried, “Introducing adafruit feather.” Accessed: 2024-01-20. [2] Sparkfun, “What is micromod?.” Accessed: 2024-01-20. [3] “Raspberry pi.” Accessed: 2024-01-20. [4] “The easiest way to program microcontrollers.” Accessed: 2024-01-20. [5] S. Hodges, S. Sentance, J. Finney
Conference Session
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division (TELPhE) Technical Session 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aditi Verma, University of Michigan; Kellie Grasman, University of Michigan; Katie Snyder, University of Michigan; Sara Elizabeth Eskandari
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering Division (TELPhE)
analytical understanding and is sufficient to supportrudimentary system design. With this immersive understanding, not only can early-stageundergraduate students but also community members (particularly from communities who mightone day host an energy facility) offer credible input to the design of the facility in question.Our longer-term objective, as described above, is to update the VR models both to make themcustomizable (as noted above) as well as to expand our library of VR models to include not onlynuclear but also other kinds of low carbon/clean energy systems.References[1] G. Hoelzle, “Nuclear Fuel Cycle Demographic Analysis,” University of Michigan, Internal Report, Mar. 2020.[2] M. Hossain, S. Leminen, and M. Westerlund, “A systematic
Conference Session
AI and Tools for Transdisciplinary Work
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Grant Fore, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
Cultural Anthropology),particularly experiences I had had analyzing material culture in an archaeological methodscourse, (3) my experiences studying the anthropology of ethics and poststructural theory duringmy Master’s program in social anthropology at a postcolonial university (University of CapeTown), and (4) my experiences conducting design anthropology methods throughout my doctoralresearch, which forms the basis for this paper. I was and remain interested in examining therelational process of learning, especially as it relates to ethics, and the modes by whichdesign(er)s change and grow. In other words, my aim in my doctoral research was to interrogatethe relational process of becoming in the context of design.I am primarily concerned in
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) Technical Session - Effective Teaching 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew K Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute; Benjamin Z. Dymond, Northern Arizona University; Kacie Caple D'Alessandro, Virginia Military Institute; Joshua T. Hewes P.E., Northern Arizona University; Robin Tuchscherer, Northern Arizona University; Rebekah Martin, Virginia Military Institute; Charles D Newhouse P.E., Virginia Military Institute
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
Paper ID #42164Using Start-Up Questions to Effectively Prepare Engineers for the Fundamentalsof Engineering ExamDr. Matthew K Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation. He then went to obtain his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech followed by research work at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center on concrete bridges. He is currently a professor of civil engineering and the Jackson-Hope Chair in Engineering at VMI. He
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP) Technical Session 3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christina A. Pantoja, Campbell University; Joyce B. Main, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP)
continue to identify new ways to address theunderrepresentation of women in engineering and STEM. No woman should have to choosebetween work and family. We can’t change the past, but as educators, employers, advocates, andfriends, we can impact the future, one career story at a time. Let’s partner together to helpwomen like Louise find a pathway back to engineering.References[1] C. Pantoja, “Women’s engineering career stories: Perspectives on leaving,” Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University Graduate School, 2022.[2] S. Hewlett, C, Luce, L. Servon, L. Sherbin, P. Shiller, E. Sosnovich, and K. Sumberg, “The Athena Factor: Reversing the Brain Drain in Science, Engineering, and Technology,” Boston, MA: Harvard Business Publishing
Conference Session
Materials Division (MATS) Technical Session 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob Kelter, Northwestern University; Jonathan Daniel Emery, Northwestern University
Tagged Divisions
Materials Division (MATS)
, (where d is distance travelled, s is speed and t is time travelled) and divide ! "×$ $them to see this result in one line of algebra: !! = "×$! = $! [14]. " " "Wilensky and Papert call this kind of dramatic transformation in thought due to a newrepresentational form a “restructuration” [13], [15]. They offer several criteria for evaluating arestructuration. For one, a successful restructuration can be more powerful than the oldstructuration, either by enabling new things to be done that weren’t possible under the oldstructuration or by bringing different phenomena, previously viewed as unconnected, under ashared framework. A
Conference Session
Experiential Learning in ET Programs II
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alamgir A. Choudhury, Western Michigan University; Jorge Rodriguez P.E., Western Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
Management Systems (EDMMS) at Western Michigan University’s (WMU). Co-Director of the Center for Integrated Design (CID), and currently the college representative to the Presidentˆa C™s U ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Real-Time Evaluation of Energy Efficiency of Hydraulic SystemsAbstractThe importance of real-time monitoring and evaluation of any system has become increasinglysignificant due to the trend towards full automation of systems, which is part of the Industry 4.0concepts. A real-time data analysis system was developed as part of a class project on the energyefficiency of an industrial hydraulic system. Using a system-level experimental methodology,this system implements
Conference Session
ETD Design III: Materials and Metallurgy
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mir M. Atiqullah, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
1269.84psi 0 1 100 10000 Log time(s) Figure 5: ABS creep plots at 200F and under various stresses. Page 22.1569.6 0.5 strain=ε=∆l/l0 0.4 0.3 σ=1269.84lb/in2 0.2
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shawn Wagoner, Binghamton University; David Klotzkin, Binghamton University; E. White, Jr., Binghamton University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
Page 22.683.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Experimental Modules Introducing Microfabrication Utilizing A Multidisciplinary Approach S. Wagoner, W. Cui, W. E. Jones, D. Klotzkin, G. Meyers, and B. E. White Jr. Binghamton UniversityAbstract A comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to introducing the concepts ofmicrofabrication to the undergraduate student body is being developed. The approach relies onmultidisciplinary expertise in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemistry, andphysics and utilizes a pipeline approach to introduce concepts in microfabrication at thefreshman, sophomore
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry J. Shuman, University of Pittsburgh; Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh; Tuba Pinar Yildirim, University of Pittsburgh; Karen M. Bursic, University of Pittsburgh; Natasa Vidic, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
, including PDAs and wikis, in combination with the mentioned assessment in- struments, we are identifying the various problem solving processes used by the student teams, as well as the range of problems that can be addressed, to determine how effective the various processes are relative to improved conceptual understanding.Development of Effective MEAs - Our initial focus was to develop or adapt MEAs. The onesthat we have developed are primarily designed for industrial engineering students, as well as stu-dents in engineering statistics and economics courses. These have been described in detail intwo papers presented at last year‟s ASEE meeting [2, 3]. We have used MEAs in the classroomfor three broad purposes [4]. These are: Integrate
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University; Punit Deotale, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
supported by the National Science Foundation’s Course Curriculum andLaboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program (Award Number 0837634). Any opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Online resource available at: (last accessed on January 18, 2011)2. Online resource available at: (last accessed on January 18, 2011)3. Hsieh, S. and Hsieh, P.Y. “Web-based Modules for Programmable Logic Controller Education
Conference Session
Objectives, Assessment, and Methods for Teaching Technological Literacy
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Bartholomew; Geoff Wright, Brigham Young University; Ron Terry, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
place to facilitate teachers as they plan, prepare, and organize theircurricula.References1. ITEA, Standards for Technological Literacy; Content for the Study of Technology, Reston, VA: ITEA, 2002.2. McTighe, J. and Thomas, R. S., Educational Leadership; Backward Design for Forward Action, VOL 60; PART 5, 2003, pages 52-55.3. Wiggins, G. and McTighe, J., "What is Backward Design?," in Understanding by Design, 1st edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall, 2001, pp. 7-19.4. Wiggins,G., McTighe, J., Understanding by Design, Prentice Hall, ISBN 013093058X, 2001.5. Wiggins,G. & Jay McTighe, Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook, Association for
1999 Annual Conference
David Whitman; Sally Steadman
24.3 24.6 2.76 2.82N/A = not available* All new freshmen on the engineering floor(s)** All new freshmen in engineering Page 4.447.4Even though composite ACT scores and high school GPAs are not readily available for thesemesters prior to Fall 1997, it is fair to assume from the Fall 1997 and Fall 1998 data thatstudents who choose to live on the engineering floor are not statistically different from thosewho do not. However, examining both the semester GPA and the fall-to-fall retention withinthe engineering college, the residents on the floor consistently show higher values in both ofthese measures. However, the fact that
1999 Annual Conference
Ralph A. Dusseau; Kauser Jahan
manufacturing processes. The course is a 15-week, 3 credit courseconsisting of a 1.5-hour lecture and 3.0-hour laboratory. Relevant lectures and hands-on laboratories are alsotaught to provide students the fundamentals of engineering design and engineering business. The lecture andlaboratory format for this class is presented in Table 1. Table 1: Course Outline for Freshman Clinic II Week Lecture (s) Laboratory 1 Introduction to Reverse Assign teams and products Engineering Perform literature and patent search 2 Manufacturing, Product
1999 Annual Conference
J. Darrell Gibson; Patricia Brackin
that, for no one s particular fault, the project $dead ended# prematurely or becameundesirably redirected. It must be kept in mind that the overall objective is to maximize studentdesign experience. That is usually accomplished by the completion of more, rather than fewer,projects.* Is the proposed project really a design project? Perhaps the company is just looking for somespecific analysis? It is tempting for a company to suggest a design project when, in fact, what theywant are specific answers to some analysis problem. In these cases the students just do what they retold and do not benefit from experiencing the design process.* Is there opportunity for student management of the project? The student teams must beallowed to
1999 Annual Conference
Robert P. Hesketh; C. Stewart Slater
. At steady-state the mass balance on propane over a small volume of catalyst is:[Molar flowrate of propane in]− [Molar flowrate of propane out ]+ [rate of generation of propane] = 0Using this Fin − Fout + rW = 0whereFin molar flowrate of propane into reactor [=]mol/sFout molar flowrate of propane out of reactor [= ]mol/s rr reaction rate of propane [=]mol/(g cat s )W weight of catalyst [=]g cat sThis mass balance is equivalent mathematically to a CSTR.Since there is a change in temperature between gasflowmeters and the outlet of the reactor, then the volumeflowrate, Q, of gas increases through the reactor. F = CQ
1999 Annual Conference
James Rehg
. Step-by-step Guide to Project Development, Rockwell Automation, Inc., Milwaukee, WI, 1996.5. Data Highway/Data Highway Plus, Rockwell Automation, Inc., Milwaukee, WI, 1996. BIOGRAPHYJAMES A. REHG – James Rehg received a B. S. and M. S. in Electrical Engineering from St. LouisUniversity and has completed additional graduate work at the University of South Carolina and ClemsonUniversity. Since August 1995, Jim has been working as an assistant professor of engineering and asProgram Coordinator of the B. S. program in Electro-mechanical Engineering Technology at Penn StateAltoona. He is the author of five texts, including the following books published by Prentice Hall:Introduction to Robotics in CIM
1999 Annual Conference
Ganesh Pandit; Gopal Mohan
students in the sample. Kramer, et al. (1994) hypothesized that moststudents did not have sufficient information when they chose their academic majors. They foundthat students who entered colleges did not plan adequately and had no decision-making skills. In Page 4.6.1another report, Mariani (1996) found that the career choices of college students were stronglyinfluenced by their parents. The students in Mariani’s report also mentioned that they already hadthought about their career, either before entering the college or during their college lives. Also,Ahmed et al.’s (1996) results showed that in New Zealand, students who chose
1999 Annual Conference
Brian Jenkins; Cameron Wright; Thad Welch
NavalAcademy home page, select Academics, Academic Divisions and Departments, ElectricalEngineering, Links).References[1] Kubichek, R. F., “Using MATLAB in a Speech and Signal Processing Class,” Proceedings of the 1994 ASEE Annual Conference, pp. 1207–1210, June 1994.[2] Burrus, C. S., “Teaching Filter Design Using MATLAB,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 1, pp. 20–30, April 1993.[3] Jacquot, R. G., Hamann, J. C., Pierre, J. W., and Kubichek, R. F., “Teaching Digital Filter Design Using Symbolic and Numeric Features of MATLAB,” ASEE Computers in Education Journal, vol. VII, no. 1, pp. 8–11, January-March 1997.[4] Porat, B., A Course in Digital Signal
1997 Annual Conference
Marshall R. Boggio
-media project devoted to the characteristics, principles and physical phenomena of water from an energy/momentum perspective. The systems functions are to be integrated into an interactive mode, in which the viewer(s) may observe, experiment and inquire through the utilization of visual/sound and computer animation relating to an actual real time experimental demonstration. The concept of vertical programming will be employed as defined by an unrestricted development of an idea or vision. In the development of the presentation the following guide lines are to be followed. The presentation must: be entertaining stimulate the viewer relate to real world
1997 Annual Conference
Philip J. Regalbuto; Page Ransom; Mary Morton-Gibson; Lise V. P. Esch
chosen field ofstudy and prepare a short written report defending that choice. A search of a career database,SIGI+, was a required part of the assignment.The third assignment in the series required the student to prepare a plan for his or her academiccareer. Each student was supplied with a semester by semester plan devised for the normalstudent. The normal plan assumes the student enters in the Fall term with adequate reading skillsand is prepared for College Algebra and English Composition. The plan lists all courseprerequisites and the term(s) offered. Since this course was designed specifically for theunderprepared student the normal plan is inappropriate. The student is expected to devise a planto complete his or her degree in a reasonable
1997 Annual Conference
Cheryl A. Hilman; Bruce R. Dewey; Jerry Hamann
Annual Conference Proceedings, Session 2392, CD-ROM, Washington, D.C., June 1996.[2] M. A. Palmer, J. B. Hudson, C. T. Moynihan and G. E. Wnek, “Using the Internet as a Teaching Aid,” 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Session 2520, CD-ROM, Washington, D.C., June 1996.[3] M. Bartz, “The Electronic Classroom Via the World Wide Web,” 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Session 2632, CD-ROM, Washington, D.C., June 1996.[4] S. K. Starrett, “A Beginner's Approach to Teaching with the Internet,” 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Session 2632, CD-ROM, Washington, D.C., June 1996.[5] P. Penfield, Jr. and R. C. Larson, “Education Via Advanced Technologies,” IEEE Transactions on Education, Special Issue on the Application of
1997 Annual Conference
W.M. Spurgeon
an innovation project this means picking the right product. This is done incooperation with marketing, especially with market research. At least sixteen ways ofidentifying what customers will buy have been identified. Engineers aid in this by performingtechnical forecasting -- what new products will be made possible by technology advances? Theyalso have a role by performing s-curve analysis. This is applying the life cycle curve to forecastreplacement of a product by another, e.g., fountain pens by ball point pens. Various marketresearch techniques are applied to gauge the likelihood of market acceptance, and cost estimatesof product engineering are made. Key questions at this point are: "What if the engineeringproject is successful?" and
1998 Annual Conference
Ronald Whitwam; James Ridge; Amy Dickinson; Jorge Rodriguez
of computer technology has enabled hundreds ofdisciplines to expand their horizons. Computer Aided Design (CAD) has progressed to a level (2)that permits solid modeling of systems as complex as the human knee . Design tools such asparametric modeling, used by Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC)’s Pro/Engineerintegrated manufacturing software, enable engineering teams to rapidly create and analyzemodels. Parametrics provides the ability to modify an existing model by changing its dimensions,and represents the key to feature driven representation and design. However, the flexibilitypermitted by parametrics presents an array of new problematic issues, such as
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jean-Claude Thomassian, State University of New York, Maritime College; Anoop Desai, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
transforms for the analysis of circuits in the s-domain including Bode plots and frequency response. Also, perform Fourier circuit analysis8-11.4. Use PSpice to simulate and analyze simple electronic circuits.The abovementioned courses have a laboratory component where students build simple electriccircuits and make measurements in the laboratory by using basic laboratory equipment, computersimulation tools, and work in teams.The course objectives are in agreement with ABET Criterion 3 outcome and assessment foraccrediting Engineering programs12. Page 15.699.3Assessment Method and Information GatheringThe next sections of the paper report the
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Education: Upperclass Years
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Turton, West Virginia University; Joseph Shaeiwitz, West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
the process. The specifics of equipmentdesign and simulation for other batch unit operations (distillation, filtration, crystallization, etc.)are not covered but are left for specific operations related to the group project.As an example of the differences between unsteady, batch operation and continuous operation,consider the preheating of a batch reactor with preheating of a continuous reactor in a continuousheat exchanger. The familiar, steady-state equations for a heat exchanger are the energybalances and the heat-exchanger design equation (assuming a utility of condensing steam, forexample) Q ? m& p C p , p ΦT p ? m& s νs ? UAΦTlm F (1)where the subscript p represents the
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sherrill Biggers, Clemson University; Marisa Orr, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Conference Session
Measuring the Impacts of Project-Based Service Learning on Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shi-Jer Lou, National PingTung University of Science and Techno; Shun-Yuan Chuang, National Kaohsiung Normal University; Hsiang-jen Meng, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology; Ron Chuen Yeh, Meiho Institute of Technology, Taiwan; Kuo-Hung Tseng, Meiho Institute of Technology; Chi-Cheng Chang, National Taipei University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Disassembling experience Consulting the experts and masters Experiments Books and internet information Prior knowledge and ability Investigation of the products in the marketMost of interviewees indicated that DIY was the most critical design factor for STEMin PBL, the next important factors were books and internet information.Frequency Analysis of the Contents of STEM:The contents of forum on the website of STEM were analyzed as shown in Table 4.According to the data of the forum of STEM website, the most frequent discussed wasTechnology (T); next was Science (S); and Mathematics (M) was the least discussedby students. The students of the two schools obtained similar results.Table 4 Stem content frequency analysis Schools