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2019 he is the Faculty Co-Director of the Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program, and since 2021 the Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics at MIT.John M. Feiler (Engineering Leadership Specialist)Kyra Tan-Tiongco (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Reza S Rahaman (Industry Co-Director, Gordon Engineering LeadershipProgram) Reza Rahaman is the Bernard M Gordon Industry Co-Director and Senior Lecturer for the MIT Technical Leadership and Communication Programs - the Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program (UPOP), the Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program (GEL), the Graduate Engineering Leadership Program (GradEL), and the School of Engineering Communication Lab. Dr. Rahaman returned to
shouldbe wary of how early technical STEM courses may impact students' approaches to projects lateron and should look for opportunities to let students bring in pieces of their identity or otherinterests. For example, an RPI assignment lets students tell creative stories with alternate endingsto practice branching or Fiesler et al.'s CS1 assignment asks students to write a program to makedecisions about a list of college applicants [32, 33].Considerations for readings and HCD topics-- While the students' responses to the first HCDreading assignment were more tech-centric than HCD-aligned, their responses to later readingassignments were more balanced. This shows that shifting a perspective takes time and it isworthwhile to have multiple
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and an enhancedlearning environment.Problem DefinitionOne of the first steps in introducing a case study is clearly defining the problem and its context,followed by determining a goal for the analysis, identifying key facts and relevant data, andproposing viable solutions [51]. As the literature indicates, incorporating case studies is a form ofactive learning that engages the students via narrative, which “put[s] [students] squarely in theshoes of real people wrestling with real dilemmas” [52]. Cases also allow students to exercise themoral imagination, which is the ability to view a situation from a variety of perspectives anddiscover new “mental models” for decision making [53].In the complex case of Everest pollution, students will need