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of Applied Psychology, 97(4), 890–900.5 Côté, S. (2014). Emotional Intelligence in Organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology andOrganization Behavior, 1, 459–488.6 Frye, C. M., Bennett, R., & Caldwell, S. (2006). Team Emotional Intelligence and Team Interpersonal ProcessEffectiveness. American Journal of Business, 21(1), 49–58.7 Gibbs, N. (1995, October 2). EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: THE EQ FACTOR. Time, Cover story.8 IRR113-3. (2009, January 1). Alignment During Pre-Project Planning: A Key to Project Success, Version 2.1.Retrieved January 1, 2013, from Jordan, P. J., Ashkanasy, N. M., Härtel, C. E. J., & Hooper, G. S. (2002). Workgroup
., Rokooeisadabad, S., Subramaniam, M. (2013). Project-Oriented Pedagogical Model forConstruction Engineering Education Using Cyberinfrastructure Tool,, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Page 26.1083.10Education & Practice, ASCE, 139 (4). 300-309.Goedert, J., Rokooei, S., Pawloski, R. (2013). A Project-based Simulation Model for Construction Education, 5thConference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.Goedert, J., Rokooei, S., Pawloski, R. (2012). Virtual Interactive Construction education: A Project BasedPedagogical Model for Construction Engineering and Management, 4th Conference on Higher Education
’ lower comfort include: they may have ownedthe device(s) for a shorter period of time and/or they may have only used the device(s) forentertainment purposes and have no comfort with other possible reasons to use the device(s).Comparing pretest ratings with posttest ratings, the 100-level student ratings increased incomfort rating for all devices. Increases in the comfort level with tablets was expected, as allstudents were loaned an iPad tablet for the semester. The increases in comfort level for the othermobile devices may be a result of longer ownership of the device(s) and/or the realization thatskills and comfort with one device readily transfer to other devices. The increase may also be aresult of different students completing the posttest
. It is generally accepted thatattending classes is an important aspect of college experience.10Studies reveal that there is a relationship between absenteeism and student performance incourses9. The hypothesis that there is a strong relationship between class attendance and studentlearning has been investigated empirically in journals of higher education. It is not surprising thatmost studies have found an inverse relationship between being absent from the class and courseperformance10,11,12,13.Studies have been conducted on the inverse relationship between absenteeism and studentperformance in different courses at college level. As long back as in the 1970’s, Jenne14 found thatattendance played a major role in a health science course
factors that affect the schedule. The learners’ motivation was measured through the useof an adapted pre- and post-test called the OnLine Motivation Questionnaires.[21] The assessmentresults have proven the VCS3’s capability to motivate the students and increase their generalknowledge of the construction planning process.[2] However, while the VCS positively affectedstudents’ overall learning and motivation, the results still do not fully reveal the VCS3simulator’s ability to promote higher order thinking skills.3. Instructional design of the virtual construction simulator 4 The past experiences of the VCS3 have demonstrated that the game has great educationalpotential. This potential is being addressed with a new phase of research and
. A B Figure 5: Original and Proposed Wall Section7In the proposed replacement, Figure 5 (B), the walls would be a hybrid constructed with 2x6’s on24 inch spacing, with fiberglass insulation, and a continuous exterior layer of 2 inch thick rigidfoam insulation. The continuous exterior insulation eliminates the thermal bridging of the 2x6studs. This system provides R-20
forvisualizzation and ccommunicattion. This study s also foound that BIIM educatioon in the CEEMcurricullum needs tot focus on “general “ inttroduction and a knowleddge of BIM M”, “BIMimplemmentation in the construuction proceess”, and “rooles and respponsibilities of GeneraalContracctor/Construuction Manaagement (G GC/CM) andd other stakeeholders”. •When: A At the freshmen o or Introductory sophomore level BIM •Main Focuses: BIM practices
13.7% (119) 5 8.4% (73) 6+ 18.2% (158)These results indicate almost industry wide use of at least one construction specific computerapplication, and the high percentage (65%) of respondents using three or more constructionapplications supports the increased adoption of technology in the industry, and the importantrole(s) emerging technology will play in the construction industry going forward.To explore future technology interest and adoption among participants, they were asked whatother new technologies they have seen and hope to see applied in future construction projects, orthat their company was experimenting with or using
Asset Management Through 2020. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.6. Smithwick, J., Thurston, A., Hurtado, K., Kashiwagi, D., & Sullivan, K. (2014). Student Engagement in the Facility Management Profession through Mentorship. International Journal of Facility Management, 5(2)7. Sullivan, K., Georgoulis, S. W., & Lines, B. (2010). Empirical study of the current United States facilities management profession. Journal of Facilities Management, 8(2), 91–103. doi:10.1108/147259610110411438. McManus, S. E. & Russell, J. E. A. (1997). New directions for mentoring research: an examination of related constructs. Journal of Vocational Behaviors, 51, 145-161.9. Nayab, N. (2010). The role of mentoring in effective succession
course increased my knowledge of the subject. 208 103 13 3 0 4.55 5. The examples and activities helped me understand 157 113 47 8 0 4.24 the information. 6. I could follow along with the instructor(s) in the 241 74 10 0 0 4.65 student guide. 7. I was encouraged to ask questions and participate 219 84 23 1 0 4.57 throughout class. Page 26.1088.6 8. The course prepared me for the test. 205 87 24 2 0 4.40 9. I would recommend this course to others. 208 85 25 7 0 4.47 10. Overall, the course met my
sample of the students’ papers. The preliminary results provide insight intostudents’ evaluation of their success during their first semester, which is a critical semester instudents’ college careers.IntroductionProject Control is an interactive process in which actual performance is compared to plannedperformance with adjustment(s) being made to address identified deviations3.The project controlcycle has seven basic steps: (1) develop project plan, (2) establish benchmarks, (3) monitorproject performance, (4) identify deviations, (5) evaluate corrective options, (6) makeadjustment, and (7) document, report and evaluate4. When attempting to teach this projectcontrol cycle, the importance of ‘evaluate’ can be difficult to convey to students
the course.References1. Abudayyeh, O., Fredericks, T. K., Butt, S. E., & Shaar, A., (2006). An investigation of management's commitment to construction safety. International Journal of Project Management, 24(2), 167-174.2. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), (2013). Accessed 2-28-2014 from: Construction Industry Institute (2003, February). Safety Plus: Making Zero Accidents A Reality, Research Summary 160-1. The University of Texas at Austin.Delatte, Jr., N. J.4. Delatte, N. (1997). ‘‘Integrating failure case studies and engineering ethics in fundamental engineering mechanics courses.’’ J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract., 123(3), 111–116.5. Delatte, N. and Rens
using the AssociateConstructor Exam. Journal of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering, 28(1), pp 2-7.Thambyah, A. (2011). On the design of learning outcomes for the undergraduate engineer’s final year project.European Journal of Engineering Education, 36(1), pp 35-46.Weber State University website, (2015). Retrieved on January 24, 2015 from:, M., Brown, S., King, M., Barnstone, D., Beyreather, T., and Olsen, K. (2011). Journal of ProfessionalIssues in Engineering Education & Practice, 11(4), pp 94-101. Page 26.1264.8
morelikely to implement codes into their work even when not required or enforced by law. A portionof learning to build back stronger includes educating to the IRC. Understanding the current statusand best practice for teaching students majoring in architecture, civil engineering, andconstruction science management (here in after known as “construction students”) about the IRCprovides the first step to mitigating communities in the future 6.BackgroundA literature review for teaching about the IRC produced no new publications since the early2000’s when the International Code Council (ICC) was formed and states began adoptingversions of the IRC. Prior to the ICC, research publications discussed the difficulty in codeintegration to the curricula due to
. 2. Chan, E. H. W., Chan, M. W., Scott, D., Chan, A. T. S. (2002). Educating the 21st Century Construction Professionals. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 128(1), 44-51. 3. Pries, F., Doree, A., van der Veen, B., and Vrijhoef, R. (2004). “The Role of Leaders’ Paradigm in Construction Industry Change.” Construction Management and Economics, 22(1), 7-10. 4. Skipper, C. O., & Bell, L. C. (2006). “Assessment with 360° Evaluations of Leadership Behavior in Construction Project Managers.” Journal of Management in Engineering, 22(2), 75-80. 5. Toor, S. R., and Ofori, G. O. (2006). “In Quest of Leadership in Construction Industry: New Arenas, New
Page 26.1143.9systems, and provides minimum coverage of electric lighting systems.None of the textbooks cover advanced topics in MEP construction, such as estimating,scheduling, or project management. Only one textbook (“Mechanical and Electrical Systems inBuildings”) provides basic coverage of MEP coordination.The five textbooks reviewed support the typical set of learning goals and objectives of theintroductory MEP systems course(s) in construction programs. The depth and scope of thecoverage for each of the MEP systems varies within each textbook, as well as across textbooks.“Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Buildings” and “Mechanical and Electrical Equipment forBuildings” provide the most comprehensive coverage of MEP
the results indicated in Figures 4 and 5, above, are illustrative of thestudents’ perceptions of the other disciplines throughout the competition. After working togetherfor two weeks, there were slight changes between the perceived strengths and actual strengthsreported at the end of the collaboration. Although it is difficult to discern the reason(s) for theslight changes, one possible explanation may be the fact that nearly 80% of the students hadprior interdisciplinary experience, and therefore already had some understanding of the strengthsand weaknesses of the other disciplines. The slight changes from the initial to the final surveysmay result from the students working with the other disciplines in a new context that ischallenging
., Guggemos, A.A., & Shane, J. (2011, April). Exploration of strategies for attracting and retaining female construction management students. Paper presented at the 47th ASC Annual International Conference, Omaha, NE.16. MacPhee, D., Farro, S., & Canetto, S.S. (2013). Academic self-efficacy and performance of underrepresented STEM majors: Gender, ethnic, and social class patterns. Analyses of Social Issues & Public Policy, 13(1), 347- 369. doi: 10.1111/asap.1203317. Marra, R.M., Rodgers, K.A., Shen, D., & Bogue, B. (2009). Women engineering students and self-efficacy: A multi-year, multi-institution study of women engineering student self-efficacy. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(1), 27-38. doi: 10.1002/j.2168
ground course, or the web content of an on-line course, is automatically copyrighted andremains the sole, exclusive and perpetual property of the faculty member(s) who created it.”Case Study Courses in the Construction Management FieldCourses in the Construction Management program were used as case studies of the progressiveimplementation of the recommendations discussed.Fundamentals of Construction ManagementThis course is completely taught online, where it introduces fundamental aspects of constructionmanagement to graduate students without formal construction management backgrounds. Topics Page 26.163.11covered include planning, scheduling
would hold anentire lecture on the introduction and set-up of construction schedules and the additional group(s)would go more in depth into the PMS package. The undergraduate students indicated in QuestionU2 that this topic is vital to their careers; therefore additional lectures on this topic will notadversely affect their education. If additional student led lectures on one PMS package isrequired, corresponding additional, professor led, PMS package lectures will also be added.Lastly, the authors feel that a pre lecture questionnaire could be added to this study so that acomparison can be made of the student response before and after the intervention.References 1. Boud, D. “What is Peer Learning and Why is it so Important?” from Learning
, additional examples will be presented during theestimating chapter, as this was the area with the least improvement.References 1. Prince, M. and Felder, R. (2007) The Many Faces of Inductive Learning, Journal of College Science Teaching, 2. Thomas, J.W. (2000) A Review of Research on Project-Based Learning, The Autodesk Foundation, San Rafael, CA. 3. Pan, W. and Allison, J. (2010) Exploring Project and Problem Based Learning in Environmental Building Education by Integrating Critical Thinking, International Journal of Engineering Education, Volume 26, No. 3. 4. Overton, T. (2003) Key aspects of teaching and learning in experimental sciences and engineering , In Fry, H., Ketterridge, S. and Marshall
/spanish_dictionaries.htmlOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Susan Harwood (n.d). Susan Harwood Training GrantProgram, [www document], S., Hinze, J., & Ruben, M. (2011, April). Safety in Roofing: Practices of Contractors That Employ HispanicWorkers. Professional Safety , pp. 44-52. Page 26.488.8
program features andtools. The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)’s Architectural Technology programappears to be the only provision with an established post-secondary curriculum covering BIMoperation in 3 of the 4 program semesters, but still lacks inter-disciplinary integration. BIMtraining provisions in Alberta are listed on Table 1. Page 26.596.7INSTITUTION/ORGANIZATION COURSES OFFERED CITY BIM 101 - Introduction to BIMEdmonton Construction BIM 201 - Introduction to Revit ArchitectureAssociation BIM 201
: Fundamentals of Project Delivery, Principles ofDesign-Build Project Delivery and Post-Award Design-Build Project Delivery3. Fundamentals ofProject Delivery “provides a general overview of the attributes of all the major project deliverysystems, procurement methodologies and contracting approaches”, Principles of Design-BuildProject Delivery “addresses the use of design-build as a project delivery method, focusing onessential concepts and characteristics, as well as critical elements of the RFQ/RFP process andoverall project management”, and Post-Award Design-Build Project Delivery “provide[s] anoverview of the construction and design-build contract management processes that are importantas the construction phase ramps up” 3.The course also included
). Third dimension line: distances between the grid lines Fourth dimension: overall dimension of the building. p. Tags: Tags, in sequential order, must be included for all the doors, windows and rooms (room name, number and room area). Rooms shall be renamed to reflect their usage, e.g. Conference Room, Office, etc. (2 points) q. 3D Camera View: Create a view looking from the front of the building. (2 points) r. Sheets: At least two sheets must be created, one for the floor plans and one for the elevation and section plans. (2 points) s. Exterior Rendering: A realistic exterior view shall be created at a “medium” detail level, and saved to as a JPG file. (2 points) t. Create a Walkthrough: starting from
variety of institutions across the US and those in the queue clearlyhold a positive view in regards to attaining tenure.References 1. Varma, R. (2004). “The tenure system and engineering institutions.” Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 20-23, Salt Lake City, UT. 2. McKenzie, R. (1996). “In Defense of Academic Tenure.” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 152(2), 325-341. 3. Sowell, T. (1993). Inside American Education: The Decline, the Deception, the Dogmas. Free Press: New York. 4. Aigner, D. (1993). “Quality Revolution due at Universities.” Orange County Register, July 25, B10. 5. Epstein, R. and S. MacLane (1991). “Keep Mandatory Retirement for Tenured Faculty
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