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elevated working platform. Including these different aspectsreinforces the vocabulary introduced in lecture. Finally, they are required to level and plumb theentire system, so that it would be ready for a concrete pour.The students also perform similar tasks for a round column and a square column. The roundcolumn uses a sonotube as its formwork and the square column uses plywood, 2x4’s and columnclamps. The students also locate an anchor bolt template on the top of each column, as if a steel Page 14.703.5beam were going to be anchored to the tops of the columns.Grading of Laboratory ExperiencesThe laboratory portion of the class is graded based on
place students into courses. TheAssessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) is an assessment tool created byMcGraw-Hill with a mathematics placement module. Similarly, CollegeBoard’s ScholasticAptitude Tests (SAT) and ACT Inc.’s ACT Assessment college entrance exams are used as abasis for admissions into higher education. Since 2012, data has been collected for Engineeringand Technology programs to determine if these exams used for admissions and placementactually serve as a predictor for success. This study compares the ALEKS and ACT scorespredict success in a comparison to grades achieved in Engineering and Technology classes.Similar studies compared the high school grade point average (GPA) with the ACT as predictorsof college
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