2006-1390: REDESIGN OF THE CORE CURRICULUM AT DUKE UNIVERSITYApril Brown, Duke University APRIL S. BROWN, Ph.D., is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. Her research is focused on the synthesis and design of nanostructures to microelectronic devices. She received her Ph.D. in 1985 from Cornell University.Gary Ybarra, Duke University GARY A. YBARRA, Ph.D., is a Professor of the Practice in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. His research interests include K-12 engineering outreach, engineering education, microwave imaging and electrical impedance tomography. He received his Ph.D. in
facultyand staff instructor(s), who manage all aspects of the senior design course sequence that servescomputer, electrical and software engineering students. In addition to its management function, itconducts frequent informal assessment of the senior design program as well as formalassessment pertinent to ABET student outcomes assessment. The other group is the portfolioreview committee. This is a small group of faculty, in addition to academic advising staffinstructors, who implement and use rubrics to review student portfolios. All students in thedepartment submit a portfolio of student work in a 1-credit senior course, Portfolio Assessment.Portfolios are introduced in a 1-credit first-year course, Professional Program Orientation.Development
gapin introductory biology.” Science 332, no. 6034 (2011): 1213-1216.[14] H. Taylor, “Contract grading,” Nat. Inst. Educ., 1980.[15] C. A. Tomlinson, The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill-Prentice-Hall, 1999.[16] T. L. Crenshaw and S. Beyer, “UPBOT: A testbed for cyber-physical systems,” in Proc ofthe 3rd CSET, Aug. 2010, Article no. 1-8.[17] “Arduino Robot,” Arduino Store. Accessed: Mar 4, 2021. [Online]. Available:https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-robot.[18] “Pololu 3pi Robot,” Pololu Robotics & Electronics. Accessed: Mar 4, 2021. [Online].Available: https://www.pololu.com/category/279/original-3pi-robot.[19] “SparkFun micro:bot kit for micro:bit - v2.0,” sparkfun
. TIOBE's index on thepopularity of various programming languages can help businesses and schools make strategicdecisions regarding which language(s) to use.2 Scriptol.org provides a comparison table that listspopular programming languages, each with reasons why one should consider using it. 3Regardless of the actual language or tool selected, CIT's methodology for teaching concepts isalso different than that found at many other institutions. For example, as much as possible,programming assignments are geared towards solving business problems. If nothing else, theseassignments help familiarize CIT students with the jargon found in the business world. As statedearlier, most of these courses require an end-of-semester team programming project
from the Boss?” Dave did look away from his screen. Theother three created a sound of clicking fury in the cubical area as they checked their email inunison. The email read as follows:To: Axle, Dave, Jeff, and CatalinaFrom: Bob CaudilloSubject: New ProjectI got this one handed down from above; we have a problem. Our consumer electronics division just received 1million temperature sensors for our company’s new digital thermometers that display degrees Celsius! Youneed to find a way to modify these temperature sensors to output Fahrenheit.Bob CaudilloSaved by the Bell, Inc.Lead EngineerM/S: GG75(702) 555 - 5555“Hey, I did this once before in school,” said Axle, “There is an equation to convert betweenCelsius and Fahrenheit. I’m going to Google
., Proc. Of the Thirty-Sixth SIGCSE, pp.436.440, Feb. 23.27, 2005.[4] R. Hill and A. van den Hengel, Experiences with Simulated Robot Soccer as a Teaching Tool., Proc. of the ThirdICITA, pp. 387. 390, 2005.[5] J. W. Jeon, A Microprocessor Course: Designing and Implementing Personal Microcomputers, IEEETransactions on Education, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 426.433, Nov. 2000.[6] T. S. Margush, Using an 8-bit RISC Microcontroller in an Assembly Language Programming Course., Journal ofComputing Sciences in Colleges, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 15. 22, 2006.[7] D. R. Surma, Teaching Microprocessors Utilizing a Project-based Approach., Journal of Computing Sciences inColleges, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 104.112, Oct. 2003.[8] TekBots WebSite, Oregon State University http
Electrical Communications”, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1988, pp. 233-250.10. Proakis, J.G. and Salehi, M., “Fundamentals of Communication Systems”, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2005, pp. 169-179.11. Couch, L.W., “Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, 6th edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2001, pp. 270-272.12. Haykin, S. and Moher, M., “Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications”, 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey 2007, pp. 114-120.13. Lathi, B.P., “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, New York 1998, pp. 514-522. Page 13.367.17
) improve students’ retention in the current engineering program. Page 13.601.10AcknowledgementsThe authors of this paper would like to thank their colleagues in the Electrical and ComputerEngineering Department at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology who have been instrumental indeveloping the Digital Systems course in the past years.Bibliography1. S. Brown, Z. Vranesic, “Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design”, Mc Grew Hills, 2nd edition,2007.2. Mihaela Radu, “Extensive Coverage of Functional Verification of Hardware Designs”, in the proceedings of2007 International Conference on Microelectronics Systems Education. MSE 07, 3-4 June
external biasingcircuit (not shown), also called a constant-transconductance bias circuit, also defines currentsource (Ix) level. Its formulation is separate to the OTA design algorithm.Background knowledge or classroom dialogue is assumed. Requirements (1) thru (8) are thebasis for the design algorithm of this simple, functional and important circuit topology. Fromthese requirements the design algorithm should not only identify the transistor(s) or componentsizes necessary to meet or trade-off a given specification, it also should also identify the bestorder for which devices are sized and the iterative procedures thereto. Page 14.1302.9III. OTA
projects. LabVIEW can be targeted to a number of different embeddedcontrollers, allowing students with little knowledge of microcontroller development or assemblylanguages to continue work on the project.Introduction to LabVIEWLabVIEW is a programming environment developed by the National Instruments (NI)Corporation in the mid 1980’s as a tool to allow engineers and scientists with little to noprogramming background to create programs to automate experiments and collect and analyzedata. What makes LabVIEW unique from other, more traditional, programming languages isthat it is a graphical programming language. In a graphical language, programming does notoccur by writing lines of text, but instead is developed by placing graphical blocks
engineering curriculum entirely. In fact, this has been the trendnationwide as many university power programs have declined in recent years.[4] At ColoradoSchool of Mines we are working to reverse the trend of diminishing interest among U.S. studentsin the electric power industry.Deregulation during the 1990’s caused tumultuous change for the energy sector. During theseturbulent times the utility sector also largely neglected its need to cultivate technical expertise.Reorganization of the industry caused many of the technically-oriented jobs to disappear. At thesame time, fewer students were studying power engineering, because they found the “glamorousand exotic (and quite often better paying)” high-tech areas of electrical engineering to be
] Bloswick, D. S. and Budnick, P.M., An Introduction to Electrical Safety for Engineers, NIOSH Instructional Module, Cincinnati, OH, 1993.[23] Cadick, J., Capelli-Schellpfeffer, M., and Neitzel, D., Electrical Safety Handbook, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2006 Page 11.1301.11Appendix A: Electrical Incident Safety Investigation, A Case StudyAn electrical incident investigation is one of the major assignments given during the one-weeksafety training module. Student groups of three are required to prepare a thorough engineeringreport and make a formal presentation of their findings to a faculty panel on the
select oneanswer for these and any remaining questions), numbers have been assigned here on a 0 to 4scale for reference where 0 indicates that the student did not agree at all with the given statementwhile 4 indicates that s/he agreed to an extremely large extent. Using this scale, the mean andstandard deviations of each set of responses is also shown in Table 3. 50% 45% 40% 35% Not At All (0) 30% Very Small Extent (1) 25% Moderate Extent (2) 20% Large Extent (3
Pathways. Committee on Barriers and Opportunities in Completing 2-Year and 4- Year STEM Degrees. S. Malcom and M. Feder, Editors. Board on Science Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Board on Higher Education and the Workforce, Policy and Global Affairs. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/21739.
: Roy Kravitz;and, the Portland State University administration and faculty, for their continued partnership anddevelopment of high quality and innovative capstone products and experiences. Additionally, “Blocks ofCode” and the other capstone projects referenced in this paper were funded by Erebus Labs, with fundsused entirely for the physical components and fabrication of the end products.References[1] Blackley, S., & Howell, J. (2015). A STEM Narrative: 15 Years in the Making. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(7). http://doi.org/10.14221/ajte.2015v40n7.8[2] Nadelson, L., Callahan, J., Pyke, P., Hay, A., & Schrader, C. (2010). Teaching Inquiry Based Stem In The Elementary Grades Using Manipulatives: A Systemic
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Biological Supply Company)explanation of the learning outcomes that the students were expected to achieve by theend of each experiment is provided in Table II. Students conducted the experiments inteams of two. Student learning was assessed via two lab reports and an oral presentationon their design project. Table II: Intended Learning Outcomes for Each Experiment Experiment Intended Learning Outcomes – Students will: Calculate the full-width half-maximum of the emission pattern(s) from: o LEDs that differ in colour, o an individual LED emitting different amounts of optical power, and Properties of o an
therelationships that =− ∙ ,where Vemf is the emf voltage induced by the magnetic field B that penetrates the surface S of acoil of wire with N turns. The magnetic field can be found approximately a the field from a longstraight filament of current = , 2where I is the magnitude of the current in a region of space with permeability μ at a distance of r.We clearly see that the magnitude of the signal is determined by several factors including wherethe probe (coil) is placed relative to the object current we wish to measure. By experimentingwith various geometry students may find that by passing the
and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” This quote illustrates quite succinctly Mark Jupina’s pedagogy in teaching courses to undergrads. Since the 1990’s, Dr. Jupina has employed ”active learning” techniques both inside and outside of the classroom using various modalities, including the flipped-lab approach dur- ing the last five years. More recently, Dr. Jupina has also incorporated Entrepreneurial Minded Learning (EML) exercises into his sophomore and junior-level courses. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 “FLIPPED LAB” APPROACH IN ELECTRONICS DESIGN TO ENHANCE STUDENT LEARNING EXPERIENCE Department of Electrical & Computer
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spend time looking at the results and studying the defenses used by the company. The labs for CprE 532 are listed below. The break in lab3 is described in more detail. Page 11.757.8 Lab 1 find out everything they can about ISU’s network from only public informationLab 2 Scan an isolated subnetLab 3 Crack password & S/KeyLab 4 KerberosLab 5 Email spoofing & PGPLab 6 SSHLab 7 Web SecurityLab 8 Break-in labThe major lab experiment in CprE 532 is the break in lab where students have three weekto try and break into a company network designed for the class. The lab assignment isshown below:Using (bones.ee.iastate.edu or
very short meetings with the student-developed Microsoft Project schedulebeing used to show project status. Any specific issues that arise would then be taken up betweenthe team members or the selected team member(s) and the faculty mentor. Lack of experienceseems to make it very hard for students to plan complicated projects with several team members.We have successfully used senior faculty with AF and industrial project management experienceto facilitate the construction of initial schedules; but haven’t completely solved the challenge ofstudents using very detailed schedules to track and report progress on a weekly or bi-weeklybasis. We intend to provide more learning opportunities including practice with ®Microsoft Project next
concepts. Students correctlysolved many basic problems such as converting a 2’s complement binary number to decimal,completing combinatorial timing diagrams, and converting a logic diagram to a Booleanexpression. Most students could accurately describe the functionality and use of basic logicgates, medium-scale integration (MSI) components, and flip-flops, although almost uniformlystudents could recall only D- and T-type flip-flops. Furthermore, most students correctly solvedproblems based on simple algebraic identities, basic MSI designs, and designs using two-inputlogic gates.Nevertheless, we identified the following student misconceptions:Karnaugh Maps: Because Karnaugh maps are a major topic in both ECE 290 and CS 231, wewere surprised to find
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