ate upd rds A hea ccess processing nd n g a reco lth ing Data s i e car & es car e B upd Acc ealth
measure the relative power of each cylinder on an internalcombustion engine. A basic sensor assembly design and construction was completed as alaboratory requirement for the Mechanical Systems Design course. Pulses generated by theencoder pressed against engine crankshaft belt were acquired and stored in a file using a NationalInstruments2 PCI 6023E, 200 kS/s (kilo-samples per second) throughput data acquision boardand an application program developed using National Instruments LabVIEW 5.0 graphicalprogramming software. The acquired data was processed using LabVIEW and the results weredisplayed. The change in the encoder signal frequency is proportional to the power generated bythe individual cylinders of the engine. A plot is generated for two
Assessing Visualization Abilities in Minority Engineering Students N. E. Study Department of Engineering, ENTC, INTC Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA 23806Abstract The numbers of minority students in the academic areas of science and engineering(S&E) have increased significantly in recent years. Despite initial success in recruitment efforts,the numbers of these minority students not completing their studies still remain higher than thatof their non-minority peers. Visualization is a significant factor in the creation of mental modelsand in interacting with the often abstract concepts that are important for success in
.[4] Shakerin, S., 2001, “Engineering Art,” Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 123, No. 7, pp. 63-66.[5] Hero, 1971, “The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria,” edited by B. Woodcroft (Taylor, Walton, and Maberly,London, 1851); Facsimile edition with introduction by M. B. Hall, Macdonald, London and American Elsevier Inc.,New York.[6] Hill, D. R., 1984, “A History of Engineering in Classical and Medieval Times,” Open Court PublishingCompany, La Salle, Illinois, pp. 199-222.[7] Helminger, B., and Schally, S., “Hellbrunn: A Guide through the Trick Fountains, the Park and Palace,”Colorama Verlag, Salzburg.[8] Briesen, R. V., 1874, “Improvement in Parlor Fountains,” U.S. Patent # 151,003.[9] Woodward, N. P. and Burn, L., 1913, “Fountain for Decorative
R= = (dI t / I t )IR µ a, IR , (4)where µa,i can be expressed as a function of S a O2 ,13 arterial oxygen saturation: µ a ,i = H vi [ ] S a O2σ a100% + (1 − S a O2 )σ a0% (5)Here, i = r , IR , whileσ 100 a % and σ a0% are
Session 1657 An Integrated Approach to Evaluation of Program Educational Objectives and Assessment of Program Outcomes Using ABET Criteria for Accreditation of Engineering Programs Michael S. Leonard and Eleanor W. Nault Clemson UniversityI. AbstractFor many engineering education programs, the process for evaluating program educationalobjectives is interpretive; that is, achievement of program educational objectives is inferred fromachievement of program outcomes. What is lacking in current practice is a systematic way toexamine the success of a program
implementation of anassessment plan. It will go beyond EC2000 outcomes by identifying diagnostic and criterionassessment mechanisms. The assessment process will focus on the performance criteria,performance metrics, grading methods, and tracking and feedback for continuous improvement.A survey-feature of the assessment plan will be tested on a typical engineering course and anexamination of how such a course would fit in the larger picture of an engineering program willbe performed. Finally, this paper concludes in matching EC2000’s educational outcomes (a-k)to the educational objectives of the course, maps the assessment tools of the course to Bloom’staxonomy of learning, and comments on the usefulness of an outcomes-based assessment survey.I
based development programs. Holisticapplication programs deal with product development in networks, supply chain management, andstrategic manufacturing development, for example. This industrial focus is balanced withtheory-based development programs dealing with holistic production concepts, the extendedenterprise, intelligent manufacturing, and human resources in manufacturing. Reality-basedresearch is paramount in the CIP and the Center has enjoyed strong industrial support. Some ofthe partner companies include Bang & Olufsen A/S, LEGO System A/S, Christian Hansen A/S,Danfoss A/S, Grundfos A/S, Martin Group A/S, among others.One of the central CIP research themes is “Strategic Manufacturing Development”. This CIPapplication program
C A A C A 1 .3 im p le m e n tin g a s olu tio n A A A
, the stresss field of a rectangular plate with a hole in tension(Fig. 3a),, was shown n. For simpliccity, symmeetry was conssidered so onnly a quarterr of the geom metrywas usedd for numericcal solutionss (as shown ini Fig. 3b). T This demonsstration helped studentsclearly viisualize the stress distrib butions and variations v arround the hole where streess concentrrationoccurs. Students S usedd the numeriical solutions as concretee visual aidss to interprett the abstracttanalyticaal solutions. Fig. 3a Fig. 3bFigure 3.. Plate with a hole demo onstration . (a
Experiential Learning, Games for Engineering Education, and Peer-to-Peer Learning.Dr. Firas Akasheh, Tuskegee UniversityBipul Barua, University of OklahomaMr. Christof Heisser, MAGMA Foundry Technologies, Inc. Christof received his equivalent of a Masters Degree in Foundry Technology at the Technical University of Clausthal in Clausthal/Germany. After his first employment as Leader of Research & Development at Thyssen Feinguss, an Aluminum Investment Casting Foundry in Soest/Germany, he joined MAGMA GmbH in Aachen/Germany in a Marketing & Support position. Christof moved to MAGMA Foundry Technologies, Inc.’s Chicago office in 1995 as Foundry Application Engineer. He now is the President of MAGMA Foundry Technologies
information about institutional fac-tors, and common curricular and extracurricular practices.1. IntroductionDriven by changes in the global economy, entrepreneurship is one of the fastest growing aca-demic areas within the nation‟s 335 engineering schools. As a result, literally hundreds ofcourses and programs in entrepreneurship for engineering students are now offered; yet little hasbeen done to define what constitutes appropriate content or to assess the degree to which these Page 22.1575.2educational experiences have resulted in their intended purpose: student learning of enabling en-trepreneurship knowledge, skills and attitudes. Building on
components: a) body functions and structures and b) activities andparticipations. Body functions and structures are useful from biomechanical perspective ofproduct design. However, for the description of user activities related to a consumer product, thecomponent activities and participation seems appropriate. Sangelkar has detailed the structuralorganization of ICF as applicable to universal design 10.The ICF uses an alphanumeric system of classification. The letters b, s, d, and e are used toexpress the body functions, body structures, activities and participation, and environmentalfactors, respectively. The letter is followed by a numeric code; first digit of which is the chapter
of Engineering and the National ScienceFoundation under Grant No. 1237830 (the authors are PI and co-PIs).References1. Atman, C. J., Sheppard, S. D., Turns, J., Adams, R. S., Fleming, L. N., Stevens, R., Streveler, R. A., Smith, K. A., Miller, R. L., Leifer, L. J., Yasuhara, K. and D. Lund. (2010). Enabling Engineering Student Success: The Final Report for the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education. San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool Publishers. Adams, R., Evangelou, D., English, L., Dias de Figueiredo, A., Mousoulides, N., Pawley, A. L., Schifellite, C., Stevens, R., Svinicki, M., Trenor, J. M. and D. M. Wilson. (2011). “Multiple Perspectives on
paper.Bibliography1. Fuentes, A. A., Crown, S., Freeman, R., Vasquez, H., Villalobos, C., Gonzalez, M., and Ramirez, O., “IncreasingStudent Access, Retention, and Graduation Through and Integrated STEM Pathways Support Initiative for the RioSouth Texas Region”, Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas, June 14-17(2009).2. Freeman, R., Fuentes, A., Vasquez, H., Crown, S., Villalobos, C., Wrinkle, R., Ramirez, O., and Gonzalez, M.,“Increasing Student Access, Retention, and Graduation Through an Integrated STEM Pathways Support Initiativefor the Rio South Texas Region – Year One Activities and Results”, ASEE Annual Conference, Louisville,Kentucky, 2010.3. Crown, S., Fuentes, A., and Freeman, R., “A Successful Plan for
P re I n terv iew : A v era g e = 3 4 .2 % , S ta n d a rd D ev ia tio n = 1 6 .8 % P o st In te rv ie w : A v era g e = 4 2 .5 % , S ta n d a rd D e v ia tio n = 2 1 .5 % P o st-In terv iew R esp o n ses 8 0 -1 0 0 P re -In terv ie w R es p o n sesPercentage of Work Time 24 6 0 -8 0 5
-means-life-or-death/[5] K. Falkner, C. Szabo, D. Michell, A. Szorenyi, and S. Thyer, “Gender Gap in Academia: Perceptions of Female Computer Science Academics,” in Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, in ITiCSE ’15. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, Jun. 2015, pp. 111–116. doi: 10.1145/2729094.2742595.[6] J. C. Lapan and K. N. Smith, “‘No Girls on the Software Team’: Internship Experiences of Women in Computer Science,” Journal of Career Development, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 119–134, 2023.[7] S. Cheryan, V. C. Plaut, C. Handron, and L. Hudson, “The Stereotypical Computer Scientist: Gendered Media Representations as a Barrier to Inclusion
pedagogical intervention offered rich dividends,particularly in learning about decision-making. It was also evident that the perception ofincorporating research design and critical thinking expanded the student’s imagination of thesignificance of such skills in engineering education. However, more research needs to takeplace on how leadership skills can be developed even as decision-making and criticalthinking are taught. There needs to be further inquiry into what counts as leadership amongstengineers, and how these skills can be included through further pedagogical interventionswithin engineering education.References[1] M. A. Mulyani, S. Yusuf, P. Siregar, J. Nurihsan, A. Razzaq and M. Anshari, "Fourth Industrial Revolution and Educational
students at remote cohort(s) may feel that they are an afterthought or budgettightening measure, while the students at the local cohort may feel the tensions for competingattention and support. It may be necessary to rebuild and redesign labs, tutorial activities, andexams for each cohort that reflect the needs and constraints of each learning context.Understandably, due consideration and careful planning is required on behalf of theadministrative staff and instructor(s). Table 1: Differences between conventional and multi-campus courses Factor Conventional Multi-Campus Implications In-class Attend to students in Attend to students in Increased cognitive student
supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2121450. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References 1. Graham, R. (2018). The global state of the art in engineering education. MIT school of engineering. 2. Brumm, T. J., Hanneman, L. F., & Mickelson, S. K. (2005). The data are in: Student workplace competencies in the experiential workplace. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. 3. Lima, M. & Oakes, W. (2014). Service learning: Engineering in your community
microplastics) [1], [2]. Particle science plays acrucial role in product quality, material transport and storage, manufacturing processes andadvancement of materials science [3]. For example, understanding particle behavior (i.e., dryflow, aggregation and agglomeration) at a mass scale is crucial to the safety and improvement ofstorage, transport and manufacturing processes [3].Despite calls since the 1990’s to increase the availability of a uniform particle sciencecurriculum, little progress has been made in integrating particle science into the currentengineering curriculum—resulting in a limited number of engineers trained in the field [1].Within the United States, particle science courses are sparse and lack uniformity within thematerials and
across all engineering disciplines.Another avenue for future work is connecting our definitions to existing work. For example,Tomko et al.’s study (2021) identified key aspects of women’s pathways into universitymakerspaces, which also identified important themes of community and relationships [18]. Wewill also explore how our makerspace definitions can intersect with existing work on definingmore forms of participation in making to include more social practices (e.g., [9], [19]).ConclusionThe knowledge and collaborative assistance aspect of makerspaces, as evidenced by the frequentuse of terms like “people,” “know,” “go,” “things,” “stuff,” “help,” and “engineering” in bothmen’s and womxn’s text, suggests a common theme of individuals going to
more raw data than can be communicated throughlow-power radios; these systems, such as acoustic recorders, may filter, downsample, computefrequency spectra, etc., to reduce the volume of data to be transmitted down to its most salient.The growing popularity of machine learning suitable for edge computing, such as TinyML [5], isalso responsible for some modest computation resident on the wireless sensor node.Applications such as environmental sensing need only sample a single sensor at periods on theorder of hours and report that information to a base station. For wireless sensor systemsrecording environmental analytes, computation here is limited to housekeeping: scheduling andcontrol of sensor(s), temporary local storage, and management of
change (reverse scored) 32. I like to work on problems that have clear solutions (reverse scored) 33. I prefer tasks that are well-defined (reverse scored) 34. I tend not to do something when I am unsure of the outcome (reverse scored)Aim and SignificanceThis research demonstrates the implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Statics andDynamics courses within the Mechanical Engineering program, typically taught during freshmanand junior years, respectively. The primary purpose of this endeavor is to address the challengesencountered by students in their initial year of engineering studies. Condoor, S., et al. [8],highlighted the difficulties students encounter when embarking on the Statics course, often the firstengineering
) are subsequently characterized in a materials lab class by the students. Table 1: ABS material formulations and 3D printing processing parameters used in the creation of the dataset from off-the-shelf 3D printing filaments. Bulk/Infill Layer Height Bed Fiber Fiber Nozzle Temp. Polymer Print Speed or Z-offset Temp. Type vf (%) (°C) (mm/s) (mm) (°C) ABS None N/A 90, 105, 120 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 210, 230, 250 100 ABS
the two groups, a test was conducted afterthe class but during the course. The test consisted of ten questions in total related tocourse materials, particularly to the RP operation.The test scores from both groups were tabulated and shown below (see Table 1): Page 22.501.9 8 Table 1: Test results for students in group 1 and 2 Group 1 Group 2 (Control) (Experimental) S. No For 10 S. No For 10 1 7
22.522.4people.To reinforce the importance of manufacturing in the United States, the Presidents of Harvard andMIT have recently come out in support of strengthening manufacturing in the United States4.Said MIT president Susan Hockfield, “if manufacturing is old-fashioned, then we‟re not doing itright.” It‟s time to change that negative image, and it‟s time to change manufacturing.Manufacturing engineers need to raise the perception of their profession as being a majorcontributor to our standard of living. Without cost reductions created by manufacturingengineers, we wouldn‟t be able to produce and buy all the great things that improve people‟slives. The abundance of affordable products, once considered the luxuries of the elite if theywere available at
expedient manner, and wepresent results of data collected from 366 first-year engineering students. The instrumentrequires students to first read a technical memo and, based on the memo‟s arguments, answereight multiple choice and two open-ended response questions. The mean score on the multiplechoice portion was only 3.46 out of 8. A qualitative analysis of the open-ended responsesprovided more insights into students‟ abilities to identify and resolve conflicts betweeninformation sources, evaluate the reliability and relevancy of information sources, and usereliable information sources.IntroductionOne of the most important skills students can take away from a technical education is the abilityto become curious, persistent, and life-long learners
, found that a third of the studentschose engineering due to the influence of a role model who often was a parent or very closerelative.Perceptions of the Engineering ProfessionSocial and employer perceptions of the engineering profession as an occupational group willundoubtedly affect students’ choice in their course of study. There have been a number ofstudies of the engineering profession and its discourse. The public perception of theengineering profession has long been problematic. Surveys conducted, in the United States,by the National Academy of Engineering13 showed that the engineering profession in the1980’s lacked identity, and that many people could not distinguish between engineers,technicians and scientists. These public attitudes
many common practice sets do not include them. However,in further work, we intend to include animated details using the same ‘Appear’ animationin the topic-subtopic slides as we used for the assertion-evidence slides.Table 2. Statistics on two slide sets for the experiment.Characteristic Topic-Subtopic Slides Assertion-Evidence SlidesNumber of slides 11 10Total number of words on slides 334 193Average words per slide 30.4 19.3Total length of presentation 6 m 17 s 6 m 17 sProjected words per minute