respondents’ personality trait of extroversion has a correlation with theirresponses to the questionnaire. The study has provided useful insight and baseline data. It hashighlighted the opportunity to increase the tolerance of ambiguity of undergraduate students. Thefuture work entails the designing and implementing of interventions to assist the students inincreasing their tolerance to ambiguity.AcknowledgementsThe research is supported by NSF Grant # 1832041.References[1] S. Schrader, W. M. Riggs, and R. P. Smith, “Choice over uncertainty and ambiguity intechnical problem solving,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, vol. 10, no. 1-2, pp. 73–99, 1993.[2] E. Frenkel-Brunswik. “Tolerance of ambiguity as an emotional and perceptual
courses.References[1] NCES[2] National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Barriers and Opportunities for2-Year and 4-Year STEM Degrees: Systemic Change to Support Students’ DiversePathways (The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2016).[3] J. A. Fredricks, P. C. Blumenfeld, and A. H. Paris, “School Engagement: Potential of theConcept, State of the Evidence,” Review of Educational Research, Vol. 74, No. 1, Spring, 2004.pp. 59-109. Published by: American Educational Research Association Stable URL. [Online].[Accessed on January 29, 2022].[4] G. D. Kuh, T. M. Cruce, S. R. houp, J. Kinzie, and R. M. Gonyea
abstracts and/or full texts. It is equally valuable to examine potential motivations for thesepapers to simply mention Asian American students and what goal(s) these quick mentions serve.It is interesting to see that quite a few of these papers often address concerns of other minoritystudents, such as Latinx students or African American students, while at the same time equatingAsian students with white students. This again plays into the model minority myth, whichwrongly places Asians as the “standard” for what minorities “should” strive for [7] [8] [9][10]. At least 18 papers include language in their abstracts which equate Asian and whitestudents, thus contradicting the claims in other papers which cite Asian Americans as a minoritygroup. While
forward.Ultimately, with these instructional interventions being implemented into engineering curricula, we canprovide an educational path to improve engineering students’ systems thinking skills.References[1] N. H. Sabelli, “Complexity, technology, science, and education,” J. Learn. Sci., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 5–9, 2006.[2] N. Wengrowicz, Y. J. Dori, and D. Dori, “Meta-assessment in a project-based systems engineering course,” Assess. Eval. High. Educ., vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 607–624, 2017.[3] P. Godfrey, R. D. Crick, and S. Huang, “Systems thinking, systems design and learning power in engineering education,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., 2014.[4] C. E. Hmelo, D. L. Holton, and J. L. Kolodner, “Designing to learn about complex systems,” J
Powered by[WORK IN PROGRESS] Interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to integrating stream studies into campus curriculaAbstractProject based learning (PBL) is a type of experiential learning in which students are presented with acomplex problem(s) that could have multiple feasible solutions and are tasked with developing a plan orproduct that addresses that problem. A lot of emphasis has recently been put into integrating PBLexperiences into the undergraduate curriculum. Students are often presented with projects that aretailored to fit within the time constraints of a given course. However, when that project is a subset of alarger whole, then a comprehensive solution is rarely
; • School name; • School district; • Grade(s) taught; • Subject(s) taught; • Number of students taught; • Need(s) for curricular improvements (needs); • Expectations from the program (expectations); • How will you disseminate what you’ve learned from this program; • What do you know about data analytics; Do you teach it now (knowledge); • Have you participated in a similar program; • Agree to participate in all activities; • Agree to participate in all program assessment surveys; and • Where did you learn about this program.In 2021, we received 20 applications and selected 10 participants. These applicants came from13 school districts and 19 schools throughout Arkansas, seen in Figure 1. Figure 1 shows
Paper ID #38057Board 202: A Preliminary Analysis of Identity Development in the FiguredWorlds of High-Achieving, Low-Income Engineering StudentsBethani Cogburn, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Doctoral candidate in Counselor Education & Supervision. Graduate Research Assistant with an NSF S-STEM sponsored program. Interested in creativity and equity in engineering education.Dr. Rachel Saunders, University of Cincinnati Dr. Rachel Saunders (she/her/hers) is an Assistant Professor of Counseling, responsible for serving as the track coordinator for the School Counseling Program. Licensed as a school counselor in the
implementingpedagogical strategies for differentiation, instructors can provide students with the support theyneed to succeed in introductory programming courses. While these practices are not novel, wenoted during our workshop that these strategies are effective in improving student engagementand learning outcomes. By adapting these practices to resource-constrained institutions, we canhelp realize a broader and inclusive computing community of learners.References [1] Y. Qian and J. Lehman, “Students’ misconceptions and other difficulties in introductory programming: A literature review,” ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1–24, 2017. [2] K. L. Lewis, J. G. Stout, N. D. Finkelstein, S. J. Pollock, A. Miyake, G. L. Cohen, and
study.References[1] M.-Y. Lin, H. Chen, and H. M. Golecki, “HUG Initiative: Overcoming roadblocks on a research career roadmap of individuals from historically marginalized or underrepresented genders,” Front. Astron. Space Sci., vol. 10, p. 1134327, Mar. 2023, doi: 10.3389/fspas.2023.1134327.[2] B. L. Yoder, “Engineering by the numbers,” 2021. [Online]. Available: publications/14_11-47.pdf[3] G. Potvin et al., “Gendered Interests in Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering: Intersections With Career Outcome Expectations,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 298–304, Nov. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TE.2018.2859825.[4] M. W. Ohland, S. D. Sheppard, G. Lichtenstein, O. Eris, D. Chachra, and R
ent assignment tasksKeeps the group on track by reminding them of ASSIGN Ongoingtheir roles and the due dates along the way,including sending a message on teams a daybefore every due date to the person(s)responsible.Reviews Step 2 and uses it is a guide to select All In Class 10/17ONE Issue/Problem that the group will focus on and/or 10/19Submits this cover sheet to Canvas once ASSIGN 10/19completedBrainstorms design criteria without worrying if All In Class 10/19they are specific or testableEdits design criteria to make them All By
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theprofessional identity development of internationally trained minority ECSW in engineering, andeducation, as they represent leaders in their fields, within and beyond academia.References:[1] L. Carlson, T. Portman, and J. Bartlett, “Self-Management of Career Development: Intentionality for Counselor Educators in Training,” Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, vol. 45, Sep. 2006, doi: 10.1002/j.2161-1939.2006.tb00012.x.[2] C. Cheng and S. Song, “How Early-Career Researchers Are Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Mol Plant, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1229–1230, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.07.018.[3] J. P. Martin and C. Garza, “Centering the Marginalized Student’s Voice Through Autoethnography: Implications
universities,” Ubiquitous Learning:An International Journal, vol. 3, no. 4, 173-184, 2011.[2] R. White-Clark, S. Robertson, and A. Lovett, “Using technology to bridge the interculturalgap in the classrooms of K-8 ENL students,” in Intercultural Responsiveness in the SecondLanguage Learning Classroom, IG Global, 2017, pp. 222-237.[3] J. Rizk and S. Davies, “Can digital technology bridge the classroom engagement gap?Findings from a qualitative study of k-8 classrooms in 10 ontario school boards,” SocialSciences, vol. 10, no. 1, 2021.[4] N. Bitner and J.O.E. Bitner, “Integrating technology into the classroom: Eight keys tosuccess,” Journal of technology and teacher education, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 95-100, 2002.[5] R.G. Muir-Herzig, “Technology and its
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, investigating properties of elements and seeking Sam Algorithmic thinking pattern for how they might be organizedASEE 2023, Baltimore, MD Each of the four teachers were observed teaching their lesson(s) as summarized in Table2. Table 3 summarizes the nature and intent of their instructional approaches for incorporatingcomputational thinking skills into their curriculum.Table 3. Instructional Approaches for Incorporating Computational Thinking Teacher Instructional Summary During an enrichment period, students were taught the basics of programming in order to program a small hand-sized robot to move as designated by students. Students worked in small
the makerspace course promote students’ situational interest in engineering? Thispaper also includes some additional discussion related to partial assessment specific to RQ4(Figure 1): How does triggered interest stimulated by ENGR 111 contribute to maintainedinterest in engineering?Figure 1. The overall conceptual framework has two phases. The first phase focuses on interest triggered bythe first-year makerspace course. The second phase focuses on maintained interest further into academiccareer(s).1.2 Interest in Engineering and Potential Significance in Student RetentionIncreasing the quantity of graduating engineers is challenging because factors associated withengineering student retention are multifaceted and not thoroughly understood [8
, computerand software engineering students engaged in an S-STEM program at a predominantly white publicinstitution in the Midwest. S-STEM is a federally funded program aimed at diversifying STEM fields byincreasing the enrollment and persistence of low-income students. Using phenomenology allowed formeaning making and exploration of both religious and engineering experiences (Moustakas, 1994).The present study focused on the experiences of Theresa, a traditionally aged, Asian American (SoutheastAsian) computer engineering student who participated in three in-depth, semi-structured interviews abouther engineering identity experiences. From all of the participants of the larger study, we chose to go ingreater depth with Theresa because her engineering
Paper ID #38507Work in Progress: Knowing Our First-year Students, Meeting Them WhereThey Are, and Supporting Them for SuccessDr. Kathleen A Harper, Case Western Reserve University Kathleen A. Harper is the assistant director of the Roger E. Susi First-year Engineering Experience at Case Western Reserve University. She received her M. S. in physics and B. S. in electrical engineering and applied physics from CWRU and her Ph. D. in physics from The Ohio State University.Dr. Kurt R. Rhoads, Case Western Reserve University Kurt R. Rhoads, Ph.D., P.E. is the faculty director of the Roger E. Susi First-Year Engineering Experience
and tensilestrength.Explanation of Materials ChosenThe material the team chose for 2019’s Rover completion tires is MatterHackers NylonG, whichis a glass-fiber- reinforced -nylon. In the materials testing conducted, NylonG had the highestimpact resistance and an impressive amount of tensile strength. These reasons made it the bestchoice for the pneumonic tire because it can absorb consistent, hard-hitting impacts and still keepits original composure after elastic deformation.The team decided to employ a new material for the spoke segments. This material is currentlymanufactured by 3DXTech Company. The base material for this filament is a semi-aromaticpolyamide copolymer, referred to in conversation as nylon. Due to the higher
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Paper ID #38077Comparing Course Outcomes of Hybrid Delivery withClassroom-based Instruction in an Introductory EngineeringManagement CourseSuzanna Long Dr. Suzanna Long is professor and chair of engineering management and systems engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Long earned a B.S. in physics and B.A. in history in 1984, an M.S. in engineering management in 2004 and a Ph.D. in engineering management in 2007 from the University of Missouri-Rolla, now Missouri S&T. She also earned an M.A. in history from UM-St. Louis in 1988. She joined the S&T faculty in August 2008. Prior to joining
participation.The Economic, Technological and Demographic factors that will influence demand andeducation paradigms within the MNT workforce over the next twenty years must be addressed. Current Field CAGR Market (Yr) Market Energy 12.0% $5.7B $10B (2023) Composites 29.5% $2B $7.3B (2022) Filtration 18.9% $518M $1.2B (2023 Table 1. Applications MNT Figure 2. Economic Impact MNT Ceramics Impacts 8.6% $16.9B $24.5B (2024) applications by 2023Economic Factors: In 2014, research and development investments and outcomes led to $370billion in final output from MNT applications in the U. S. (Fig. 3)6 which grew
Section T4C2 Fatigue of Epoxy a-Zirconium Phosphate Nanocomposites B.R. Varadharajan, W.N.P. Hung and H-J. Sue Department of Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 AbstractThis study aims at understanding the fatigue behavior and fracture mechanisms ofEpoxy/a-ZrP nanocomposites. Due to size constraints, a new fatigue testing techniquewas implemented. The fatigue stress and fatigue life of different nanocompositespecimens were plotted in a traditional stress-life (S-N) curve. Experimental results showthat fatigue life of
Annual Conference Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationData Reduction (NOTE: tube wall and outside tube resistances were ignored) 1. Calculate the duty of the copper coil: • qout = m Cp (Tout – Tin) (1) 2. Calculate the surface area of heat transfer: As = π di lc (2) 3. Calculate the LMTD: ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ (T − T ) − (T − T ) ⎟ LMTD = ⎜ s in s out
Understanding of Science. 2008;17(1):35-54. 64. Godec S, Archer L, Dawson E. Interested but not being served: mapping young people’s participation in informal STEM education through an equity lens. Res Pap Educ. 2022;37(2):221-248. doi:10.1080/02671522.2020.18493655. Morales-Doyle D, Vossoughi S, Vakil S, Bang M. In an era of pandemic and protest, STEM education ’can’t pretend to be apolitical. Truthout. Published 2021. Accessed December 30, 2022. apolitical/#:~:text=Education%20%26%20Youth