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. Page 22.1556.16Figure 8. Focal area of the value stream map for “tactical” applications.The Design Project – Philosophy and MeasurementUlrich and Eppinger10 provide valuable discussion of considerations related to the designproject(s). In particular, three items are related to this paper: (1) methods of generating projectideas, (2) general project guidelines, and (3) measurement of project assignments.Methods of generating projects suggested by Ulrich and Eppinger10 include: (a) student-conceived projects, (b) industry-sponsored projects, and (c) faculty-specified projects. They alsoprovide advice on general project guidelines, one of which we approached more like a challengeinstead of advice: “Save any highly proprietary ideas for another
communication with alarge number of outside customers. On the whole, the faculty and students are satisfiedwith this project as a suitable capstone for the first-year course.Acknowledgements:The authors would like to acknowledge the work of all of the faculty in ENGR 100 aswell as the students and customers that made this project possible. Page 22.746.13References1. Vigeant, M., K. Marosi, and R Ziemian. Evaluating the Seminar Model for First YearEngineering Education. Presented at American Association for Engineering Education, atHonolulu, HI, 2007.2. Vigeant, M., S. Velegol, J. Baish, R. Kozick, R. Zaccone, and R Ziemian.Restructuring Exploring Engineering At
the initial and final (DREAM Day) I.I.’s were included in theanalysis. Comparing the DREAM Day data from KIPP mentees to the control taken post-DREAM showed that mentees outscored non-mentees on all four questions of interest(Q1,Q2,Q4,Q5). Interestingly, non-mentees post-scores were significantly higher than menteespre-scores on Q1 (74.1% versus 54.8%) and Q4 (70.4% versus 50.0%), suggesting that DREAMmay be attracting mid or lower performing students at KIPP. Differences between non-menteespost-scores and mentees pre-scores were not significant on Q2 and Q5. 100 100 AHS 78.3 80.8
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University and is a graduate research assistant on two NSF-funded engineering education projects. His research interests include STEM education, interdisciplinary teaching and research, organizational issues in higher education, and leadership and administration in higher education. Email: dbk144@psu.edu Page 22.1185.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Pr ogr ams and Pr actices Making a Differ ence: A Cr oss-Case Analysis Identifying Pr ogr ams and Factor s that Influence Recr uitment and Retention of Women Engineer ing StudentsAbstr act
% 0% 5.3% n rt es ng s s es io e te po yl
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, number of employees, etc.3. Describe the safety program at your facility/facilities and what you have to do to comply with it.4. Introduce your supervisor to us. What is his/her title? Primary job responsibilities? Who is his/her supervisor? What degree(s) does he/she have? What is his/her work history? Does he/she participate in any continuing education associated with his/her career? Plans for future career? Hobbies? Family? Hometown? You get the idea.5. Describe the projects that have been assigned to you. Please do not include any information that could be considered proprietary, such as chemical names, etc. If you are unsure about your response, please have your supervisor review your writing before posting
thefuture, laboratory experiences, and past experience. During the interviews, we specifically notedthe students' strengths (and weaknesses) in relation to oral and interpersonal communicationskills. We made offers to the highest ranked candidate(s) based on our final assessments. Table 2 - Scoring Rubric for Assessing Student Applications Scoring Scoring (0 to 3 points ) and Qualifying Characteristics Category 0 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt Grade Point < 2.50 2.50 to 2.99 3.0 to 3.49 3.50 to 4.0 Average (GPA) Worked up to one
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State University, Ames, IA, US √ Many electives None Page 22.916.7 Johns Hopkins University, 13 Baltimore, MD, US √ Concentration: Ecology and Sustainability (no details on the E/S Loyola Marymount University, Los Courses)14 Angeles, CA, US √ Massachusetts Institute of Course: Leadership
, or g(x) = f(x-c), which will shift theoriginal graph of f(x) to the right by c units. These transformations do not change the shape ofthe graph. However, there are also transformations that changes the shape of the graph, such asg(x) = 2f(x), or g(x) = f(3x).Quadratic Functions Another mathematical concept used in the demonstrations is quadratic functions.Students first learn that the height of an object in free fall follows this quadratic function:Where, is the height of the object (in meters) at any given time t (seconds), is the initialvelocity (meters per second), is the initial height, t is time, and is the gravity constant, 2which is 9.8 m/s .The time it takes the object reach its maximum height is given
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