because of the following factors: overhead required to capture; limitedknowledge; poor IT infrastructure of organizations.Sharing Tacit Design Knowledge with CMC technologiesSome researchers in the field of architecture have rigorously studied the importance of sharingtacit design knowledge sharing. Various terminologies for tacit knowledge have been adopted:visual analogy1, episodic knowledge9, reflective practice8, personal knowledge2, expertknowledge1, and strategic knowledge5.Due to the development of emerging CMC technologies and geographically dispersed businessenvironments, the use of CMC has been inevitably accepted. Face-to-face meeting is now beingrecognized as too costly in terms of time and expense. CMC research has focused on
impact on student motivation and success.2. IntroductionEngineering education seems to have come under increased criticism lately, with manycompanies and students arguing that engineering curricula are too abstract and disconnected [1,2]. It is interesting to reflect upon similar concerns of Henderson [3] and Grinter [4] dating backto 1983 and even 1955. These studies consistently indicate that engineering education shouldhave the following properties: 1. Relevance to the lives and careers of students, preparing them for a broad range of careers, as well as for lifelong learning involving both formal programs and hands-on experience; 2. Attractiveness so that the excitement and intellectual content of engineering will
signal of Vsource3Fig.2a Circuit to simulate Noise Signal.Circuits to simulate the noise signal, which could be tested and also added to desired signals todemonstrate effects of it on the circuit operation and on the signal distortions were modeled.Time-domain signal, signal distortions are studied. Fig.2b The pulses generated by adding different noise signal to the pulsesFig.3 The circuits used to demonstrate the pulse reflections in transmission lines. Upper circuit isused to simulate and ideal case when the source and load resistances are matched to thecharacteristic impedance of the transmission line. The lower circuit has both resistancesunmatched to the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. The harmonic signalcomponents
first day of class (text in black) and follow-up process during the entire semester (text in green). Adapted from [11].The PD process (Figure 2) is called a cycle because it consists of a few elements that arerepeated11. The description of each element is taken from Ho et al (2001, p.147)12: Self-reflections: Instructors “undergo self-reflection and clarify personal conceptions.” In this study, all three reflections occurred prior to the first day of class. Exposures: Workshop facilitators “provide a direction and a model for improvement.” Exposure 1 and Exposure 2 occurred prior to the first day of class, whereas Exposure 3 occurred during the semester. Confrontations: Instructors “are brought to realize
: Assessments and Background Materials Communication Global Work Groups Motivation Leadership Resilience Work / Life BalanceContent in the modules is presented through videos and readings available in a LearningManagement System (LMS). Interaction in the course is facilitated through email and weeklydiscussion board posts. Students are required to write reflective papers approximately everyother week. Three short online tests are also part of the assessment used in the course. There isno final examination, rather there is a final reflective writing assignment.While all content, assignments, and instructions are available through the LMS, the instructorsends a weekly email message to all students informing them of the
model, sketch, or 3D representation23,26,27 Conduct experiments Running tests to consider hypotheses, gain new information and learn “how prototypes behave”23 Revise and iterate Revisiting the design, using new information or feedback23 Reflect on the process Thinking about challenges, failures, and successes; considering what contributed to or hindered
students’ engineering designs.Other research has focused on teachers’ ability to notice and respond to student thinking inengineering. Mangiante & Moore (2016) investigated what pre-service teachers (i.e.undergraduate students studying education) new to engineering attended, analyzed, andresponded to when working with fourth grade students during engineering activities. The authorsanalyzed written reflections from the pre-service teachers and assessed their attention to threedisciplinary practices—defining the engineering problem, designing solutions, and optimizingsolutions (NGSS Lead States, 2013)—as having a low, medium, or high focus on studentthinking. The authors found that the pre-service teachers had more sophisticated reflectionsabout
comparing the final exam and course scores of the Fall 2015students (those who were just told that electronics were not allowed in the classroom) tothe final exam and course scores (respectively) of students from the Fall of 2016 (thosewho were told electronics were not allowed since studies show use of electronics in theclassroom negatively impacts grades). These two grades were chosen intentionally. Thefinal exam score was chosen since it reflects how well students understand the materialfrom the entire course (but does not include the grades from the lab portion of the course).The course score was chosen for contrast since this score reflects both the course portion(where the study took place) and the lab portion of the course.Data AnalysisThe
participatingstudents graduated with a STEM degree. Interviews collected in this project are previouslypublished on the IEEE Engineering Technology and History Wiki (ETHW). Following the oralhistory interviews, the students write reflections to answer the following three research questions(RQ). RQ#1 is “What are the key factors that led to the success of the distinguished leaders?.”RQ#2 is “What are the crucial skills that enabled their success?.” RQ#3 is “What is the impacton my career path?”One objective of this paper is for the participating female students, who are majoring in STEMfields, to present their reflections on the three research questions. A second objective is for thestudents to describe the impact, if any, that carrying out interviews of
through March2018, the ultimate goal of the initiative was to change state licensure laws, such that a master’sdegree or equivalent would become the academic prerequisite for licensure as a professionalengineer in the U.S. [1]During this period, the RTB initiative made substantial progress, as reflected in the followingaccomplishments: • In 2004, ASCE published the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge (CE-BOK)—a landmark document that, for the first time ever, articulated the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for entry into the practice of civil engineering at the professional level [2]. • In 2008 [3] and 2019 [4], ASCE published CE-BOK updates that improved the document’s usability and addressed changes in
developed by the Internal Council on Systems Engineering is usedthroughout the course, and sustainable development reflected by a balanced appreciation forpeople, planet, and prosperity is utilized as a common theme.Course Delivery. This course includes: a blended format; a flipped classroom; mastery learning;and a buffet of optional summative assessments used to assign a final grade13. Briefly, contentdelivery via both online digital media and via face-to-face lecture is known as a ‘blendedformat’, and some of the benefits include accommodating diverse learning styles (i.e., listeningor reading) while improving student satisfaction with content delivery14,15. A ‘flippedclassroom’ enhances the opportunity to use inductive learning strategies (i.e
study, and the best thirty from each category were retained foranalysis. Class descriptions were extracted from these documents, and these descriptions werecategorized into multiple categories reflecting the many types of laboratory experiences studentscan have: no laboratory component, traditional in-lab hardware experiences, software-basedlaboratories [4], take home lab kits [5], mixed studio-lecture courses [6], or other laboratoryexperiences.The hypothesis of this study was that both engineering discipline and school rank would drivesignificant differences in the number of laboratories a program offered because EE and ME havevery different capital requirements for laboratory classes, and resources are one explicit aspect ofschool
development and reflection on diversity as an ethical underpinning ofprofessionalism.Ethical challenges or discussions often lack binary decisions. Many times, no single "correct"solution exists. Typically, one can identify a range of solutions that are clearly wrong and arange of solutions that are better than others. This range of responses is opposite to the "checkthe answer in the back of the book" instruction in circuit analysis or other engineeringtechnology coursework. Some students find this aspect of ethics personally challenging.Offering students a case study that is directly associated with the engineering profession yields acontext-based discussion far more valuable and productive as students develop their professionalidentity. The
and diversificationof the engineering education community and bridge the gap between research and practice. Thecurrent work describes an effort to assess the needs of both mentors and mentees in EER andpreliminary work to build community for the NSF PFE: RIEF program.MethodInstitutional Review Board approval was obtained for the study. In the fall of 2019, a briefsurvey was distributed to current and past RIEF grant awardees (PIs and co-PIs that wereidentified from the NSF award database). In addition to providing background information abouttheir project (role, current or completed project), participants were asked to reflect on thefollowing questions: • What support from the RIEF community would benefit you and your work? • What
-solving, and sustainability and resiliency. Theproject seeks to foster interdisciplinary problem-solving skills involving architects, engineers andconstruction managers, in order to better prepare them to face and provide solutions to minimizethe impact of extreme natural environment events on infrastructure.The new curriculum stresses on problem-settings, the role that participants have on defining thecharacteristics of the problems that have to be solved, learning in action, reflecting on theprocess, and communication between the different stakeholders. This multisite andinterdisciplinary program provides students with the necessary support, knowledge, and skillsnecessary to design and build resilient and sustainable infrastructure. This
process moves through ‘empathize,define, ideate, prototype, and test’1 and the biodesign process described by Yock, et al.2Our college has been introducing DT concepts in our first year Introduction to Engineeringcourse (ENGR 1101) and our senior design (SD) series (ENGR 4169 and 4269) since 2014.These courses are required for every engineering student in our college. As a bioengineeringdepartment, we have also included design thinking within our required, introductorybioengineering course since 2014, as well as, two newly developed elective Biodesign coursesstarted in 2018. Our goal is to determine if our intervention has made an impact on the designthinking mindset of engineering students as reflected in their culminating design experience
. Faculty interviewees were asked about theirprofessional experience, leadership perspectives, and personal instruction. The semi-structuredstudent interviews covered a range of topics including participants’ pathways to their engineeringmajor, the skills they expect to need for future success, their interactions with faculty, their out-of-class activities, and their perspectives on leadership. Most of the interview participants werenearing the end of their undergraduate education so they could reflect on their experience andimpending transition to industry. As a result, they had the benefit of hindsight, which offeredimportant implications for understanding the development of leadership self-efficacy throughoutthe college experience. Analysis of
Canadian tax system but modifying this section to reflect the U.S. tax system (orany country’s system) should not be an onerous endeavor for a course instructor familiar withtheir local tax structure. Many of the examples used in the textbook relate to Canadian industriesand businesses. While there is nothing wrong with keeping these Canadian examples, it mayengage students more if the examples reflect the important industries or businesses of theirgeographic region.The authors of this current version of the open textbook would like to encourage others to adoptthe textbook and may provide some assistance with modifications to help suit the needs of otherinstructors.Future work also includes studies to determine the effectiveness of this open
test their solution to the event’s problem. The last half-dayconsists of demonstrations and presentations of their design to their classmates and the teachingteam. In most implementations, these final presentations are also assessed, often forcommunication, to decouple the success of the physical prototype from the presentation andcourse grade. In several implementations, students have also completed some preparatory workin advance, and reflections on their experience afterwards. See Appendix A for full schedules ofMech, Tron, and ECE Days.While many of the Engineering Design Days implementations have some competitive aspect, theprizes are often merely bragging rights. The problems posed to students are carefullyconstructed to ensure most
numberof identified settings for ESI varied among the raters from two to six. In fact, at fourteeninstitutions where multiple chemical engineering faculty indicated the settings where theybelieved undergraduate students in their program learned about ESI, there were only twoinstitutions where there was complete agreement on the course types where ESI educationoccurred. Thus, individuals may have differing levels of knowledge on how students in theirprograms are educated on ESI. This may reflect a lack of coordination within programs onteaching ESI. The highest levels of agreement on the course settings for ESI education wereamong capstone design (86% institutions full agreement on ESI inclusion) and a full course onethics (86% institutions full
presentation as well. These included: information sessions; parity of teammembers; construction of learning objectives; differing pedagogies; adopting and adaptingmaterials from major courses; administrative; and housing members within departments. Wemade a number of initial conclusions, including that students were acutely aware of the novelnature of the course, and forgiving of issues surrounding them. Also, the themes of the courseoutlined in the learning objectives and outcomes were reflected in student responses, and theywere aware of the importance of the new FYE program in the context of a larger college mission.Methodology The current mode of analysis is a thematic one, consistent with methods of thematicanalysis (Braun & Clarke
University’s ‘learn-by-doing’ philosophy. The samephilosophy also extends to most of the digital systems and computer design courses in thecurriculum which are taught in a ‘studio’ classroom format.In the following, we will briefly review the current role of alumni in aligning educationaloutcomes with industry needs. While the discussion is concerned with the current practices in theelectrical engineering department at Cal Poly, the literature suggests they also reflect thepractices of other similar programs.Within the context of program accreditation by The Accreditation Board for Engineering andTechnology (ABET), alumni contribute in two important ways: By serving on Industrial Advisory Boards (IAB); By responding to alumni surveys;While AIB
. Entering the 2015-2016 academic year,program faculty envisioned a capstone design experience that would engage student teams in ayear-long, professional level design project sponsored by an industry client. The first two yearsof the capstone design program have been inarguably successful, and in this paper we identifyand reflect on the keys to our success. The intention for writing this paper is to ensure thesuccess of the program is repeatable, and to assist other programs, especially those residing insmall liberal arts universities, in starting or revising their own senior design experience.Our key factors in assembling a successful industry-sponsored capstone design program havebeen: (1) faculty buy-in and involvement, (2) engaged industry
Develop usage model template to combine outcomes of UCD tools4. Reflect on Lessons Compare ad-hoc personas and scenarios with • Compare ad-hoc and data driven personas/scenarioLearned data-driven usage model templates • Ask “what similarities/differences are present between the two sets of personas?” • Ask “what do these differences tell you generally about students behaviors, goals, needs, and actions
: Reflections on two of the eight high-impact practices Attendance at six professional preparation workshops Résumé or curriculum vitae Cover letter Professionally Prepared Reflective Essay: a signature piece in the portfolio, describing how the integration of student assets with in-class, among-classes, and beyond-class experiences applies to their graduate school or employment goals. Presentation of portfolio in a campus forum showcasing student achievement (p. 24)UTEP Edge Experiences include:O Capstone Experiences O#84EA?8L!E<7:8F"4A74L8>!'<86
, students must assume new roles and acquire new skills, as well asadapt to social norms regarding how they should conduct themselves. Acting the part hasimportant consequences for students’ longer term career trajectories and ability to pursue theengineering profession through economic shifts. Understanding the decision-making process bywhich engineering students determine whether to pursue undergraduate work experiences, orcooperative education (co-op) programs, is critical in identifying how students envision, develop,and form their professional engineering selves. This article is a qualitative study of engineeringsophomore undergraduates—both co-op participants and non-participants—reflecting on whythey decided to pursue co-op experiences and
Lisa D. McNair is a Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, where she also serves as Director of the Center for Research in SEAD Education at the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT). Her research interests include interdisciplinary collaboration, design education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include exploring disciplines as cultures, liberatory maker spaces, and a RED grant to increase pathways in ECE for the professional formation of engineers.Dr. Donna M. Riley, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering) Donna Riley is Kamyar Haghighi Head of the School of Engineering Education and
their hometown. 4. The Great Animal Escape: Portable Livestock Corral Design Project. In this lesson, students will work in teams to design and build scale models of portable livestock corrals. The scale models will be tested using robotic hamsters that represent livestock, and try to escape from the model. Following the activity, students will reflect on how their individual participation in the group reflects teachings on the Diné way of life. Finally, students will scale their model up on paper and create a bill of materials for a full-size portable livestock corral.Next StepsFollowing the curriculum pilot, the curriculum will be improved and additional curriculummodules added to continue building out
IntroCS courses. Each instructor will create a portfolio ofmaterials, and complete reflective teaching logs. Each mentor will observe and provide feedbackon each member’s classroom. All team members will join the existing CS-POGIL community ofpractice, and be invited to a one-day mid-year meeting. Finally, we will provide coaching andresources for instructors who wish to develop their own POGIL activities.Objectives III and IV: Assess factors that affect faculty adoption and persistence with POGIL;assess the impact of using POGIL on student outcomes. These research objectives will involve avariety of data sources. Direct video observation of POGIL classrooms will enable us to observeand discover things that faculty and students might not notice
an issue not only with competency,but also with a lack of self-efficacy in math, science, and engineering which creates anxiety. According to Beck-Winchatz and Riccobono (2007), the majority of students with VI arefollowing general education curricula. However, less than 30 individuals with VI earned ascience and engineering research doctorate on average each year from 2001 to 2009 compared to25,600 people without a disability on average per year during the same time period (NSF, 2012).Lack of higher level degrees in the science and engineering fields do not reflect the fact thatstudents with VI have the same spectrum of cognitive abilities as sighted peers (Kumar,Ramasamy, & Stefanich, 2001) and with appropriate accommodations can