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been sponsored by major government organizations such as DARPA, OSD, ARL, ONR, AFOSR, DHS S&T, DTRA, NIST, DOE, and NASA as well as by major aerospace companies such as Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon. He is an elected Fellow of AAAS, AIAA, IEEE, IETE, INCOSE, and SDPS. His recent awards include the 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award from the INCOSE and INCOSE-LA, the 2013 Innovation in Curriculum Award from the Institute of Indus- trial Engineers, the 2012 Exceptional Achievement Award from INCOSE (Los Angeles Chapter), and the 2011 Pioneer Award from INCOSE. He is also the recipient of the 2000 and 2004 Developer of the Year Awards from the Technology Council of Southern California. He is the Co-Founder
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firewall in the DMZ. Thefirewall must be configured to allow inbound and outbound VPN traffic to flow between theserver and client [14]. For this project, the VPN is located on the Rock64 #3 which is configuredwith OpenVPN via the PiVPN package [15].The second security issue is how to allow requests for web pages to leave the trusted networkand be able to receive responses from the untrusted network. To protect the trusted network,Rock64 #4 is configured as a proxy server. Squid is used direct web traffic between the trustedand untrusted zones while SquidGuard is used for blacklisting web pages the business deemsinappropriate [16] [17]. The Rock64’s Gigabit Ethernet controller provides enough bandwidthfor quick access.The other two Rock64 systems
new laboratory assignments. Based on improvement in student grades andpositive feedback from students in a survey, the laboratory activities seem to enhanceengagement and learning. The laboratory exercises helped the students develop a practicalunderstanding of the abstract concepts of signals and systems, including time domain, frequencydomain, and S domain.To help students develop a way to relate the abstract equations of signals and systems toconcepts they have already learned, some of these activities should be based on phenomena theyalready are familiar with, such as electrical circuits. By having the students make measurements,tables, and graphs, they can start to visualize the relations between familiar phenomena, and newtheory and
may be accomplished by utilizing the signal conditioning available fromwithin the myDAQ. Additionally, the signal conditioning circuit (bridge circuit and instrumentationamplifier) required for Lab 10 may be able to be simplified to minimize the time required forcalibration. These changes may also enable sufficient time for students to complete Lab 12.AcknowledgementWe would like to thank the students in the Measurements & Instrumentation course who completedthe labs and the lab assessment. Specifically, we would like to thank Seth Duke and ZacharyMansfield who provided screen captures for the student figures.Bibliography1. Loker, D. and Strom, S. “Automated Test & Measurement System for a Power Supply and Control Board,” Annual
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