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Displaying results 331 - 360 of 422 in total
Conference Session
Improving and Understanding Engineering Collections and Publication
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Paul McMonigle, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Engineering Libraries
1833 Nuclear Engineering 26 275 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Number not Held Number @ LibraryFigure 2ResultsBefore the project began, it was determined that each subject should show a rate of at least 80%of citations belonging to materials held in the library’s collection. This high number was chosenbecause of the great emphasis placed on engineering in the University’s mission and visionstatements as well as the overall size and breadth of the library’s collections in general. It was(and still is) believed that in order to compete with peer
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 6
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Claire Duggan, Northeastern University; Jennifer Ocif Love, Northeastern University; Nicolas Leo Fuchs, Northeastern University; Emily Chernich; Brittany Fung, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
process, conducted proposal-writing workshops; Co-facilitator (2004), Boston East Pipeline Network; and Alumni, Lead Boston 2004 (The National Conference for Community and Justice). She won the 2006 Northeastern University Aspiration Award, and was recognized at the 2003 Northeastern University Reception honoring Principal Investigators that obtained funding in excess of $1 million over a five-year period.Mrs. Jennifer Ocif Love, Northeastern University Jennifer Love is a full-time faculty member of Northeastern University’s First Year Engineering Program in the College of Engineering. She is currently working toward a doctorate in education at Northeastern University with her research focusing on preK-20 engineering
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 8
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kayla R. Maxey, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Pre-College Engineering Education
engineering career pathways atdisproportionately lower rates than their peers. Research suggests that the disproportionately lowrates may result in students disengaging with STEM careers like engineering as they progressthrough middle school and high school. Therefore, to contribute to research exploring the gapbetween exposure and enrollment in engineering programs, this work in progress paper intendsto explore the relationship between middle school students’ perceptions of engineering, theirinterests, and self-efficacy to better understand how an out-of-school engineering interventionmay influence their engineering career aspirations.This paper uses a concurrent mixed-method, case-study approach, to analyze participants’ surveyand interview data to
Conference Session
Work in Progress: Hands-on Activities
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ilhem F. Hakem, Carnegie Mellon University; Richard Tang, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael R. Bockstaller, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
operational steps of the Polymer Emulator: initiation and parameter selection (Figure 2,left) and force-extension curve emulation (Figure 2, right).Before performing the ‘Rubber Emulator’ experiment, students are provided a summary ofnetwork elasticity, including a discussion of the challenges of the original statistical model ofnetwork elasticity. Following the experiment, students are required to write a report summarizingand interpreting their findings in analogy of a regular laboratory experiment. This includes theinterpretation of the observed effect of parameter changes (such as crosslink density, solventswelling ratio, temperature) and the comparison with theoretical predictions. Students are alsoasked to replot the data obtained from the
Conference Session
Study Abroad Experiences Intl Div Tech Session 9
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jessica D. Ventura, Endicott College
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, digital analysis, sustainability, materials and state-of-the-art construction methods. Participants visit contemporary buildings such as the Millennium Bridge, St. Mary Axe, London City Hall, London Shard tower, Pinnacle tower, the new Stadium and Aquatics Center (host to the 2012 Summer Olympics). Students learn directly from architects, engineers and builders responsible for these buildings [6]. • For 2 weeks, students are immersed in Chinese culture and experience numerous culturally significant sites, visit local universities, meet with Purdue alumni, tour engineering based labs and production facilities, and meet one on one with Chinese peers in partner universities. Additionally, expert
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 9
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Girum Urgessa P.E., George Mason University
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Minorities in Engineering
with engineering programs did notdisclose a breakdown of faculty demographics on the latest 2018 ASEE data).The number of engineering deans signing the ASEE diversity pledge from those 113 R1institutions has reached 85 at time of writing of this paper. Given there is such an interest indiversifying the engineering professoriate, a logical question is what is the status of the tenure-line black engineering faculty 5-years after the pledge? Findings are reported by incorporatingmulti-level factors, including but not limited to gender, rank, geographical location, andprivate/public status of the institutions. Note that tenure-line in this paper refers to both tenure-track and tenured faculty. This work-in-progress does not include non-tenure
Conference Session
New Engineering Educators 4: Tips and Tools
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David Mussulman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Karin Jensen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jennifer R. Amos, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Lawrence Angrave, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Karle Flanagan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Natalia Ozymko, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Rittika Adhikari, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jacqueline Osborn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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New Engineering Educators
students are in the queue andthe questions that they list. While the Queue software was originally developed to help maximizeefficiency at office hours for large enrollment courses, the software has since been adopted forother educational purposes, including drop-in advising, peer learning, and active learning. Sinceits implementation in Fall 2017, the Queue has been adopted by 25 courses, 4 advising offices,and has facilitated over 70,000 questions.In the early use cases of the Queue, we identified several benefits for students and instructors,including but not limited to saved time, improved accessibility, and improved use of space sinceoffice hours do not need to be in a fixed location when the queue is used. To understand theseimpacts and
Conference Session
A Focus on Sustainability
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Fethiye Ozis P.E., Northern Arizona University; Nihal Sarikaya, Northern Arizona University; Roy St. Laurent, Northern Arizona University; Daniel'le April DeVoss, Northern Arizona University
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Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
conducts research in engineering education, related to classroom and innovative pedagogical strategies. Her own intersectionality led to her passion in promoting and researching pathways into STEM especially for underrepresented minority groups.Ms. Nihal Sarikaya, Northern Arizona University Nihal A. Sarikaya is a student in the Department of Business and Administration at Northern Arizona University. She is working toward a Master of Administration degree, with Professional Writing empha- sis. Her goal is to become a medical/scientific writer. Sarikaya received her BS in biological sciences from the University of Southern California. Also, she has worked in academic research for five years and biopharmaceutical
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 10
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Miguel X. Rodriguez-Paz, Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM); Israel Zamora-Hernandez, Tecnologico de Monterrey; Jorge A. Gonzalez-Mendivil, Tecnológico de Monterrey; J. Asuncion Zarate-Garcia, Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM)
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Women in Engineering
as bullying still exists from male students and in rare cases,even from some teachers. This project is a continuous improvement work and in futurepublications, results will be shown on the improvement of numbers of women in eachEngineering program and the overall improvement of their perception. The analysis andconclusions shown in this work can be applied to other regions of the world where similarcultural and economic conditions exist, as women still face many problems not only inside anEngineering faculty but sometimes even at home when they decide for an Engineering career.AcknowledgmentAuthors would like to acknowledge Writing Labs, TecLabs, Tecnologico de Monterrey, for theFinancial Support provided to this project. Special thanks to
Conference Session
Laboratory Courses and Programming in the Aerospace Curriculum
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Waterloo Tsutsui, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Ruben D. Lopez-Parra, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Genisson Silva Coutinho, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia; Alberto W. Mello, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Michael David Sangid, Purdue University; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University at West Lafayette
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pressure vessel by applying the thin-walled structure theory.In addition to enduring outcomes (Table 2), the labs will educate students on the “important toknow” topics (Table 3). These are specific (i.e., more detailed) topics that students learn whenthey participate in the lab and write a lab reports afterwards.In addition, students confirm lab results with the theoretical results as a part of lab report writeup so that students will be able to understand the theories behind the lab activities and also tounderstand potential errors associated to each activity during the lab.In addition to the contents of Table 3 for specific topics, students must become proficient withthe equipment usage to conduct hands-on experiments all labs. Also
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 16
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Katherine Leigh Boice, Georgia Institute of Technology; Christopher J. Cappelli, Georgia Institute of Technology; Meltem Alemdar, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jasmine N. Patel, Georgia Institute of Technology; Roxanne A. Moore, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
Accelerator is the Design Thinking Process developed by the Hasso-Plattner Institute ofDesign at Stanford, in which students are encouraged to empathize, define, ideate, prototype, andtest their inventions [5]. The learning objectives for students in the Summer Accelerator mirrorthose set out for students participating in the year-long program, including: choosing a problemand writing a problem statement about how people experience this problem; ideating solutions tothat problem that are better or less expensive than devices that are currently available; sketchingand making a prototype of their idea; obtaining feedback through conferencing and user surveys;and presenting their project to an audience through a “pitch.”Students in the Summer
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeong Yang, Texas A&M University-San Antonio; Brandon Earwood, Texas A&M University-San Antonio; Young Rae Kim, Texas A&M University-San Antonio; Akhtar Lodgher, Texas A&M University - San Antonio
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
cybersecurity education including the participation of women. She is an author or co-author of over 30 peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings in these areas. She is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, ACM, ACM-W, Women in Cyber Security (WiCys), SWE(Society of Women Engineers), and NCWIT(National Center of Women in Technology).Brandon Earwood, Texas A&M University-San AntonioDr. Young Rae Kim, Texas A&M University-San Antonio Young Rae Kim,, is an assistant professor of mathematics education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. His research interests focus on how students
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Metacognition, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation #2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Megan Gray, Duke University; Ann Saterbak, Duke University; Sophia T. Santillan, Duke University; Michael Rizk, Duke University; Jessica Sperling, Duke University
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First-Year Programs
pursuing their major [10] [12] [13] [14].Hutchison-Green et al interviewed first-year engineering students to determine what factors, inthe students’ first semester, begin to affect self-efficacy [15]. They found that performancecomparison (i.e., a student comparing his/her performance to his/her peers) makes a significantimpact on self-efficacy, and that depending on the student and the situation, self-efficacy couldeither increase or decrease in response to the situation. Team-based project courses can thusmitigate the possibility of decreasing students’ confidence because they do not require studentsto work individually and then compare their performance to that of their peers. Instead, studentswork together toward a common goal. Team-based
Conference Session
Faculty Development Evidence-based Practices!
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michelle M Blum, Syracuse University; Katie D. Cadwell, Syracuse University; Julie M. Hasenwinkel, Syracuse University
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Faculty Development Division
for creation of the working group was to enhance prevalence ofactive learning in engineering classes in order to improve both retention and graduation rates,thus keeping these students in the engineering pipeline.Method: The team created an intensive summer program where faculty had to commit to attend akick-off meeting, a minimum of four 2-hour working sessions, and a mandatory finalpresentation. During these sessions faculty benefited from: guest speakers on developing courseoutcomes, teaching methods, and assessment techniques; access to a forum for faculty to discussadapting methods to their various subjects, including potential pitfalls and best practices;receiving peer and technical feedback and support for their new ideas
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Technical Session 5: Online Teaching and Learning
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alisa Gilmore P.E., University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Tareq Daher, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Markeya S. Peteranetz, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
a course that meets two times a week). This model of distancelearning inherently presents challenges to teaching and learning. First, there is an inefficiencyof instructor time, when time is lost while traveling (the instructor devotes three hours to teacha one hour class at the distant location). A dedicated distance room is required twice per week,and such rooms are in heavy demand and often difficult to schedule at our university. Finally,there is a potential for loss of engagement in the far cohort who views class through a screen,most often in lecture format, with limited interaction with peers or the instructor. However, themost compelling reason to adopt a blended course model by the instructor in this study was theopportunity it
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Faculty Development 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hadi Ali, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Rohini N. Abhyankar, Arizona State University; Samantha Ruth Brunhaver, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Jennifer M. Bekki, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Micah Lande, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
build each case is described, and examples are shared.Background on the Pedagogical Ninjas ProgramPedagogical Ninjas ProgramThe Pedagogical Ninjas program was designed to combine faculty development aroundpedagogical risk-taking with the dissemination of ideas through an additive innovation cycle [4].Inspiration for the program came from previous efforts to create and sustain faculty-led learningcommunities [5], that are willing to take risks [4] in pedagogical transformation [6, 7, 8]. Anadditive innovation cycle (Figure 1) is a community-driven process wherein participants engageeach other in the following four steps: (1) becoming inspired by the local community andinstructor peers, (2) sharing and learning about pedagogical ideas and
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 8
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Robyn Sandekian, University of Colorado, Boulder; JoAnn Silverstein P.E., University of Colorado Boulder; Beverly Louie, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
small numbers, already face heavier service loads than their majority, men peers. So,in this study we asked, “What differences have these programs made in the hiring outcomeswithin our college?”This case study describes some of the recent interventions implemented at the University ofColorado Boulder (CU Boulder) College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS), apredominantly White, very high research activity doctoral institution [1]. We present thedemographic history of the college’s tenured/tenure-track faculty compared to national averagesin the United States, a discussion of changes incorporated into the tenured/tenure-track facultysearch processes over the past five years, the hiring results over the past decade, and insights
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Workforce Pathways and ATE
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cynthia Kay Pickering, Science Foundation Arizona Center for STEM at Arizona State University; Elaine L. Craft, Florence-Darlington Technical College; Caroline Vaningen-Dunn, Arizona State University; Anna Tanguma- Gallegos, Arizona State University; Emery DeWitt, Florence-Darlington Technical College
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Two-Year College
STEM initiative and translate her passion for STEM into opportunities that will attract, inspire and retain more girls in STEM to make it the new norm. She has also architected SFAz’s enhanced Community College STEM Pathways Guide that has received the national STEMx seal of approval for STEM tools. She integrated the STEM Pathways Guide with the KickStarter processes for improving competitive proposal writing of Community College Hispanic Serving Institutions. Throughout her career, Ms. Pickering has written robotics software, diagnostic expert systems for space station, manufacturing equipment models, and architected complex IT systems for global collaboration that included engagement analytics. She holds a US
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anne M Lucietto, Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Diane L Peters P.E., Kettering University; Liza Ann Russell, Purdue University ; Meher Rusi Taleyarkhan, Purdue University; Shelly Tan
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
analysis for a local wastewater plant facility.Ms. Shelly Tan Shelly Tan is an undergraduate researcher working with Dr. Lucietto. She is currently pursuing a Bach- elors of Science in Health and Disease at Purdue University, and began working with Dr. Lucietto in the summer of 2019 as part of the Summer Stay Scholars program. In addition to her biology course- work, Shelly is pursuing minors in Studio Arts and Chemistry. Outside the classroom, she enjoys writing creative fiction, making art both physical and digital, and moderating for her favorite online communities. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Professional Women Identify Their Professional
Conference Session
Instruments and Methods for Studying Student Experiences and Outcomes
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David Reeping, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Cherie D. Edwards, Virginia Commonwealth University
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Educational Research and Methods
mixed section is featured - else themixing is done in the discussion without a dedicated heading. Templates for writing dissertationsand journal articles recommend the divided format [see 30]. This reporting approach often alignswith how the design was conducted, e.g., a quantitative phase followed by a qualitative phase ortwo phases concurrently, but more integrated designs with multiple stages are not easily splitcleanly between quantitative and qualitative results.Some designs have transgressed the separate quantitative and qualitative results sections andinstead framed their results from their themes. Fogg-Rogers, Lewis, and Edmonds [34] in theEuropean Journal of Engineering Education and Crede and Borrego [35] in the Journal ofEngineering
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Faculty Development 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Chrysanthe Demetry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Elizabeth Long Lingo, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Jeanine Lee McHugh Skorinko, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
graduate schooltraining, which socializes future faculty toward traditional definitions of scholarship that remaindeeply held: that scholars create new knowledge for academic communities and demonstratetheir expertise in writing; and that discovery research is harder and requires more expertise thanteaching or service [24] [37]. In a multi-institutional case study of reform institutions, O’Mearacharacterized a “culture war” around decisions about promotion to full professor, wrapped up ininstitutional self-image and values of prestige associated with traditional scholarship [24].Ratcheting up of research expectations to improve rankings has also been identified as asignificant barrier [37]. In addition, CAOs have reported difficulty in expanding
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Faculty Development 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lydia Ross, Arizona State University; Stephen J. Krause, Arizona State University; Keith D. Hjelmstad, Arizona State University; Eugene Judson, Arizona State University; Lindy Hamilton Mayled, Arizona State University; Robert J. Culbertson, Arizona State University; Kara L. Hjelmstad, Arizona State University; Sarah Hoyt, Arizona State University; Kristi Glassmeyer, Arizona State University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
Observation Protocol (RTOP) and his work has been cited more than 2200 times and he has been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals such as Science Education and the Journal of Research in Science Teaching.Dr. Lindy Hamilton Mayled, Arizona State University Lindy Hamilton Mayled is the Director of Instructional Effectiveness for the Fulton Schools of Engineer- ing at Arizona State University. She has a PhD in Psychology of Learning, Education, and Technology and her research and areas of interest are in improving educational outcomes for STEM students through the integration of active learning and technology-enabled frequent feedback.Prof. Robert J Culbertson, Arizona State University Robert J. Culbertson is an
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Patricia R Backer, San Jose State University; Cindy Kato, San Jose State University
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
the grant: block scheduling of freshmen,creating a new First-Year Experience course, creation of new student learning communities inhousing, expansion of the peer mentor program, and development of a new Faculty Staff mentorprogram. Figure 2 shows the goals of objectives of the Strengthening Institutions grant. CDP Goal 1. Strengthen SJSU’s core academic performance in two key areas: retention and graduation. Objective 1.1. By Fall 2019, SJSU will increase freshman to sophomore student retention by 5%. Objective 1.2. By Fall 2019, SJSU will increase the 6-year graduation rate by 9% for all first- time freshmen. Objective 1.3. By Fall 2019, for upper division transfers, SJSU will increase the 5-year graduation rate by 6%. CDP Goal 2. Providing
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Erin J. McCave, University of Houston; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University; Courtney S. Smith-Orr, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Alexandra Coso Strong, Florida International University; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech; Courtney June Faber, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
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timeline. Lastly, participants started to receive job offers inearly March and continued until positions were filled.Job Search ResourcesThe most commonly used resource across all of our participants was their advisor, which rangedfrom PhD advisors to faculty mentors and undergraduate advisors depending on the individual.Advisors often encouraged the participants to enter the job market, provided access to importantnetworks, and reviewed documents. Other peers, currently on or just off the job market, werealso a highly used resource for participants as they drafted documents, prepared for job talks, andnegotiated their needs and wants. Two of the participants also participated in a faculty trainingprogram which gave them insight to the job search
Conference Session
International Accreditation and Credentials: International Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Junaid Qadir, Information Technology University, Lahore, Pakistan; Aamir Shafi, National University of Computing and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan; Ala Al-Fuqaha, Hamad Bin Khalifa University; Abd-Elhamid M. Taha, Alfaisal University; Kok-Lim Alvin Yau, Sunway University; João Ponciano, University of Glasgow; Sajjad Hussain, University of Glasgow; Muhammad Ali Imran P.E., University of Glasgow; Sajid Sheikh Muhammad, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan; Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Ajman University, UAE; Muhammad Rashid, Umm Al Qura University; Boon Leing Tan, Xi'an International University
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Paper ID #28865Outcome-Based (Engineering) Education (OBE): International AccreditationPracticesProf. Junaid Qadir, Information Technology University, Lahore, Pakistan Junaid Qadir is an Associate Professor at the Information Technology University (ITU)—Punjab, Lahore since December 2015, where he directs the ICTD; Human Development; Systems; Big Data Analytics; Networks (IHSAN) Research Lab. His primary research interests are in the areas of computer systems and networking, applied machine learning, using ICT for development (ICT4D); and engineering education. He is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed research papers
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 7
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amanda Johnston, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Siddika Selcen Guzey, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
students direct their responses so that they were better able to focus on smallerpieces of the larger engineering challenge. Many of the instances of this code also served to prompt the students to think about theirideas in more depth or to explain their ideas more. For example, when students were writing thepros and cons of their different ideas in their notebooks, Mr. Reed told a team, “So, what do youmean it has the best results?”, asking them to expand further on their thoughts and justify theirideas more. As his were later listing the pros and cons of their solution, Mr. Smith said “So whatworks? Focus on the positive. What was good about your solution?” Many of the examples in this code group also served to prompt students to
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 11
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Thomas Neil Dempsey, Forestville Central School; M. Raymond Ng, Cathedral Preparatory School ; Zachary Rhodes; Jiawei Gong, Pennsylvania State University; Faisal Aqlan, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
education, simulation and automation, process improvement, ergonomics, supply chain, and cyberlearning. He has published more than 115 peer-reviewed research articles in reputed conferences and journals and received multiple best paper awards. Aqlan also holds 7 U.S. patents/patent applications and is the recipient of two NSF grants ($800K) and several internal and in-kind grants ($30M). He has received numerous awards and honors including the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence Award, Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Young Researcher Award, School of Engineering Distinguished Award for Excellence in Research, Council of Fellows Faculty Research Award, IBM Vice President Award for Innovation Excel
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Xinyue (Crystal) Liu, University of Toronto; Simo Pajovic, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cheuk Yin Larry Kei, University of Toronto; Yasaman Delaviz, York University; Scott D. Ramsay, University of Toronto
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c Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Use of a Low-Cost, Open Source Universal Mechanical Testing Machine in an Introductory Materials Science Course1. IntroductionIn recent decades, there has been a paradigm shift in engineering and science education frommore traditional passive learning (transmission of facts and knowledge from a lecturer to thestudents) to active learning (engaging with applications and learning through collaboration andcooperation with peers) [1]-[3]. Increasingly, instructors and employers are recognizing that athorough knowledge of engineering theory alone (natural sciences, mathematics, and design) isnot enough to prepare a student to be a fully competent engineer. Rolston and Cox
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 18
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Arif Sirinterlikci, Robert Morris University; John M. Mativo, University of Georgia; Johnny Thien Pham, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
andearly high school students game development. A two-day game development workshop wasdesigned after two months of preparation and offered to twenty middle and high school studentsin two sections in the summer of 2019. Students were taught the basics of the Nintendo Switchdevelopment environment along with basics of virtual reality (VR), and asked to design a simpleVR game. Nintendo Labo VR kits were also utilized in the workshop. This paper illustrates thedesign of the workshop including the features of the Nintendo Switch development environmentin addition to the Nintendo Labo VR kits. The participants were given pre- and post-workshopsurveys and demonstrated their products to their peers at the conclusion of the workshops. Eachstudent was
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 10
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Katherine L Walters, University of Georgia ; John M Mativo, University of Georgia; Uduak Zenas George, San Diego State University
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Women in Engineering
of fall 2018 had over 2000undergraduate students enrolled [8]. Although overall the university enrolls more undergraduatewomen [9], this is not true for the college of engineering. As reported in 2016 only 24% ofundergraduates and graduates seeking engineering degrees at this university were women [10]. A search of the literature was conducted using the ERIC database, and 89 peer reviewed,academic journal articles published in the last 15 years were found to be relevant to the currentstudy. To be included as a relevant study, the focus had to be on factors influencing women’sdecisions to major in engineering and/or gender differences in influences to choose anengineering or STEM major. Twenty-eight studies clearly met these criteria