Mike Graham, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Amy Wendt, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Paul Peercy, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Patrick Farrell, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jay Martin, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Sarah Pfatteicher, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Patrick Rousche, University of Illinois-Chicago; Michael Cho, University of Illinois-Chicago; Yang Dai, University of Illinois-Chicago; Hui Lu, University of Illinois-Chicago; J Hetling, University of Illinois-Chicago; jie liang, University of Illinois-Chicago; Susan McCormick, University of Illinois-Chicago; David Schneeweis, University of Illinois-Chicago; Richard Magin, University of Illinois-Chicago
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Elger, University of Idaho; Scott Metlen, University of Idaho; Robert Carson, University of Idaho; Tristan Utschig, Lewis-Clark State College; Dan Cordon, University of Idaho; Marie Racine, University of District Columbia; Steven Beyerlein, University of Idaho
Student Misconceptions and Problem Solving Abiltiy
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Litzinger, Pennsylvania State University; Peggy Van Meter, Pennsylvania State University; Monica Wright, Pennsylvania State University; Jonna Kulikowich, Pennsylvania State University
Andreas Spanias, Arizona State University; Ravi Chilumula, Arizona State University; CHIH-WEI HUANG, Arizona State University; Mike Stiber, University of Washington-Bothell; Philip Loizou, University of Texas-Dallas; Takis Kasparis, University of Central Florida
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rosamond Parkhurst, Colorado School of Mines; Barbara Moskal, Colorado School of Mines; Gary Downey, Virginia Tech; Juan Lucena, Colorado School of Mines; Thomas Bigley, Virginia Tech; Sharon Ruff, Virginia Tech
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Denny Davis, Washington State University; Steven Beyerlein, University of Idaho; Olakunle Harrison, Tuskegee University; Phillip Thompson, Seattle University; Michael Trevisan, Washington State University; Benjamin Mount, Washington State University
Daniel Johnson, Rochester Institute of Technology; Robert Merrill, Rochester Institute of Technology; James Scudder, Rochester Institute of Technology; John Stratton, Rochester Institute of Technology; George Sutherland, Rochester Institute of Technology
Joel Weinstein, Northeastern University; Randy August, Northeastern University; Len Dow, Northeastern University; Jerome Tapper, Northeastern University; Francis Di Bella, Northeastern University
John Lee, San Jose State University; Stacy Gleixner, San Jose State University; Tai-Ran Hsu, San Jose State University; David Parent, San Jose State University
Robert Adams, Western Carolina University; James Zhang, Western Carolina University; Paul Yanik, Western Carolina University; Kenneth Burbank, Western Carolina University
Leslie Pagliari, East Carolina University; Gene Dixon, East Carolina University; Paul Kauffmann, East Carolina University; Merwan Mehta, East Carolina University
Faculty Involvement in International Engineering Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jongwon Kim, Seoul National University; Dong Mok Kim, Seoul National University; Stefano Consiglio, Technical University of Berlin; Semih Severengiz, Technical University of Berlin; Guenther Seliger, Technical University of Berlin; Lalit Patil, University of Michigan; Debasish Dutta, University of Michigan
Mark Yeary, University of Oklahoma; Tian Yu, University of Oklahoma; Robert Palmer, University of Oklahoma; Mike Biggerstaff, University of Oklahoma; L. Fink, University of Oklahoma; Carolyn Ahern, Ahern and Associates
Matthew Roberts, University of Wisconsin-Platteville; Christina Curras, University of Wisconsin-Platteville; Philip Parker, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
David Bloomquist, University of Florida; Michael McVay, University of Florida; Scott Wasman, University of Florida; Clinton Slatton, University of Florida
Markus Billeter, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Institute for Biomedical; Grace M. Nijm, Northwestern University; Bugrahan Yalvac, Northwestern University; Alan Sahakian, Northwestern University
Asli Sahin, Virginia Tech; Janis Terpenny, Virginia Tech; Timothy Simpson, Pennsylvania State University; Steven Shooter, Bucknell University; Robert Stone, University of Missouri-Rolla
Building Communities for Engineering Education Research
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin Adams, Purdue University; Philip Bell, University of Washington; Cheryl Allendoerfer, University of Washington; Helen Chen, Stanford University; Larry Leifer, Stanford University; Lorraine Fleming, Howard University; Bayta Maring, University of Washington; Dawn Williams, Howard University
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel Adams, Loyola Marymount University; John Dorsey, Loyola Marymount University; James Landry, Loyola Marymount University; Michael Manoogian, Loyola Marymount University; William Trott, Loyola Marymount University
Lisa Huettel, Duke University; April Brown, Duke University; Leslie Collins, Duke University; Kip Coonley, Duke University; Michael Gustafson, Duke University; Jungsang Kim, Duke University; Gary Ybarra, Duke University
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Camilla Saviz, University of the Pacific; Abel Fernandez, University of the Pacific; Michael Golanbari, University of the Pacific; Rahim Khoie, University of the Pacific; Kyle Watson, University of the Pacific
Alamgir Choudhury, Western Michigan University; Jorge Rodriguez, Western Michigan University; Sam Ramrattan, Western Michigan University; Mitchel Keil, Western Michigan University; Pavel Ikonomov, Western Michigan University; Abhishek Goyal, Western Michigan University
Michael Trevisan, Washington State University; Denny Davis, Washington State University; Steven Beyerlein, University of Idaho; Phillip Thompson, Seattle University; Olakunle Harrison, Tuskegee University
Bradley Rogers, Arizona State University; Dale Palmgren, Arizona State University; Albert McHenry, Arizona State University; Scott Danielson, Arizona State University
Scott Rogers, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jeremy Noonan, Purdue University; Jaemeen Baek, Georgia Institute of Technology; Sangil Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ulas Tezel, Georgia Institute of Technology; Grant Michalski, Georgia Institute of Technology; Chia-Hung Hou, Georgia Institute of Technology
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Roger King, Mississippi State University; Kirk Schulz, Mississippi State University; Donna Reese, Mississippi State University; Noel Schulz, Mississippi State University
Assessing Perceptions of Engineers and Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon Kurpius-Robinson, Arizona State University; Dale Baker, Arizona State University; Stephen Krause, Arizona State University; Chell Roberts, Arizona State University
Krisztian Dancs, University of North Florida; Vanja Gadzic, University of North Florida; Tyler Dao, University of North Florida; Truong Nguyen, University of North Florida; Chiu Choi, University of North Florida
Ruiqing Jia, China University of Mining and Technology; Shanjun Xu, China University of Mining and Technology; Songyun Gao, China University of Mining and Technology; El-Sayed Aziz, Stevens Institute of Technology; Sven Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology; Constantin Chassapis, Stevens Institute of Technology
Barb Silver, University of Rhode Island; G. Boudreaux-Bartels, University of Rhode Island; Helen Mederer, University of Rhode Island; Lynn Pasquerella, University of Rhode Island; Joan Peckham, University of Rhode Island; Mercedes River-Hudec, University of Rhode Island; Karen Wishner, University of Rhode Island
G. Padmanabhan, North Dakota State University; Wei Lin, North Dakota State University; Robert Pieri, North Dakota State University; Floyd Patterson, North Dakota State University; Eakalak Khan, North Dakota State University
Greg Smith, Pitt Community College; Bill Cooper, Pitt Community College; David Batts, East Carolina University; Paul Kauffmann, East Carolina University
Shantha Daniel, Iowa State University; Devna Popejoy-Sheriff, Iowa State University; K. Jo Min, Iowa State University; Leslie Potter, Iowa State University
Phillip Sanger, Western Carolina University; Aaron Ball, Western Carolina University; Michael Clare, Western Carolina University; Chip Ferguson, Western Carolina University; John D. Graham, Western Carolina University
Susan Freeman, Northeastern University; Beverly Jaeger, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Beverly Jaeger and Richard Whalen are members of Northeastern University's
John Bean, Paul Smith's College; James Carroll, Clarkson University; John P. Dempsey, Clarkson University; Andrew H. Strong, Clarkson University; William R. Wilcox, Clarkson University
Mohan Krishnan, University of Detroit Mercy; Shuvra Das, University of Detroit Mercy; Sandra Yost, University of Detroit Mercy; Kathleen Zimmerman-Oster, University of Detroit Mercy
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Carolyn Brooks, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Tracie Earl, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Gabriel Ladd, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Geoffrey Bland, NASA Goddard Space Flignt Center's Wallops Flight Facility
James Ledlie Klosky; Decker Hains, U.S. Military Academy; Jason A. Evers, U.S. Military Academy; Jared B. Erickson, U.S. Military Academy; Stephen Ressler, U.S. Military Academy
William Semke, University of North Dakota; Richard Schultz, University of North Dakota; James Albrecht, Imation Corp.; Jason Moses, Imation Corp.; Peter Ridl, Imation Corp.
Anant Kukreti, University of Cincinnati; Patricia McNerney, University of Cincinnati; Suzanne Soled, University of Cincinnati; Kelly Obarski, University of Cincinnati; Mingming Lu, University of Cincinnati; Richard Miller, University of Cincinnati; Daniel Oerther, University of Cincinnati; Heng Wei, University of Cincinnati; Thaddeus Fowler, University of Cincinnati
Jorge Tito-Izquierdo, University of Houston-Downtown; Alberto Gomez-Rivas, University of Houston-Downtown; Weining Feng, University of Houston; George Pincus, University of Houston-Downtown
Susan Donohue, University of Virginia; Garrick Louis, University of Virginia; William Scherer, University of Virginia; Michael C. Smith, University of Virginia; K. Preston White, Jr., Jr., University of Virginia; Peter Beling, University of Virginia
Thomas Martin, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College; Daniel Merkel, Milwaukee Area Technical College (retired); Michael O'Donnell, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Terry O'Laughlin, Madison Area Technical College; Mark Porubsky, Milwaukee Area Technical College; Robert Steker, Waukesha County Technical College; Timothy Tewalt, Chippewa Valley Technical College; Robert Strangeway, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Edward Chandler, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Roger Brown, Chippewa Valley Technical College; Kenneth Exworthy, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (retired); Jeffrey Fancher, Western Wisconsin Technical College; Walter Hedges, Fox Valley Technical College; Terry Fleischman, Fox Valley Technical College; Patrick Hoppe, Gateway Technical College; Richard Lokken, Milwaukee Area Technical College
Hansen Lukman, Bucknell University; Steven Shooter, Bucknell University; Fabrice Alizon, Bucknell University; Asli Sahin, Virginia Tech; Robert Stone, University of Missouri-Rolla; Janis Terpenny, Virginia Tech; Timothy Simpson, Pennsylvania State University; Soundar Kumara, Pennsylvania State University
Peter Avitabile, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Stephen Pennell, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; John White, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Charles Van Karsen, Michigan Technological University
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Theodor Richardson, University of South Carolina; Dayle Lytle, Richland County School District One; Jed Lyons, University of South Carolina; Mitch Wyatt, Richland County School District One
Jorge Rodriguez, Western Michigan University; Mitchel Keil, Western Michigan University; Alamgir Choudhury, Western Michigan University; Sam Ramrattan, Western Michigan University; Pavel Ikonomov, Western Michigan University
Kazem Kazerounian, University of Connecticut; David M. Moss, University of Connecticut; David Giblin, University of Connecticut; Elias Faraclas, University of Connecticut; Cathi Koehler, University of Connecticut
Integrating Research Into Undergraduate ECE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jimmy Secretan, University of Central Florida; Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida; Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College; Ronald DeMara, University of Central Florida; Avelino Gonzalez, University of Central Florida; Marcella Kysilka, University of Central Florida; Mansooreh Mollaghasemi, University of Central Florida; Annie Wu, University of Central Florida; Georgios Anagnostopoulos, Florida Tech; Ingrid Russell
Matthew Sanders, Kettering University; Mark Thompson, Kettering University; Mohamed El-Sayed, Kettering University; Lucy King, Kettering University; Michael Lindquist, Kettering University
Joanne Mathews, Illinois Institute of Technology; Daniel Ferguson, Illinois Institute of Technology; Margaret Huyck, Illinois Institute of Technology; Abhinav Pamulaparthy, Illinois Institute of Technology
Steven Beyerlein, University of Idaho; Denny Davis, Washington State University; Phillip Thompson, Seattle University; Michael Trevisan, Washington State University; Olakunle Harrison, Tuskegee University
Donna Qualters, Northeastern University; Jacqueline Isaacs, Northeastern University; Thomas Cullinane, Northeastern University; Ann McDonald, Northeastern University; Jay Laird, Metaversal Studios
Raghvinder Sangwan, Pennsylvania State University; Kathryn Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University-Great Valley; Matt Bass, Siemens Corporate Research; Dan Paulish, Siemens Corporate Research